On and On

Voodoo - The aspects of love

’I only finished now, Hongbin! I’m dead tired.’ Lee Jaehwan, a newbie office worker whined into his phone as he dragged himself through the already dark streets of the city.

‘Why? A drink or two could only help you.’ Hongbin, his best friend and freelance photographer chuckled on the other end of the line.

‘I have to go in early, and not like you would stop just after two drinks.’ he answered, turning into the alley to cut his journey short, wanting nothing more than to disappear under his blanket and sleep.

‘You are no fun.’ Hongbin said in a deflated voice. ‘Well then, good night! And don’t get kidnapped by aliens on your way home.’

‘I don’t think they want to kidnap me, the paperwork I have with me is really scary.’ Jaehwan chuckled, wishing good night to Hongbin before hanging up on him.

He sighed and tried to pick up his speed, not liking how eerie the alley looked during this time of the night. The weird movements in the shadows were not making him feel better either…  but it was not enough warning to the shock he received when he felt the cold press of metal against his neck, halting his breath and heart in one swift movement.

Jaehwan didn’t know what happened, with pupils wide and mouth open in a silent scream he could only tremble in his attacker’s death grip.

‘Shh, stay put.’ a cool voice whispered into his ear, sending chills down Jaehwan’s spine. ‘Come on out you bastard or I will get rid of this little human.’ the mystery attacker yelled, pressing the knife harder against his skin.

And if he was not scared and shocked enough, a pale figure materialized out of the shadows in front of him, dressed darkly with eyes black as the deepest night.

‘Oh, if it isn’t your human form… how disgusting.’ the attacker spat out with venom in his voice. ‘Afraid you might scare this poor little human? Not like he can survive this meeting…’

The newcomer didn’t answer just glanced briefly at Jaehwan, his gaze colder than the knife that threatened to break his skin.

‘So how will it be? You giving up… or I killing him right now?’ the attacker pressed again only to receive a dark glare from the black eyed man. ‘Suit yourself.’

But before the attacker could do anything a black blast flew past Jaehwan, hitting the man mercilessly. He yelled and Jaehwan felt him disappear from behind him, vanishing into thin air with the echoes of his cry.

With that Jaehwan’s legs also give in, falling forward helplessly only to be caught by a strong pair of arms.

‘You can’t remember this.’ he heard the faintest of whisper as his vision slowly turned black, consciousness fading away.


Jaehwan slowly came around with the worst headache ever, his head hurting even more when he tried to recall his memories. It didn’t help either that he woke up in an unfamiliar bed in a room that was quite surely not his.

‘Where am I?’ he groaned, trying to sit up when somebody appeared at the door.

‘Ah, no no no. Stay right there, you have to stay in bed!’ the stranger chirped, crossing the room with energetic steps and pushed Jaehwan gently back on the bed.

Jaehwan blinked in surprise, looking at the stranger with wary.

He was a black haired man with a tanned skin and vividly glinting eyes.

‘Who are you?’ Jaehwan asked, glancing around once more, trying to figure out just how he ended up here.

‘Oh, I’m sorry. I’m Doctor Cha Hakyeon, nice to meet you.’ the strang- no Doctor Cha smiled, extending his hand to the even more confused Jaehwan.

‘I’m Lee Jaehwan… but why am I here?’ Jaehwan questioned, shaking the offered hand.

‘You were brought into my clinic last night, you were out cold when my friend found you.’ he answered. ‘Probably a robbery.’

‘Robbery?’ Jaehwan groaned, holding onto his aching head. ‘I don’t remember anything…’

‘No wonder, you probably hit your head when you fainted, but nothing serious.’ the doctor smiled, pointing to the bandage on his forehead.

‘Goodness… how unlucky- wait! What time is it?’ Jaehwan panicked, sitting up way too quickly for his current condition.

’11, but don’t worry I called up your work place and your family already… though your boss was not really impressed.’ the doctor answered, softly pushing Jaehwan back again.

‘I’m dead…’ Jaehwan sighed, pouting to himself.

‘Not until you are in my clinic.’ the doctor smiled brightly. ‘I will bring you something to eat. You should rest here until we are sure you don’t have concussion.’

‘Ah, the cutie is up?’ came a low voice from the door, making Jaehwan blush by the remark as he ducked his head. ‘I’m already a step ahead of you doc, the food is ready.’

Jaehwan glanced up tentatively at the newcomer and was met by amusedly glinting eyes that were half covered by blonde locks and a wide, friendly smile.

‘Nurse Wonshik at your service.’ he joked, placing the trail of food on Jaehwan’s lap.

