My savior

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-This little wants to have fun?-

-Please let me go! I dont' want it! Let me go!-

- You better shut up you ! No one was talking to you- said the one with the chains. What does he want to do with them? I am afraid...I want to go home..

-I want to go home. Please let me go!- I said for the thousand time that night.

They met me out of school. They said my father was expecting me to go with them in a place and, like a fool, I followed them. What a stupid! They beaten me, so hard, it didn't hurt anymore. I can't feel my knees, my hands, my face covered entirely of blood. Which was now dry. I don't know what time is it. I am so tired I could spleep for days. Why am I here? Why me? Why..

-Enchain that Suu Lee. I want to hear his scream.-

What? Enchain? Me?

-No no please let me go. NO!-

-Am I talking to the walls? I told you to shut the up!- and another slap came from him. He was the one that beaten me the most. The one that was the worst. Only his sight made me have shivers of fear all over my body. I was trembling while one of them enchained me. The metal was so cold it burned on my skin. My neck now purple, my hands, I bet they were broken, and my legs were now tied with the iron chains. I was on the floor, and cold. I wished I could die in the exact moment but faith was not by my side. Something nasty was going to happen to me. What a rotten life.


-Jaejoong wake up. We have to leave within an hour.-

My manager was one of the kindest person on this world when he wasn't doing this job. Now I was just pissed off of him.

-Ten more minutes please- I begged. Too tired to even think of waking up, not to talk to do the entire prossess of it.


-Don't 'ten more minute' me. Get your lazy out of the bed or I'll personaly wake you up.-

That was more than enough. Don't want to put on test his patience. Not anymore. I have bad memories with that time when he woke me up with cold water. I shivered unconsciously at the thought.

-I am up-

-Always knew you were a good boy. Now take a shower, I'll bring you some clothes.-

-Yes sir- Yawning I went to the bathroom and opened the shower. I looked in the mirror and sighed at my immagine reflected. Next time I'll have to take pils to sleep. Those nightmares make me look like a gost every ing day. But seems like only me was thinking like that. According to YeahStyle Korea I was the hottest guy on Earth. Don't ask me Who, When and Why they choosed me. I don't know either.

I closed my eyes and tried not to think at all. BUT. Today I have the autograph event at nine and then at two a fashion show. Tonight I am the special guesst at the opening of YJS. A disco. Fortunatly it was 5 minutes walk from my house so I will be home in no time.


-Jaejoong, ten more minutes for the shower! You better run!-

-I understood.- I sighed but done all in eight minutes.

-SuHae will be here soon to do the make up and do something with your hair.-


-Look, I know SuHae is a very good one but could you please not make her job worst with your circles?-

-I can't do pretty much sorry.-

-Have you had a nightmare?-

-Always the same.- I said while sitting on the chair in front of a big mirror. The gaze in his eyes softened and tried, like every single time, to change subject. I was more than Ok with that.

-For tonight we have a problem.-

-What kind of?-

-Channyeol can't be with you. He has his daughter's first birthday.-

-I have Sungchan anyway-





-Its' just...he is a bit clumsy you know...he can disappear in two seconds and you'll be..alone-

Alone...I don't want to be alone..not anymore. But it happened long time ago, I was much younger and weak. Now was different.

-Don't worry I will be able do protect myself in case.-

-Are you sure?-



-Ok. Anyway it must be SuHae wait here.-

-Yes sir.-

I lied confortably on the chair and opened my eyes only when I heard women's heels passing through the living room and then into my room.

-Jaejoong-ah sweety how are you?-

-Fine and you noona?-

-Yah! I am not that older! Stop beeing mean and get prepared.-

-Yes noona-

-Arghhhhh- I smiled.

After twenty minutes I was barely ready. I took my bag, my keys, my cellphones and a pair of RayBan before leaving. At the FanMeeting I didn't talked much. Answered at the questions which in the past two years were all the same and after singing three songs I had to make autographs for the 3000 fans there. Fortunatly only 300 were aloud to came on the stage. There were almost the same girls from every fanmeeting. I recocnized specialy one. She had her color of hair exactly like mine, like everytime I am changing it. Cool. She was ten people behind the one standing in front of me now.

-Oppa you have to eat more!-

-No thanks-

And the number 289 is gone.

-Oppaaaaaaaa you are so gorgeus!-

-I know-

Numer 290 gone. Then 291, 292, 293, 294, 295, 296, 297, 298. Turn to number 299. I already knew the question she will make me. It was always the same. She has not changed it in the past two years and at first my answer was always the same 'FINE' but after having recocnized her, each time I tried to say the thruth.

-How are you Jaejoong-ah?- With her worried eyes but a bright smile on the face was doing to me the same question in 17 times.

-If you are fine I am too. How are you?- I asked.

-I am feeling exactly like you.- She answerd. I smiled.

-Then we are partners of a cruel life.-

-I guess so.-

Then I made my signature before giving her back the CD.

-Thank you Jaejoong-ah.

-Thank you Song Yoon Jae.-

She turned back and I followed her with tha gaze before she disappeared. What a strange girl.

-Oppa do you know her?- With a jealous look, number 300 gave me a poster to sign.

Knowing the presence of poison in my fans I answered without blinking.

-First time I see her-



The fashion show went fast. It wasn't amazing but ok. Nothing extraordinary. At the end I went straight home to take a shower before the opening of YJS.

-Jaejoong-ssi I'll take my leave then.-

-Channyeol..wait a minute.- I went in my room and took one of the puppies I had from my fans and gave it to him.

-Say her happy birthday-

With a big bow and a smile he thanked me and went home.

-Sungchan I'll be back in fifteen minutes.-

-Ok Jaejoong-ssi.-

With one eye I saw when he took his phone and dialed a number.

