Sympathy or Not?!






I shocked and looked up to my angry teacher.

“Would you please stop sleeping all day and start working?! You’ll never graduate if you’re going to continue like this!” he shouted and put his hand to his forehead, shaking his head. I cleared my throat and was about to answer something, when it suddenly knocked. The teacher called:

“Come in!”

All eyes were curiously focused on the door. The door opened and a blonde guy entered the classroom. I had never seen him before.

“Oh, you must be the new student right?” the teacher asked.

“Uh…yes!” the boy answered and smiled dorky. I inwardly laughed. He looked like a beaver, because of his teeth.

“Please introduce yourself!” the teacher said.

“Hello, my name is Baro. I hope we’ll get along well!” he said. I smirked. Who names his child “Baro?! What a funny name!

“Okay Baro, please sit down next to Sandeul!” the teacher said and pointed at me. I looked up surprised.

“Just ignore him, he’s a sleepy dummy! Don’t let yourself be influenced by his laziness!”, the teacher added and the whole class laughed. Baro made his way to my table and sat down next to me. He reached out his hand and smiled once again.

“Hello, I’m Baro!” he said. I looked to the front, yawned and said:

“I know!”, without shaking his hand. From the corner of my eye, I saw him taking back his hand.

The teacher went on with his lesson and I slowly drifted off to dreamland once again…



The school bell rang and the students got up to leave. I looked aside to Sandeul, who was still asleep and whose head had fallen onto my shoulder. I carefully lifted his head and got up.

“Sandeul!” I whispered and slightly shook him. He opened his eyes.

“What is it?” he mumbled and got up.

“Damn, you’re really sleepy!” I said. Sandeul got up, took his bag and approached the door.

“Wait!” I called. He turned around and looked at me with a questioning gaze.

“What?” he asked.

“I’m a total stranger in this school. I have no idea where to go now! Can’t you help me?”, I asked. He seemed to think for a moment and then smiled.

 “Follow me, I’ll introduce you to my world…but…” he stopped and yawned once again.

“You’ll have to buy me some coffee for this first!” he added. I laughed and approached him.

“Okay let’s go!”



For the whole next week, I spent the breaks and lunch breaks with Baro, introducing him to people, telling him about school, teachers and rules and so on, and I had to admit that he wasn’t that bad or annoying. Sometimes I even thought that he was a little bit like me…

So, today once again we were spending the lunch break together. We were sitting on a table starting to eat. I unpacked my sandwich. I took off the tomato and put it on Baro’s plate. He looked at me irritated.

“Didn’t you say you like tomatoes? I don’t like’em so…” I said. We both remained silent and ate. After a while he suddenly asked.

“What about girls?”

“Hm?” I asked while chewing on my sandwich.

“Are there any hot ones? Do you have a girlfriend?”

I shrugged my shoulders.

“I don’t know I’m a single! You should judge on your own. I think it’s a thing of taste. Everyone has a different taste, so you can’t say if a girl is hot or not.”

“And what is your taste?” he then asked.

I thought about it for a moment, while still chewing and then swallowed.

“I don’t know. Never met someone who’s my taste.”

“So…you never had a girlfriend?” he asked.

“Well, yes, I had some, but it didn’t last long, so…”

Baro just nodded and we didn’t talk about it anymore.

Then suddenly Jinyoung approached us and sat down next to me with a plate full of food.

“Hey!” he said cheerfully.

“Hey.” I replied and took another mouthful of my sandwich.

“Wanna go partying tonight?” he asked.

I swallowed my food.

“Don’t know, yet.” I mumbled.

“Come on, you already said no the last time I asked you!” Jinyoung said and playfully hit my shoulder.

“Okay. Will you pick me up?

“Sure! 20:30?” he asked.

“Okay.” I answered. Jinyoung left. My eyes met Baro’s. He looked a little bit pouty. Then I realized that I could’ve asked Baro to join us, but…I guess it was too late now, anyway, so I shut my mouth and kept eating…

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Zybanaswingtrophy #1
plss author nim comeback i finally got to comment
haruhisuo #2
Chapter 11: Baro needs to stop being clue less If he doesn't Sanduel is going to reach his breaking point u.u poor Deullie. Update author nim n.n
BaDeulSanRo #3
Chapter 11: waah this is sad :'( why does baro keep acting like this? isn't he in love with sandeul? :( update soon!!
Chapter 10: Thank you for the update ^.^
BaDeulSanRo #5
Chapter 9: I'm really sad :'( as what baro said.. I hope everything would get back to normal again! .. update soon~ ❤️
BaDeulcutie #6
Chapter 9: This is sad... i think sandeul is really hurt because of baro TT TT update soon ^^
BaDeulcutie #7
Chapter 8: Woaaaaa... jinyoung always disturb BADEUL momment... uuugh... update soon !!♥♥
Chapter 7: Omo..... nooo! Don't fight ㅠㅠ update soon author-nim.
BaDeulcutie #9
Chapter 7: O.M.G. Are they fight??? Oh noooooo TT TT
Dinolovehappyvirus26 #10
Chapter 7: Omg Deullie you need to wait for Baro to finish talking ~ He likes you but he doesn't know he is in love with you OTL ~