The Devil Takes a Human Form

A Single Sunflower in a Field of Daisies

A few weeks have gone by and I am slowly getting into the flow of work. For most of the week we are at SM and then we spent a day at James’ home base. Which is a studio he shares with some other producer friends. This is where he will do a lot of recording sessions with artists that are not in SM. Finally, we do get technically 1 day off. I use that day to catch up on school work or to get ahead. James uses that day to work on some new songs that he wants to pitch to SM at some point. The fourth of July came and went we had a small gathering of the American staff members. Johnny stopped by for a little bit in between his schedules. He had messaged what he wanted on his burger so it was ready when he got there. I asked him if I looked like his maid and then sent him a picture of his completed burger. We found out that we are only a few days apart from each other. It’s really cool having a friend that is close in age. We don't get to hang out much, but when we do it’s usually to get food for who we are ever with. I haven't had much run ins with Chanyeol since my first day. If I do see him it's for a brief moment when we pass each other in the hallway. LDN seonbae-nim has been trying to get me to be his intern too. Ever since my little advice session he has been telling James how luck he is and asking what I've been doing with him. James doesn't tell him much because I guess he let LDN listen to something and because James didn't put a copyright on it he stole it. So LDN is someone I should respect but definitely keep my distance from him.

Today is going to be an interesting day. It is the first day for the summer interns. Every summer break the big companies get some local college students to be interns for the company. They get to hand out fliers and help get stuff for the artists. And they are interns for the whole company not just one person. So if they need more help in a certain depart the intern gets to be moved around. A little bit I am jealous because it would be interesting to see how other departments work. Yet at the same time I'm glad I'm not treated like a number. After being here for a while the cafeteria staff have learned my name and the security guard asks me how I've been. James wanted to keep me away from SM today so I don't get mixed in the bunch. But Jinju seonbae-nim got inspiration and wanted to work at SM versus James’ home base.

As always James left before me and he told me to look more like I fit in at SM today. I haven't gone shopping since I got here so I tried to put together a trendy outfit with what I had. This was the most dressed up I've been since joining. When I got to SM I saw an even bigger sea of people. You couldn't tell who was a sasaeng and who was an intern. I continue walking to the employee entrance when I feel a little tug on my arm.

This short petite girl bows to me, “Sorry to bother you, but do you know where I am suppose to go? This is my first day and they didn't give us much directions.” I didn't fully know either. I could only assume from what I did with James.

“Go through the main entrance. Tell the security guard that you are here for the internship and he will be able to direct you the rest of the way.”

“Oh thank you,” She paused and looked at my badge, “Eun Mi.” She did a double take. “You're an intern too? I guess we will see more of each other.” Before I could say anything she waved and ran off to the main entrance. I thought to myself, I hope this doesn't bite me in the later.

I slipped into the entrance and head into the fortress of sound. Or the recording studios for those that don't live down there. I check my phone to see what room we are in and I quietly go in and take my spot on the couch. Jinju and James are already hard at work. James is doing his usually gripped his hair because he is frustrated and Jinju is trying to act out how he wants the music to make you feel. When they get like this I just start taking notes and keep tallies as to how many times James grabs his hair. He is off to a good start.

After about an hour I look up and see James turning around in his chair. “Can you grab us some food from the cafeteria?”

“Sure, just give me your list. Should I tell the lady to put it on your account.”

Jinju put up his hand. “No give them my number. You've been treating me for a while during this album. It's the least I can do.”

“Thanks hyung.” James looked back at me. “How come you don't offer to pay?”

I shrug and say “With what money boss?” The main payroll personnel decided to quit out of the blue. So paychecks have been taking longer to process. And since I'm on the bottom I still haven't gotten my paycheck in.

“Touché.” James grabs his phone and starts typing. “Hyung do you want your usual?”

“Yep and don't forget to get something for yourself too Eun Mi. And maybe we will get your opinion on this song. I'm about to go crazy with it.”

I chuckle a little bit. “I get it.” I grabbed my phone and started heading to the cafeteria. Most of the time if they can wait we order out or if I finish ahead of time I make something to bring in. They get food from the cafeteria if they are both starving.

I walk into the cafeteria as normal and swipe my card. “How are you doing today Ms. Kim?”

“I am doing great. Getting food for the boys?”

“Yes ma’am.”