-Baby we'll be there in twenty minutes. I miss you. Love you too.-




I have to say the truth. This disco was cool. I liked the design and the hugeness of the place. But there were too many people. And I don't like partiulary parties like this. After I posed for photoes I went inside near the DJ. The music was good and he even put one of my songs in there..Paradise. Couples were all around us. Including my so-called-bodyguard. His girl was cute so I let it go.

I needed to take a break from all this caos. I wanted to go home and go to bed. While pushing through to the exit someone touched my . I was speechless. What a girl sane would do that? To me?! I turned myself and for a moment couldn't move. It was a man. A wardrobe I should say. Two metters high per 100 kg at least!

-Want to party princess?-

What the ?

-Get you hands off of me now!-

-Don't have to be so rude, we will have fun.-


-This little wants to have fun?-

-Please let me go! I don't want it! Let me go!-


I shooked my head not wanting to remember.

-Let me go! I don't want to have fun with you.- I tried to get rid of his hands but he was double me.

-No, you have to dance with me- And drawing me to himself I was getting into panic. Where was that piece of of Sungchan? No one is here when you need them! I was about to scream. What the hell I was Kim Jaejoong! But suddenly someone took my hand off of the other man's hands and interloked his finger with mine. Who...

-Who are you??- asked the beast to the new entry. I wanted to know too.

-You don't have to know it. Just take you hands off my boyfriend.-

Wait. WHAT????? Why I never knew of having a boyfriend. That was new to me.

-Looking at him I don't think so- answered the beast. Oh..him...maybe my expression? Well of course I was out of my bones of anger.

A whisper:- Play along.- And then a pair of lips were touching mine. I don't know why. Because of the anger, of the fear or the surprise, I closed my eyes. The stranger's lips were soft and he didn't moved to make a deep kiss. He was only touching them in the sweetiest way possible maybe to not scary me. Reluctantly he let go of me and...... RELUCTANTLY????? Was I getting stupid or something? He was a guy for god's sake!

-Got it monkey man?-

-You'll pay for it!- said the beast while directing his fist to the face of my savior. The last pushed me aside not to be involved and even if he wasn't as big as the other one he easily knocked him down. I was impressed. People now was turning to our side and someone was saying my name.

-Let's get out of here before it'll spread and you'll be in troubles tomorrow morning.- He said and took my hand directing both to the exit.

Not many were aware of the situation so we easily escaped from there. His hand was squeezing mine while walking and I tightened my grip around it. Not wanting to get into troubles again.

Out of the disco he didn't stopped. He continued to walk....and walk.......and walk.

-You can stop now. We are out.-

-I know-

-Where are we going?- Fear was going to take control of me again and for such a troubled day I have had enough of it.

-I am taking you home-  Wut? (pronounciation: vat)

-You don't know where my house is.- I settled.

-Everyone knows where is hour house Kim Jaejoong.- ..................Right.

After a pair of steps I remembered that my hand was stiil in his.

-You can let go of my hand-

-I don't want to.-

-Do you think something bad will happen to me again?- I asked. What a gentleman.

-No. I simply don't want to.- ................I retire my previews words. What a jerk.

I haven't said a word after that and he didn't too. We weren't walking in a fast mood so this walk appeared more and more like a date. Aigo...

It took a couple of minutes to get in front of my house and when he stopped he didn't let go of my hand. Dapnum.

-I am here, you can let go now.- I said kinda pissed off.

-Right. A thank you is something big to ask?- Oh right...stupid me.

-Ehm...thank you...I don't know your name.-

He smiled and took the back of my hand to  his lips.

-Jung Yunho. My name is Jung Yunho- and he kissed it.


Oh my god sun.




Here's the first chapter. :D It's kinda complicated through...You'll understan why while reading the entire story ^^ Don't know how many chapters will it have but not over 10 I think ^^ I still want to improve my technics before troubling myself with a long story :D

You have to tell me how it is and if you have advises they are welcomed :D

Bye bye guys I love you all ^^


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Chapter 9: Wow that ahoxked can read minds..interesting..heheheh plaese update soon..I'm so curious about yunjaeee :)
Alice-tvxq #2
Chapter 8: I love it , please keep writing just like that because it's so touching ; again i love it .
Update soon .
Chapter 8: Awwwwww oh my damn gosh the super fluff...the fluff of the couldn't be any better i swear...i totally loved it...thank you my dear for the gift...saranghaeeeeeeeeeeeee :) you made my day with this...
So great what can i say.hhhihihihih please update soon pleaseeee neeeee!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 7: Awwww damn it why are these two dorks so cute, sweet, hot and ahsndbdjdhebdjshgbdkdhf ^ ^
Please update soon again dear!!!!!

Hahahahahhahahah I think the last line was said by jae!!! No??!!
I think yes..he needs to reset some thigs in his past life no???!!!
I want more kisses and *coughcough* hahahahhahaha ;)
Chapter 7: LOL touching his Yunconda!!! HAHAHAHA! Thanks for the fast update!
jjliss #6
Chapter 7: omo they're so cute!! < can jae's father do something like that to him and why???!!
HopeLoveFaith #7
Chapter 6: awwwww! so cute!!! did Yunho mumble "I love you" or something since Jae kissed him? I hope he did! <3
Thanks for the update! can't wait for the next chapter! <3
Chapter 6: Awwwwww so cuteeee the kisss...
What di yun mumble?? I want to know....I want to understand better the end of this great chapter..
Good update..haaaahh seulgi ...
Yunjae yunjae I want yunjaeeeeeeee
Please update sooonnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn
Chapter 6: Oh boy I foresee trouble ahead from a vindictive Seul Gi! Thanks for the update author-nim!