Next Day

A Single Sunflower in a Field of Daisies

When I arrived to SM the next day Chanyeol was not at the recording sessions. James informed me that EXO was preparing for their next comeback and that Chanyeol was going to be too busy to be interning with me for a while. I understand and the pang in the heart came back. I continue to put myself back on track. Over the next month my routine go backs to normal except swapping out seeing Chanyeol with seeing Johnny. Johnny is gearing up for the big reveal of the new boy group. The higher ups are trying to finalize exactly when to do it. They are trying to decide if MaMas will be a good idea or if they should wait until the new year. Whenever they do it I know the group will do well. I also know that whenever Johnny debuts he will do an amazing job. I hardly see Chanyeol at the SM building anymore. If I do it is because I am passing by a practice room and I see all of the EXO members practicing a new dance for a new song. It doesn’t sound like the song Greg and I work on. Maybe the Higher Ups decided on not using it. That would be a shame, because it was a really good song. I am not saying that because I worked on it, but I really mean it. As a fan I would be jamming to that song nonstop. Even though it is not the song that I worked on the song they released is really catchy and is doing well on the charts.

The song has been out for a few days and as usual they have been slaying the charts. I hope they are all getting enough sleep. Johnny told me that some of the seonbaes that he has talked to say that they are lucky they will get 3 hours of sleep a night during promotions. That is not enough of sleep for a normal person. And they have to be high energy and over active. I understand why the other members ended up leaving. I’ve heard about artist end up passing out on stage or performing when they had high fevers. I keep them in my thoughts and I carry extra bottles of water around just in case if I bump into them then I can give it to them.

Greg wanted me to stay extra late that night since we won’t be able to meet up for a full month. After we were done working I was so tired I needed to take a shower to wake myself up. The elevator I usually use is out of order. I end up using the elevator on the other side of the hallway and when I get up to the 4th floor I have to pass by the practice rooms. When I get to the floor I hear music coming from one of the rooms. I think to myself that it must be a trainee practicing for monthly evaluations. When I pass the room and I see that it is Chanyeol working what looks like the choreography for their comeback. Why is Chanyeol here so late? Shouldn’t he get at least some rest? Should I go in there and tell him to sleep? He wouldn’t listen to me anyways. I am about to leave when I hear a thud. Oh no. I turn my head and I see that Chanyeol is laying on the floor.

“Chanyeol!” I run in the room and go to Chanyeol. I turn him so he is laying on his back. “Chanyeol!” I shake him and still no response. I grab my phone and call James.

“Are you still at SM? I was about to head back myself.”

“James! Come up to the 4th floor quickly!”

“Is everything okay?”

“Chanyeol just collapsed. I was walking by and I saw him and he just collapsed.”

“I’ll be right there. Make sure he is still breathing. Hold tight.” James hangs up on me and I lean down and hear Chanyeol breathing.

“Chanyeol wake up!” After a minute James comes bursting into the practice room. He comes over and assess the situation.

“I need to call the SM health department.”

“The what?”

“They are our first response team. They will be able to get him to the hospital without being detected by fans.” James dials a number. “Hello yes this is employee 314583. I am currently with Park Chanyeol who has passed out. He needs medical attention.” There is a pause. “We are in practice room 4A on the fourth floor.” I look down at Chanyeol and I feel so helpless. “Alright I will contact his manager and leader. Thank you.” James hangs up the phone. “I need to contact Chanyeol’s manager and leader. When the group comes here go with them. There needs to be someone with him.” As James leaves the room the medic team is there and start taking vitals and getting Chanyeol on the stretcher.

“Will you be coming with him?” The medic says to me. I nod and follow them. The only thing I could think of doing when we were in the van is holding his hand and just watching over him. How overworked must he have been to pass out? We arrive at the back entrance of the hospital and I follow them in. Once we get in there is a nurse there to intercept me.

“He will be fine. I will show to where you can wait for him. We will have the doctor check out his vitals and he will let you know how your artist is doing.” She lead me to a room that looks a lot nicer than any waiting room that I have seen. I look around and I recognize a face or two in there. This must be the hospital that every entertainment company uses. I see that some of the people in there look like managers because they are on their laptops and texting at the same time. “If you need the wifi to be able to do some work don’t hesitate to ask anyone of our staff members at the desk.” The nurse gestures over to the reception desk with girls dressed in the old school style nurses outfits. This must be what the older managers like.

