Beautiful Goodbye Part 7

Beautiful Goodbye


After you returned from the airport that day. Since you sold all your stuff you had no choice but to stay in the SHINee dorm with all of them. You didn't mind and you were becoming more and more comfortable with falling asleep next to your beloved fiancee. You couldn't go a night without having him hold you in his arms. Whenever he had some SHINee business to do you found it harder to fall asleep. It was also hard to have some alone time when you lived with four other boys. You were alone in the dorm, for some reason Jonghyun managed to get the others to stay out for the night. He needed his alone time just as much as you did. Sadly you were zonked out on the couch with papers all over the place and your laptop open looking at some of the stuff you had saved that you wanted to show Jonghyun about the wedding. Jonghyun entered the dorm and smiled softly seeing you asleep on the couch.
"Yeobo.." whispering softly he closed the door softly before walking over to you. Quickly picking up all the papers and put it all neatly on the table in front of the couch. "Yeobo... Yeobo..." he said to you gently shaking your arm. Moving slightly your eyes opened looking at him you smiled. "Jonghyun.. oh.. what time is it? " he laughed. "It's not too late. I have something for you so sit up and close your eyes." smiling at you he kissed your cheek getting up and happily rushing off into his bedroom. You sat up when he left and closed your eyes. "Jonghuyn. I don't like surprises!" you shouted at him but giggled. In about a minute or two Jonghyun returned and sat next to you as he put something on the table in front of you. "Okay. Open Yeobo." Opening your eyes you gasped staring at the box you had tossed with all your memories on the table. "How... how did you.. find it?" you smiled looking at him.
"Jong.. " leaning over you kissed his cheek softly. "Amber told me what happened. I'm sorry you had to throw it all away." You smiled still looking at the box, leaning forward you opened it laying on top was the last item you placed in the box. The picture. Taking it out you held it in your hands. "You don't know how much it means to me that you... went through the trouble of finding it." You felt his hand move through your hair. "You don't know how much you mean to me." You blushed giving him a side glance. "Thank you." Leaning forward you gently pressed your lips against his kissing him softly. He gently took the picture out of your hand, putting it back in the box as he kissed you back gently pushing you back as he hovered his body over yours staring down at you. "You're so beautiful. How did I ever get so lucky." you smiled up at him. "Walking into a street sign is luck?" giggles softly. "Yah! That sign just came out of no where." pouting at you. "Sure it did. Your poor little nose." you gently poked his nose. 
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