Christmas eve

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It was night. I was sleeping on the counch in his living room and it was a bit uncomfortable but anyway that's not the problem. The problem is, my dears, that this guy, sleeping 10 metters far from me is screaming, talking and crying in his sleep. I was shoked at first. I thought someone entered again in the house when I was sleeping and so I went to Jaejoong's room in 2 seconds time. It was dark and I the light. Fortunately (if we can see that) no one was in with him. The sad part of this thing was that he was having a nightmare. At least it seemed like this. I turned off the light to not bother him and was going to leave when his pleade started.

-Let me go...let me leave...I want to go home.- and so on.

It was hard for me to keep listening to him. His voice was broken. Like that time when he begged me to leave him alone when the thief was pointing a knife on his neck. But how could I do a thing like this? This guy is suche a cutie, an adorable and a dork when he tries his best to hurt me that I just can't stand and look. Beeing his bodyguard was maybe the main important reason for me to help him BUT don't know why I didn't even thought at it.

I bypassed slowly his bed and sat down on his soft carpet, I put my hands under my chin and looked at his agonized face. He was covered in sweat and maybe if it was in different circumstances I would have thought it was hot but not now. He seemed weak, ill and loony. He had chills and I think he was cold.

I covered him with his blanket that was almost all out of the bed. In the intent by mistake I touched his hand. It was cold. Like seriously if he wasn't chilling and crying I would have thought he was dead. He grabed my hand and took it in his both hands like if I was a cup of tea. He wanted something warm. I smiled while I took off his hair from the face. He had beautiful features. Short black hair that suits him perfectly, big doe eyes that...I swear sometimes is like if you could see through them, his cheeks always red when I joke with him and his lips. I don't know if I have ever seen such beautiful pink lips like his. They seemed so soft and I know they'll be yummy...Doue kimi wo suki ni natte shima tandarou? *Why did I fall in love with you?*

While I have been transported by my thought this Boo coiled himself in a ball. Boo? I called him Boo right now? Oh man I hope it will not flee from my mouth in his presence or surely Jung Yunho will be only a mere gost. But the fact is that this Boo was now looking like a child. How old was he? Twenty? Twentytwo?

He slowly finished chilling, crying and screaming. He wasn't even talking.

Yesterday morning then he had the same nightmare. While speacking to the Manager we heard Jaejoong screaming but he was not paying attention or better...he didn't wanted to pay attention.


-Yunho don't panic. He has always this nightmare and this is what happens every night. Don't tell him. I always go to woke him up but today I have to talk to you.-

-Why don't you tell him to see a doctor?-

-It's a complicated story and I am not the one who should tell you this but please keep it for yourself. I think he'll feel embarassed or worse if he'll knew.-

-Ok Manager-ssi I wont say anything-


Meanwhile Jaejoong stopped his screaming and woke up. A couple of minutes later he was entering the kitchen.

*end of flashback*

I wanted to sleep but Boo wouldn't let my hand go. Oettokhae?

I don't know how or when but I felt asleep sitting on the floor with my head on the bed.




When I woke up I was shoked. I had three questions that needed an answer right here and now!

1. What was doing Jung Yunho in my room at six in the morning?

2. What was doing his hand in my hands? (Why was I holding his hand?)

3. What happened that today I am not sweating and I can barely remember of dreaming something?

Despite those three questions I rested there for a while thinkin by myself. Do you want to know if I was still holding his hand?..........yes I was.

I took the oportunity to look at him more carefully.

He has rebellius hair I see, They are not straight but a bit curly. Cute. And his face was small. I smiled. His eyes were small but they surely could look through your soul..He has a mole mole above his lips. So yummy. JAEJOONG FOR GOD'S SAKE!

I rolled my eyes because of my stupidity and decided to wake up the prince here. Wait..was I picturing myself like the princess? Morning doesn't suits me.

-Hey- I said. Nothing.

-Yunho..- No nothing.

-JUNG!- I almost screamed.

His expression was priceless. His eyes mid open, mouth wide open and hair...well they were funny for sure! Where is my phone when you need it!

-Wh..what what? what's wrong?- he asked looking around, yawning and focusing on me.

-Nothing. Good morning- I said.

-Ah Boo...morning-

Boo? What was Boo? Was he thinking that I am one of his girlfriends or boyfriend? What was that for?

He unerstood and frozened.

-Boo..ehm Boongiorno I was going to say but you know...the morning ahha- and a forsed laugh came right after the statement.

