The New Equation

Wedding Chaos

Chapter 5

Kim Jongdae is not an ordinary reporter. She goes by the name of Chen in her every writings and blogs, making the readers think that she is a male and she can go hunting for news every where. She is sharp, fast and invisible and she will get whatever news she wants and right now she is hunting Kai, the new star and Huang Zitao, the biggest entertainment agency owner’s daughter. She is sure as hell that there is something’s going on with those two and she will get the news first.

After following them to a café which she found out is Zitao’s she then follows them to an apartment complex. She smirks looking at Jongin, opening the door for Zitao and hands the doorman his car key. They walk inside and Jongdae is almost screaming for her discovery, taking out her smart phone to take a blurry picture. This will do, her blog reader will love it nonetheless. She then reaches for her note and start scribbling while giggling.

“Oh, isn’t it just precious? Kai and Huang Zitao are probably living together, or this probably Kai’s home but she sleeps over?” She giggles at it and looks at the door. “I am going to wait here” She said with determination. She has to know if one of them will come out or not, if not her first assumption will be 90% proved.

After few hours waiting, Jongdae starts feeling sleepy. She checks her watch and it’s already 3 am. Oh, how much she loves writing about scandal like this. She turns on her car engine and decides that it’s enough for now, she’ll come again in the morning after few hours sleep.

She doesn’t sleep after arriving home like she planned. She heads to her computer and turns it on. She is too excited to sleep anyway and who need sleep when you have something great to write? While waiting for the computer she turns on the coffee machine while humming happily. After a well deserve coffee, she sits in front of the computer.

“Well, let see what I got”

She plugs her camera at the laptop and checks all the pictures. She stops at one picture, a picture of  Jongin and Zitao snapping pictures in the car before leaving the agency. What caught her attention is a man caught in the corner of the picture, in a car, a car away from Jongin’s, with a car window down, staring at what might be Jongin and Zitao.

“Well, hello there stalker”

 Jongdae checks the other pictures for that guy and she grins widely when she founds a picture of Zitao’s café. She was capturing the whole café from outside and there is that black car again, with a same man from earlier getting out of the car. Jongdae zooms the picture and put both pictures side by side, looking at the man. Jongdae doesn’t believe in mere coincidence and right now she is 100% sure there is something going on.

“Who are you? Why are you stalking them? Well, I’ll just need to check it in the morning then. Who know we’ll meet again, cute stalker”


Jongdae knows she can’t get into the apartment complex, but who knows right? She is pretty and a little seducing won’t hurt. It’s not like it’s her first time doing it, she’s been sleeping around just to get information and that’s why readers always wait for Chen’s next story. She is just fabulous like that. She is walking confidently to the door man and gives him a smirk. What she doesn’t expect is a man walking out of the door, smiling a t the doorman with a newspaper in hand, a man with a shirt and a training pant whom Jongdae’s extremely knows because she was staring at his picture until she fall asleep 2 hours ago. Her grins widen and she skips to them.

“Hello boys” Both man look at her and Jongdae just smile and she can see the door man is racking his eyes at her.

“Can I help you miss?” The stalker instead of the door man asked her. She gives him an innocent look, she’s been practicing a lot to pull it off.

“I am curious, is this really Kai’s home? I am such a big fan of him” She sighs dreamily to add some effect and then looks at the cute stalker. The stalker then gives the door man a look and the door man then moves inside the building. Well, wasn’t that interesting? The cute stalker then faces her again and Jongdae immediately schools her face back to innocent and smiles.

“And may I know what business you have with Mr. Kim?”

“And may I know why do you want to know?”

The cute stalker stares at her before giving her a defeated yes.

“I know it! By the way, do you know any idea about his girlfriend?”

“What’s your business with Ms. Huang?” The cute stalker spitefully asked her. She smirks and plays with her purse.

“Ah, yes, you are right, Ms. Huang Zitao. You are not that slow about celebrity scandal.”

Jongdae gives him a confident look and the cute stalker’s shocked a moment before giving her a polite smile.

“I am really sorry Miss-“

“Jongdae. Kim Jongdae” She cuts and the cute stalker stares at her before regaining composure.

“Okay, Ms. Kim, if you have no pass to enter or any other business here, please leave, it’s still early for the security to drag away some odd fan”

Jongdae pouts slightly at him, not caring about what he said, she had faced lots of things before and a weird cute stalker who acts like a bodyguard here can’t stop her from getting what she wants.

