

Sorry for changing the POV so often in this chapter ^^"



We were sitting in the bus quietly next to each other. Baro was listening to music and I was staring out of the window trying to figure out whether O should be confused, embarrassed or happy. We didn’t talk about what had happened in the shower, but I didn’t want to anyway. I wouldn’t know what to say. I was confused over myself and my actions, but this time I couldn’t just say that I was drunk as an excuse.

Totally buried in my thoughts, I shocked slightly when Baro tapped on my shoulder and I looked at him. He was giving me one of his earphones.

“Wanna hear music with me?”

I took his earphone and put it into my ear. When I heard one of my favourite songs start, I closed my eyes and smiled to myself…



Sandeul closed his eyes and smiled to himself. I leaned back my head and watched him. There were so many questions that I wanted to ask but I was afraid of the answer and I was afraid that it would destroy our friendship the way it was now. And I couldn’t get this strange kind of longing out of my head. Again and again that shower-scene played in my head…



“Do you want to talk about it?” was written in a message from Baro. I swallowed hard. I didn’t answer his message because I had no explanation for what I had done. I felt bad for not answering but before I could answer his questions, I wanted to answer my own questions…



On the next school day it felt like Sandeul was avoiding me and that really disappointed me. During lunch break I was sitting with Jinyoung at our table, waiting for him. When he entered the cafeteria he turned to another table and sat down there. We would’ve joined him there but the table where he sat was already fully occupied.

“Did you have some fight?” Jinyoung asked.

“No, not really!” I answered.

“Did something happen?”

“No, I don’t think so…” I lied.

“Then…is it because of me?”


“Did I…do something wrong?”

“I don’t think so…”

“Maybe I’ll just talk to him later!”

“Yeah, do that!”



When the break was over Baro sat down next to me and wanted to say something but the loud voice of the teacher interrupted him.

“Okay, be happy! Today we’ll watch a movie.”

The whole class cheered up and the teacher turned off the lights.

I turned to Baro and wanted to say something. Our eyes met but the words didn’t come out…


Sandeul placed his arms on the table and leaned his head on them. I couldn’t fully concentrate on the movie because I was constantly watching Sandeul. I saw the outlines of his lips and the blinking of his eyes.

I placed my arms next to his and put my head on them. Sandeul turned his head aside and although it was dark I could see his dark eyes looking into mine…



A week had passed and it seemed like everything had turned normal again. I told Jinyoung that I just didn’t feel well and he just forgot about it and turning and during lunch break we sat all on our table.

“I invited some friends over for this evening. Will you two come?” Jinyoung said. I looked at Sandeul who nodded and then said:

“I’ll be there!”

Jinyoung smiled and said:

“Hey Sandeul! You know who’ll come? Stacy! Do you want me to introduce you to her?”

“Hm? Maybe…I’m not really interested in her…”

“What? Didn’t you say…”

“Well, whatever I said I changed my mind. I’m not interested in having a relationship right now…”


“Then maybe Baro?! Maybe you’ll make a good acquaintance there!”

I laughed but didn’t say anything about that…I felt Sandeul looking at me…



When I arrived, there were about fifteen people distributed in Jinyoung’s living room and his kitchen. Some people were dancing to the music and some were just chatting on the couch. I laughed at the fact that Jinyoung invited fifteen people when he said:

‘I invited SOME friends.”

I greeted Jinyoung and some others and then searched for Baro. But when I found him, he was sitting on one of the kitchen chairs chatting with a girl. It was Stacy! She was giggling and playing around with wisps of her hair. She was totally flirty.

I returned to the living room and sat down on the couch with a cup of beer. I sighed. A girl asked me if I would dance with her. I actually wasn’t in the mood for that, but I didn’t want to be rude, so I got up and we started dancing…



Stacy and I entered the living room and I saw Sandeul dancing with a girl.

When suddenly a slow song was played, Stacy pulled me into the middle of the living room, put her arms around my neck and we started swaying around. She moved closer and out her head in my shoulder. When I turned to another direction, I saw Sandeul sitting on the couch looking sulky and lonely. Our eyes met, but he looked away…



A couple of hours later when everyone was at least a little bit drunk someone got the great childish idea of playing ‘Truth or Dare’! We all sat down in a circle. I leaned my back on the couch.