“Don't call me ma’am. Makes me sound old. Call me Aunt Kim.”

“Okay Aunt Kim.” I walked in and started putting in the orders. “Can this be put in to go containers please?”

“What are you going to do for us?”

“Give you guys my love and gratitude?”

“Just make sure you bring the plates back.”

“Okay that works.” I go up to the cashier and put in Jinju’s pin.

“Who's paying this time?”

“Jinju seonbae-nim.”

“Make sure you eat it all. Don't waste his money.”

“Yes I will eat it all up.” I smile and start walking away. Before I get to the elevator I hear someone calling down the hall.

“Hey intern!” I stop and look down the hall. A guy starts walking towards me with a hoard of interns. One of them is the girl from earlier. I bow to him when he approaches me. “Where are you going intern?”

“I am delivering food to BD seonbae and Hitchhiker seonbae-nim.”

“Why have you missed intern orientation all day?”

“What?” I had no idea what he was talking about. James said that because I was his intern and not the companies that I didn't have to participate in that.

“Lee Hyun ah said she saw you earlier and said we were missing an intern.” I looked over and saw the girl from earlier looking away. “You're badge reads intern. You respond to intern. That makes you an intern.”

“Yes, but-”

“Are you trying to talk back to me?”

“No I was-”

“Not think. Is that what you were going to say?”


“Then what were you trying to say.”

“Hey!” I looked down the hall and I saw James walking over towards us. “What are you doing with my intern Kyung Min?”

“Your intern?”

“Yes, my intern. The one that’s been working for me for almost a month who has nothing to do with your little intern program. Who is letting some food get cold because someone doesn’t know how to take a hint.” James turned around looked at me. “Come on let’s get out of here.” As he started walking away I followed behind him in silence. I was so baffled that I didn’t know what to say. After we got into the elevator James glanced at me. “Don’t worry about him. If you give Kyung Min a little bit of power it goes to his head. I’ll remind him later that you are not his intern, you are mine. And if he tries to persuade you to do one of the interns deeds just threaten to call me. And if he doesn’t bite then literally call me.”


We continued walking to the studio and Jinju seonbae was lying on the couch. “So. Hungry. Must have food.”

“Don’t worry hyung I got the food. You can blame king of the hill for it being late.”

“Kyung Min was acting up again?”

“Yeah he tried to boss around my intern was trying to humiliate her in front of the other interns.”

“I think he sort of succeeded.” I said as I sat down on the couch.

“Hey don’t let him get under your skin. He is the one person I give you permission to be sassy with. Cause everyone doesn’t like him and they won’t take what he says seriously. That’s why he needs the interns because they will be the only ones that will listen to him.” James sits back in his chair. “But let’s eat up so we can get back to work. Eun Mi just remember if Kyung Min gives you just get me. I’ll put him in his place.” During our lunch James would still bring up Kyung Min once in awhile. I would just nod and continue to eat. I just kept thinking about if I was back at the states I wouldn’t have had trouble talking over him and putting him in his place. Moments like that just remind me that on the SM food chain I am a baby mouse. And a baby mouse can get stepped on, eaten and even toyed with. Once we were done I gathered the plates.

“I promised the staff that I would bring the dishes back.”

“Okay and remember-”

“If Kyung Min seonbae tries to get under my skin to call you.”

“I trained you well.” I smiled and started making my way upstairs. Everything looked like what happened an hour ago didn’t happen. The security guard was still smiling. The cafeteria staff was asking how the meal was. It was as if what happened earlier didn’t happen. Even though I know the world doesn’t revolve around me; James made a big scene. I thought someone would ask how I was doing, but maybe it was better that no one was drawing attention to it. After all I am just an intern and stuff like this must be normal right?

As I am leaving the cafeteria I see a group of trainees walking towards me. Most of them are guys and I spot one that I recognize. “Mimi! How are you?”

“I am doing fine. Are you guys taking a break?”

“Yeah we did a lot of work for a trainee concert we are doing in a few months.”

“Wow! If it is local I’ll have to try and see it.”

“Unfortunately for you it’s in Thailand and I think it is happening next year. So you’ll be back in the state by then.”

“Oh right. I’ll be heading back home right before Christmas.”

“We’ll definitely have to do something before you leave.”

I smiled “Definitely. As long as you are not busy.”

