I'm Not Human.....and Neither Are You?


   (your thoughts are in pink)

"Wow!!!" you said. You were outside of a huge arena where you new soccer team practiced. On a huge sign there were words that said 'Seoul Soccer Stadium: Home of VIXX' and a large picture of the guys. As you stared in awe at the stadium the guys all walked inside without you. You must have stared too long because Ravi came back out and pulled you through the metal gates.

  The field was about the same size as the one at you high school, but it was a bit longer. The grass was fake so it was a nice forest green color and the painted lines were clear. You sat down on the bench across from the guys while they stretched out. N was calling out the different stretches and they went through each one twice. Bored you decided to join them and walked over to an empty space. They all pause when you sat down and you smiled motioning for N to continue. You felt someone's gaze on your face and you looked up to see Leo staring at you. Giving him a small smile you watched his eyes morph from a liquid brown to a strange yellow. It happened so quick you thought it was just your imagination so you looked away and continued stretching. When N finished calling out stretches everyone stood up and you hurried to do the same. 

  All of a sudden they took off down the sideline leaving you. Dumbstruck you ran to catch and eventually passed everyone except for Leo. As you reached his side you slowed down and finished the lap besides him.

  "Mina come with me to get the equipment," you heard Ravi yell. Walking away from the wide eyed group of boys you followed Ravi to the shed on the far side of the field. "What's up with them?"you asked. Ravi chuckled and shook his head.

  "They didn't know you were that fast,"he said," only i watched the videos of you  audition." Laughing you held your hand up in victory.

  "They don't know who there messing with if the think I'm going to be slow just because I'm a girl," you said.Ravi laughed and patted you on your back.

  "Well you showed the Mina," he said. The two of  you reached the shed and he pulled a key out of his pocket and unlocked the door."We all have a copy of this key and I'll make you one tomorrow." Nodding you walked inside and  looked around. There were four bags of soccer balls, three stacks of cones and a bin full of nets for the goals."Grab a bag of balls and I'll grab the cones," he said.

  "Neh," you said. Walking outside you turned and waited for him to come out. He came out and looked at you, grinning he gesture to the other members and the two of you started walking. As you walked you glanced over at him and studied his profile. Like Leo's eyes his suddenly flashed that yellow causing you to stumble. You almost fell, but Ravi grabbed you are and with a concerned expression steadied you.

  "Are you ok?" he asked.

  "N-N-Neh," you stuttered and kept walking. I must be going crazy you thought. Reaching the others you dropped the bag and began taking out the balls. N took the cones from Ravi and began setting up drills while the other took a ball from you and started juggling. You decided to show off and began juggling, kicking the ball high up into the air you caught it on you foot and popped it back up. Catching it this time with you head you balanced the ball then let it fall to the ground.

  Looking up to see their reactions you were met with six pairs of yellow eyes. Freezing in place you legs gave out and you slowly san to the ground. One by one their eyes turned back to normal, feeling sick you covered you face with you hands. Hongbin and Ken rushed forward with concerned expressions. They tried to grab you by your arms and lift you up, but you flinched away from their touch.

  "Mina?" Ken said," what's wrong?" Blaming what you saw once more on you imagination you shook you head.

  "I suddenly don't feel very well I feel really bad." Ken crouched down next to you and wrapped an arm around you waist. He helped you to the bench but lingered before rejoining the others.

  " Stay here," he said, "We'll end practice early and go home in a few." Nodding you layed down on the bench. Staring up at the sky you searched the cloud for shapes. You must have fell asleep because when you opened you eyes you were in the van. You were sitting in between Hongbin and Ken with your head on Ken's shoulder.Straightening up you stretched as much as possible in the small space." Are you okay now?" Ken asked you. Nodding you head asked him a question.

  "Did you carry me to the car?"

  "Ani," he said,"Leo did." Looking back at Leo you wanted to thank him but you saw he was asleep. As you sat back you pulled out you iPod, Hongbin had fallen asleep too so you offer Ken an earphone. "Gomawo," he whispered plugging it in. Smiling you the music and played a game. Ken saw the game and tapped you gesturing to the screen. Giving it to him you watched as he beat your high score in a matter of seconds. He smiled at you in victory and you stuck you tongue out at him.

