The Clueless Sorrow



I sighed welfare and enjoyed the softness of Sandeul's chest. When I suddenly felt his hands my hair softly I was even more calm and sleepy. I enjoyed every touch of his hand because of the way he did it. His touch felt so careful and loving and longing and the first thing I thought was that Stacy had never touched me like this, yet. It was weird to think of that now. For a short moment I thought that it felt like I was more precious to my bestfriend than to my girlfriend…but maybe she just wasn't good at expressing herself! But what worried me the most was that I felt more comfortable like this lying in Sandeul's arms than when I was with Stacy…

I was almost asleep, when I suddenly heard a sobbing, well to me it sounded like a sobbing. I wasn't sure whether I had heard it right or not, so I waited for the sound to come again. After a few seconds of silence, I heard it again.

"Sandeul?" I whispered. For a moment I heard nothing, absolutely NOTHING, as if we both had stopped breathing.

"Yes?!" he silently mumbled. I almost couldn't hear it.

"Did I wake you up?" I asked.

"No, I wasn't asleep, yet." He answered. There was a weird shiver in his words that I couldn't identify.

"Are you okay?" I asked. For a while he didn't answer.

"Why are you asking?" he finally asked. For a moment I wondered if he was avoiding to answer.

"I thought…I thought I heard you sob." I said silently. For another few seconds he didn't say anything.

"I just caught a cold, probably sounded like that…"

"Okay." I answered. I didn't think that was honest but I didn't want to bother him, now. He didn't seem to want to talk about it now and I wouldn't want to force him, now. But I couldn't stop worrying while I was falling asleep. Who or what would have made him so sad? I didn't want him to be sad and I would try to get rid of everything that was causing him to be sad. I rested my fingers next to my head on his chest slightly caressing it with my fingertips while drifting off to dreamland…



I slowly opened my eyes that were still sleepy and heavy from the endless tears I had cried until I finally was able to fall asleep. Baro's weight on my chest wasn't there anymore and when I looked around he also wasn't in the bed anymore. I felt numb and tired and I didn't want to get up. I didn't want to return to my life. I didn't want to go back to frustration every time I saw Baro or Stacy or both together. I sank back down on the pillow, sighed and closed my eyes once again but when I heard the door open I looked up. Baro entered the room carrying a bed-table full of food. I held up my body on my elbows and looked at him confused.

"Good Morning!" he said cheerfully and placed the bed-table on my waist. I sat up properly and mumbled:

"Morning…uhm…what is this?"


"For me?" I asked confused.

"Of course, for you!" he said laughed and ruffled my hair.

"Do you see anyone else in my bed?" he added. He then sat down next to me and cuddled himself underneath the blanket and said:

"Have a good meal!"

I looked at the delicious looking food. There were scrambled eggs, orange juice and other things.

"I hope you like scrambled eggs…Oh and I did freshly pressed orange juice and there's my muesli that you like so much!" he said.

I was so surprised by that nice gesture and it felt like this was something that you usually do to your girlfriend or to your lover and then I wondered if he was doing this to Stacy, too and then I was kind of said again. I looked at him and said:

"Thank you!"



His eyes were so honest when he said:"Thank you!"

I watched him eating and stole some food from time to time and I felt relieved when I saw him smile. Seemed like I succeeded in cheering him up. When he was done I took the table and brought it back to the kitchen. When I returned to my room Sandeul was out of the bed.

"Well, thanks for the breakfast I guess I'll leave now." He said. Everytime he said he'd leave without any particular reason he pulled down my mood to the lowest level.

"Why?" I asked. He nervously rubbed his neck.

"Well, there's…still a lot to do for school and I have an appointment."

"Cancel it! Come on, let's do a bestfriends' day, only you and me!"

"What about Stacy?" he asked. He looked so serious.

"She'll survive ONE day without me!" I answered. I saw in his eyes that he was still hesitating. I approached him.

"Sandeul, I don't know what bothers you so much that you cry at night and that makes you down and if you don't want to talk about it, then that's okay, but I won't watch you despair." I said. He looked at me surprised.

"I can't bear to watch you being like this so I'll do something against it! I'm your friend and I want to make you smile and laugh and feel carefree so that you won't have to think about your sorrows anymore, so please just let me ~ Don't exclude me from your life!"



"If only he knew that he's that 'sorrow' that makes me cry at night and that makes me despair." I thought. I looked down at my feet, but then nodded hoping to be able to survive this day…

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Zybanaswingtrophy #1
plss author nim comeback i finally got to comment
haruhisuo #2
Chapter 11: Baro needs to stop being clue less If he doesn't Sanduel is going to reach his breaking point u.u poor Deullie. Update author nim n.n
BaDeulSanRo #3
Chapter 11: waah this is sad :'( why does baro keep acting like this? isn't he in love with sandeul? :( update soon!!
Chapter 10: Thank you for the update ^.^
BaDeulSanRo #5
Chapter 9: I'm really sad :'( as what baro said.. I hope everything would get back to normal again! .. update soon~ ❤️
BaDeulcutie #6
Chapter 9: This is sad... i think sandeul is really hurt because of baro TT TT update soon ^^
BaDeulcutie #7
Chapter 8: Woaaaaa... jinyoung always disturb BADEUL momment... uuugh... update soon !!♥♥
Chapter 7: Omo..... nooo! Don't fight ㅠㅠ update soon author-nim.
BaDeulcutie #9
Chapter 7: O.M.G. Are they fight??? Oh noooooo TT TT
Dinolovehappyvirus26 #10
Chapter 7: Omg Deullie you need to wait for Baro to finish talking ~ He likes you but he doesn't know he is in love with you OTL ~