“I will definitely make time for you.”

“Alright. Go in and enjoy your lunch while you can.”

“Okay I’ll see ya around.” Johnny waved and went into the cafeteria with the rest of his trainee friends. A lot of them looked really young. I guess you have to start them at a young age. I start walking towards the elevator and I press the button and wait there patiently.


“Hey intern.” I cringe and slowly turn around. Kyung Min seonbae starts walking towards me and I can only sense inevitable doom. “I just checked with my higher up and he says that you should ignore what BD says. On the books you are an intern meaning you are under my control. So come on let’s go.” I follow what James told me to do and I take out my phone to get in contact with him. Kyung Min walks back over and takes my phone and I look up a little shocked. “BD won’t be able to help you this time. Come on unless you want to get in bigger trouble.” Kyung Min walks away and I hesitate for a moment because I could just walk into the elevator and go to James and tell him how Kyung Min took my phone. Or I can follow Kyung Min and just get close enough to get my phone and then walk away. I look back and forth between Kyung Min and the elevator and I make the decision to follow Kyung Min. Even though I know James will be upset with me I know that right now Kyung Min is higher on the SM food chain right now and therefore I need to listen to him. “I knew you would follow me.” As he continued to walk he muttered under his breathe. “Spineless intern.” I decided to not to retaliate, but I decided to make a little note of him saying that.

I follow him to the other side of the floor and he opened the door and there were small groups of interns who looked like they were doing some puzzles. “Go and join the group over there.” He pointed to the smaller group in the corner and Hyun Ah was in that group. I nodded and went over there and Hyun Ah’s eyes went wide.

“Don’t worry I’m not mad at you.” I replied. I know that she didn’t mean to get me in trouble. She never stuck around to hear me tell the truth. “Might as well view this as a break.” I sat down and looked at the puzzle. “Has anyone solved this?” They all shook their head. “Well then it is a good thing I’m here.” I picked up a pencil from the floor. I start solving it while explaining to everyone why that was the solution. That way if Kyung Min asks them they can answer it without me saying anything.

“Don’t think that just because you are someone’s personal intern that makes you better than us.” I looked up and a boy with glasses was staring at me.

“I didn’t plan on looking down at you guys. We are all on the same level. But I am suppose to be working right now.”

“What do you think we are doing?”

“Trying to solve a puzzle.”

“This is suppose to be team building for us so that we can trust each other and rely on each other for when we beginning working. You say you are on the same level, but totally undermined the whole reason why we are doing this. We are suppose to work with each other to solve it. You just coming up with answer doesn’t help us come together as a team.”

I nodded and scribbled on the page and wrote out the question again on another page. “Okay lets work together then.” I hand him the pen. “Where do you want to start off first?”

The boy started analyzing the question and then asked for input. Everyone gave their 2 cents and I just gave them a gentle nudge in the right direction. We kept at that until we got back to the original answer I put down. Hyun Ah raised her hand and Kyung Min walked over and looked over our paper. “Team 4 won the Teamwork puzzle.” Everyone was happy and I didn’t know how to react so I just clapped my hands. “Okay, now off to the next location for the next task.” Everyone got up and formed into a huddle while we walked down the hallway. I hung out towards the back of the herd and walked alongside with Hyun Ah.

“I am really sorry if I got you in trouble earlier. I just remembered seeing your name tag and I wanted to make sure you didn’t get in trouble.”

“It’s okay. I should’ve told you that I wasn’t part of the summer internship. I’m actually here until December?”

“Really? Hul, how did you manage that?”

“I am here for summer and for a full school semester. I’m taking classes online so I can focus on being here.”

“Are you taking classes right now?”

“Yep, BD seonbae-nim lets me work on some of my homework when he doesn’t have a lot for me to do.”

“It must be hard for you. I am sorry that you got wrapped up in this.”

“I’m just hoping that BD seonbae-nim doesn’t get too mad at me. I’ll probably be here late to make up on lost time.” I look and see that the group has stopped and I am confused for a moment until I see what everyone is looking at. Some EXO members are walking down the hall and everyone bows to them including myself.

“Good Afternoon Chen, Chanyeol, Suho. What are you guys up to?” Kyung Min looked like a giddy school girl.

Suho smiled and said, “Just heading to the gym. Who are these guys?”

