Secretive Two

Protecting You. [Hiatus]


“Do you think they are going to be okay?” I asked, we had arrived at an abandoned house on the other side of the city, “They said they would be behind us.”

“Don't worry. They will be here in a couple of minutes,” Jay said as he paced.

“Did you call the others Joon?” Seungho asked.

“Yes, I did hyung, I even called Junsu hyung.”


The door opened and Doona came in smiling at us, while Jaejoong was behind her with a guy on his shoulders, “Hey guys.”

“Doona!” I yelled as I ran towards her and hugged her, “Are you okay?”

“I am still in one piece aren't I?”

“Who is that guy?” Seungho asked.

“A hostage,” Jaejoong replied.

“How'd you guys finish the guys off so quickly?" I asked Doona grinned, "Min it was easy, don't worry about it.”

“Doona has a menacing mind, she should stop watching mob movies,” Jaejoong said with a smile. I stared at him, that was genuine smile I could tell, this was a first.

“Who is going to question him?” Joon asked.

“Changmin,” Jaejoong replied, “It is best to leave this guy in Changmin's hands, he's good at prying.”

“Indeed,” Doona smiled as she walked up the stairs.

“Where do you think you are going now?” Jay asked.

“Min Ah, come, come,” she waved to me I looked at the boys and shrugged my shoulders, running up the stairs she pulled me into one of the rooms.

“What's up Doona?”

"I grabbed this before I left the mansion," I watched as she took out files from her shirt. How could she even put those files there? "I didn't look at it, so you don't have to worry." I stared at her as I thanked her, how'd she know that these were important?


"No problem," she smiled as she was about to turn and head out the door I stopped her, "Don't you want to know what this is about? Whats in the files and what it contains?"

"I would lie if I said I wasn’t curious about the contents but it is yours and I don't want to snoop."

I nodded, she was about to turned around again, “Stop Doona, I’ll tell you what these files are.”

She turned and looked at me with a serious face, “Are you sure?”

“Just don’t tell the guys okay?”


“These files are highly important, they contain all the information between both North and South Korea, the relationship between the two countries. I have more but...”


“They are still at the mansion...”


“I hid it so don’t worry... also the reason why I didn’t want to talk to the Lieutenant of Defense because before I do, I want to know why are they doing this to the South so suddenly... I mean we've always been disputing, but you know.. we were peaceful. How did they crack into our defense so easily? Do they have an insider? What is the North thinking? I want to find the root of it all until I can talk to the Lieutenant of Defense... the UN.”

“You have a lot of questions,” Doona smiled, “But you know that this is a big thing to try to solve by yourself.”

“..that is why I’m telling you,” I said looking at her, I placed the files down and walked towards the window, “I need you to help me.”


“You, Doona I know that you are really smart and you, well you have a lot of resources and links, I need your help,” I turned back to her, “Please help me. I want to find out why, I don’t want my father to die like that.” 

She looked at me and sighed, “I will help.”

I smiled, “Thank you so much Doona! Thank you!”

“You’re welcome, besides I guess I have nothing to do lately, I guess this would be fun to do.”

I chuckled, “Shall we go downstairs now?”

“Let’s go before the boys get worried,” Doona opened the door and walked down the stairs, when we arrived to the bottom Jay looked at me with a weird expression.


 I stared at Doona as I she walked towards Jay, Min Ah probably told her something. But from the looks of it, she wasn't going to tell me... I walked towards her but then stopped myself, she was going to snap at me if I ask. I know it.

“What are we going to do?” Joon asked, “We can’t go back to that place anymore.”

“We are going to stay here,” I said, I walked towards the window, “Until Yunho finds a safe place to stay. We are not leaving this place, nor are we going to let Min Ah out of our sight.” They nodded, “Doona can you get in contact with Onew? Tell him to go back and retrieve our stuff, also get in contact with the Lieutenant and tell him what is happening.”

“I got it,” Doona got up and headed towards the kitchen.

“Jay, go get in contact with Yoochun.”

“Ne, hyung.”

“You guys just stay here and rest for now, we don’t know when we will have to leave again.”

“Ne,” Joon said as he stared at the door.

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Great story! :)
m0zarts0nata-- #2
Update soon ^^
yay ! you updated ! please update soon ! i want some progress between jae and minah relationship
Finally they are making progress! XDD and the boys are fine too!!! LoL<br />
Jaejoong just face your feelings, no need to be embarrass lol<br />
Please update soon!
I'm so sorry guys! I will try my best to update tomorrow, after I finish my essay, which I will be finishing tonight, no matter what! <3
msmjjeje36 #6
agree with them update soon please!!!
update soon!<br />
ii hope everything will be alright!
It's getting more complicated! And Jaejoong and Min Ah are getting closer!!<br />
Please update soon!<br />
Pray for Japan!
pls update again :]<br />
<br />
I hope the other two are FINE~!
i love the bad Jae! ^^ update soon ^^