“You are so rude, Sir. By the way, isn’t it a common courtesy for someone to introduce their selves to other when other does the same? I told you my name, you should do the same. Let’s start again”

Jongdae shoots her hand for the cute stalker. “I am Kim Jongdae”

The cute stalker gives Jongdae a weird look and stares at her hand. Jongdae juts her hand out more for him to shake. The cute stalker sighs before grabbing Jongdae’s hand for a firm hand shake.

“I am Suho” The cute stalker, Suho, tries to pull from her grip but Jongdae holds tighten.

“Nice to meet you Suho” She said before letting go and smiles. Suho stares at her cautiously because he can feel something bad about this woman and that smile, Suho shudders looking at it. She seems too pleased.

Jongdae puts her hair behind her ear, looking at the building behind Suho before let out the question.

“So, tell me Suho, is Ms. Huang upstairs with Kai?”

Suho almost flames at this rude woman. “It’s none of your business, Miss, now, please just leave calmly”

“Well look at you, acting like a big scary bodyguard. Why are you mad of my question?” Jongdae fake a confused look and then smirks at him. “Ah, I know why. You are afraid of public knowing this news right? A new rising star Kai already sharing a flat with his girlfriend, a bad publication,  maybe not for Kai because it will surely getting him in headlines and spotlight, but for Ms. Huang? Ah, if it goes out like this, I am pretty sure she’ll be stressed by it, especially from Kai’s fans. I heard that sasaeng fans are really bad nowadays”

She looks at him with a worried look but who ever see it won’t believe it. She is grinning and too happy to be worried. Suho feels like his patience is really running out.

“Who are you? What is your business here?”

“I told you already, I am Jongdae, Kai’s big fan”

“You are one of the sasaeng fans, right? If you want to go meet Kai, well, I am sorry to disappoint you, but I won’t allow it. So please just leave.”

Jongdae clucked her tongue and walks closer to Suho. Suho backs away a bit and she is already in his personal space, lips next to his ear. Suho feels like his heart is ready to burst anytime.

“Well, I am not disappointed. I’ll see you around some other time, Suho” The way she whispered his name makes him shiver. He is going to push her but she is already walking away, hips swaying. Suho groans while hitting his head with the newspaper in his hand.


Zitao wakes up to a half Jongin hugging her like a pillow. She tries to sit up but the dizziness and Jongin’s grip on her makes her fall down again. She groans and pushes Jongin but the grip gets even tighter. Zitao glares at the supposed-to-be-asleep Jongin and whispers at him with a raspy voice.

“If you don’t stop groping me, I’ll kick you in the ball Kim Jongin!”

Jongin opens his eyes and has the gut to grin at her, so Zitao pushes him again and he rolls on the bed, while Zitao tries to sit again, rubbing her head.

“What the hell happen last night?” she asked and Jongin with one hand supporting his head looks at her with a spark in his eyes. Zitao hates that spark.

“Can’t you guess?” Jongin motions to his half state body and Zitao rolls her eyes.

“Please, I’m not that dumb to have drunk with you”

“Why? You were so drunk and heartbroken and I’m just that irresistible with my entire chocolate abs”

Jongin flexes his stomach and Zitao still has the energy to kick him, making Jongin stumble of the bed. Before Zitao can lunge at him once again for laughing hard, the door opened with a bang. Luhan raises his eyebrow at Jongin who’s still on the floor.

“The hell are you doing there? I told you to wake her up, not to make out with the floor!”

Jongin groans and stands up, looking at Zitao.

“Baby, we are a couple, you can’t just kick me from the bed like that..” Jongin grins and walks out of the room fast to save himself from Zitao. Zitao pouts and Luhan hands her a glass of water and some pills.

“Drink up, it’ll lessen your hangover”

Zitao takes the glass and smiles at him. Luhan just gives her that weird grin that makes him look ugly.

“I didn’t know you are such a touchy drunk. No wonder Sehun never allowed you to drink much. Good thing I was here, if not Jongin would surely have you for supper.”

Luhan grins and Zitao groans, she did try to seduce Jongin, well that’s just disgusting.

“Shut up! Never mention what happened last night again, especially not to Sehun” Zitao glares at him. “Did Sehun come home already?”

Luhan stops his grin and gives her a concern look before shaking his head but then Zitao’s eyes are already misty. He fixes a smile for her.

“Maybe he’s too tired and head home immediately? Why don’t you check your house?”

There is a hopeful glint at Zitao’s eyes.

“You think he’ll be home?”