“Thank you very much. Please let me know when I will be able to see him.”

“Will do. For now please relax. We wouldn’t want another person to end up at the hospital.” I nod and find a seat and text James that I am in the waiting room. He replies saying that both the manager and Suho are on their way. He says that Suho will probably beat the manager there since he is closer to the hospital. I am there for about five minutes before someone with a baseball cap and face masks walk into the waiting room. The hat looks very similar, but I can’t put my finger on it. The man with the hat sits next to me and sighs.

“So he finally did it huh?” He removes his disguise and reveals himself to be Suho.


“Aren’t you the one that was with him? I recognize from the company.”

I nod my head. “Yeah I was walking by and I saw him collapse.”

“He has been working himself harder than normal lately. We all told him to ease up on the practicing. I don’t think he has any sleep in 2 days. He must be completely exhausted.”

“What do you think they’re going to do for him here?”

“In all honesty they will probably let him rest for a bit and then pump him with drugs so he will be able to get through the activities for the day. The manager will put him on a stricter schedule so he actually gets some sleep.”

“I’m glad that the manager cares for him.”

“It’s not so much caring as much as he is just making sure he doesn’t get fired. With our group and how big it is we can’t afford any hiccups. And especially with our history the fan theories would fly rapidly that Chanyeol will leave. Even though he would never think that. The thought will get planted in his head. That is all they need and suddenly everything else seems better than what we do.”

I lean back and sigh. “So what’s the game plan then?”

“What do you mean? I just told you?”

“I mean what is the game plan Chanyeol doesn’t get the thought about leaving? Are you guys going to actually come together as a team. Make sure you look after one another? I thought you guys were one. If someone is so easy to leave then you guys aren’t really one.”

Suho leaned back and looks at me. “You’re right. We haven’t really been one in a while. With the latest shock of Tao there has been a lot pressure on the other members to go above and beyond for the group. Lay has the most stress being the last Chinese member in the group. I think after promotions we need to do some team building. In the end we are EXO and we are one. We have to be for our fans.” He smiles and looks at me. “Thanks for reminding me.”

“I just want what’s best for you guys and for Chanyeol.”

“And same goes with Chanyeol to you. He’s been doing a lot of research lately. Every time we ask him for what he doesn’t answer. But I saw one time that he forgot to exit out of a tab. The tab read “How to help someone with mental health issues”. He was never interested in that until after BD’s party and he said he walked you home. He never went beyond detail than that, but I could tell from his face that something happened. Just give him the chance to be there for you.”

I was slightly confused as to how Chanyeol knew I had a mental health issue. Unless if I broke down in front of him. Or unless while I was drunk I let it slip. Either way I am glad that he was doing his own research trying to figure out what he could do for me. I nod at Suho. “I will try my best.”

The nurse from earlier comes in, “P.C’s party?” She looks over to me.

“I think that’s us.” We get up and go to the nurse.

“The doctor will speak with you now.” We follow her down the hallway and get to the doctor’s office it is the same doctor as before.

“Eun Mi. How did I know you were going to be involved in this?”

“I don’t know. I ask myself that a lot.” Suho looks confuse and sits down next to me.

“So Chanyeol was severely dehydrated and over exhausted. We have him on an I.V. Drip right now. We would like to keep him for the rest of the night. The manager can get him in the morning before his activities. Before he leaves we will give him a couple shots of vitamins and hopefully that will hold him over for the day. Make sure he drinks enough water, eats and gets enough sleep.”

“Thank you doctor.” Suso leans over and shakes his hand.

“So will Chanyeol be here all alone all night?”

“Well sometimes the manager stays. That’s why we have so many of them in the waiting room.”

“Our manager is really busy with the all of us in one dorm. I will double check with the manager, but would it be okay if Eun Mi stays?”

“Well if it is okay with the manager we will allow it. The chair in the room reclines into a very small bed. Won’t be the best night sleep, but if you think that it will be best for her to stay she can.”

“If it is okay with him then I will stay.”

“Great. Seems like we are all on the same page.” The doctor stands up and we stand up as well. “And I hope to not see anymore of your friends or you in here for a while.”

