Secret Spilled?

Ill Desperations

Yoona picked up the syringe, and stood beside Yuri, unsure of what to do. What is in the syringe? Why is she unconcious? Did she want to go to the toilets during roll call to inject this into herself?

Part of her wanted to inject it into Yuri. The other part didn't. What if it harms her?
After a few seconds of thought, she rolled up Yuri's arm sleeve and carefully picked out a spot to inject the liquid. She pushed the needle in, slowly and surely. The green liquid slowly emptying into Yuri's arm. She saw a faint greenish colour under Yuri's pale skin, which was where the liquid is, as it spread throughout her body.
After a minute, Yuri's skin started to show her normal creamy skin colour again. Whatever it was, it seems to be curing her.

Another minute passed. Yuri's eyes started to flicker, and then opened. She looked weak, and was obviously confused on what happened.

Yuri was in total blackness. Forever stretching darkness all around her, with no light to show where she was. However, she felt something cold penetrate her skin. What was it? The cold object was spreading throughout her skin. She then felt her fingers and eyes. She opened her eyes slowly, and adjusted to the light above the cubicle. She took a few minutes to regain her conciousness, and wondered how she was still alive.

Next to her, Yoona stood, her back facing Yuri.

Yoona immediately turned and gasped in happiness. "Yuri, you're back! I'm so glad that the injection worked! What is it?"

Yuri was confused for a second. "W-What injection?" Yoona couldn't have known about my injections, could she?
"The one with the green liquid inside it. The one which was on the floor next to you when you were unconcious. What happened, anyways? You seemed to be sick or something during homeroom, and suddenly you come to the toilets and fell unconcious..."

"I'm uhh... just sick. That's all. That injection is just a simulant. It just boosts my body to work while it heals." Yuri knew that the lie was a stupid one. But it was one Yoona had to believe. She could not know about Yuri's condition. If she did, Yuri would need to move schools again.

"Is that true? That doesn't just look like a sickness to me..." Yoona murmured. "I just saved your life!"
"AND I THANK YOU FOR IT! Okay? Just. Please. Don't." Yuri took deep breaths as she picked up her bag and stormed out of the toilets, leaving Yoona standing there, hurt by how Yuri reacted.

All Seyoung's fault. Its all hers!
She shook her head and walked up to the roof of the school. There was no point attending class as she was absent. They couldn't do anyting about it. It's not like they had a parent to inform about it or anything. She was not in the mood to go in classes anyways.

Instead, she pulled out her phone and opened her text messenger.
To: Seyoung
To the roof, now.

Then she waited, breathing in the fresh air, as a gentle breeze brushed her cheeks as she leaned over the balcony of the roof.

Seyoung's phone vibrated in her pocket. Confused, she took it out and saw the message from Yuri.
"Miss, I need to go to the bathroom."

After she got dismissed from class, she walked up to the roof, not sure of what was going on.
When she reached the roof, she saw Yuri leaning over the balcony on one side. She looked troubled, yet at peace.

"Yuri, what's up?" Seyoung leanedover the balcony next to Yuri.
"What's up? I don't know. Let me ask you. A few weeks ago. You were at the local mall? Who was that girl you were with?"

Seyoung hesitated before she answered. "Y-you were there? She's just, um, a friend of mine."
"I can tell when you're lying. Stop with it!! It fustrates me so hard!" Yuri raised her voice.

In the midst of their argument, they did not notice Yoona creep up the stairs, eavesdropping on their conversation.

"What were you doing there on that day?" Seyoung asked.

"I was. Doing a heist for my suppliers. Just a jewelry store. We were going to escape clean but no. I saw you with that 'friend' of yours, KISSING each other! What was that? You cheating ... A sniper got me. Luckily one of my contacts paid bail for me. All your fault." Yuri sighed. She just wanted to slap Seyoung across the face so hard.

Seyoung was speechless. She did not know what to say.
"Okay. I admit I did that. I do not expect you to forgive me. But she was the one who kissed me, not the other way around. I did not want-"

"Oh, shut up. I do not want to hear anymore of your lies." Yuri interrupted. They then stayed silent for half a minute.

Seyoung broke the silence with a question. "Why aren't you in class?"

Yuri held up her empty syringe. "I didn't get time to get my dose this morning. Was too busy looking for you, stupid one. So I went to the toilets after homeroom but it was too late and I out. But somehow Yoona seemed to find me, and injected this for me. I don't know why. She seems alright, but she follows me too much. It's just weird. But I'm worried that she knows something is up. I lied that I'm sick. Hopefully the least you can do right now is to reinforce that lie to her for me? Whatever you do, she can not know about this."

Yoona could not believe what she was hearing. All this nonsense for the first time. So many lies. But what for?
It was at that moment she decided to step up and confront them about it, after what she heard.

"What are you guys talking about!?" Yoona walked to the top, and stood behind them.
Seyoung and Yuri turned around, surprised at their unexpected visitor. What do I tell her now?

Oh no! Yoona has heard enough to know that something is up! Could Yuri's secret be exposed?
The amount of tension is high. Hope you guys like it ths way ^^

Happy reading!


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hkinki #1
Chapter 12: Oh no...what's going to happen ???? Please update soon !!!!!
troopers88 #2
Chapter 12: update soonnnnnnnnn authorrr
Trackstar #3
Chapter 12: I pity yoona. She doesn't deserve to be treated like this. She been lied a lot.
Trackstar #4
Chapter 11: Been waiting for this! Yoona is really caring towards yuri! When would yuri ever give her any attention? She has always been by her side. I hope she can forget seyoung. She needs to move on. When will her life take a better turn? She suffers a lot, been through a lot. I hope her life will get a better turn soon. Thanks for the update author!
Chapter 11: Regresaste autor.... buen capitulo y espero nuevamente actualización saludos ;)
Chapter 10: Whaaaaat?? I didn't know that Seyoung and Yuri were a couple!!! Aww poor my Yoongie T^T
Yuri you need to see that Yoona was always honest with you, not like Seyoung. You should love Yoona, she's so caring, lovely and sweet with you!
Yoonyul fighting!! :3

Update soon ^^
ynyltroiper #7
Chapter 10: yayy...finaly an update n seyoung cheated on yuri???i thought they were not together!!!!aarrrggh
thanks for the update...
NoviLimz #8
Chapter 8: Poor Yoona T__T
thanks for update and i'll wait the next chapter~