Jinyoung started.

“Okay. Stacy! Truth or Dare?”

“Dare.” She said and I saw her glancing at Baro.

“Kiss Baro!” Jinyoung said and laughed. Everyone shouted jokingly:


Stacy crawled into the middle of the circle and pulled Baro to her. I stopped breathing for a moment when Stacy pulled him into a deep kiss. I got up and left the room. I went upstairs to Jinyoung’s room. I shut the door loudly and sat down on the floor, leaning against the bed…



When I returned to my seat I noticed that Sandeul wasn’t there anymore.

“Where’s Sandeul?” I asked Jinyoung.

“He left upstairs…He probably still liked Stacy and got jealous.”

“Okay, I’ll go talk to him.” I said and got upstairs. I searched for him in all the rooms until I found him in Jinyoung’s bedroom sitting on the ground next to the bed. I entered the room, locked the door and sat down in front of him. His head hung low. I lifted his chin and looked into his eyes.

“Hey, Sandeul~ Look if you still like Stacy then I won’t take her away from you!”

“It’s not because of that….Baro?”


“Truth or Dare?”


“Do you like Stacy? I mean do you really like her?”

“I don’t know, she’s nice and pretty and so on, but…she’s not my style.”



“Then what is your style?” I asked.

“I don’t know…I guess I will have to figure that out!” he answered. I looked at him and we both hushed for a moment.



“Truth or Dare?”


“…Kiss me!” he whispered. I shocked. Did I hear that right?!

“What?” I asked confused. Baro glided closer and put his arms around my neck. I looked down.

“I…I have to know what would’ve happened if I didn’t stop you in the shower…Sandeul…this is only between you and me and if you want it will stay in this room forever.”

I looked up again, eyeballing his lips that were coming closer and closer.

“I’m sorry… but I…have to know it!”

While he was ending his sentence he pushed forward. I closed my eyes in the moment when I felt his warm perfect lips on mine, enlacing them in a way that made my heart race like it would jump out of my chest right away. He kind of pulled my lips to him, when he freed me. I didn’t open my eyes, but I felt his breath hit my skin, so I knew he was still close. I smiled sarcastically.



“Is that all?” Sandeul whispered. I slowly ran my fingers through his hair.

“That’s for sure not all that would’ve happened.” He added and we both kind of got closer at the same time. Once again our lips crashed together. I deepened the kiss and enlaced his lips again and again. His plump lips were so soft. I softly bit his bottom lip and I heard a silent moan escaping his mouth and his beautiful voice sent shivers down my spine. My heart stopped for a moment when I felt our tongues touch when I kissed him more intensively. I was almost sitting on his lap, because I had moved closer without noticing it. The way he tasted made my head spin round and round. I shocked when I suddenly heard knocks on the door. I freed him.

“Baro? Sandeul? Are you okay?” Jinyoung called through the door.

Sandeul and I looked at each other in shock, disbelief and realization...

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Zybanaswingtrophy #1
plss author nim comeback i finally got to comment
haruhisuo #2
Chapter 11: Baro needs to stop being clue less If he doesn't Sanduel is going to reach his breaking point u.u poor Deullie. Update author nim n.n
BaDeulSanRo #3
Chapter 11: waah this is sad :'( why does baro keep acting like this? isn't he in love with sandeul? :( update soon!!
Chapter 10: Thank you for the update ^.^
BaDeulSanRo #5
Chapter 9: I'm really sad :'( as what baro said.. I hope everything would get back to normal again! .. update soon~ ❤️
BaDeulcutie #6
Chapter 9: This is sad... i think sandeul is really hurt because of baro TT TT update soon ^^
BaDeulcutie #7
Chapter 8: Woaaaaa... jinyoung always disturb BADEUL momment... uuugh... update soon !!♥♥
Chapter 7: Omo..... nooo! Don't fight ㅠㅠ update soon author-nim.
BaDeulcutie #9
Chapter 7: O.M.G. Are they fight??? Oh noooooo TT TT
Dinolovehappyvirus26 #10
Chapter 7: Omg Deullie you need to wait for Baro to finish talking ~ He likes you but he doesn't know he is in love with you OTL ~