YoonA Is The Devil

Oppa, Wait A Minute! (Sequel to Princess 7)


After the dinner incident, I avoided Taec. I thought that as long as I wasn’t near him, I wouldn’t feel the forbidden butterflies. I love DongHae, not Taec. Taec’s just a really good friend. Just a good friend.

Miss A. was preparing for another promotion of ‘Breathe’ when JinYoung-seonsaengnim walked in. 2PM was close behind. I panicked and dashed to the bathroom after muttering some nonsense about taking a call from my mom. A few minutes later, I stealthily walked out and ran into the one person I was running from.

“Well, the bathroom’s open. Check ya later.” I quickly spat out before making my escape. Mission failed. Taec gently pulled me back.

“Hey, what’s up with you? You’ve been avoiding me for weeks. I was only teasing that night, you know?”

“Uh, yeah. I know. I’ve just been busy.” I was lying and he knew, but he took it anyway.

“Alright well. I’ll see you later.” He walked back to the training room. When had I become such a liar?


After practice, I got a text from EunHee saying that DongHae was discharged from the hospital. The only battle wound that showed that he had ever been in the accident was his broken right arm. I sighed in relief. I wanted to call him, but Lee SooMan would probably be checking his phone bill.

I took the elevator up to my floor and found an unpleasant surprise. YoonA was waiting outside my dorm. Even though we were cool now, I still didn’t want to deal with her. I took the elevator back down and hid in the practice room at the back.

I decided to practice some of my songs. I mean, I was going back to SM Ent very soon. It’s been nearly a month now. Fans are dying for our comeback and I’m dying to go home. I flipped backwards and smashed into someone. HARD. I groaned and I rolled over. YoonA had found me.

“Yah. Didn’t you see me?!” she yelled as she dusted herself off.

“You were the one standing behind me! Didn’t you see me?” I turned the track off and looked at her. “What did you want?”

“You’re not as hostile. That’s good. I found out something you’d love to hear about.” She sat on the table near the door. “I figured out who told on you and DongHae-oppa.”

“”Oh, really? Who?”

“I’m not telling that easily. What do you have to give me?” I rolled my eyes.

“YoonA, I’m not playing into your games. You tell me or you don’t. Either way, I don’t care.” I grabbed my duffel bag and was almost out the door.

“What if I told you it was TaecYeon?”



A/N: Chapter 6 & 7 were originally one chapter, but I felt that since so much was going on, I'd split them up. I'll post Chapter 7 lator on tonight. :) Comments would be nice. Should I post it tonight or tomorrow afternoon? Enjoy. ^u^

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phia122093 #1
No thank you sooooo much for reading!!! ^u^ and lol no one's ever called me unnie, thank you for that, too! :D
BabyMin #2
It was just so *whisper* BEAUTIFUL *sniff sniff* even after all the ups and downs our Maknae got her cat...er...man(: Gomawo for writing, Unnie!!
phia122093 #3
Awww seriously? Thank you so much! It really means a lot to me! :') I'm already working on 3 other fics and the third part of this series is in the works ^u^ Thank you for commenting. Readers like you make it all worthwhile. :)
Madmusic #4
This is such a cute fanfiction (and the first one), even if you don't have many subscribers please keep writing ^^. Maybe you could extend your next fanfic-- i'd love to read about more details!! :) really good job!
phia122093 #5
Awww thank you so much! ^u^ and yeah, I love to throw twists in all over the place! :)
Cutie_Pie #6
Anyway, love the Bonus Chappie! :D
Cutie_Pie #7
Omo! I can't believe Donghae would end up with Eunhyuk! >< <br />