“Where else would he be at?”

Zitao smiles and standing up, going to gather her things with Luhan following her. Jongin is eating cereal on the couch with the TV on. He grins looking at Zitao, pointing at the TV.

“Look at that, baby. The plan’s working!”

Zitao stops from reaching her phone which is weirdly stack on the cupboard over the sink to watch the TV. It’s about her and Jongin, a picture of the holding hand while walking out of her café yesterday with a caption ‘Rising Star Kai Dating The Multibillionaire HanGeng’s Daughter’

Zitao shrugs her shoulder and goes back to retrieve her phone. She turns it on and maybe hoping to find Sehun’s answer to the dozen’s call and texts she sent last night before getting her drunk . Her smile falters when she found none. She sighs but still with a positive mind, maybe Luhan’s right, maybe Sehun’s already at home, on their bed, sleeping his tiredness away. She smiles again and walks to the door, finding her self feeling a bit better, maybe she’ll cook something nice for breakfast, Sehun will surely love it.

“Hey, don’t forget our date later okay!”

She throws out an okay to Jongin before disappearing to her house.

She enters her house pin hurriedly and practically runs inside. What she doesn’t expect is there are three people in Sehun’s and her house, and none of them is Sehun. She looks around and Minseok is cooking with Sehun’s and her stove, Joonmyeon is drinking coffe from Sehun’s mug and that good for nothing Kris is watching the news, sitting on Sehun’s and her couch. She is fuming but none of the people there cares. Minseok is smiling at her, waving her spatula.

“Welcome home, Zitao. What do you want for breakfast?”

Zitao glares at her but Minseok is undeterred by it.

“What are you people doing at my house? Where is Sehun? Did you chase him away?” This time she is glaring at Joonmyeon.

“Well, you did remember that we are living here from now on right? Your Grandfather’s word, of course” Minseok answered, still smiling. “And for Sehun, no he’s not here. Oh, but by the way he called I guess, why don’t you go check the voice mail and after that you can decide what you want for breakfast. I am a decent cook, you know.”

Zitao really wants to the vase next to her at the cute older woman, but first thing first, she reaches for the phone which is located next to the couch where Kris is sitting. He’s just sitting there, muting the TV staring at her, peacefully. Zitao scowls at him and presses the phone to her ear, back facing Kris. She listens to Sehun’s voice and the more she listens the more she’s sniffling. She pulls the phone away from her ear, staring at it in disdain and let out a tired laugh. Her tears flood her face without her noticing it.

Minseok stops her cooking and Joonmyeon looks at her. Kris beaks the silent cry by trying to touch her cheek, making Zitao jump. She back pedal and glares at him and then throw the phone at Kris’ direction before moving to her room, slamming the door shut. Everybody just freezes at their spot, silently listening to her sobs.

Kris stares at the phone which is lying next to his feet. He picks it up and press the button, letting Sehun’s voice fills his ear.

Hey baby. You didn’t pick up the phone so I left a message instead. Are you still with Jongin? Well, I have something to tell you, it looks like there’s a slight change of plan. I am at Jeju right now to finalize the contract with Mr. Choi. This whole contract is driving me crazy what not with the Park interfering. We can’t let them play with the company again, right baby? Well, I’ll be staying here for few days and maybe you can stay with Luhan and Jongin for the time being? Because, you know, I don’t want that guy tries something funny at you while I am gone and don’t worry about me because I’m going with Yixing, so take care okay? I’ll call you later after the meeting. By the way, can you not calling me while I’m in the meeting? The contract is really important for the company, you understand, right? Okay, I’ll see you in few days. Love you.’

The line then goes dead as Kris stares at the phone.

“What happen?” Joonmyeon tries to ask from his seat at the kitchen stool. Kris just shakes his head. He looks solemn from the outside but he is actually fuming. He scoffs and curses Sehun in his head. From Zitao’s reaction earlier, Kris is pretty sure Zitao had no idea about Sehun’s trip. Kris can imagine a fidgeting Zitao, trying to call Sehun last night in panic after her Grandfather’s announcement. She must be worried for him but the stupid Oh Sehun just calmly told her that he is in a ing  Jeju island with his pretty secretary. Moreover, her so called husband told her not to call? Is the meeting really more important than his wife? Zitao doesn’t deserve to be treated like this.

He stands in front of Zitao’s door, knuckle ready to knock when he heard Zitao’s sob from inside. He glares at nothing in particular and decide to just wrench open the door. He is met with a pillow heading his way with Zitao screaming.

