Chapter 17

I'll try my hardest to make you love me

Did I fall asleep on the table? Why am I lying on something so hard? Krystal thought as she rubbed the ''table'' with her hands and eyes still closed.

Suddenly, she hit it with her fists and the ''table'' groaned in pained. Her eyes fluttered open as she realised that the ''table'' was actually Kai's chest.

''Are you crazy? Why did you hit me?'' Kai asked as he sat up while massaging his throbbing chest. Krystal smiled sheepishly at him and rubbed the

nape of her neck.

''Sorry, I forgot I was sleeping beside you. I thought you were a table.'' Kai almost couldn't believe his ears. A table? Wow...

''Aishh...Never mind. Just lie back down.'' He told her and hugged her when she did. He burried his head into the crook of her neck and inhaled.

''You smell really good you know.''

''Did you just compliment me? That is just plain weird.'' She chuckled and did the same to him.

''Hmm, you smell okay, not as good as me though.'' She teased.


''I'm just joking Jongin. I'm going to shower now and cook .'' 


''Soojung ah, where are you going?'' Kai questioned her when he came down and realised that Krystal was preparing to leave the house.

''School?'' She told him like it was the most obvious answer in the whole wide world.

''Have you eaten?''

''No. I need to take the bus to school so I have no time to eat. Which reminds me, I need to go now, you still have time to eat. See you at school!'' She 

went out of the house only to get dragged back in by Kai. She looked at him, lost.

''From now on, you are going to ride in my car so you have time to eat.'' He forced her to sit down in front of the table. 



When they had finished eating, Krystal followed Kai to his car but hesistated to go in. He glanced at her and aksed,

''Why are you not getting in? Last time you begged me to let you ride in here then now you don't want to do it.'' 

''It's not that I don't want to , it's just that I'm used to begging you to do things for me,it feels different when you take the initiative but I like it.'' She


''Things are different now, Soojung.'' He replied, to which Krystal smiled at. She got in and looked at him expectedly, waiting for him to drive, and when he

didn't, she asked,

''What's wrong?'' Her eyes widened as Kai went closer to her. She could feel his breath on her face and the intensity of his gaze. She squeezed her

eyes shut. Meanwhile, Kai was suffering. He was really tempted to claim her lips right there and then. He gulped and looked away, forcing himself

to do what he was initially planning to do.


The sound made the girl open her eyes. She saw Kai leaning back and igniting the engine and realised that he had buckled her seat belt for her.

''From the way you are acting, I don't think I can even leave you alone for a second. You care so much about others but you don't even look after yourself.''

He shook his head, obviously worried.

I like this change in Jongin. Krystal blushed.

As the school loomed ahead, she asked him a question.

''Jongin ah, are you going to drop me off a few meters away from the school gate like last time?''

''What makes you think that?'' he asked, keeping his eye on the road.

''Well, you said before that you didn't want others to know that we are together, even if it's on paper only.'' She titled her head cutely.

''I changed my mind. '' His answer shocked her.

''But what if they think we are together? What if-'' She got cut off by Kai.

''Let them think all they want.'' 

Krystal had no choice but to agree, elated she was but there was a part of her that was scared. Scared that she would get bashed. Scared of the three

girls. Her heart was pounding as she exited from the car with him. Everyone near the school gate could see their arrival. They were all beyond shocked.

Who wouldn't be? The new girl who wasn't even popular, was going to school with one of the most popular and most handsome boys of the school.

Kai sensed her discomfort and he took her hand in his. That shocked the students even more. Krystal looked at him and he gave her a reassuring smile.

They walked in the hallyway and the students there started whispering among themsleves. Krystal caught a few of them.

''Why is she holding hands with Kai?''

''First Sehun and now Kai?''

''That should go to hell.''

''I mean, they do look good together. Still,Kai is mine and only mine.''

Krystal heard all of those mean comments and sighed. Kai glanced at her and whispered,

''Don't worry about them okay? If they ever try to harm you, you have Exo, Sulli and I. Except Sehun maybe.'' He joked at the last part which made her 


''TAL TAL!''


It didn't have to take a genius to know who were the ones shouting across the hallway. Sehun and Sulli came running and tried to hug Krystal. The whole

exo members had heard of the news that the two of them had come to school together and were holding hands. Kai's fast reflexes prevented Sehun from

hugging her. His eyes widened as he pouted.

''Tal Tal, look, he doesn't want me to hug you...scold him.'' Krystal laughed and glanced at Kai, silently asking for permission to hug him. Not a chance.

''Sorry Sehunnie, I don't want to hold a funeral for you.'' She joked.

''Krys! You did it.'' Sulli whispered as she hugged her.

''Yah, Kai, don't tell me you won't allow me to hug my best friend?'' Sulli raised her eyebrows when she saw Kai sulking at the back. 

''I didn't say that.'' He glared at her.

''Jongin, you don't have to be so mean to Sulli. '' Krystal gave him a pointed look.

''Oh my gosh, did you see that? He actually looked sorry! I should have recorded that one.'' Sehun gaped at him.

''Whatevs, Soojung ah, let's go to class and leave them alone.''

''Yah! We're in the same class as you!'' Sehun and Sulli shouted in unision. Seriously, those two should date. They have very similar personalities.

Everyone seemed to be glaring at Krystal when she entered with two handsome guys. It seemed as if the whole school knew about them holding hands

and coming to school together. Yoona was there too and she wasn't happy. Not one bit. She vowed to tell Yuri and Tiffany about Krystal disobeying

their orders. She glared at her. She couldn't understand what Krystal had that she didn't. Out of the three girls, Yoona was the only one who had a crush

on Kai, the other two had crushes on his friends. She was pulled away from her thoughts when she heard Krystal laughing at something that Kai said.

