Chapter 7

Because My Answer Is You

3rd Person’s P.O.V

That night, Hyuk had a fitful rest for he dreamt of the pretty boy that was in his hospital room in the morning.

Hyuk’s P.O.V

“Hyung…the only thing I want from you, is something you couldn’t give me.” Why did I even dream of that? What do I want from him? A thousand and one questions is making my head hurt. What is something he couldn’t give me? His clothes? Accessories? Ah! His pretty face! Hmm…I don’t think so though…What is it exactly…Eesh! I ruffled my hair in annoyance and thought about Sungjae. Talking about Sungjae…why am I in a relationship with him? I know that we’ve been best friends ever since the recording of SBS MTV Diary but I don’t like him that way? Whenever, I see Sungjae, my heart doesn’t beat fast like what the hyungs have told me. They told me that if I’d ever fall in love, my heart will beat fast if I see them. But that’s not the case right now. So that means I like someone else? But how do I tell him that?

N’s P.O.V

“Tell who what?”

“N hyung! You scared me.”

“So what are you thinking about?”


“Yah. Don’t lie to your hyung.”

“Well…it’s just that…hyung?” I hummed in response.

“Do you know why am I in a relationship with Sungjae?”

“What do you mean why? Don’t tell me you forgot Sungjae?!”

“No. It’s just that I’m confused? I don’t remember myself getting into a relationship with him…”

Aha! Hongbin has a chance with Hyuk then! Plan A starts now!

I continued listening to him rambling while texting Ken.

To: Kenjumma

Kenjumma! Where are you? Come to the hospital now~~

To: Leader N hyung :D:D:D:D


To: Kenjumma

WHAT?! NO. No one is involved in any accident. Do you remember the plan that I told you yesterday?

To: Leader N hyung :D:D:D:D

Huh? What plan? o.O Were we planning anything?

To: Kenjumma

Aish! You forgetful old woman! I’m going to get Hyuk out of the hospital and you are coming here with Hongbin and the rest. We’ll be going on a date well more like they but well, you get it~

To: Leader N hyung :D:D:D:D

I’M NOT A WOMAN!!1!!!!11!!!!!1!1! Oh this plan. What makes you think that it’s going to work? We all know Hongbin is awkward *v*

To: Kenjumma

Just bring them here and I’ll settle the rest.

To: Leader N hyung :D:D:D:D

If you say so~ we’ll be there in about 20 minutes! Muah! Don’t miss me~! :D

Ew Ken. I’m not going to reply to this.


-Conversation ends-

I think Ken might be right. Hongbin is awkward. During the MyDol era, both of them were already awkward. Plus, Hyuk lost his memory about Hongbin so things might get even more awkward than it is now. Ottokaji? Hmm…I think I should follow them. And I could use this as an excuse to go out with Ravi too! I’m so smart!



A/N : Next chapter would be HyukBin's date + a dash Navi! And I apologise for this crappy update ;_; it seems like i'm having writers' block /cries

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I'm back! Anyone missed me? Okay I was kidding. Updated chapter 5 and the following chapter will be up tomorrow!


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Chapter 12: Just found this story and honestly LOVED it. Wished more people read it because they dont know what theyre missing out on. Such a little number for such a good story. Upvoted and subscribed~ Thanks for writing this! Looking forward for more of your stories.
Chapter 12: This story was great, but the ending felt a bit rushed to me. But it may just be me. (: This story was still very enjoyable though! ^^
Chapter 7: Oops I meant last 2 not 3!
Chapter 6: i don't get the last 3 chapters... I really like this story but it seems that the three last chapters are totally another story...
Chapter 7: update soon! :DD
Chapter 6: Thanks for the update even though it was short. I wonder if Sungjae knows that Hyuk's true love is Hongbin... Anyways I hope N doesn't come up with a crazy plan.