Beautiful Goodbye Part 8

Beautiful Goodbye


Flashback The Way You Met.
It was a sunny afternoon in Seoul. You had just finished up some shopping and you were walking through the streets carrying a few bags. You felt really good today. Walking next to you was a boy talking on his cellphone. You glanced over hearing him talk and you smiled a little. He had an amazing profile, and he seemed a little goofy. You giggled softly when you heard him laugh. He looked over hearing your giggle and you quickly turned your head the other way looking ahead so he did see you were looking at him. Hearing your ringtone you stopped walking and bent down searching through your bag you picked your phone out of your bag and answered the phone. Talking to your mom, you stopped when you noticed the boy walking next to you walk right into the street sign.
"Oh my god! I gotta go!" hanging up the phone you quickly rushed over to him who had his hand over his nose while groaning. "Are you okay?!" you asked him, looking over trying to get a look to see if he hurt him. "Who put this sign here?!" the young boy spat out kicking the sign. "Is your nose okay? You should... pay attention to where your walking." he shot you a look before sighing. "I think my nose is broken.. " he took his hand away and there was blood on his hand and nose. "Oh god it's bleeding!" he started to panic a little bit. "Let me take you to the hospital, you need to get that checked out" You looked worried and seemingly you cared alot about someone you just met. "But.. I don't like the hospital. YAH STUPID SIGN!" kicks it again but whines when he hurts his foot. "YAHHH!" You couldn't help but want to giggle at his sillyness towards the sign but you held it in.
"Let me take you okay?" Pulling out a tissue you had in your bag you gave it to him for his nose. "Put that on your nose till we get there" You offered your hand for him to take not sure why but you just did it anyways. He looked at you and your hand and then back at you. "You're.. really nice." he smiled at you and took your hand letting you take him to the hospital. Once you got to the hospital you had a decent wait so you decided to sit with him in the waiting room. "Do you need to call someone? Your parents maybe?" you asked not sure who else he could call. Shaking his head. "No. Umma will just yell at me for not looking where I was going. I'll.. tell them I got attacked!" thinking it was a genius idea. "You can tell them a sign attacked you... " you couldn't help it, it just slipped out. "Yah! whose side are you on?! Me or the Sign!?" he laughed though even though his nose was hurting pretty bad.
"Sorry. So.. your name is Jonghyun. I couldn't help but look when you filled out the paper work." he nodded. "Ne. Kim Jonghyun. What's your name?" he asked you. "___" you replied with a smile. "Oh, that's a pretty name.. and uh thanks for staying with me. You didn't have to" you smiled and blushing shyly. "It's no problem. It's not really nice to wait alone." he smiled once again. "I really thank you for staying, you don't even know me. I want to make it up to you maybe... I can take you out sometime? Where there are no signs around.... " grumbling at the thought of the deadly sign. You giggled. "That would be nice, I'd like that." he smiled, and took his phone out.
Exchanging numbers, he sent you a dorky text instantly that just said 'oh hai ^^' you giggled at the text and replied back to it. 'hai, hehe' the texting went on back and forth while the two of you sat in silence just giggling randomly at what the text's said. "My gosh, we have no lives" giggling, he laughed. Hearing his name he stood up, looking back at you he smiled. "Thanks again ___" you stood up too looking at him with a sweet smile. "Do.. you want me to go in with you?" he shook his head. "I'm fine and I don't want to keep you, you probably have things to do. If it's okay, I... can call you later?" you smiled and nodded. "I'll be looking forward to it Kim Jonghyun. I hope your nose will be okay." holding your bags close to you, you started to leave the hospital but you stopped just outside of the doors when your phone started to buzz again, looking at it. 'Bai. ^^' Reading his text you glanced over at him over your shoulder through the doors before taking your leave.
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