‘Could you stop making our patient uncomfortable?’ the doctor sighed, sending an apologetic smile to him.

‘Ah, no. It’s okay. I’m Jaehwan… Thank you.’ Jaehwan blabbered awkwardly, making the blond chuckle.

‘Sure.’ Wonshik answered as another figure appeared by the door.

‘Hyung, there is a call for you.’ the tall guy announced, his expression bored and a phone dangling in his hand.

‘I’m coming’ the doctor chirped and snatched the phone away from him. ‘This is Sanghyuk by the way, my resident.’

Sanghyuk nodded in acknowledgement at Jaehwan before leaving the room with the doctor.

‘Don’t worry, he is always this enthusiastic.’ Wonshik said with a grin. ‘Oh, nearly forgot. Your friend called, Hongbin I think, he will drop by later.’

‘Then I’m dead for sure...’ Jaehwan sighed, completely sure that Hongbin will be frantic.

‘I can protect you, cutie.’ Wonshik winked with a smile before his eyes flickered towards the door, his expression darkening.

‘Excuse me… I think there is something I need to attend to…’ he trailed off and left with quick steps.

Jaehwan felt a sudden cold shiver running down his spine, his head throbbing painfully but decided to ignore it, surely just his injury acting up and turned his attention to his lunch.


‘Hyung… I was so worried.’ Hongbin sighed, resting his forehead on Jaehwan’s shoulder.

‘But I’m fine. Your fifteen minutes of fussing was completely unnecessary.’

‘But it could have ended worse! It’s already a miracle that you are okay not to mention that the bastard couldn’t steal anything at all.’ Hongbin exclaimed sitting up with an unamused frown.

‘I know, I know. He was probably disturbed… and the doctor said he will drag in the one who saved me later, so I can ask him what happened exactly.’ Jaehwan said, patting Hongbin’s hand in a calming manner.

The younger just shook his head with another sigh, and glanced down at his watch. ‘If only I didn’t have to leave for Busan in an hour… I hope you can manage to get home in one piece this time around.’

‘Funny, but stop worrying already… don’t look at me like that! I can manage myself, I’m a big boy.’

‘Hyung, just take care. Don’t get into trouble okay?’ Hongbin asked with a smile.

‘Right, I promise.’ Jaehwan smiled back and tried to swat away his friends worry with jokes and questions about his upcoming project.


‘That’s all then, Jaehwan. You only need to come back for a checkup in a few days.’ Hakyeon said, signing away papers.

He seemed a bit ruffled up, but Jaehwan thought it must have been because of the other patient that caused a lot of ruckus a few hours before. Sanghyuk told him it was nothing unusual.

‘Sorry, but that idiot didn’t come in as he promised so...’

 ‘It’s fine…’ Jaehwan trailed off as another cold shiver shook his body, the sudden feeling of being watched creeping up on him.

‘If there is anything wrong I wrote my number up for you.’ the doctor continued, and Sanghyuk handed his papers back to Jaehwan.

‘Thanks, then I will meet you soon.’ he smiled, pushing the weird feelings to the back of his mind and let Wonshik lead him down the stairs and out the door.

‘Take care, cutie.’ the blond smiled and Jaehwan waved back as he started his journey home, still a bit wobbly from his throbbing head.

It will be fine. he thought, shaking himself a bit to get his head straight. But the eerie feeling of being watched didn’t go away and a lump of panic began to form in his throat.


The feeling didn’t go away in the next two days either and Jaehwan felt very tired from all of it. His memories didn’t return, his head still throbbed in protest whenever he tried to remember. He only saw flashes of dark cold eyes in his dreams…

It was late night again when he finally got to leave his workplace, but he knew that not the cool night air was the cause of the shiver that shook his body.

‘Just a few more block, Jaehwan. Then you are home.’ he mumbled to himself, clutching his bag close to his side.

‘I don’t think so, human.’ came a whisper and Jaehwan nearly lost his balance from the shock.

‘He is the one that saw us?’ sounded another as two figures materialized out of the shadows and Jaehwan’s shout froze into his throat.

‘Yes. And those bastards didn’t kill him… soft-hearted idiots, endangering our secrets.’ the first one spat and Jaehwan knew he heard that venomous voice before, but couldn’t remember where…

‘Well aren’t you all lovely as always?’ sounded a familiar low voice and to Jaehwan’s utter shock Wonshik emerged from the shadows right beside him, murderous stares moving to him in an instant. ‘At least you have the courtesy to appear in human form.’

‘Wonshik you traitor…! ‘

‘Save your rant. I won’t allow you to harm him…’

‘…Wonshik?’ Jaehwan breathed out, not able to take in the situation.

