The Snitch That Never Was

Oppa, Wait A Minute! (Sequel to Princess 7)


The next afternoon Miss A and 2PM were performing on Inkigayo. We were waiting backstage, watching SNSD perform on the television screen. Tonight was the first night I’d be performing with Miss A and all I can think about is DongHae. The news had said he was still in the hospital, but was he awake now? How bad was he injured? Could he even sit up to eat?

I sighed and pulled out my phone. I went on Twitter and found my salvation. Wookie had posted a pic of my Fishy. He was smiling amidst his obvious pain, but his smile was genuine. The caption read:

“Hae’s metabolism must be working hard because he hasn’t gained any extra weight. Fishy’s metabolism hwaiting.” [sidenote: Daesa means metabolism in Korean. ;)]

I couldn’t help but smile. Fishy was recovering and he hadn’t forgotten me.

The stage hand called Miss. A to go onstage. We positioned ourselves, waiting for the music to start. Hae hadn’t forgotten me even though the distance. If our love could last, anything, and I mean ANYTHING, was possible. The back track started and we geared into one of the best performances of ‘Breathe’.


When we got backstage, 2PM was getting ready to go onstage. I hugged Channie, wishing him good luck as the stage hand led them to the stage.

I dabbed at my forehead, which was covered in sweat, as JunSu began ‘I’ll Be Back’. My mouth dropped as they danced. It was just! I stared at the TV screen with a glazed look in my eye.

Tonight was their comeback and boy, was it amazing. Channie, JunHo, JunSu, and WooYoung sang their parts perfectly. Taec’s and NichKhun’s raps were daebak as well. I jealously wanted to be on stage doing the dance myself.

When their set finished, all the groups were called on stage to announce the winner of this week’s music chart competition. It came down to Hoot and I’ll Be Back. The 5 seconds before the winners were announced were the longest of life. Finally, 2PM was called and the crowd erupted in cheers.

JunHo took the mic and made his thank you speech while Taec started tearing up. After they all said ‘Thank you! Kamsahamnida!’ Channie pulled me into a giant bear hug while the others bowed and thanked their seonbaes. Taec walked over, wiping his eyes, as Channie disappeared back stage.

“Awww come here. Big baby.” I held my arms out and he hugged me. He started bawling and shaking. I leaned back and searched his face. “Oppa, what’s wrong?”

“I’m just so happy you were here to see this. I want you to see me as a huge success, not the loser I am.”

“Awww, Taec. You’re not a loser. I have never ever thought of you like that. Don’t cry.” I wiped some of my own tears away. “I have never been more proud of you. Remember that, okay?”

“Okay.” I lead him off stage and to the bathroom so he could wash his face and hopefully, feel better. While I was waiting outside, YoonA walked out of the girls’ restroom. I glared at her.

“What?” she said, sneering. We were the only ones in the hallway. There was no need for fake respect.

“You told Lee SooMan. It was you, wasn’t it?”

“Told him about what?” she sincerely looked puzzled.

“You told him about what you’ve been blackmailing me for months about.” I almost whispered in fear that someone might still understand the situation.

“Nope. Wasn’t me.”

“What do you mean?”

“Sunny-unnie bought me a new cord the next day, so I didn’t need to tell Lee SooMan. In fact, I was never planning on telling him. I just wanted to see how far you’d go. I’m a to you, but I’m not completely heartless. Bye bye dongsaeng. Come see me IF you come back to SM. Maybe now we can be friends.” She stalked off. Wow. Mean girls in Korea were way crazy. At least in America, they didn’t play long complicated mind- tricks. 2PM’s manager turned the corner just after YoonA disappeared. He asked me to bring Taec with Miss. A since we were going to celebrate 2PM’s big win. I nodded and waited for Taec to come out.


In the car ride over to the restaurant, Taec fell asleep in my lap. His eyes were still red. I brushed the hair back off of his forehead and sighed. Taec never seemed like the insecure type. I felt bad for even making him ever believe that he was even close to being a loser.

“Is he okay?” Min asked, turning around to look at him.

“Yeah, I think he was a little overwhelmed. Maybe he’ll feel better after he eats.” Oppa, you’re beginning to scare me.


When we reached the restaurant, the food was already ordered. Everyone started eating when we sat down. I sat in between Channie and Jia with Taec across from me. He ate a little, so no one would worry, but I knew him better. I sent him a text.

(Oppa, please eat. You’re worrying me. Your performance was amazing and you were the coolest guy on stage.^v^)

He read it and smiled. He looked up at me and I smiled.

(You’re gonna have to feed me though.)

(Switch with Jia. Big baby.)

He switched with Jia, who had been yelling across the table to Fei in Chinese. I made a lettuce pocket from the samgyeopsal and held it out to him. He gently took my wrist and pulled it close to his face. We made eye contact and he pushed the food into his mouth. My finger lightly brushed his bottom lip. I instantly blushed and leaned back into ChanSung.

“Dae, move over a little. You’re blocking my eating arm.” I excused myself from the table and went to the bathroom. My heart was pounding.


Taec’s POV

I’m sorry, Fallon, but I can’t hold back these feelings anymore. DongHae, you finally have some competition.



A/N: So I fell alseep listening to Infinite's new album, Over The Top, and I dreamed about holding hands with HoYa. That's really weird because my bias is DongWoo and my second fave is WooHyun. In fact, when I first saw Infinite, I liked HoYa the least. It was even weirder cuz I held his hand and it was super warm. They kinda fit perfectly....................................O.o I feel like I cheated on DongWoo, too. He was there at the beginning of the dream, but then gone when HoYa took my hand. Ugh. >.< Wae, HoYa, WAE?! Anyways, enjoy the chappie. I'll be putting up Chappie 6 this afternoon. :)

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phia122093 #1
No thank you sooooo much for reading!!! ^u^ and lol no one's ever called me unnie, thank you for that, too! :D
BabyMin #2
It was just so *whisper* BEAUTIFUL *sniff sniff* even after all the ups and downs our Maknae got her Gomawo for writing, Unnie!!
phia122093 #3
Awww seriously? Thank you so much! It really means a lot to me! :') I'm already working on 3 other fics and the third part of this series is in the works ^u^ Thank you for commenting. Readers like you make it all worthwhile. :)
Madmusic #4
This is such a cute fanfiction (and the first one), even if you don't have many subscribers please keep writing ^^. Maybe you could extend your next fanfic-- i'd love to read about more details!! :) really good job!
phia122093 #5
Awww thank you so much! ^u^ and yeah, I love to throw twists in all over the place! :)
Cutie_Pie #6
Anyway, love the Bonus Chappie! :D
Cutie_Pie #7
Omo! I can't believe Donghae would end up with Eunhyuk! >< <br />