A few weeks later...

Ill Desperations

Yuri sat up on her bed and examined the scar on her chest, like she did every morning. It stood out so much on her skin, which she felt so embarrassed about.
She immediately covered it up.

Once she got outside, she stretched. The ground underneath her feet was warm. Birds chirped. It was time for school again. She picked up her backpack and locked the door of her apartment. Her bag felt heavier today for some strange reason. Ah, that's right. Extra textbooks. My teachers did not want me to fall behind on my schoolwork because of my injury..

As she begun to walk down the street towards her bus stop, a finger poked her cheek from behind. She turned around, surprised, as she saw Yoona giggling.
"Hey Yuri! It's been a while! What were you up to lately. You did not like, contact anyone for the past few weeks. Were you with BoA?"

"Well, yeah I guess for some time. But no I didn't do too much."
Yoona could tell that Yuri was hiding something from her, but disregarded the thought immediately.

They walked the rest of the way to school in silence. Everything seemed so turned up to Yuri. The noises, the smells, and the colour of everything. She prefered working in the dark. However, she had to make do for now. Yoona had to hand in a form to the school so she skipped off ahead when they reached the front entrance of the school.

That was when Yuri noticed Seyoung in the corner of her eye. Across the playground, loitering against a classroom wall, on her phone. She approached Seyoung, uneasy on what to say to her. She had so many questions to ask. Every step she took. It was difficult. A part of her wanted to forgive Seyoung, and to just talk to her as a friend. But another part wanted to run away and to not to make any contact with her until the end of high school. However, she knew that was not possible.

Seyoung looked up, and saw Yuri staring in her direction. She smiled and was about to take a step towards Yuri. However, the bell for homeroom rang, and she saw Yuri walk away towards her homeroom. She sighed, and followed. There is something up with Yuri... Does she know something?

It was homeroom, and the teacher was marking the roll. Yuri sat at the opposite side of the room with Yoona away from Seyoung. Yoona was pulling weird faces to make Yuri laugh. However, the only thing Yuri had in her mind was that because she wanted to confront Seyoung about what happened before, she forgot to take her dose in the toilets. She felt the nauseous feeling coming, and prepared to hide it as much as she could.

It struck.
Even though she has experienced many times before, and no matter how hard she tried to prepare for the feeling, it always struck like an electric shock. She suddenly felt dizzy, and the headache came immediately after. Beads of sweat started forming oh her forehead. Her rate of breathing increased. She raised her hand.

"Yes, Yuri?" The teacher asked, after seeing Yuri's hand.
"M-may I go to the toilet?" Yuri replied.
"The bell is about to ring. Surely you can hold it in for a few minutes!" The teacher continued saying the daily announcements.

I do not have a few minutes. She glanced at the clocks, staring desperately at each passing second. With every second, the symptoms got worse. It was getting unbearable.
"Yuri, why are you sweating?" Yoona asked when she saw Yuri shaking.
"I-I..." Yuri didn't have the energy to reply. She was using all of her energy to hold off the symptoms. Yoona looked worried as she saw Yuri's condition. She was about to raise her hand to tell the teacher, when the bell finally rang.

Yuri grabbed her bag, took out her injection and closed her bag. She hid the injection up her jacket sleeve and stumbled towards the toilets. She reached the outside of the toilets, feeling weak. Her breaths were rasp, and her eyes did not coorperate with her, and refused to stay open. She locked herself in one of the cubicles and sat on the toilet seat. She reached for her injection, hands shaking.

Her fingers wrapped around the injection and she grabbed it from her sleeve pocket. She pulled up her sleeve and was about to inject the drugs into her arm. At that moment, her mind went black. The injection clattered on the floor. Her hands flopped by her sides. Her eyes closed.

Yuri was no where to be found. Yoona noticed that she did not turn up to class. She was confused as to where she could have gone between roll call and now. Was there something wrong with her? She looked unwell in roll call. She raised her hand and asked to go the the toilets.

Instead of going to the toilets, she patrolled the school, looking around for any signs of Yuri. She checked every corner of the school. There were no signs of Yuri. She then remembered. Yuri asked to go to the toilet in roll call... Could that be where she is now?

Yoona stepped into the toilets. There was no noise at all. she walked slowly and looked around. Her foot had stepped on something. She looked down, and saw an injection with green fluids inside. As she picked it up, she saw Yuri's shoes in one of the cubicles, and immediately went up to it and knocked on the door. "Yuri, is this you?"

After hearing no response, she kicked open the door, and gasped in horror. There, Yuri sat, slumped on the toilet seat, arms by her side, out.

Sorry for the long period of time I didn't update. I did not have many motives to continue this story for a while and finally decided to come back on. Hope you guys still enjoy it? I hope you guys do c:


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hkinki #1
Chapter 12: Oh no...what's going to happen ???? Please update soon !!!!!
troopers88 #2
Chapter 12: update soonnnnnnnnn authorrr
Trackstar #3
Chapter 12: I pity yoona. She doesn't deserve to be treated like this. She been lied a lot.
Trackstar #4
Chapter 11: Been waiting for this! Yoona is really caring towards yuri! When would yuri ever give her any attention? She has always been by her side. I hope she can forget seyoung. She needs to move on. When will her life take a better turn? She suffers a lot, been through a lot. I hope her life will get a better turn soon. Thanks for the update author!
Chapter 11: Regresaste autor.... buen capitulo y espero nuevamente actualización saludos ;)
Chapter 10: Whaaaaat?? I didn't know that Seyoung and Yuri were a couple!!! Aww poor my Yoongie T^T
Yuri you need to see that Yoona was always honest with you, not like Seyoung. You should love Yoona, she's so caring, lovely and sweet with you!
Yoonyul fighting!! :3

Update soon ^^
ynyltroiper #7
Chapter 10: yayy...finaly an update n seyoung cheated on yuri???i thought they were not together!!!!aarrrggh
thanks for the update...
NoviLimz #8
Chapter 8: Poor Yoona T__T
thanks for update and i'll wait the next chapter~