The blond sent him a kind smile. ‘Hey cutie.  Hope you don’t mind that I escorted you.’

A sudden black blast flew past him, barely missing Jaehwan and Wonshik’s eyes gleamed gold as he turned to the two offenders with a snarl.

‘Jaehwan. Run and don’t look back.’

Jaehwan stumbled backwards with a nod as Wonshik leapt at the attackers and he turned to run, the last thing he saw was a misty black aura that formed around the blond.

Shouts and the sound of fighting resonated behind him as his heart raced and he held back the tears that threatened to fall.

What is happening? What is going on? Just what?!

A blast flew past him again and he ducked into a smaller street, only to run into a dead end.

‘Caught you.’ taunted the venomous voice and Jaehwan slowly turned around, his breath coming in short gasps from the fear.

But he didn’t get a chance to see his attacker, because a firm arm wrapped around his waist from behind and a cool hand shielded his eyes.

And in all that insanity he suddenly felt safe.

‘You again…’ came the snarl and Jaehwan whimpered from the cold menace in that voice, the grip tightening around his waist.

There was no answer from the one holding him and Jaehwan only felt the soft caress of something cool that shivered around them before the arm moved from his waist and the aftershock of a powerful blast ruffled up the air around them.

There was no sound from the attacker and Jaehwan was released from the hold a second later, only he couldn’t keep himself up and fell against his savior with immense tiredness coming over him.

He was yet again steadied by the firm grip and he let himself take a tentative glance at the other. His next breath became a gasp as his eyes met the deep, black eyes of the man, his memory of his last attack returning to him in a rush.

‘You…’ Jaehwan whispered, unable to look away.

‘Hyung, you finally turned up.’ Wonshik’s voice came from not far away and there was no sound from the other attacker. ‘Huh, it seems like your memory-thing didn’t work- don’t look at me like that, I’m just joking.’ he chuckled, throwing his hands up in surrender. ‘I guess it leaves us with explanation.’

‘Just what is going on?’ Jaehwan mumbled, slowly turning his attention to Wonshik.

‘Instead of an explanation a visit to the doctor might come first… you look way too pale.’ Wonshik said with an apologetic smile. ‘Can you walk?’

‘Ugh… sure.’ Jaehwan blinked back, his confusion not making it easier for him to answer.

‘You can’t.’ came the soft voice of his savior and was unceremoniously lifted off the ground in one swift motion.

Jaehwan yelped in surprise but his next protest against the bridal-style carrying got cut short with a cool glance and he was left to blush in embarrassment in silence.

‘Don’t worry cutie. Hyung already carried you to the clinic like this, I’m sure he can handle you.’ Wonshik smirked and Jaehwan slumped against this mysterious hyung’s chest with a resigned sigh. ‘I will go ahead and alert doc, be nice to each other.’ the blond added and with a wink disappeared into the shadows.

Jaehwan just blinked…What did I get myself into again? People jumping in and out of shadows… just when did I got signed up for this bad joke? he thought, observing his savior in silence since no one seemed to offer any kind of explanation yet.

He noted the cool gaze yet again, the pale features and the shoulder-length black locks that framed his stoic face… And the cool gaze was suddenly directed at him and Jaehwan offered a sheepish smile for being caught staring.

‘Taekwoon.’ he said and Jaehwan needed a second more before he realized it was his name.


Taekwoon nodded and returned his gaze to the street ahead of him without another word.


‘Those bastards dared to attack you again?! You poor thing!’ Hakyeon fussed as he checked Jaehwan for any injury. ‘I’m so sorry you got dragged into this…’

Jaehwan just nodded, still not sure what he was dragged into and accepted the cup of tea that Hyuk handed over to him.

‘And you!’ Hakyeon exclaimed, turning to point at Taekwoon who leaned against the wall in a devil-may-care position, his arms folded. ‘Where the hell were you?’

Taekwoon only rolled his eyes at him.

‘Hyung, I think you can shout with him later.’ Wonshik interjected, wincing slightly when the furious gaze was directed at him. ‘You should explain this situation to our cutie first.’

‘Right… we will talk later.’ the doctor spat, black aura flaring up around him for a second then turned back to Jaehwan with a sweet smile.

Jaehwan huddled his cup closer to himself with a nervous smile. Better not to anger the doctor further.

‘I would have been happier if you didn’t know about any of this, but since it came down to this.’ Hakyeon said moving his hand around with a frustrated huff. ‘We are Shadows, Jaehwan. We came from the shadow realm.’

Jaehwan stared, trying to process that such a thing even existed… but nodded none the less.