“Go away!”

He picks the pillow and walks to the bed with Zitao still a sobbing mess on it. He really want to reach her face, wiping her tears away, hugging her until she stops crying, but it doesn’t seem like a wise move for now. He resists the temptation to do so and sits on the edge of the bed.

“What are you doing here? Go away, you jerk! You are not accepted here, go back to Canada or something. Leave me alone!” Zitao sniffs at him, rolling to the other side, back facing him.

“I am sorry.” That’s all he can say and he feels stupid. He stares at her back, Zitao is curling on the bed, holding her legs on her chest, still sobbing quietly, not wanting for Kris to see her being vulnerable like this. It takes a lot of self control for Kris to not grab and hug her tight.

“If you are sorry then go away” She said weakly, voice rough from the crying.

“I also don’t want it to be like this”

“What do you want from me now? Why are you so keen in destroying my happiness?”

“You don’t seem happy right now”

Zitao goes rigid and Kris stands up to her side, she doesn’t move, just staring at his long legs. Kris squats for them to be face to face, she still determined not to look at his face. He sighs and reaches for her cheek. She freezes but not moving away.

“Please stop crying….” If you are with me, I’ll never let you cry. “You are pretty when you smile, please smile more” Please smile more at me

He stands up, stares longingly at her figure before walking out. He leans on the door and exhales loudly.

“Are you okay?” Kris snaps his head to his left and finds Joonmyeon, sporting a worried look on his face. Kris stands up straight, with a new determination on his face.

“I am going to make her mine, I promise that. I won’t let that stupid boy Oh Sehun hurts her again.”

Joonmyeon stares at him and smiles a little.

“You know I am on your side no matter what right?”

“Thanks. I really appreciate that.”


Zitao comes out of her room few hours later. She walks to Kris, who is on the phone, and taps her feet, making him look up. Her eyes are red and swollen but she looks at him with an angry determintation.

“You and I will go on a date tonight after I’m finish walking Baby with Jongin.”

Kris is left stunned at her words and Joonmyeon is falling from his chair, looking at her with interest.

“I am sorry, what?” Kris can’t help but ask again, did he heard right?

Zitao rolls her eyes and picks Baby up from the couch, putting its leash. The dog jumps out of her hug happily, making her smile a bit. Zitao stops at the door, feeling three pairs of eyes following her, she looks back at Kris.

“We’ll be going to my favorite Italian restaurant later and you are going to pay!”

She walks out to the sound of Minseok dropping the book she’s reading and a frozen Kris. Zitao smirks and stands outside her flat and brings out her phone. She stares at Sehun’s smiling face on the screen saver and scowl. She has a plan and Sehun won’t know what’s coming for him. One think about Sehun that’s really severe like a sickness is that his jealousy is so easy to trigger and Zitao will use it to her advantage. For now the ultimate plan to shoo Kris away will be put on hold, the plan to make Sehun jealous is much more important.

“You’ll regret your trip, Oh Sehun. Trust me!”

Baby barks at her for stopping and she pockets her phone again, smiling at Baby, she squats down, ruffling Baby’s head.

“We’ll make Daddy comes home running, Baby.” Baby barks again before running, making her stumble a little but she is laughing again, enjoying the plan accumulate in her mind. She stops at Luhan’s and Jongin’s door and press the bell. A frantic Luhan is what greet her.

“Oh Zitao! You are here and Baby too!” he looks down at the hyper dog, letting them in.

Jongin is all dressed up in expensive shirt with a leather jacket and jeans, and a sun glasses perch up on his nose. He grins at Zitao.

“Yo! Where’s your husband?”

Zitao scowls at the question and shakes her head. Luhan and Jongin change look and decides to just let it go.

“Why are you dressed like that?” Zitao scans Jongin from head to toe and Luhan screams.

“Oh god! I forget to tell you! Jongin has an interview in about 30 minutes and that makes your date will be postponed until later in the noon. Sorry Zitao”

Luhan gives her the pout and Zitao laughs at it.

“It’s okay, lets just meet at my café later.” She goes to punch Jongin on the arm. “Go make them swoon with your charm, boyfriend”

Jongin goes to hug her before she can run away.

“My girlfriend is soo understanding. Let me give you a kiss” Jongin pouts his mouth at Zitao and she pushes him away.

“Ew Jongin, just eww”

Luhan and Jongin laugh at her pouting face. Zitao shakes her head and smile, gives Luhan a salute and walks out with baby in tow. Some alone time will lessen her stress a bit.