“We will try even harder doctor.”

“Usually it comes in threes so I doubt that it will happen again for the rest of the year.” He does a deep chuckle and shakes our hands. “Have a good night and stay healthy.” We bow and head out of the office. As we leave the manager is running down the hallway.

“What’s the update Suho.”

“Chanyeol is staying over night for an IV. Hyung since you have so much to do for us is it okay for Eun Mi to stay here in your place?”

“Who is Eun Mi?”

I bow in front of him. “Hello my name is Eun Mi. I am the one that found Chanyeol at the company.”

“Well thank you for getting him here safely. If you are okay to stay I think that will be fine.” He puts out his hand. “May I have your phone so I can give you my number?” I hand over my phone and he starts pushing the screen and hands back the phone. “I will message you when I am on my way to come and get him. I will let James know that you will be staying over night.”

“Thank you manager oppa.”

“I should thank you. I really need to do a lot of work. I’ll keep in touch. Let me know if his condition changes. Suho I’ll bring you back to the dorm.”

“Alright. Bye Eun Mi. Keep us in the loop. And take care.” Suho walks down the hallway with the manager. I turn around and see the nurse from earlier standing there.


“I will take you to Mr. Park’s room.” I follow behind her and the room he is staying in is bigger than my room back at home and he is staying there by himself. Even at a hospital he gets treated like a celebrity. “If there is anything you need don’t hesitate to ask.

“Umm how about a toothbrush?”

“I will be back with one and with toothpaste.” She bows and walks away. Why do I feel like the nurses here are acting more like maids than nurses? I shake my head and go over to the bed. I see Chanyeol laying there and his face in scrunched a little. I remember seeing something like this in a drama. I put my finger lightly in between his eyebrows and the tension melts away like butter. I can’t believe that actually worked. There is no actual reason for that to work. Yet seeing him so peaceful makes me happy. I go over to the seat and it is huge. When it reclines it is practically the same size as my bed at home. Now if only I could have this at home so I can just transform it into a chair if I need more room. The nurse comes back and leaves what I ask for at the table by the door. I stand up and bow to her thanking her once again for her help. She simply bows and leaves again.

I move the chair so it is closer to the bed and I sit there while holding onto his hand. I’m not sure if this is helping, but I would like to think it is. After about half an hour I start feeling sleepy. The adrenaline from earlier has faded and I get up and brush my teeth. When I come back in Chanyeol is still sleeping. I put my phone on vibrate and I put it on the table next to the chair. I lean over and whisper “Sleep tight sweet prince.” I lightly kiss his forehead and get into the chair and grab the blanket that is there and start to fall asleep.

I am only asleep for a couple of hours before I was woken by the sound of someone moving around. I spring up and I see that Chanyeol is awake.

“Where am I?”

“You’re at the hospital?”


“Because you passed out?”

“I mean why are you here?

I was taken aback by the question. Did he not want me here? Should I have not stayed? “Suho and I thought it would be better if I stayed here for the night. Since the manager has a lot of work to do. Do you want me to switch with the manager? I can call him right now.” I go to reach for my phone and Chanyeol’s free hand grabs my wrist.

“Don’t. I would like for you to stay. If that is alright.”

“It is alright with me.” He lets go of me.

“Can you umm help me to the bathroom. That’s sort of why I woke up.”

“Oh yeah of course.” I get up and walk around the bed. I get his arm around me and I help him up with the best of my ability. He did get really weak from that fall. With my other hand I help move his IV bag with him. “If you need help getting up just pull on the string next to the toilet.”

“Yes Nurse Eun Mi.” I blush at him calling me a nurse. Once in there I leave and close the door. I wait at the door until he tells me that he is ready to go back to his bed. I open the door and he is already walking towards me. I help get back into bed. When starts laying down my foot trips over one of the legs of the stand holding the IV bag and I fall into his bed. My eyes grow wide and I lean back to get away. His hand pushes against my back. “Please just stay for a moment.” Our face are only 2 inches from each other. I look into his eyes and in the dark you can still see a shine to his eyes. “I may not know everything about you, but I want to learn more about you and be there for you. Just like you have been there for me these past few months. We can be on this journey together. If you’ll let me.” He starts leaning closer. My mind is going a mile a second. What is he doing? Why is he getting closer? Is he going to kiss me? No he wouldn’t kiss me. But he is closing his eyes now. Why would he close his eyes? What should I do? Should I close my eyes. Should I push away? Should I let whatever is happening happening? And then my mind goes blank as his lips press against mine. It wasn’t a deep passionate kiss. It was just a simple light kiss. We stay like that for a few seconds until he leans away. He smiles and puts his hand up to my face and his thumb grazes my cheek. Chanyeol leans back up and kisses me again, but this time with a little more pressure and passion. This time I close my eyes and kiss back. We kiss for what seems like a long time. I end up being the one leaning away and breaking the kiss.

