It all started with a simple Chocolate Java Chip

Present time


That’s the first day I met him. After that first meeting, we are always hanging out with my brother and my friend.


Flashback (3 years ago. February 14)


I never made a big deal out of Valentine’s Day. Donghyun oppa, Bora unnie and I consider it as ‘Single Awareness Day’. As usual, we have no dates so we hang out to Starship coffee shop. We were joined by our new friend, Youngmin.


“Dudes, I’ll save a seat for us. Bora, just order for me. You know what I want, right? The Usual. I’ll pay you later” Donghyun said.

“Sure” Bora answered.

“Min. You can sit too with your brother. I’ll just order for you.” Youngmin told me.

“WOW. Thanks for the offer but its fine.” I replied.

“Hmmm….What about you give me your money and I’ll buy it for you.”

“Are you sure?”

“Yup. You can sit now.”

“Ok. Gomawo. You know what my favourite drink, right?” I said while handing him my money.


“Where is Bora and Youngmin?” Donghyun oppa asked.

“There at the line.”

“Why are you here?”

“Is it bad to sit with you? Anyway, Youngmin said that he will buy the drink for me.”

“Eh? Really? He is not like that.”

“Maybe changed?” I giggled.

“Now, I know something fishy.”



Bora and Youngmin arrived with our drinks. I said thanks and started sipping on my drink.


“YAH WHAT’S THAT?!” Bora shouted, pointing at my drink.

“What’s what?” I answered “Err..Chocolate Java Chip?”

“BABO! This one.” Donghyun oppa pointed on the side of my cup.


I turned my cup around, expecting to see a bug inside my drink but what I found was 1000 times shocking..Written on the side of my cup was:


                Minki, Can I court you?


Instead of just my name written, why does it have more? WTH?! I was in a state of shock again. I looked at Youngmin and he was looking away from the three of us. MY GOSH!


“YYYYYIIIIIIEEEEEEEEEE~” Bora unnie and Donghyun oppa screeched.

“So, what’s your answer?” Youngmin asked.

“Uhhh…Can you give me time to decide?” I said.

“BOO HOO. Who needs time in this one?” Bora unnie murmured.


We were silent about the topic for a while. We decided to go and we rode the bus.


“You guys seat there while Bora and I will seat here.” Donghyun pointed at the empty pair of seats.

“Err…Sure?” Youngmin replied.


We are 6 on the bus, the four of us, the driver and the high school student. Donghyun oppa, then, started to joke around with the student.


“Annyeong! Can I ask a question? Are those two compatible with each other?” Donghyun said while pointing at us.

“Yes. They are really compatible. Why did you ask?”

“Because this woman” pointed at me “Were asked by him” he pointed at Youngmin. “If he can court her then she said, she needs time to decide about it. What do you think?”

“Unnie, I think you should say yes.” The student faces at me.

“AIISSSHH! Don’t tell me you, too? I’ll just walk by myself. HEY, Youngmin come with me. You too, just go home!” I exploded and pressed the button.


We got down the bus and started walking.


“Sorry about that.” I told Youngmin.

“It’s fine.” He answered.

“Uhmmm….Can I ask you something?”

“Sure. What is it?”

“Are you serious? One more thing, Are you sure? Maybe you’re just tricking me. ”

“I am really serious about that and I am really sure. Ever since the first time I saw you in church two years ago, I could still remember you were wearing a blue dress. I was so shy back then. I didn’t know what to do then your brother came so I think it will be easier.”

“Here’s a thing, I allow you to do that. I just didn’t want to do it in front of them.”

“Is that a yes?” Youngmin smiled.

“Maybe it is a no, right? Just kidding. Yes. Why? You don’t like? It’s fine with me.”

“REALLY?!” He carried me and spun me around.

“Yah. It is not we are together yet.” I said and he dropped me.


It didn’t take long before we reached my place. I told him to go home and rest, he did.


*I made the right choice right?* I thought and went inside.

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wow i like this!! (Y)
Wow! You're story is nice even though it's kinda short. :)
I like it! Are you a bestfriend too?
Wow...chapter 1 imagine if that happened to you..... I can TOTALLY imagine that happen with me & youngmin >.<..... except I wouldn't be mad that he was similar to me <3
Cute story. Loved it. KYAA. Awesome job.
shawolduck #5
heheee, this was really cutee~ I LOVE IT (;
that was the cutest story i've ever read <3
YoungMinsGirlfriend #7
OhMyGosh!!! Youngmin proposed to Minki!!!! I love your story! Its so sweet~
parkminhyo #8
wht o.o