It all started with a simple Chocolate Java Chip

Present time


I tried calling him everyday, I go to their house everyday but he never answers and he was never home. The break up hurts me a lot, especially because there wasn't a solid reason in my mind. Up until now, I'm waiting for their explaination. Not to mention, it is suppose to be our 3RD ANNIVERSARY today...


"Miss Minki?" One of the workers asked.

"Yes?" I answered.

"Someone wants to give this to you." He gave me one daisy and one Chocolate Java Chip.

"Who?" As if I didn't know.

"Just read it. It has something written on it." He pointed to the cup.


'I believe I owe you an explaination. I'll be at your place when you get home.

Love, Youngmin'


I rushed home after reading the letter. As promised, he was there, with his whole family.


"Can I start explaining?" He said.

"This better be good." I answered smugly.

"It is. I didn't mean to hurt you, but it was inevitable. I had a heart transplant a month ago. I knew it would be a 50/50 operation, so I didn't tell you. I didn't want to see you suffering with me, and I really wouldn't want to see you in such great pain if I die. But if I broke up with you, I will just evaporate in thin air, it would hurt much less. You'd eventually get over me and find someone else. I still love you so much more than before. I hope, somehow, you still feel the same way for me."


I went up and locked myself inside my room. Guilt was creeping in. I can't let him think that I'm still mad at him. after all he did for me. He was so close to dying and he thinks for my sake. I was so wrong so I went back to Starship, bought a venti Mocha Frappe and a teddy bear as a peace offering. I went to their place and talked to him.


"Youngmin oppa. Sorry about my reaction a while ago and for the record, I still love you, more than ever but please don't ever do that again. If you have a problem, tell me. Don't leave me again like that." I explained.

"Promise, I'll never do that again. So I came up with a solution."



He took something from his back pocket, he faced me, and said:


"Kim Minki, will you marry me?"



THE END! ♥ I hope you enjoyed the story!



I have another one shot. I think I'll update it today (?) Sooyoung, Donghae and Eunhyuk is the main characters here~ Here is the link..

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wow i like this!! (Y)
Wow! You're story is nice even though it's kinda short. :)
I like it! Are you a bestfriend too?
Wow...chapter 1 imagine if that happened to you..... I can TOTALLY imagine that happen with me & youngmin >.<..... except I wouldn't be mad that he was similar to me <3
Cute story. Loved it. KYAA. Awesome job.
shawolduck #5
heheee, this was really cutee~ I LOVE IT (;
that was the cutest story i've ever read <3
YoungMinsGirlfriend #7
OhMyGosh!!! Youngmin proposed to Minki!!!! I love your story! Its so sweet~
parkminhyo #8
wht o.o