“Oh these are the new summer interns. Guys?” Everyone bows to them again and when I look at the guys I catch Chanyeol’s eyes and I look down quickly.

“I guess they will be helping SHINee seonbae’s with their promotions soon?”

“Yes they will be. Give them a lot of support.”

“Yeah, but,” I could hear that was Chanyeol’s voice. “What is she doing with them?” I didn’t have to look up to see that he was pointing at me.

“Well she is an intern so she is participating in the intern strength exercises.”

“Isn’t she BD’s intern? He sent me a message to keep an eye out for her since she is not answering her phone.”

“I took her phone away. All the interns aren’t allowed their phone today just in case they try to look up the answers to the puzzles.”

There was a few seconds of silence and I could feel like someone was standing in front of me. When I looked up I saw Chanyeol standing in front of me. “James hyung says that he’s not mad at you. He talked to the person in charge of the intern program and during team building stuff you’ll be with the summer interns, but besides that you are going to be his intern. So just enjoy the rest of the day and to come down to the studio when you’re all done.” Chanyeol looked behind him to Kyung Min. “You could of surely pass that bit of news to her. Seeing as you have her phone and he’s been blowing it up.”

“I was going to let her know at the end of the day.”

“My apologies then. Have fun for the rest of the day.” Chanyeol continued walking down the hallway not giving a glance back.

“I am sorry if my member spoke out of term.” Suho bowed to Kyung Min.

“It’s okay. I will let it slide this time. I will see you around?”


Suho nodded and walked with Chen in the same direction as Chanyeol. When Chen passed me he winked at me? Was that really a wink or am I just seeing things. Why would he wink at me? I shook my head and continued to follow the group. “I can’t believe it.” I looked over and saw Hyun Ah stunned. “That. That was Chanyeol. The Chanyeol of EXO. He came up and talked to you.” Hyun Ah looked over at me is disbelief. “How are you not dead? How are you not freaking out?”

“I sort of learned to keep my composure until I’m alone.”

“Huh? What do you mean? Why would you deny yourself the feeling of happiness that Park freaking Chanyeol just talked to you?”

“It is because I am working. If I was here purely as a fan I would probably freak out a little bit more, but the fact is I am here 5 days out of the week. I bump into Chanyeol maybe once a week. I don’t want him to know me as the girl who can’t control herself around him.”

“You do have a good point. Still I hope I can talk to him someday.” Just make sure you don’t say his song .

“And just remember not to step over the line. Remember you are an intern. The idols are not your friend.” I look over and saw how distraught Hyun Ah looked. “Sorry for sounding harsh. It was just something that was drilled into me even before I got here. Just wanted to make sure you know.”

“Thanks for looking out for me.” Hyun ah extended her hand to me. “We never formally introduced. My name is Lee Hyun Ah, I am born in 1996.”

I took her hand and smiled. “My name is Park Eun Mi. I was born in 1995.”

“You got here before me and you are a year older than me.”

“Don’t worry about it too much. You can drop the honorifics with me. I’m originally from the United States and we don’t use honorifics there.”

“Okay eonnie.”

“Don’t call me eonnie. Call me Eun Mi or if you want to Mimi.”

“Oh~! Okay” she paused for a moment, “Eun Mi eonnie.”

I face palmed realizing that I wasn’t going to get through to her. We reached another room and there some more exercise for us to do. Most of them involved being able to trust the people in your group and being able rely on each other. The last time we had something like this in the states was when we were in Elementary school and we would have field days. I really like the feeling of being involved in something. After a few games my group was able to relax more around me and we truly felt like we were on the same playing field. Also Kyung Min really isn’t that evil. He just wants to make sure he does his job right. I can relate to that and if someone who was below me was trying to over step their boundaries I would turn evil very quickly. Towards the end of the day we had a barbecue up on the rooftop. Even though I have only been here for a month I never knew you could come up to the rooftop. Right before we were about to eat the same group of boys came up and asked if it would be okay if they joined us. Kyung Min granted them permission as long as they could show us one of the dances that they were working on. I smiled and made eye contact with Johnny and gave him a thumbs up.

Hyun Ah noticed and nudged me. “You know him?”

“Oh a little bit. We bump into each other when we get take out for the groups we are with.”

“Huh~ Johnny is so good looking. Can you introduce me to him. Please?” Hyun Ah tried to do some aegyo (basically was trying to act cute).