“Come on, Baby. It’ll be you and Mommy for today”


Jongdae is looking at the apartment building with a pout. She’s been waiting for 2hours here without any movements from Kai or Zitao or even that cute Suho guy. She giggles remembering the incident she created this morning. That cute stalker sure is interesting and he might be the key for her to dig everything about Kai and Huang Zitao. She is sure there is something fishy going on between them because the appearance of the bodyguard. Jongdae is no stupid to that, the way Suho addressed Kai and Zitao and the formal suit yesterday and with the door man obeying his silent glare earlier, it clears that Suho is someone higher than said door man and it’s impossible for Suho to be the apartment staff because he was clearly stalking Kai and Zitao yesterday. The problem is, who is he working for? Kai? Zitao? or there is someone else in the equation whom Jongdae doesn’t know. Jongdae writes like crazy in her notebook, remembering the equation, circling Suho’s name repeatedly when her eyes caught something. She grins at the person getting out of the building.


She gets out of her car, phone and notes ready and follows the person.


Zitao fumbles with her phone while letting Baby dragging her away to the park and press the call button to Baekhyun. She is humming while revising her plan for tonight once again when Baekhyun’s groggy voice heard from the other line, not aware of someone’s following her few meters’s behind.

“Really Unnie? You are still asleep? It’s like what? 9 AM?”

“I don’t have a husband to cook breakfast for.”

Zitao’s smile falters a bit before answering with an angry tone. “Well I didn’t wake up to a husband this morning. I woke up to a half Kim Jongin”

Zitao hears something from behind and peek, but shrugs her shoulder when she find nothing weird and runs because Baby is too excited, leaving Jongdae behind, still hiding behind the tree while repeating Zitao’s words.

I woke up to a half Kim Jongin.. Oh My God! Jongdae screams internally and grins. This is it! A big news for everybody! She looks for ZItao but cannot find her.


Jongdae runs, still smiling because Chen in going to write a really great scandal this time.

“Hey Unnie! Are you still there?”

“Yeah and I am sorry can you repeat it again? I think I heard something about you and Kim Jongin on a bed?”

“Nothing happen but listen, Unnie I need your help tonight”

“Please elaborate before I call Sehun and deem you cheating with your supposed to be boyfriend”

“So, Stupid Sehun decides to ditch me last night and off to Jeju with Yixing Unnie, you know, all that important meeting and contract blalala and then my oh so great grandpa send Kris and his minions to stay at my home. I slept at Jongin’s got drunk and yeah, nothing happen except for Sehun being a jerk.”

There is a silence for a few seconds, making Zitao thinking that Baekhyun’s probably falling asleep again.

“So what’s the plan?”

Zitao grins. Baekhyun really knows her the best.

“Okay, tonight I’ll be out with Kris, dinner at that Italian restaurant I like and I need you to be there and takes pictures and then call Sehun in panic, tell him about Kris trying to kidnap me and blalala, you know the rest.”

“I beg you pardon?”

Zitao sighs while letting Baby out of her leash to run free for a while and takes a seat on the bench before answering.

“You know Sehun, he is a freaky jealous monster, I just want to get back at him.”



“You are going on a date with Kris to make Sehun jealous while it’s supposed to be the other way around?”



“Hey, don’t go being silent on me…”

“Are you sure about this? Because you know Kris will think he has the chance and shooing him away will be lot harder then”

“Well, I will think something later about Kris but now, I just want Sehun to be back fast”

Her voice shakes and Baekhyun’s voice becomes more alert. Zitao can hear the rustling of the sheet.

“Hey, don’t you dare crying on me Huang Zitao. Are you at the café? We have to talk about this more.”

“I am walking Baby at the park.”

“Okay, I’ll see you there in an hour?”

“No, lets just meet the café, I am heading there after this.”

Zitao wipes her eyes and smiles, trying to sound cheerful again. She feels someone sitting next to her and she is met with a wide grin and handsome face.


“Hey Unnie, talk to you later okay. Go wash up and do important things. Bye”

“Sleeping is important thing. Don’t cry over that idiot in the middle of the public place okay, bye.”

“Yeah, okay”

Zitao hangs up her phone and face the man beside her again. She smiles at him.

“Chanyeol, right?”

Chanyeol beams at her and nods. “Fancy seeing you here, ZItao”

“Likewise. What are you doing here?” Zitao asked while searching for Baby with her eyes, she smiles spotting her playing tag with a golden retriever.

