Beautiful Goodbye Part 4

Beautiful Goodbye


Sighing to yourself as you finally decided to clean out your room. It was difficult throwing away things, everytime you picked something up that held a special memory you started to cry. Some stuff didn't make it in the box but most of it did. Staring a photo in your hand, your tears hit the photo. "Why do I still love you..?" you said softly outloud. Putting the photo in the box it was the last thing to go in. Closing it up, you took the box and left it by the front door. Not having it in you to open it and take it to the garbage just yet. Key was busy so you couldn't call him and all your friends were doing other things so you took yourself for a walk. Walking through the town, you found a small little park. Walking yourself to it, keeping to yourself with your hands stuffed in your pockets. Walking in between the trees the lake looked nice. Walking up to it, you sighed staring at it. 
"____" blinking hearing your name, slowly turning to the sound of the voice. Your eyes widened seeing him standing there. "Oh.. Jonghyun.." you spoke softly. Not really saying much of anything else, your eyes couldn't even look at him for long without feeling that twinge of hurt. Not the hurt of him cheating on you, the hurt of him being with someone else. "How... are you?" he asked, stepping closer to you. How were you? Sad. Angry. Miserable. "Good. Congrats." Forcing it out of your throat even though it wasn't at all sincere. "You know.. heh... thanks...." he didn't seem all too thrilled about it. After the break up. Jonghyun didn't know what to do. He tried to send gifts and try to make it better but you were too stubborn to accept them so he gave up. Walking around sulking he found himself getting closer to the girl he had cheated on you with. Not at all did he love her. Not one bit. Jonghyun didn't want to be alone, and he really didn't know what else to do. One day he found himself on his knee asking her to marry him. It all felt like someone else controlled him but there he was asking her. Now here he was about to marry someone he didn't love. 
"I wish you luck." Wanting his happiness was something you always wanted and if he was it made you happy but at the same time it was killing you. How badly you wanted to hug him, how badly you wanted to take in his sweet scent. "It's kinda cold out today, why aren't you wearing the coat?" Jonghyun asked you 'the' coat the one he had bought her one winter after your apartment was broken into and everything got stolen. Shrugging to his question. "I'm not cold." The only coat she wore was his and right now it was packed in a box waiting to be shipped to the dumpster. "Oh... " looking up through his lashes at you. He adored you, he was still in love with you but he just stood there not saying anything else. "I gotta go Jonghyun." Making your leave not that quick, not wanting to seem like you were trying to get out of there even though you were. Being around him was breaking your heart, not being able to be close or do anything of the sort. It was in the moment that you realized it was finally over. sighing as you walked out of the park. Jonghyun stood there watching you leave... again.  Reaching in his pocket he took out the necklace you threw at him the night you left. Holding it over his fingers he gripped it tightly. "I love you.. " he said softly even though you were no where around to hear it. 
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