  The van pulled up to the dorm and the 6 of you got out. Leo was still asleep, but no one wanted to wake him up.

   " I remember the last time i woke him up," N said," I thought I was going to die." The boys all grunted in agreement and looked towards the van. Shrugging you walked towards and opened the door. Leo was on the far side with his head propped up against the window. Climbing over to him you gently shook his shoulder.

   "Leo, Leo wake up," you said. He slowly roused and turned to glare at you. Crossing you arms over you chest you gave him a defiant look. " I don't know or care about what you did to the others, but unless you wanna freeze to death tonight then I suggest you get up and get out." you said. He puffed out a breathe and started to get up. He turned to unbuckle his seat belt and when he turned back to you his eyes were a super pale red.

  The color startled you so bad you fell out of the van. Landing on your you winced a the shock of pain that ran through your body. Leo looked down at you from the van with a confused expression and moved to help you up.His eyes slowly melted back to their brown color and you blinked a couple times, when he touched your arm you cringed way.

  You quickly stood up and ran into the dorm. Rushing past the other who were gathered in the living room, you didn't give them a second glance. You ran straight into you room and slammed the door behind you. Leaning against the door you tried to catch you breathe, taking deep breaths you tried to calm down,but your breaths came in shallower and shallower. You knew what it meant, you were having a asthma attack. There was frantic knocking coming from the other side of the door, but you couldn't bring yourself to open it.

  Leo's soft voice somehow came through the door and spoke to you." Breathe," he said, " put you hands behind your back and breath deeply." Doing what he said you slowly took breaths after you put you hands behind your back. It took awhile but your breaths became deeper and the tightness in your chest faded away. You heard him sigh from behind the door and felt the door knob twist and turn. "Can i please come in Mina i just wanna talk and help you calm down." he said.

   Slowly you walked to your bed and sat down, bringing you knees to your chest. You didn't hear the door open but you heard it shut and you quickly closed your eyes. The bed dipped next to you and you slid until you touched something warm. Opening your eyes you looked up at Leo, he stared back at you but soon moved to examine your body.

  "Are you hurt anywhere?"he said. You shook you head but didn't say anything. Sighing again he sat back and look into your eyes. His slowly brightened just a bit becoming a light brown and you began to shake. "So I was right you can the color changes in our eyes. Sorry for scaring you ,but I had to check usually humans can't see past our auras." Still shaking you scooted away from him, before you could get too far he grabbed you by encircling his arms around your small frame. Freezing in place you slowly looked up at him.

  "Let me go," you said,"your not human please let me go."

  "Mina please let me explain, you are someone very special to me and I don't think you human either. I'll let N explain everything to you but you have to stay calm ok?" I'm not human? you thought and he shook his head. " No you're not and the fact i read your mind just now proves it." Now your shaking violently in his arms. "Hey, hey," he said," I don't want you to have another asthma attack so please wrap you arm around my neck and breathe ok i need you to do what i say Mina."

 Hesitantly you uncurled your arms from around your body and slid them slowly around his neck. He brought a hand up and gently pushed your head down to rest on his shoulder. Tightening his grip around you waist the palms of his hand grew warm. Waves of calm suddenly washed over you and soothed the aching in you leg from your fall earlier and stopped your body from shaking.

  "I just showed you one of my powers and it helped you relax ok? I'm not going to hurt you and i couldn't even if I wanted to." You started to  pull away and he let you but he kept a hand securely wrapped around you waist. " Lets go talk to N ok he'll answer any question you have and explain the situation to you."

   He then pulled you into a stand and walked with you to the living room. The guys were all watching TV and had wet hair from their showers, the TV in a couple seconds went from alarmingly silent and the screen went black. The boys looked around in confusion then spotted you and Leo standing in the mouth of the hallway.

  "Hyung! What are you doing!!", Hyuk yelled.

  "Calm down Hyuk-ah she knows we arent human." Leo said.

