How to ruin someones day...

Ill Desperations

It was one week later, and Yuri had moved along without many problems. She had two more sleepless nights before she managed to sleep with a nightmare of men harrassing her. She will never forget or forgive those men who did that to her. She knew that secretly her supplier was trying to break her. So that she would want to work for him. Even become his personal e? Ew no way. She dismissed that thought. "I'll never let him break me."

She picked up her phone after it vibrated. She had recieved a text message. Hm? Who could this be?

Sender: Yoonaa~

Message: Heyy Yuriii, wanna come with me to go to the mall today? Only me and you hehe. It'll be very fun trust mee.


She smiled after she read it. Aish she's so cute to me. Ahh am I falling for her? She replied to the text message. 

Message: Hey "YoonYoon" heeheh sounds like choochoo. (: I'd love to go, but  i can only go after lunch at around 2pm because i have to work part time.

She clicked send.

Yuri worked at a cafe. One of those stores which are on the side of the road. It was pretty popular, and sold a range of drinks. It ranged from bubble tea to coffee. She enjoyed working there as it was the closest tng to escaping the difficult world she faced.

"Hey,  I'm ready to work!" She walked to the back and opened her locker. Inside was her uniform. She put it on.

"Yuri! I'd appreciate it if you could come a little faster! We're getting more people!" Her manager called from the front.

"Oh, yes! I'll be right there!" Yuri replied.

Yoona sat down at the front of the mall. It was almost time for Yuri to arrive there. I'm starting to get feelings for her... I'm not sure if it really is. Should I tell her today?

The mall was big. There were many different stores, from boo stores to clothes stores to food stalls. She really thought that Yuri was going to have alot of fun. Yoona noticed that Yuri always seemed to be cold. As if she was worrying over something. Yoona sighed. Hopefully my accompanyment will help ease her worrying. We've gotten so close during this week. I hope she can let me help her with whatever problems she has...

She looked at her watch again. Yuri was running abit late. What was keeping her? Aish...

Yuri ran out of the cafe and tried to run as fast as she could to the bus stop. There it was! Her bus! She tried to pick up her pace. But the bus left the stop before she made it there. She cursed at herself, and walked over to see the timetable, of when the next bus will come. T-twenty minutes!? I'd be dead if I caught that! Aish. 

"Ohh, taxi!!" She waved her arm out when she saw a taxi nearly drive past. It stopped in front of her. 

Yuri stepped out ofthe taxi in front of the mall, and bolted inside, to find where Yoona was. She spotted her, sitting at a cafe inside the mall, sipping coffee from a foam cup. She went and sat down opposite of Yoona.

"Hey, YoonYoon. Hehe." Yuri giggled.

"Yah, why did you come late, huh? Did you know how worried I was!? WHAT THE HECK. Why the heck did you come late??" Yoona whined, her voice graduately getting louder.

"Aish, be quiet Yoon. The stupid bus actually came early today... It's usually always at least ten minutes late, but today it came EARLY. It's not my fault..." Yuri replied.

"Aish... ahh nevermind. Let's go! Before we waste anymore time!" Yoona pulled Yuri's arm as they raced off to a clothes store.

Deep inside, Yuri wanted to just smile, and say that everything was gonna be alright. She wanted to laugh, to tell jokes. She wanted to do all these things. She wanted to mess around like a real teenager. But why couldn't she? Seyoung's face kept appearing in her mind everytime she thought of these kinds of things. It was like a curse to her mind. To remind her not to repeat these actions. ato cause more commotin. And to bring bad luck to herself.

They shopped for hours. Mainly window shopping. Yuri could not afford most of the things, so she just lied that her parents didn't give her enough allowances. They browsed and tried on clothes, bought drinks and went into a book store to browse the books they had there. There were many good titles. Romantics. Action. Adventure. These inteested Yuri, since she loved reading, and wanted to improve her english from trying to decipher english books.

Yoona ended up buying a dress and a makeup kit. Yuri was surprised because she did not ever think of Yoona as a person who puts on makeup. She thought Yoona as naturally pretty.

They walked out of the mall after the shopping, and were talking, when they ran into the '2NE1' students. "Well well well, look who we have here?" The 4 girls surrounded Yuri and Yoona. "Why dont we talk in the alleyway behind here? I would like a bit of privacy." The girl who calls herself CL said.

Then, the two girls got grabbed by the 2NE1 girls. Two girls grabbing each girl. They dragged them to the alleyway, where it was really dirty. There were puddles of water here and there, which reflected the bird poop covered walls. Graffiti also covered some of the walls, along with dirt. Here, the girls were pressed along the wall.

"Yuri, you really have to know your position in the school. We are more superior than you. You must be like my servant from now on, and follow my orders, and get out of my way!" CL shouted. The other 2NE1 members agreed. 

"Pfft, who listens to a whiny who can't even serve herself food from the cafeteria!?" Yuri apremarked.

"YAH, THAT'S IT!!" CL raised her hand, and closed it in a fist, just as she went to punch Yuri in the face. Suddenly her hand stopped a few centimetres from Yuri's terrified face. CL seemed to be shocked as well.

Yuri noticed that there was a hand holding on to CL's upper arm, which prevented her from punching Yuri. She also noticed that it wasn't Yoona, or any of the other 2NE1 members. 

"...Who... is this?" CL looked behind her.

There, a pretty young girl their age stood, as she firmly held CL's arm back. She had light brown hair, and black eyes. Her body was slim, and she was around about 175cm tall.

"Hey Yuri, long time no see." The girl remarked, as she still hung onto CL's arm.

Yuri gasped. "S-Seyoung!?"

Well well well. I apologise for the lack of updating. I took a Christmas break hehe. But interesting cliffhanger aye? Want more? :P


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hkinki #1
Chapter 12: Oh no...what's going to happen ???? Please update soon !!!!!
troopers88 #2
Chapter 12: update soonnnnnnnnn authorrr
Trackstar #3
Chapter 12: I pity yoona. She doesn't deserve to be treated like this. She been lied a lot.
Trackstar #4
Chapter 11: Been waiting for this! Yoona is really caring towards yuri! When would yuri ever give her any attention? She has always been by her side. I hope she can forget seyoung. She needs to move on. When will her life take a better turn? She suffers a lot, been through a lot. I hope her life will get a better turn soon. Thanks for the update author!
Chapter 11: Regresaste autor.... buen capitulo y espero nuevamente actualización saludos ;)
Chapter 10: Whaaaaat?? I didn't know that Seyoung and Yuri were a couple!!! Aww poor my Yoongie T^T
Yuri you need to see that Yoona was always honest with you, not like Seyoung. You should love Yoona, she's so caring, lovely and sweet with you!
Yoonyul fighting!! :3

Update soon ^^
ynyltroiper #7
Chapter 10: yayy...finaly an update n seyoung cheated on yuri???i thought they were not together!!!!aarrrggh
thanks for the update...
NoviLimz #8
Chapter 8: Poor Yoona T__T
thanks for update and i'll wait the next chapter~