“Only if you stop doing that ugly thing.” We laughed and watched their performance. SM is known for their choreography and with these guys it is no exception. I really can’t wait for Johnny to debut. He is going to be so successful, I just know it. Once the guys were done dancing they all bowed and went over and helped themselves to some food. They mixed themselves with the interns and Johnny saw me and walked over towards me.

“Is this seat available?”

“Why yes it is.” We laughed and he sat down. I looked to my left and Hyun Ah was just staring. I sighed a little and gestured to her. “Johnny by the way this is my friend Hyun Ah.”

“Oh hi there. My name is Johnny. I hope in the future you will be able to help and support our new group.” He sounded like such a politician. He reached his hand over to shake her hand. Hyun Ah froze and didn’t move a centimeter. I laugh in my head and grab her hand and put it in Johnny’s hand.

“I will support you guys until the end of my days. And even they I will support you guys up in heaven.” Johnny and I both glanced at each other and he just smiled at her.

“Thank you so much.” He pried his hand away from her’s and went back to eating his food. I smiled before I went back to eating my food. After a few light conversations Kyung Min announced that this was the end of day 1 for the intern orientation. He stated that tomorrow is our second day of orientation.

Kyung Min came up to me to say, “Hey I know that usually you have the day off tomorrow. But I would really appreciate it if you came to the orientation tomorrow. We wouldn’t want there to be any hostile feelings towards anyone because someone thought they were higher than others.” There comes the personality. He also handed back my phone that he took earlier. Okay at least he is a semi-nice .

“I would love to be there. I’ll be here bright and early.” Now that means I need to stay up late tomorrow to make sure I am all caught up in my school work. Or maybe James won’t need me that much tonight so I will be able to leave early. Oh no, speaking of James I need to go to him. Now that the orientation is over.

“I can’t wait to hang out with you tomorrow. Even though we won’t spend much time after orientation I would love to exchange numbers so we can hang out from time to time. And I also live locally so maybe we can see each other when my internship is done.”

In all honesty having a friend that isn’t in the upper ranks of the company sounded like fun. “Yeah that sounds like fun.” We exchanged phone and put our numbers on each others phones and we even added each other on Kakao. I quickly waved to Hyun Ah when she got off of the elevator as I continue to the basement.


The doors of the elevator open and I slowly make my way down the hallway. I look in the window and see James sitting there by himself I slowly opened the door. “How was the orientation?” James said as he was looking at his computer. He is not making eye contact that must mean that he is mad at me.

I clear my throat before speaking, “It was nice.”


“Yeah, everyone was friendly.” I stood there with my hands together. This feels like I am about to get disciplined by a parent. I don’t understand why I am so nervous. Chanyeol even said that James’ said it was fine. Unless if Chanyeol was saying that to tease me. He must be laughing his head off right now. And I don’t understand it, on variety shows and in fan cams he is always bubbly and here he just acts the opposite. It is a miracle that no one has written on social media about how he really is. Unless if everyone here understand to not do that because if fans realized that was true then they might like him and his group as much.

James turned around in his chair. “Not sure if Chanyeol relayed this, but I am not upset at you. I’m just upset at the situation. I had talked to the intern program and they said that having you come in early would void you of this orientation/team building bull. I knew it would cut into your doing homework time. I’m sorry I wasn’t able to prevent it. The head of the intern program said that whenever the group does team building stuff like when they go away in a week for a weekend trip you will have to go with them too. Don’t worry the trips are still paid and,” James handed me an envelope. “I went to payroll personally and was about to get your missing paychecks. We can finish up early tonight and get you situated with a bank account and a bank card.”

I took the envelope a little nervously. “Are you sure you’re not mad at me? I did have the choice of not going with Kyung Min, but then I wouldn’t of had my phone.”

James pulled me into a hug. He hasn’t hugged me since we were kids. This felt very weird. “It’s okay. I understand that the phone isn’t just some piece of technology for you. It holds precious memories of you and Brian.” My eyes went wide. That name hasn’t been said in years. I never thought that James would care about that. I guess he could feel me tense up because he then said, “Sorry. I didn’t mean to mention that name. Forget I said that. Lets just go home.” He handed me my bag and he grabbed his and we made our way to the elevator. It was a very quiet trip back to the apartment. I avoided eye contact with James and I was lost in my own thoughts. Flash backs from those days were flowing in and I would try to think of something else before I reach our last days. Luckily I would think of something else but the cycle would start up again. I was doing so good for so long.

