Vacation? What Vacation?

Oppa, Wait A Minute! (Sequel to Princess 7)

So my college classes finished 2 days ago and I haven't felt any motivation to post. I'm kind of doing this chappie out of obligation to my ONE subscriber. Thank you so much for subscribing by the way! ^u^ I just hope I get more in the future. :/



*Ring Ding Dong! Ring Ding Dong!*

I groggily reached for my phone and picked it up.


“DaeSa, this is your manager. Report to the SM Building. The van will be there in 30 minutes.” And she promptly hung up. I got up and got dressed. I hope I don’t have to work during vacation.


I arrived at the building an hour later and went up to Lee SooMan’s office. This couldn’t be good. Once the elevator doors opened and my eyes fell on DongHae, I knew my vacation would be obliterated.

We both walked cautiously into our boss’s office. Lee SooMan’s face was bright red with anger.

“Who said it was suddenly okay for you to date each other?” I shrank away as his voice rang out, DongHae stood in front of me, trying to shield me.

“Sir, it’s my fault. I should know better.” Lee SooMan paced, mulling over the statement in his head.

“DaeSa, you will temporarily join JYP Entertainment.”

“Wha?!” DongHae and I exclaimed.

“It’s either that or you will have to leave SM Ent forever.”

I looked at DongHae, who was donning the saddest face of life. I couldn’t bear being away from him after going through so much together. I looked at Lee SooMan.

“Ok, I’ll do it.” He smirked.

“Also, you may not talk to DongHae or any other SuJu member and you must work hard enough for JYP Ent to show me you are committed to staying signed with the SM Family.”

“Yes, sir.” This was hardly a man I could call family.


1 week later (no vacation)

SM Ent and JYP announced that Suzy Bae and I would do an idol-exchange program. It was mostly done for Suzy, who had rumors of her and 2AM’s JinWoon dating circulating and hopefully the distance would clean up her image. My image, on the other hand, was clean. The only people who knew the truth were SuJu and Lee SooMan. Well, also, YoonA who had obviously told the head haunch after I didn’t buy her computer chord. And that was the only perk of all this, I wouldn’t see YoonA anymore! Cha-ching!

After saying a hundred goodbyes to EunHee and then twoo hundred more for the rest of the girls, I set off for the JYP building across town.


After getting settled in the Miss A dorm, I cooked a little cake for them and then, went down to the practice room towards the back. I had to learn the choreography for Miss A’s singles, ‘Bad Girl Good Girl’ and ‘Breathe’ in 2 days.

After finishing BGGG, I geared into ‘Breathe’, but was startled by a person dancing along with me. I whipped around and breathed a sigh of relief.

“Taec, don’t scare me like that!”

“Nuh uh uh. It’s seonbae now.” He said, smiling like a dork. “Either that or oppa.”

“Fine, seonbae. What are you doing here? Don’t you have a schedule?”

“Nope. Just finished recording for Dream High, so I’m off for the rest of the afternoon. Have you been watching it?”

“Of course. Kim SooHyun-sshi’s character, Sam Dong, is so adorable.”

“Is that so?” he had on a ‘What about me?’ face. I decided to a little.

“And WooYoung oppa-.”

“You call him, oppa?”

“Yes. Now stop interrupting. He’s an amazing actor. I mean, his Jason character is nothing like the OPPA I know. And his English is perfect. Almost better than yours.”

“Yah.” His ears were turning bright red.

“And the guy who plays InSung, your character’s friend, is super funny. I think he should’ve been a lead.”

“Isn’t there someone you’re forgetting?”

“Hmmm.....Hmmm.” I scratched my chin. “Nope! Now, if you don’t mind. I need to get back to practice.”

“Fine be that way.”

“Seonbae!” I yelled, just as he reached the door. “That JinGook guy is pretty hot. I wonder who plays him.”

I the music and went back to practice, but not before seeing Taec’s face turn apple red.


By the time, I finished my shower and started dinner, my Miss A unnies had returned from their hrd day of work. I greeted them warmly.

“Welcome Home! Dinner’s almost ready.” Jia instantly smiled and gave me a big hug.

“Kamsahamnida, dongsaeng.” Jia exclaimed and Fei smiled.

“Want some help with dinner?” Min said, already checking on the stew.

“Yeah. You guys can set the table and I’ll bring in the food in a minute.”

“Kay, DaeSa!” they said in unison and dispatched off to their respective places.

After a few minutes, the stew was finished boiling and the rice had been spooned into individual bowls. I placed the food on the table and they dug in. While they were preoccupied, I went to get the cake I baked earlier.

“Omo! Cake, too! DaeSa you’re so cool!” Jia said, smiling.

“Kamsahamnida!” They said in unison.

“After dinner, I offered to do the dishes, but they efficiently kicked me out of the kitchen.

“Dae, come on. I’ll show you to your room.” I followed Min down the hall to a room with a single bed. “We thought since you were our guest, you could have the single room.”

“Chinchayo?” She nodded and I hugged her. “Kamsahamnida! Seriously thank you, unnie!”

“Your welcome. Put your stuff down, so we can watch some TV. We only have practice scheduled for tomorrow.”

“Ok.” I seriously think I’m going to like it here. Well, that’s what I thought until I saw the news a couple days later.


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phia122093 #1
No thank you sooooo much for reading!!! ^u^ and lol no one's ever called me unnie, thank you for that, too! :D
BabyMin #2
It was just so *whisper* BEAUTIFUL *sniff sniff* even after all the ups and downs our Maknae got her Gomawo for writing, Unnie!!
phia122093 #3
Awww seriously? Thank you so much! It really means a lot to me! :') I'm already working on 3 other fics and the third part of this series is in the works ^u^ Thank you for commenting. Readers like you make it all worthwhile. :)
Madmusic #4
This is such a cute fanfiction (and the first one), even if you don't have many subscribers please keep writing ^^. Maybe you could extend your next fanfic-- i'd love to read about more details!! :) really good job!
phia122093 #5
Awww thank you so much! ^u^ and yeah, I love to throw twists in all over the place! :)
Cutie_Pie #6
Anyway, love the Bonus Chappie! :D
Cutie_Pie #7
Omo! I can't believe Donghae would end up with Eunhyuk! >< <br />