  "How did this happen," asked N. Though he didn't seem to be upset there was surprise in his voice.

  "She can see past our Auras and see the color changes in our eyes. When she tripped walking next to Ravi and when she almost fainted during juggling it was because of our eyes." he said.

  "That doesn't make sense Leo she's human are you trying to say that she is a Celestial but doesn't know it?" N said.

 "Neh," Leo replied," I know it doesn't make sense but THE signs are there N that proves that she isn't human."

 "Are you sure?" N asked. "You've read her mind, felt her emotions ,and felt her heart beat? Can i check?" Leo nodded and stepped back. N's eyes melted into a startling royal purple and he started at the area above you head and Leo's. "Your right Leo, the Bond has been activated and its growing as we speak. Congrats chingu."

  The others cheered and whooped but you were so confused.

 "Bond? Congrats? What are you guys talking about? N if you don't turn your eyes back to normal I'm heading back to America on the first flight out of here!!" you shrieked hysterically. Leo grabbed you  hand and the waves of calm returned calming you instantly but you wanted to find out some answers. Stop please, if you can hear my thoughts then stop Leo. Like you asked the waves of calm diminished into nothing but he didn't let go of your hand.

 "Mina I know this is a lot but there is more. We need to tell you the history of Celestials and figure out why your parent sealed  your powers away." N said. Leo led you to the couch and the others got up, he sat down first then pulled you down to on his lap. You squirmed uncomfortably but he kept his hold on you. "It's okay Mina," N said,"because Leo is you Bond partner he automatically feels the need to comfort you. Soon you'll feel the same, but not as strongly." N looked around for a second but sat down on the coffee table across from you.

  "Celestials were the first beings to walk the Earth, but overtime our numbers diminished. The ancient Celestials were very stubborn and didn't really form groups and families. To keep the Celestial race from going extinct the council created the Bond. You and Leo are linked together because of the Bond created by those elders. Right now the Bond isn't complete but it will grow in a couple days. The Bond creates a link from every male Celestial to every female before you are born." pausing to take a breath N gesture to you and Leo.

 "Me, Hyuk, Hongbin, Ken, and Ravi all have a partner but we haven't met them yet. Partners are basically our soul mates, they were made to love us and it's the same for you two. You and Leo were born to meet and love each other, there is no one else you can fall in love with. It may sound cruel but everything about you compliments everything about Leo and because of that you'll be happy." he paused again and seemed to think about something,"Oh i almost forgot you get powers when you find your Bond partner, but we are all born with some. I think your given powers should develop soon, but your Bond powers are awakened when...." he stopped blushing. 

  Looking to the other  you saw they were avoiding your eyes.

  " What?" you asked. Leo squeezed your hand and you turned to face him.

  "The Bond powers are awakened when we consummate our union," he said quietly.

  "Consummate?" you repeated. Then it dawned on you, they meant that in order for your powers to activate you had to have with Leo. Blushing you looked down suddenly interested in your hands and fidgeted with your fingers. "Oh I get it."


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Sorry bout the delay school is definitely kicking my and i had soccer tryouts :/


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lucky9606 #1
please update
this is such an interesting fic...
lightningmaknae #2
Chapter 11: New fic?? Yay I'll be sure to read it :D anticipating the new story and updates :)))
lightningmaknae #3
Chapter 10: Ohmy...such a sweet chapter :3 SEO IN GUK AYYY WASSUP hahaha okay hope to see another update soon :)
Chapter 10: WOW~ you updated! I love this story so much >.<
Very short chapter but with lots of feels.
lightningmaknae #5
Chapter 9: Ahhh, authornim you finally updated! This was a really exciting chapter and I hope you update again soon :3
Chapter 9: *cries in a corner* too many feels in this chapter.
Smokey302 #7
Chapter 8: Interesting read. ;)
Look forward to seeing more.
lightningmaknae #8
Chapter 8: OMG update soon!
Chapter 6: Oooohh~~ I really like the theme of bonds in this fan fan fiction :DD
I didn't think this fan fiction would have a supernaturally, dark-ish vibe to it.
I love it!!