Humming in the Moonlight



I knew that we only knew each other for one week and I actually thought we’d get along well. But we didn’t seem to get along as well as I thought. I remained silent during the lunch break and it didn’t seem to disturb him. My mood became more and more sulky…

On that evening, I started to learn for school and do homework to divert myself. But I was constantly thinking about Sandeul, who was probably having the time of his life, partying with Jinyoung. Shortly after midnight, I sighed and gave up. I couldn’t concentrate anymore. I let myself fall on my bed.



My handy was vibrating. I reached out my hand, took my phone from the bedside table and answered the call.

“Hello?” I asked.

“Baro~ I’m so tired and Jinyoung doesn’t want to leave, yet. Can’t you pick me uuup?” I heard Sandeul’s voice mumble through the phone. I smiled.

“What do you mean ‘pick up’? I don’t have a car and it’s already past midnight!”

“Just walk over, it’s not that far and I don’t think I can walk home alone, I guess I’m too drunk! Just hurry up!” he said and sounded irritatingly cute.

I hesitated for a moment.


“Okay I’ll be there. Which club?”…



I was swaying on my feet from left to right in front of the club, waiting for Baro. Every few seconds I became a little dizzy, but then it was fine again.

“Sandeul!” I heard a voice call. I looked up.

“Barooo!” I called and smiled at him excitedly.

“Okay, let’s go! Where’s your house?” he asked. My smile faded. I suddenly didn’t remember anymore.

“Uh…I…don’t know.” I silently said looking at him confused.


“Sorry…I don’t remember!”

Baro started to laugh.

“Whatever, let’s go to your house! I’ll just sleep there and tomorrow I’ll remember where I live…hopefully…” I said. He laughed.

“Okay follow me!”, he then said and went along.



He was lurching behind me and started to hum a melody and finally also started singing the song that belonged to the melody. Although he was drunk and barely could talk, his voice sounded clear and beautiful. I looked up to the sky, listening to his melody, when I suddenly didn’t hear him anymore. I turned around and saw him sitting on a bench.

“What are you doing?” I asked.

“I’m so tired! I can’t walk anymore! Let’s just sleep here!” he said. I sighed. Sandeul leaned back and closed his eyes.

“Hey! Sandeul! Don’t fall asleep!” I said. Sandeul slightly opened his eyes and looked at me. I was stunned for a moment. His eyes, his gaze, his hair, his slightly parted lips, shining in the moonlight…I took a deep breath and got up, pulling him up. I put my arms around his waist to hold him up and we started to walk again.

“Come on, it’s not that far anymore!” I whispered.

“Carry me!”


“Carry me.” He repeated. I stopped. Carrying him would probably bring us home way faster than barging around, so I crouched down and piggy-backed him.

“Hold onto me tight or else you’ll fall off in your condition!” I said. Sandeul put his arms around my neck. I felt his skin. He was warm, probably because of the alcohol.

“Sandeul…why did you drink so much? Do you have any problems?” I asked silently, almost whispering.

“You sound so weird when you whisper~” he mumbled.

“It’s a mix of funny and y…” he added. I inwardly frowned.



I returned to my actual question.

“Will you answer my question? Do you have any problems? Is that why you drank so much?” I asked. He seemed to hesitate for a moment.

“No…it’s…it’s more like I’m…badly searching for a problem…”


“Nevermind…You don’t have to understand that.” He mumbled and then let his head rest on my shoulder. He sighed. I entered the gateway of our house. I opened the door with one hand, got in and closed the door behind us, still carrying him. I didn’t even think of laying him on the couch, so I straightly went upstairs to my room. I entered it and carefully laid him on the bed, without turning on the lights. The light the moon was leaving in my room was enough to at least see all silhouettes. Sandeul took a pillow and sighed heavily. I smiled and carefully took off his shoes. I placed them next to my bed and then also took off mine. I changed into sweatpants and a casual shirt and lay down next to him, covering us with the blanket. My bed wasn’t that large, but at least large enough for two people to sleep in without being crushed to death.

When I had almost fallen asleep, I heard Sandeul whisper:


“What is it? I’m tired…”

“I feel cold…” he said. I thought for a moment. Then I reached out my arm, put it around him and pulled him over to me, holding him in my arms to warm him.

“Thanks…” he said, but I was too tired to answer, so I fell asleep

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Zybanaswingtrophy #1
plss author nim comeback i finally got to comment
haruhisuo #2
Chapter 11: Baro needs to stop being clue less If he doesn't Sanduel is going to reach his breaking point u.u poor Deullie. Update author nim n.n
BaDeulSanRo #3
Chapter 11: waah this is sad :'( why does baro keep acting like this? isn't he in love with sandeul? :( update soon!!
Chapter 10: Thank you for the update ^.^
BaDeulSanRo #5
Chapter 9: I'm really sad :'( as what baro said.. I hope everything would get back to normal again! .. update soon~ ❤️
BaDeulcutie #6
Chapter 9: This is sad... i think sandeul is really hurt because of baro TT TT update soon ^^
BaDeulcutie #7
Chapter 8: Woaaaaa... jinyoung always disturb BADEUL momment... uuugh... update soon !!♥♥
Chapter 7: Omo..... nooo! Don't fight ㅠㅠ update soon author-nim.
BaDeulcutie #9
Chapter 7: O.M.G. Are they fight??? Oh noooooo TT TT
Dinolovehappyvirus26 #10
Chapter 7: Omg Deullie you need to wait for Baro to finish talking ~ He likes you but he doesn't know he is in love with you OTL ~