‘We, or most of us…’ Hakyeon continued, glancing at Taekwoon and Wonshik. ‘Volunteered to come here, to protect the shadows of humans.’

‘And those who not?’ Jaehwan couldn’t help but ask, glancing tentatively at Wonshik who sat beside him.

‘Former shadow of a human who was torn from them.’ Wonshik answered with a shudder. ‘That exactly what we try to stop and what others try to achieve…’

‘It’s an ongoing war, really.’ Hakyeon sighed taking back the narration. ‘Because some try to get more power like that… but it does not concern you, it’s only the reason why we are here and not in the shadow realm or bound to a human like we should be normally.’

‘And I was not supposed to know about any of this, right? But I do and for that other Shadows will try to hunt me down… ‘Jaehwan said sipping at his tea with a nervous tremble. ‘And I was complaining about my life being boring.’

Hyuk chuckled at that and patted his back reassuringly. ‘Well you will see us a lot more for sure and that’s already a kind of adventure.’

‘Something to look forward to then’ Jaehwan smiled at the younger.

‘I will have to ask our boss about this.’ Hakyeon mumbled. ‘Would you mind staying here until we figure out what to do? It would be safer here.’

‘I surely didn’t plan to throw myself at my lovely attackers.’

Hakyeon patted his knee at that then turned to Taekwoon with a renewed glare. ‘Stay here with Jaehwan while we report this to the others.’ he said and stood with Wonshik and Hyuk at his heels. ‘And I do expect an explanation for your disappearance later.’ he added and marched out.

Jaehwan took a deep breath a shaky chuckle escaping his lips, the same shakiness also visible in his hands as he put the cup down.

‘Sorry.’ came the soft voice, surprising Jaehwan with the sudden closeness it came from. He didn’t notice that Taekwoon moved to stand near the bed he was sitting on.

‘I don’t know what to say to that.’ Jaehwan said, looking up at him. ‘But I do owe you a thank you. You saved me, twice for whatever reason so….Thank you.’

Jaehwan thought he saw a slight golden glimmer in the black eyes as Taekwoon moved to sit beside him.

‘Are you scared?’ he asked softly.

‘Yes… no… maybe? It’s all too bizarre right now. But I’m not scared of any of you, except the doctor. He has a really scary gaze.’ Jaehwan said with a grimace and watched as amusement appeared in Taekwoon’s gaze.

‘You are interesting.’

‘Well I more used to being called cute but as you like it.’

Taekwoon just continued to stare at him and Jaehwan averted his gaze from him, in vain trying to find out why he was not panicking or claiming himself mad for believing anything that happened with him.

He didn’t know but he still felt himself oddly secure with the other… and curious more than anything.

‘We will protect you.’ Taekwoon said finally.

‘You’d better.’ Jaehwan said, slightly pouting.

‘I will.’ Taekwoon confirmed with the slightest twist of blackness around his eyes and Jaehwan thought that he really wanted to know more about the Shadows.

Sorry for the late update! I was out of town for the week celebrating Valentine's Day and all (hope you all had a great one ;) ) but here I am with my first attempt at anything fantasy-like. It was a new experience for sure :D

Inspired by a dream and the lovely forever awesome mood of the song.

Also very happy late birthday to our lovely rapper, Ravi! <3

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13.01.14 600 Days With Lovely VIXX! Go and celebrate!


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Chapter 14: Oh my Good!!! You are the one who made Art of loneliness??? I didn't even notice you. Sorry >< nice story like always. you got me again~
But I love you more more more more <3
Chapter 14: Hay!!! I'm stumble accros your fics when boring and this is more than amazing. I mean, I didn't even know how many laugh coming when reading your fics. This is nice, soft, smooth, slow but sometimes hard. my favorite is beautiful killer!! Cutie Jaehwan and all hot Taekwoon. I like how jaehwan acting all embarrassed around taekwoon when the reality taekwoon take a notice about him. But really, I like all your chap to be honest. They are perfect! Thank you and I love youuu!! :*
daejaeee #3
Chapter 14: Who is the dangerous man, Jaehwan or Taekwoon ?
Chapter 4: don't understand the story,you make it related or it's in different story.each one of the chapter?
Chapter 14: i love the Hyde idea..it was so unique
i hope you made it longer
but it was so good anyway
Chapter 9: awwww so sweet
yet sulking taekwoon very cute..kkk
i realllly love this song..
so i'm glad you write this
Chapter 6: so hot..
i love each and every one of it
every chap is sooo interesting
Chapter 14: I simply loved every single one of them <33 Though I might like Super Hero and Rock Ur Body just a little bit more than the rest (:
Chapter 7: I wish you would continue this one! So good! :)