Beautiful Killer

Voodoo - The aspects of love

’Hey! Jaehwan-hyung! Why did you stop so suddenly?’

Jaehwan didn’t answer, he felt like he just got hit in the head with a frying pan. Completely blank, he could just stare.

‘Yah, hyung? What’s it?’

‘Hyuk…that guy… who is he?’ Jaehwan asked finally, still staring and unable to move.

‘Who?’ Hyuk asked back, looking over his hyung’s shoulder and trying to figure out who he was looking at.

That guy… the one reading under the tree in the campus garden. The one with the pale complexion and soft features, that amazingly beautiful guy. Jaehwan tried to say but only managed a mumble.

‘Ah, the one in the black cardigan right?’ Hyuk asked, pointing at him exactly.

Yes, in the black cardigan… that broadened his wide shoulders and made his long limbs graceful. Jaehwan tried to say again, but could only nod.

‘Hyung, that’s Jung Taekwoon… how can you not know him? He is like the talk of the campus!’ Hyuk asked, frowning slightly at Jaehwan… he was trying to figure it out why it was so important.

‘He is Taekwoon?!’ Jaehwan exclaimed, snapping out of his stupor as he turned to the younger in surprise.

‘Yes, he is.’

‘That Taekwoon?’

‘Yes, that one.’ Hyuk sighed in annoyment. ‘The one that made the teachers cry with his voice and the one that only Cha Hakyeon could befriend, that Jung Taekwoon.’

‘You sure?’


‘Okay, okay.’ Jaehwan said quickly, ruffling up Hyuk’s messy black hair and glanced back at the guy... and he went blank again from his sight.

‘Why?’ Hyuk asked then a sudden smirk spread out on his features as he took in that look on the older’s face. ‘You want a piece of him, eh?’

Jaehwan spluttered, turning red and hit the younger on the shoulder. ‘What? No! I… I just noticed him, that’s all.’

‘Sure, you did.’ Hyuk said, rubbing his shoulder with an even wider grin.

‘Can’t I? He is handsome!’ Jaehwan exclaimed with a pout and Hyuk started to laugh, his suspicion confirmed.

‘Hyung, you are too cute…’

‘Of course, but that’s not the point here!’

‘No, the point is that you fancy his brooding self. Hongbin-hyung and Ravi-hyung will feel jealous.’ Hyuk chuckled, catching the next hit aimed at him.

‘Stupid.’ Jaehwan mumbled, as he hung his head in embarrassment, face completely red.

Hyuk just squeezed his wrist with an adoring smile and looked at the guy, noticing his eyes on them…

‘What if I say he is also looking at you?’

‘Don’t be mean.’ Jaehwan said, glancing up at the younger.

‘I’m not. He really is looking at you.’ Hyuk said, smiling down at Jaehwan.

Jaehwan eyes widened and turned to look at Taekwoon, nearly fainting when he met the dark, mysterious eyes with his own, staring right at him.

Dangerous. That was what flashed in his mind. Dangerous and beautiful.

‘Hyung! Hyuk!’ came the booming voice of Ravi and Taekwoon looked away, returning to his book with the faintest half-smile.

‘Hyung, guess what!’ Hyuk grinned widely, waving at the approaching guy with Jaehwan’s wrist still in his hand.

‘Hmm.’ Ravi raised an eyebrow, glancing at the completely red Jaehwan and the widely grinning maknae. ‘You get together or what?’

Hyuk just fixed him with a blank look. ‘No, but Jaehwan-hyung might get together with somebody.’



‘He just completely fell for Jung Taekwoon.’ Hyuk said, nodding his head towards the reading guy.

‘Hyuk!’ Jaehwan protested again, freeing his wrist.

‘No way!’ Ravi exclaimed, seizing the guy up. ‘Isn’t he the one that Hakyeon-hyung pestered for months… ’

‘That’s him.’ Hyuk nodded. ‘Hyung just suddenly stopped to stare at him, I guess we can call it love at first sight.’

Jaehwan just rested his forehead against Ravi’s shoulder with a sigh. It’s not like he didn’t just get totally swept of his feet… it was just weird to hear it so bluntly stated.

Ravi laughed, patting him on the head. ‘Who would’ve guessed, that he is your type, hyung.’

‘Shut up.’ he grumbled, not enjoying the fact that the two younger easily laughed over his head.

‘Gotta tell Hongbin. Our cute hyung is falling for the bad guy.’ Ravi chuckled searching for his phone and Jaehwan groaned helplessly.

As his love-life was shamelessly discussed on the phone, accompanied by Hyuk’s deadpanned commentary he tentatively glanced at the mesmerizing guy… what was happening? He had no idea, but he was smitten, completely and utterly lost.

His racing heart couldn’t agree more.


So his teasing began, merciless and topped with the ever helpful Hakyeon… Jaehwan was literally pushed into every given situation in which he could cross Taekwoon’s path…accidentally of course... Because it would have been too easy to introduce him to Taekwoon!

It was completely embarrassing and whenever that cold pair of eyes met his, his heart went crazy as well… for those few occasions the forever talking Lee Jaehwan was utterly lost for words.


‘Hyung, leave me alone.’ Jaehwan sighed when Hakyeon poked his arm.

‘Not Taekwoon.’ Hakyeon chuckled.