Yeah sure. even know Italian. What a geniuous we have here- I said obviuously joking. But even if he was half sleeping he scolded me.

-Yah Kim Jaejoong don't joke with me or you'll regret!-

-Yeah  watever- I said while chuckling.

No one, neither me or him remembered that our hand were almost interlocked until he wanted to pass it through his hair like the other one.

-You still need it? he asked smiling.

-I needed it? That makes me think...what are you doing here?-

He frowened for a minute or two. Was he searching his words?

-I wanted...-

-Yes..- I encouraged him. He surely was going to give me an excuse.

-I was wondering...-


Then his eyes shined.

-If you want to be with me on Christmas. Well not only me. With me and my family on Christmas eve and then if you want we could go somewhere to have fun!- He spoke too fast. I wanted to digest all the information slowly.

So he wanted to pass his Christmas with me...Someone who is getting his days harder and harder. Someone that tries to kill him both with words and facts. Someone that is constantly insultin him. Was he kidding?

-No I am not kidding if you're going to ask it-

What have I told you? He can read minds!

-No I can't read your mind- he laughed.

That was creapy!

-I am not....-

-Stop!- I told him. Obviously if he cointinued to guess my thought I'll think he's Edward Cullen.

-So?- He asked hopefully.

What did I have to lose?

-Ok- I said.

This was not the answer he was expecting because his face was incredulous.

-What? Can't you read mind Edward Cullen?- I asked smirking.

-I am not a gay vampire!- he stated. Oh don't insult my hubby you !

-Yes maybe...'you're not a vampire.- I said.

-Yes so...wait a minute. I am not a vampire but you didn't said if I was not gay too.-

Waaaaaaaaaaaah he is a genious.

-Bingo- I said.

-You better run. he said smirking and tryed to stand up.

I was feeling fear now. I stood up in a second and started running.

-Kim Jaejoong if I get you you're dead-

I was laughing and running and laghing and running.

I loked myself in the bathroom and did my needs. He was angry I could hear his warnings and words and I laughed even harder.

-Jaejoong when you'll be out I'll beat you.-

-You can't-


-You have to protect me-

-Yes you're right but from the others and form yourself, not from me.-

-Ahaha yeah sure. We'll see what will manager say about this.- I said

-He will fight with me on who will be the first to punch you.-


-Yes I know you're falling for my charm-

-Yeah you wish!-

And if he was right? If Kim Jaejoong was finaly falling for someone craziest than him?




Guys it's 00:10 here in Italy and it's my birthday *O* I wanted to do a present to you all especially to my fellow readers and to someone I will not tell names *coughTomutionmyhacough* who said I was leaving you on a cliff. BUAHAHAH wrong baby :D I am here with a new chapter *O*

Hope you all will like it. Love you <3

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Chapter 9: Wow that ahoxked can read minds..interesting..heheheh plaese update soon..I'm so curious about yunjaeee :)
Alice-tvxq #2
Chapter 8: I love it , please keep writing just like that because it's so touching ; again i love it .
Update soon .
Chapter 8: Awwwwww oh my damn gosh the super fluff...the fluff of the couldn't be any better i swear...i totally loved it...thank you my dear for the gift...saranghaeeeeeeeeeeeee :) you made my day with this...
So great what can i say.hhhihihihih please update soon pleaseeee neeeee!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 7: Awwww damn it why are these two dorks so cute, sweet, hot and ahsndbdjdhebdjshgbdkdhf ^ ^
Please update soon again dear!!!!!

Hahahahahhahahah I think the last line was said by jae!!! No??!!
I think yes..he needs to reset some thigs in his past life no???!!!
I want more kisses and *coughcough* hahahahhahaha ;)
Chapter 7: LOL touching his Yunconda!!! HAHAHAHA! Thanks for the fast update!
jjliss #6
Chapter 7: omo they're so cute!! < can jae's father do something like that to him and why???!!
HopeLoveFaith #7
Chapter 6: awwwww! so cute!!! did Yunho mumble "I love you" or something since Jae kissed him? I hope he did! <3
Thanks for the update! can't wait for the next chapter! <3
Chapter 6: Awwwwww so cuteeee the kisss...
What di yun mumble?? I want to know....I want to understand better the end of this great chapter..
Good update..haaaahh seulgi ...
Yunjae yunjae I want yunjaeeeeeeee
Please update sooonnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn
Chapter 6: Oh boy I foresee trouble ahead from a vindictive Seul Gi! Thanks for the update author-nim!