Patience Is A Virtue-Final

Oppa, Wait A Minute! (Sequel to Princess 7)


I absolutely love this pic of Taec. :) Except for the fact that he's wearing a cast. -_-' It's been there for over a month and no one has reported anything on it. I just realized this is the same ep of Star King that I got my profile's gif from. I love his hair as well! Enough rambling now. Onto Chappie Ten! :)


The gala that night was a sad affair. I found myself skipping out on ChangMin. Poor guy was dateless after only 20 minutes. I changed into some plain clothes and slipped out the back of the SM Ent Building. After 2 buses and a subway ride, I arrived at the JYP Building. I strolled around outside until I bumped into someone.

“Oh, I’m so sorry. I should’ve been paying attention.”

“It’s ok. Wait, Fallon?” I paused and looked up.

*Hey, Taec. What’s up?*

*I thought you hated me. Why are you here?* He led me inside and to the elevator.

*I came to see Jia-unnie.*

*Then, why were you pacing outside?* We stepped inside when the doors opened and he pressed the 15 button.

*Fine! I was here to see you! DongHae told me the truth. Why did you think it would hurt me less that you betrayed me versus DongHae.*

*Did it?*

*No. My heart ached just the same* If not more.

*Really?* We exited, but didn’t head towards his dorm.

*Yeah, you’re my English buddy.*

*Just a buddy?* I sighed, shaking my head.

*I’m going back to the States to perform for SM Town LA. It’ll be a few weeks before I see you again.*

*I’ll wait for you.*

*But you’ve waited for me for so long. Don’t you want to move onto someone better?*

*You’re the one I want. A few more weeks won’t change anything. Just call me when your flight comes in so I can be the first one to welcome you home.* Somehow, we had wandered to his apartment door. He unlocked it, but before he could turn the knob, I planted a kiss on his cheek.

*I’ll wait for you, too, oppa.* He smiled and pulled me into a hug.


SM Town LA went off perfectly. Thousands of fans flooded in each night. I even had a chance to see my mother, who flew in for the weekend. Princess 7 was the first to make it to LA and we’d be the last to fly out. The only difficulty of the whole trip was TaecYeon. The pessimist in me didn’t want to believe that any man wasn’t a traitor.

The plane touched down at 3 in the morning. Fans had already gone home hours before when our seonbaes came through. We grabbed our bags off the baggage claim belt and headed outside to wait for our manager to bring the van around. There were a few taxis whizzing by and a few scattered smokers loitering around. I sighed. He hadn’t-

*These past few weeks were hell. Please don’t make me wait any longer!* I felt a set of strong muscular arms secure themselves around my waist and a head gently rest on my shoulder as the familiar aegyo rang through my ears. *Fallon-ah, what’s wrong?*

*You came…* I whispered, pulling him into a hug. When I leaned back, he wiped a tear from my cheek and kissed my forehead.

*Of course, I did. Big baby.* I giggled and nuzzled into his chest. We were in a smoke infested, dirty, grungy airport and yet, this moment was more perfect than I could’ve ever imagined.



I know DaeSa is moving kind of quickly back into a relationship, but I honestly had no idea what to do with the ending. The next chapter is really cute I think even though it's kind of a bonus chappie. It'll be my gift to you guys before I have to go back to school that next day.^u^ I almost forgot to post tonight. I got a raging headache after pigging out at Red Lobster, but I felt I needed to post for my wonderful subscribers. Off to bed I go now. Annyeong!! Comment, Subscribe, and Enjoy!




Poll for the third fan fic. The poll closes in Saturday, August 27th, 2011. :) 

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phia122093 #1
No thank you sooooo much for reading!!! ^u^ and lol no one's ever called me unnie, thank you for that, too! :D
BabyMin #2
It was just so *whisper* BEAUTIFUL *sniff sniff* even after all the ups and downs our Maknae got her Gomawo for writing, Unnie!!
phia122093 #3
Awww seriously? Thank you so much! It really means a lot to me! :') I'm already working on 3 other fics and the third part of this series is in the works ^u^ Thank you for commenting. Readers like you make it all worthwhile. :)
Madmusic #4
This is such a cute fanfiction (and the first one), even if you don't have many subscribers please keep writing ^^. Maybe you could extend your next fanfic-- i'd love to read about more details!! :) really good job!
phia122093 #5
Awww thank you so much! ^u^ and yeah, I love to throw twists in all over the place! :)
Cutie_Pie #6
Anyway, love the Bonus Chappie! :D
Cutie_Pie #7
Omo! I can't believe Donghae would end up with Eunhyuk! >< <br />