Jaehwan turned to look at him, maybe after a week they could finally talk without involving his crush in this.

‘Want to come to this small campus party?’

‘Nah, hyung… You didn’t leave me alone all week. I’m too tired....’ Jaehwan shook his head.

‘Nonsense.’ Hakyeon chided. ‘I insist.’

‘Hyung!’ he whined.

‘The others are coming too.’

‘I hope you didn’t mean Jung Taekwoon…’

‘No, I’m sure he won’t be there, he is such a loner.’ Hakyeon huffed.

‘Fine.’ Jaehwan agreed reluctantly.

‘Great! Then tonight!’ Hakyeon chirped and gave him a big hug.


‘Hyung, you look good!’ Hongbin complimented when he spotted him at the dormitory halls.

‘Thanks.’ Jaehwan smiled, patting his white shirt down.

‘y…’ Ravi whistled with a chuckle, earning a punch to his shoulder. ‘I thought you wouldn’t come.’ he said, as they moved upstairs where loud music could already be heard.

‘Hakyeon-hyung.’ was all that Jaehwan said and Ravi just nodded with an understanding grin.

‘It will be fun anyways, and we won’t let you sit idle.’ Hongbin smiled.

‘Not like you can make me sit idle.’ Jaehwan chuckled.

'True... but I'm sure I can drink more than you.' Hongbin smirked.

'Suure you can.' Jaehwan snorted. 'Bet you can't.'

Hongbin accepted the challange with a high-five.

‘Hyungs! Hurry up! Hakyeon-hyung is ready to open up the beer stash and people are already going crazy.’ the maknae grinned down at them from the upper floor with a drink in his hand and Ravi took off with a battle cry.


Jaehwan was not sure how it happened, he was only having fun with his friends, dancing his heart out and drinking Hakyeon under the table with Hongbin in tow... He was sure he saw a ghost when he spotted the dark figure at the wall.

But he didn’t and it was not a dream either, because the next thing he knew that the dangerous beauty that haunted his mind was approaching him, moving through the crowd with the grace of a black panther and his eyes bored holes into his trembling heart.

In the red light of the room he seemed even more beautiful then Jaehwan remembered, dressed to kill in a completely black outfit.

He stopped right in front of him and smiled, a soft but fatal smile and Jaehwan was sure his heart fell right out his chest.

Taekwoon didn’t say anything just motioned for him to follow and moved past him while brushing his hand against his.

And Jaehwan stumbled right after him, moving through the dancing bodies, completely under the other’s spell, only barely noticing the widely grinning maknaes on his way out.

When they reached the much quieter hall, Taekwoon stood against the wall and slowly pulled Jaehwan right against him by his white shirt.

‘Hey.’ he said softly, eyes glinting in the hazy red light.

‘Hey.’ Jaehwan gulped, eyes wide as he returned the piercing look.

‘Jaehwan, right?’ Taekwoon asked, releasing Jaehwan’s shirt in favor of running his hands down his arms. ‘Jung Taekwoon, nice to meet you.’

‘Yeah…’ Jaehwan trembled.

‘Cute.’ Taekwoon smirked, eyes glazing over and arms wrapping around Jaehwan’s neck. ‘Couldn’t help noticing you.’

‘I… I did too… but-’ Jaehwan stuttered with a shaky breath.

‘Shush, I know.’ Taekwoon whispered leaning closer, not even a few inches apart. ‘So how about trying out this fantasy of ours?’ he asked but didn’t wait for an answer, because he kissed him feverishly.

Dangerous flashed in Jaehwan’s mind again, but he didn’t care. He couldn’t and kissed back, arms wrapping around Taekwoon without any hesitation.

Christmas gift: double update! Have a really really nice holiday~

University AU with the lovely dorks... and I'm sure a lot of you had this love at first sight moment... well sometimes it works just like this ;)

Inspired by the mood of the song. (Btw, I love it... probably one of my favorites :D)

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13.01.14 600 Days With Lovely VIXX! Go and celebrate!


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Chapter 14: Oh my Good!!! You are the one who made Art of loneliness??? I didn't even notice you. Sorry >< nice story like always. you got me again~
But I love you more more more more <3
Chapter 14: Hay!!! I'm stumble accros your fics when boring and this is more than amazing. I mean, I didn't even know how many laugh coming when reading your fics. This is nice, soft, smooth, slow but sometimes hard. my favorite is beautiful killer!! Cutie Jaehwan and all hot Taekwoon. I like how jaehwan acting all embarrassed around taekwoon when the reality taekwoon take a notice about him. But really, I like all your chap to be honest. They are perfect! Thank you and I love youuu!! :*
daejaeee #3
Chapter 14: Who is the dangerous man, Jaehwan or Taekwoon ?
Chapter 4: don't understand the story,you make it related or it's in different story.each one of the chapter?
Chapter 14: i love the Hyde was so unique
i hope you made it longer
but it was so good anyway
Chapter 9: awwww so sweet
yet sulking taekwoon very cute..kkk
i realllly love this song..
so i'm glad you write this
Chapter 6: so hot..
i love each and every one of it
every chap is sooo interesting
Chapter 14: I simply loved every single one of them <33 Though I might like Super Hero and Rock Ur Body just a little bit more than the rest (:
Chapter 7: I wish you would continue this one! So good! :)