“If you don’t get enough sleep you will just end up back here again.”

“Would you be here?”

I glare at him. “I will not come just in spite.” I stand up and go back to the chair. When I get there Chanyeol has rolled over so he is facing the chair.

“Why don’t you just sleep in my bed?”

“Cause you need your sleep. And I need mine too.” I get in the chair and I turn so I am not facing him.

“Are you upset with me?”


“Then why don’t you look at me? Are you embarrassed?”

“I’m just tired.”

“Well I’m not anymore. Come on talk to me. If not I will just keep talking to you and make sure you stay up all night.”

I sigh and turn over and I see that goofy grin on his face. “Okay what do you want to talk about?”

“Do. Do you remember anything from James’ party?”

“In all honesty no I don’t.”

He smiles and nods. “That’s good. I was hoping so.”

What? He wished that I didn’t have any memories of that night? “Why do you say that?”

Chanyeol hesitates for a moment. “Because you were crying so much that night. I could tell you were reliving something that was really painful for you. I only want good things to happen to you in your future. That’s when I guess the switch sort of went off how much I care about you.”

Oh so that’s why he now out of no where likes me. He just pities me. “Well no matter how bright my future is, my past will always remain dark. And I would appreciate it if you didn’t pity me.”

“No that’s not it at all. Since I got to work with Greg and James hyung a lot I got to see different sides to you. I was already starting to like you back then, but when you asked me to stay with you. That’s when I realized that this is where I want to be. With you. Just like how you were there for me I also wanted to be there for you too.” Chanyeol looks down for a moment. “I know the idea of me being an idol leaves a bad taste in your mouth. So I’m not asking you to be my girlfriend right now. But I would like us to get to know each other more and more. I want to show you that I am more than just what the fans get to see. And I hope that one day you will be able to see me as Park Chanyeol the person and not Park Chanyeol the idol.”

“I will agree to at least getting to know each other more. Just one big rule. You can’t be flirty with me at the company at all. If you do this this stops automatically.”

“Yes ma’am.” Chanyeol chuckles a little bit and he turns to be on his back. “Well I am starting to get sleepy now. Goodnight Eun Mi.”

I turn to face the other way. “Goodnight.” The only reason why I agree to this is because I leave in 1 month. I don’t think Chanyeol realizes this. I will be his 1 month fling and after that we will never meet again. He will forget all about me and I will only be a speck in his memories. At least for this last month I will have it be enjoyable. I close my eyes and drift off to sleep.


My alarm buzzes and wakes me up. When I open my eyes Chanyeol is already awake and looking at me. It gives me a start and I mildly freak out.

“Oh I’m sorry did I startle you?”

“Just a little bit. How long have you been awake.”

“I don’t know. Not too long. Don’t worry I did get enough rest.”

“At least you got some sleep.” My phone begins to vibrate. “Thought I turned off the alarm.” It was a phone call from Chanyeol’s manager. I answer it quickly. “Good morning manager oppa.”

“How is our patient doing?” Chanyeol is sitting up and leaning towards me.

“He is doing great. He slept through the whole night. He actually just woke up now.” Chanyeol’s free hand finds it’s way to my leg and starts lightly grazing it. I lightly swat it away and get up so he can’t distract me.

“Perfect. I am on my way. Let the nurses there know so they can detach him. I will bring his clothes so he can get dressed there.”

“Alright we will see you soon.” Chanyeol pouts at the sound of that. “Have a good day. Bye.” I hang up the phone. “I will be back. I just need to let the nurses know that your manager is coming so they can detach you.”

“Can’t you stay for a bit.”

