
Voodoo - The aspects of love

When I first saw you it was by accident. I ran into you when you bought bandages for a cut on your arm.

I was sure that you were dangerous, the deep wound a good enough sign and didn’t dare look at you twice.

It was only much later that I realized that it was you back then… but the twist of your smile got burnt into my memories.


The second time I saw you was in the bar I worked at. You asked for a bottle of vodka with a smile that was brilliant and cold at the same time and I couldn’t take my eyes from you for the rest of the night.

You didn’t seem to notice me, yet when you were about to leave you asked for my name and I answered without thinking.

‘You have a pretty name.’ that’s what you told me and the dark twinkle in your eyes haunted me for weeks after that.


The third time I saw you was when I walked in on something I shouldn’t have.

I messed up the orders and opened the door of another backroom. The black suitcases on the desk and the suit clad men that sat and stood around the table were a dead giveaway that they were gangsters… probably dealing drugs.

And they all turned to me with murder in their eyes, some of them reaching for knives hidden under the expensive suits.

If I thought I was afraid before in my life, then that moment made me realize it was nothing compared to the icy cold grab of fear in my heart.

That’s when you came, an arm sneaking around my waist and all eyes turned towards you.

‘Kitten, you got lost again.’ you purred into my ear along with the soft whisper of act well. ‘Sorry gentlemen, he is so silly I wonder why I keep him around.’

Their eyes changed, from murder to calculating amusement.

‘Wait for me while I have a chat with these gentlemen.’ you said with your brilliant smile and closed me out of that world quickly with a reassuring peck to my cheek.

I waited, nearly collapsing on the floor from the shock and the laughter that came from the room was anything but warming… But before my legs could give away you appeared again like my anchor and pulled me close.

‘Keep your boy toys under check!’ came a yell from one of the man and I was only glad you were there to save me from those people.

‘Will do, hyungnim.’ you chuckled, navigating me out through the back door and pulled me into a tight hug, asking me if I was okay in the softest voice.

I couldn’t answer, I was shocked and your warmth made me dizzy.

Your light chuckle made me realize where was I and I tried to pull away to apologize and run but you hold me back by my hand.

My breath hitched when I looked into your eyes that held warmness I’ve never seen before and then you pulled me in.

That was our first kiss, you were gentle, kind and loving and I fell for you hard.


You didn’t contact me after that night and I was left wondering where you disappeared. You left me with feelings I never experienced before


When I saw you again I saw another face of yours. It was dark, cruel and fascinating. Something completely different.

You were fighting, defeating your opponents with cruel sureness and a mesmerizing cold gleam in your eyes… I could just stare as more of your opponents became unmoving in the shadows and you danced on with the rest as a lithe predator.

You noticed me as you righted yourself up from you last win, your deadly gaze fixed on me. That gaze pinned me to place as you began to move, straight for me, sweeping me away in a bruising, painful, adrenaline fueled, amazing kiss.

That was our first night, your bloodied shirt on my floor never looking more natural.


I learned what you were then. An informant, an outlaw, friend of no one but an irreplaceable asset of the two worlds that clashed over you… Working for both the underworld and the police, a dangerous man.

That was you and I’ve fallen for you without question.


But you tried to push me away for the longest time. Telling me that you were bad, that you were too dangerous… I didn’t believe in any of that.

‘I know you.’

‘You don’t know anything.’

‘I love you.’

‘Stop… just leave me.’

And I didn’t, not even when you showed me your other side, your Hyde to the sweet Jekyll that cherished me.

I trusted you even then.


Only when your world came crashing down on me, breaking down the barriers that kept me away from the darkness, when everything burned up and we nearly lost each other forever… It was only then when you finally asked me to stay.

‘I need you. Please don’t leave me.’

‘I would never.’

‘I love you.’

‘I know you do.’

And we’ve become inseparable from that moment…



‘What are you thinking about?’

‘Just the past...’

‘About how lucky am I to have you?’

‘At least you know.’

‘I was stupid to try to push you away.’

‘You still are.’

‘I’m not pushing you, I’m pulling you close.’


‘Are you ready?’

‘Whenever you are.’

‘Then let’s burn those bastards for ever hurting you.’

‘You have that gleam in your eyes again…’

‘Just follow.’



‘I love you.’

‘I love you too, Jung Taekwoon.’

I admit being guilty of watching Cruel City and VIXX in suits... :D Hope you were not too surprised by who was who~

Inspired by the lyrics and aforementioned guilty pleasures.


Well guys this is also the last piece of Voodoo... too bad, but I hope you all enjoyed it~

Thank you dears for reading, subscribing, commenting and loving it!

Hope to see you all soon!

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13.01.14 600 Days With Lovely VIXX! Go and celebrate!


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Chapter 14: Oh my Good!!! You are the one who made Art of loneliness??? I didn't even notice you. Sorry >< nice story like always. you got me again~
But I love you more more more more <3
Chapter 14: Hay!!! I'm stumble accros your fics when boring and this is more than amazing. I mean, I didn't even know how many laugh coming when reading your fics. This is nice, soft, smooth, slow but sometimes hard. my favorite is beautiful killer!! Cutie Jaehwan and all hot Taekwoon. I like how jaehwan acting all embarrassed around taekwoon when the reality taekwoon take a notice about him. But really, I like all your chap to be honest. They are perfect! Thank you and I love youuu!! :*
daejaeee #3
Chapter 14: Who is the dangerous man, Jaehwan or Taekwoon ?
Chapter 4: don't understand the story,you make it related or it's in different story.each one of the chapter?
Chapter 14: i love the Hyde idea..it was so unique
i hope you made it longer
but it was so good anyway
Chapter 9: awwww so sweet
yet sulking taekwoon very cute..kkk
i realllly love this song..
so i'm glad you write this
Chapter 6: so hot..
i love each and every one of it
every chap is sooo interesting
Chapter 14: I simply loved every single one of them <33 Though I might like Super Hero and Rock Ur Body just a little bit more than the rest (:
Chapter 7: I wish you would continue this one! So good! :)