“I am walking my dog, that’s him, running after that little dachshund”

Chanyeol point out and Zitao laughs, making Chanyeol turns his head at her.

“That dachshund is mine” Chanyeol’s eyes widen and he too laughs.

“Small world right?’


 Zitao looks at Baby and Chanyeol stares at her. Zitao is pretty woman, he smiles at himself but suddenly image of Sehun and a girl from 34th floor, flood his mind. He moves his eyes towards the dogs playing. He never wants to hurt anybody, not even Sehun and that girl, Chanyeol just can’t get her face out of his mind.

“Are you okay, Chanyeol?”

Zitao is waving her hand in front of his face and he wakes up from his daydreaming, giving Zitao a soft smile and she smiles back. Get a grip of your self Chanyeol! You are doing this for your freedom! He mentally slaps his face and takes Zitao’s hand, startling the woman.

“How about having lunch with me? I did have promised to treat you”

Zitao smiles awkwardly and pulls her hand away from Chanyeol. He stares at her, expecting an answer and Zitao just laughs.

“Sorry, I’ve got an appointment later, maybe next time?”

“Appointment with Kai?”

Chanyeol tries to and yes, he is curious about this Kai. He is destroying his well planned plan by being Zitao’s boyfriend and how come Sehun’s keeping his silence about this? He needs to know more about this Kai.

“Yeah” Zitao has the tendency to blush at him. Chanyeol examines her reaction and he is feeling more confused. Aren’t she married with Sehun? What the hell is happening with this Kai? Is this a trick? Or are Sehun and Zitao not actually married? Well, if it’s the last, it’ll be harder to do his job.

“You are really dating Kai?” His question comes out more confused than he intends to, but Zitao is oblivious to it.

“I don’t think I can confirm that my self..” She smiles and then calls her dog. “Baby! Lets go!” the little dog runs toward them with Chanyeol’s golden retriever following. Both dogs bark at them and Zitao put on Baby leash before ruffling the other dog’s fur.

“Aren’t you cute. What’s his name?” Zitao looks back at Chanyeol who has his eyebrows furrow.


ZItao laughs and Chanyeol stares at her dumbly.

“I have a friend who has bacon as a nickname. I’ll introduce her some other time. I have to go now, by the way, see you around Chanyeol”

Before Zitao moves away Chanyeol stands and holds her arm. Zitao gives him a curious look.

“I don’t know if I am being rude, but can I have your number, please?” He finishes off with his trade mark grin and Zitao laughs, asking for his phone. He gives her a pen and his palm instead. Zitao just smiles and writes down the number he already has in his phone long before they met. Chanyeol smiles sadly because he can’t feel the electricity running in his body like what happened with the girl from 34th floor, Baekhyun.

“There, call me anytime but midnight okay. I treasure my beauty sleep.” Zitao hands him his pen and waves at him, walking away.

Chanyeol waves back happily. “See you around Zitao!”


Jongdae press the end button of the recording of her phone after Zitao leave and smirks.

“Well, aren’t you an interesting piece of gem, Huang Zitao? Flirting with other guy while you are sleeping with Kai. This is just getting more and more interesting.”

Jongdae walks back to her car and decide that is it for now, she’ll be back later. She has a video that need to be look upon and pictures to analyze and a certain man she needs to dig up more about.

This is such a really great day. Jongdae muses to herself.

hi, long time no see...

i am really in the proctastination level 100 now, so it takes a lot for me to write this chapter. This time, i write this chapter more careful and I hope you all can enjoy it more.

i am writing the next chapter now but don't get your hope high, it'll takes long for me to finish

And for my other story readers, i am really sorry for the lack of updates. I actually had write it half of the chapter but my poor old computer just decided that it's good to be broken again, I need a new charger. Even posting this chapter is from my dad's computer and the computer is so slow. Old Laptop. So i'll be waiting for my new charger arrived first before posting the next chapter of The Perfect Yes.

I am really sorry once again. I hope you all enjoy this chapter and leave some words about it in the comment section.hehe, I just love reading comments.

And last, thanks for subscribing, commenting and upvoting.


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misslilmoon #1
Chapter 7: oh me tooooo xiuhan... suho I can't believe you...!
pandabaozibun #2
Chapter 7: xiuhan! i want more xiuhan!!
kimhuang #3
Chapter 7: whooow it's been a loooong time >< are you going to update faster ? please say yes, you'r fic is awesome, update soon