I try to think what would make Chanyeol actually listen to me. “If I get the nurses they will get that tube out of you. And then you will be able to hug me with both arms.”

“Then what are you doing still here. Get the nurse I’m ready!” Knew it. I leave and get the nurse that has been there since we arrived.

“Mr. Park’s manager is on his way to get him. He would like to start the discharge protocol.”

“Will do miss. I will be right there.”

“Thank you very much.” I leave and go back to the room and Chanyeol is not in his bed. “Chanyeol?” I look and see that the bathroom door is closed. I guess he had to use the bathroom. I start tidying up the room and make sure that all of his things are together.

“You would make a good wife.” I turn around and he is standing at the door.

“Just because I’m tidying up? That’s a bit ist don’t you think?”

“I didn’t mean no harm by it.” He walks over and wraps his free arm around me. “Looks like I can hug you with one arm just fine.” He smiles and leans down and kisses my forehead. At that moment I hear the door open and I move away. The nurse comes in and she bows.

“It is good to see that you are doing better Mr. Park. It is time for us to take the IV out of your arm. Please have a seat.” Chanyeol nods and moves over to his bed and sits down. The nurse takes the IV with ease. “Now we need to give you a shot of some essential vitamins that you will need.” She moves the sleeve and gives him the shot.

“Ow that hurt!”

“My apologies sir. But you needed the shot.” She disposes the garbage in their rightful containers. “Once your manager gets here you just need to sign a form and you will be all set to leave.”

“Thank you nurse for all you’ve done.” I bow to her.

“It’s all part of my job miss. But thank you.” She bows and leaves the room.

“How’s your arm.”

“It hurts. Kiss it.”

“What? Do I look like your mother?”

“No, but come on~. Kiss it.”

“Fine.” I lean down to kiss it and in a swift motion my head is pulled up and my lips meet with Chanyeol’s.

Chanyeol pulls away and has the same goofy grin on his face. “Now it feels better.”

I lightly punch his chest. “Jerk.”

“But I’m your jerk.”

“You mean you’re EXO L’s jerk.”

“Theirs too, but right now I am just your jerk.” He wraps his arms around me and starts swaying side to side. There is a knock at the door and we separate quickly and Chanyeol sits on his bed.

“Who is ready for a full day of work?” I look at Chanyeol and I can see that he rather do anything, but go to work today. “Well here are your clothes. Ummm Hyunji will you give us some space?”

“Her name is Eun Mi” says Chanyeol.

“Oh Eun Mi my bad. But still can you give us some space?”

“Oh of course.” I leave the room and stand outside the hallway. I go up to the nurses station and let the nurse know that Chanyeol’s manager is there. She understands and gets the paperwork together. When we get back to the room the door is open and Chanyeol is already dressed. I knock on the door frame. “The nurse is here with the discharge form.”

“Oh yes. We do not want to be late. We are going straight to film for Music Core and then we have to go to Music Bank and well we have a lot to do today.” The manager signs where he needs to sign and Chanyeol signs where he has to sign.

“You are free to go Mr. Park. Remember to get enough rest and fluid.”

“Will do. Thank you so much.” He bows to her.

“Okay lets go. Eun Mi would you like cab money to get you home or to work?”

“Work?! Oh no I completely forgot about that. I need to call my mentor.” I bow. “Thank you for the money, but I will get there on my own. I will be going first. Bye Chanyeol.” I run out of there and start dialing James’ number.

“I am so sorry I am probably so late for work. I will take a shower at SM and I will be ready to work.”

“Is Chanyeol okay?”

“Oh yeah he’s going back to his schedules today.”

“Then you can take your time. Go home and take a proper shower. I am at the home base studio today. Not a lot going on so you don’t have to rush.”

“Are you sure?”

“Yes I am. I understand what happened yesterday was terrifying. And it’s so like you to stay at the hospital overnight. Just breathe and maybe even get something to eat on your way. And if you do stop anywhere pick me up something too.”

“Haha alright James. I’ll see you later. Bye.” I hang up and I take my time getting to the studio. When I arrive I have a text message.

“I hope James hyung didn’t give you a hard time. I am doing better today. Although I would rather be with you right now. Thank you again for spending the night with me at the hospital. Until we meet :*.” I shake my head and put my phone away. What am I going to do with this boy?

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