We walked into the door and I went straight to my room. I just had to do what my therapist told me to do. I grabbed my notebook and start writing down all of my feelings. I was writing so furiously I didn’t notice James coming in. “I’m sorry. I’m so sorry that I made you like this.”

I paste a smile on my face and look up at James. “It’s okay. Don’t worry about it. I was doing so well that it didn’t seem like a big deal. I just need to do what my therapist told me to do and then I’ll be fine. I promise.”

“If it gets bad will you let me know?”

I nod my head, “Yes of course.”

James walked over and gave me a hug. “Try and get some sleep. You need the rest.”

I hug him back while holding onto the notebook. “You get some rest too. If I break down I won’t be able to take care of you. And you won’t be able to take care of me if you are sick.”

“Well we will have to make sure that we are both healthy then.” He gives me a final squeeze before separating from me. “Sweet dreams.” I wave and as he closes my door I go back to writing. This was the only thing I had control of during a time when I felt like everything was slipping through my fingers. Once I finish writing I decide to do some meditating to calm myself down before bed. I am just hoping not to have a nightmare. The calmer I can be the better chances of no nightmares there are. After a few minutes I turn off the light and slip under my covers and close my eyes hoping for normal dreams.

As I fall asleep I start seeing a familiar scene.

A nice quiet neighborhood. Nothing ever really happening there. Some people left their cars unlock because they felt so safe in that neighbor. I see two people a boy and girl walking along the sidewalk and they seem happy. They seem like they are so in love. As they reached back to the house with the white fence they get into a car. The ownership of the car seemed to belong to the man in the dream.

I could feel my real body start tensing up. This is the part of the dream that depending on how relaxed I am can change the outcome.

The car started going in reverse into traffic. Neither the driver nor the passenger are looking at what cars are coming. Right before they drive off someone starts to drive up to them and waits for them to move before proceeding forward.

My body relaxes knowing that tonight I was going to get the good ending. The ending that I wished happened in real life. If I had the bad ending I don’t know if I would of been able to go into work the next day. Before I slip into deep sleep I make a note to ask James for a recommendation for a therapist while I am over here. I let my body slip into a deep sleep with thoughts of good things to come tomorrow.


I woke the next day feeling only a little bit drowsy. Usually when I have a dream like that if I get the bad ending I feel like everything good has been out of me. I quickly get dress and walk out of the door. I see James sleeping against the wall. He must have been so worried for me. I guess my mom informed him about what might happen. I walk into the kitchen and make a cup of coffee for him. His coffee order is so simple cause he takes it like his soul, black.

After making the coffee I walk over and kneel down so the coffee can be right in front of his face. His face scrunches a little and his eye flutter open. “Good morning.”

“It's morning?” He rubbed his eyes. “Oh my God! It's morning!” He started panicking.

“Don’t worry I'm okay. I come bearing gifts of caffeine.” I hold the cup out for him.

He takes it from me slowly. “Thanks.” He takes a small sip. “So….the dream didn't happen?”

“Oh no it happened, but I got the good ending.”

“There's a good ending?”

“Yeah if I can calm myself down before I go to bed sometimes it plays out the good ending where Brian lives.”

“It's been only 2 years. I understand if it still affects you. That's why I promised your mom I would take care of you.”

“Thanks for looking out for me.”

“Any time.”

I stood up and stretched a bit. “Well it's time for some more intern fun. I'll keep in touch.”

“Don't talk to strangers.” I slip my shoes on at the door.

“Okay I will talk to strangers and bring them back!” I closed the door before he could protest. The rest of the trip to SM wasn't that bad. Just the usual hustle and bustle of Seoul. I arrive to the company and see Hyun Ah waiting for me in front of the main entrance. I wave my hand and go up to her. I avoid eye contact with the sasaengs while I go up. “Did you get a good night's sleep?”

“I was so tired I fell asleep like a brick. How did you sleep?”

“Same.” I don't know her that well to tell her all the horrible stuff about my past. I decided that today is a new day and nothing is going to get me down.

“Time to turn in your cell phones.” Well that is a little dent. I turn in my phone. “Welcome back Ms. Park. So glad you could join us.” Sometimes I really want to punch him in the face.

