Beautiful Goodbye Part 2

Beautiful Goodbye


Months went by, you didn't speak you avoided him at all costs. You still talked to the other members. Key was over almost daily checking up on you. Lately Key was being a little nicer than normal, he was always nice to you but he was staying over more and would hug you and cuddle you more. You didn't complain it was nice to be around someone instead of being alone all the time. "I'm worried about you." Key said to you as he sat there your hair while you laid against him. "I'm fine Kibum" hissing at being called Kibum. "Why did you just call me that?" Not even realizing you called him that, you looked up confused. "Called you what?" blinking at him.
"Kibum.. you called me Kibum.. " you shook you head in embarassment. "Oh.. I'm sorry Key! I.. didn't even realize it." he sighed and let it go your hair still. "This is why I'm worried about you. You.. haven't been the same. I miss the old you" he confessed, pulling you into a hug. "I'm sorry.. I just don't feel like it. Maybe you should go Key.. I'm sure he's going to wonder were you've been going all this time" you didn't want to come between him and his best friend even though you enjoyed Key's company alot. "Psh. Like he can tell me what I can and can't do. He's my best friend but what he did was stupid" you felt a little better hearing him talk but not by much. 
"What he's doing is stupid" he stopped talking when he realized what he had said. "Doing... what? Is he alright?!" Yeah, you still cared about him and didn't want him hurt or anything. "He's fine.. just doing something stupid. It's nothing, don't worry about it" he said smiling at you kissing your cheek quickly. "But, I do have to go. We have some stuff to do tomorrow. I'll come see you after. Ne?" ruffling your hair a little bit as he got up off the couch. "You'll feel better soon. You need to, I need someone to go shopping with." You giggled a little. "Maybe we can go tomorrow then. I shouldn't keep myself locked in the house not doing anything" Key agree'd and smiled letting himself out of the house. You sighed but couldn't help but wonder what Key had said. What was he doing.. you wanted to know but at the same time you didn't.
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