“Of course. Why wouldn't I want to come back to your winning personality?” Kyung Min looked flustered and it clicked that people here aren't use to sarcasm. I just walk away and join Hyun Ah.

“Okay so today we are going to have the in depth tour of the SM building. This way if we ask you to go somewhere you won't get lost.” I rolled my eyes. I got out of bed for this? The tour was not as fun as when I took the tour with James. Hyun Ah and I hung out more towards the back. I whispered to her the extra information that James told me. I caught glances from Kyung Min and he was not very happy with me. At the computer lab I was showing Hyun Ah a cool trick on the computers. When I looked up I saw we were alone.

“Where did the group go?”

“They must have gone on when we weren't looking. Let's try and catch up.” After signing off and we looked down the hallway.

“I don't see them but we were heading in this direction.” I pointed to the left and we head down in that direction. We shouldn't have run because when we turned the corner we bumped into someone. “Oh my God I'm so sorry.”

“Eun Mi?” I looked up to see LDN.

“LDN seonbae-nim. I am seriously so sorry “

“It's okay. And you can call me Greg. Are you guys lost?”

“We were on a tour and sort of got left behind.”

“Well I am not busy. I can show you the rest of the building.”

“It's okay we wouldn't want to inconvenience you.”

“Nonsense.” LDN motions down the hall and we follow him. “So this room here is the vocal practice room. Kind of on the small side, but they have bigger ones for more people.” He closes the door and moves across the hall. “This is a bigger practice room and they even have a karaoke machine.” Oh dear, now I know why he picked this first. “Shall we try some songs?”

“Oh that sounds like fun.” Hyun Ah smiled and hopped in and I followed behind. Hyun Ah grabbed the mic first and LDN wiggled his finger.

“Shouldn't we have the older one go first?”

The joy from her face disappeared for a moment. “Oh right silly me. Eonnie you can go first.” I didn't want to go, but I didn't want to be disrespectful. Also I didn't want LDN to have a suspicion that I don't trust him. I walked over and selected 술이아 by Vibes. Might as well give him a show.

During the first verse I kept is more on the quiet side but with a lot of emotion. As I finish the chorus and went into the second verse I put a little bit more backbone to it. I try to not look at Hyun Ah and LDN. I finish the second verse on a powerful high note and put my heart in the chorus. I used to sing this song a lot and it really shows my strengths and I could relate to the words well although I didn't drink my sorrows away I sang them away.

At the end of the song there was a moment of silence and for a moment I thought I was alone. Yet it didn't sound like just Hyun Ah and LDN. I turned around and saw the rest of the interns there with Kyung Min.

“Where did you guys come from?”

“We were looking for you guys and heard someone making a ruckus. Knew it had to be you.”

“Sorry if I was too loud. I should've turned down the volume.”

“Well that was one hell of a performance, but we should be off. Thank you for taking care of the girls LDN hyung. I hope they weren't too menacing for you.”

“No I was the one that insisted on being their tour guide. Now that the group is back I guess I will be off. Eun Mi,” LDN gives attention to me. “Nice voice. Work on your mix belt into head voice. When that gets perfected come see me.” With no answer he walked out and went down the hallway.

“Well now we know you guys are safe please keep up.” Kyung Min turned around and we all followed suit.

While we walked Hyun Ah leaned over to me and whispered in my ear. “Who is LDN anyways?”

My eyes go a little wide. “He is a new producer that’s been doing well with SM so far.”

“Really? What has he worked on?”

“View by SHINee and that’s it. Maybe he will come up with some new songs soon.”

“Let’s hope he does a good job.” I nod agreeing with her. We finished the tour and really that was all they were doing. I felt so cheated. We got our phones back and we were free to do whatever we wanted to do for the rest of the day. Some of the interns decided it would be a good idea to go out for some food. Others also mentioned drinks, but it was only 3 pm so it didn’t seem like the right time to get wasted. Yet I still have to remind myself, this is Seoul where day drinking is totally acceptable. We get to the Korean barbecue restaurant and we get our own mini room near the back. I think the owners realize that we are going to be noisy and want us away from everyone else. As a camaraderie activity we all take a shot and begin cooking the food. Once we finish eating I go back to the apartment and end this chapter finally.

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