Krystal Jung Soojung, I am going to make your life a living hell. I'll make Kai realise what a two timing you are. She thought as she crumpled a

piece of paper.

Throughout the whole lesson, Kai couldn't take his eyes off Krystal. He even got scolded for not paying attention once. He used to think that he was 

always going to be a playboy and that he would never fall in love with anyone, especially Krystal. Well, there he was now, completely head over heels

about her.


After school, the four of them, Chanyeol, Sehun, Sulli and Krystal had to go for their part time job as usual. However, this time Kai couldn't accompany

her no matter how much he wanted to.

''It's okay Jongin, it's very near the house and when I get off work, it won't be that late. Your mom is sick, you should visit her. Okay?'' Krystal told him.

He nodded and Krystal kissed him on the cheek as a form of goodbye.

''See? Yuri, she just pecked him on the cheeck, she ignored your warnings!'' Yoona, who was in a jealous fit, screeched.

''That girl...don't worry, I have connections. I'll make her pay.''




''Krystal ah! I heard about you and Kai.'' Chanyeol wiggled his eyebrows.

''Yeah...He changed. Though he hasn't made it official if he likes me or not. Only his actions tell me.''

''Oh yeah, Kai is the ''actions'' only type of guy. But hey, you made him change his attitude, maybe he'll change that too.''

They continued to work until 6 in the evening, laughing and chatting as they left.

''Krys! We need to go now. You sure you'll be okay going home alone?'' Sulli worriedly asked.

Krystal nodded cheerfully. ''Of course!''

So they bid farewell and went off their separate paths. As Krystal was walking home, she heard footsteps behind her.

''It's her right? That's the girl she asked us to follow right?'' She heard a husky voice say. The hairs on her neck stood up. Surely she's not the girl they're

talking about. Unfortunately, she was.

''Hey beautiful, why are you going home alone?''

''Get away from me.''

''Hey hey hey, we just want to have some fun. '' They cornered her into a dark alley.

''Get away from me you jerks.'' She tried to stop them by slapping one of the guys.

''YAH!'' He pulled her hair and punched her in the face. 

''I don't care if you are a girl or not. I'll make you pay for slapping me.'' He punched her yet again. The other two slapped her and punched her in the 

gut. Krystal was in immense pain and she was close to giving up until she remembered what Jessica had told her when she herself encountered bad


''Jungie ah, there's only one thing to do when that happens. You kick them in the balls. As hard as you can , then run.''

She followed and kicked one of their *ahem*. Immediately, he bent over and groaned. She did the same to the other two. After seeing them topple over,

she ran as fast as she could to her home. She was sure that Kai would be home already, he had texted her in the middle of work. Yes, he was home

and worried as heck. He paced around the house and waited. She wasn't picking up her phone, she was too busy running. He breathed a sigh of relief

when the front door opened. At once, he noticed that something was wrong yet again. Why? Becuase she didn't even bother to greet him. She was just 

too obvious.

''Soojung ah.'' He stopped her from going up the stairs. His breath hitched as he saw the horrible state she was in again. He dragged her to the couch and

went to the kitchen.

''Is he angry because I tried to hide it again?'' She mumbled to herself.

''Of course I'm angry.'' He said coldly,suddenly reappearing from the kitchen. In his hands was a medicine aid box. Krystal lowered her head. She 

absolutely hated it when he was angry at her. Him being angry meant that he wouldn't talk to her, it meant that he would go back to the old him. Or so she


''Sorry.'' She croaked out as Kai lifted her chin to take a look at her wounds.

''Silly, I'm not angry at you, I'm angry at myself for not being able to protect you again.'' He said as he applied medicine to her bruises. She winced

every time the cotton came into contact with her skin.

''Did I hurt you? I'm sorry, I'll try to be more gentle.'' His eyebrows were furrowed together. Krystal felt that the atmosphere was way too quiet and she 

cheerfully said,

''Jongin ah, do you know how I escaped them?''


''I kicked them in the balls! Isn't that just awesome?'' Actually, no, Kai didn't think it was that awesome but since she looked so cute and happy, he


''It's weird Soojung ah.'' He said after a minute of silence.

''What's weird?''

''Usually, women are the ones that come to the aid of their husband when they get hurt, but now you're the one that got hurt and I'm the one that helps

you.'' He chuckled. He put the cotton down and took her to their bedroom.

''Sleep. You must be tired. Oh and from now on, I am not letting you out of my sight. You make me worry too much.''


The next day, when Krystal woke up, her bruises weren't very visible because it was considered a light punch.

''No,you are not going to school.'' He told her.

''Please?'' She begged and when he didn't reply, she added,

''I thought you wanted to watch over me, I'm fine. Please?'' She pleaded with her irresistatble puppy dog eyes. 

''Fine. I can't do anything about it anyway.''





The two of them went to school as usual, Yoona's heart clenched in pain when she saw them together again. So their plan did not work. Yoona had

another idea and she smirked.

Surely it will work now...right? She thought as she dialed a number.


''Myungsoo ah, you love me right? I need you to do something for me.''

''What is it?''

''Transfer to my school.''
























Okesh! More drama comin right up! But of course there's gotta be some fluff right? Any myungstal shippers out there? Hehe. But don't worry, Kaistal

is number one!~~ Please don't forget to comment and subscribe and maybe upvote too! Hope this doesn't disappoint you all<3




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Chapter 22: no author nim i really liked it that was really amazing and you have such good ideas
Chapter 21: omg i can't wait to read the next chapter
Chapter 20: omg i can't beleive he is being really nice
Chapter 19: haha i'm waiting for it
Chapter 18: hihi i liked it as long as it has more moments btwn the married couple
Chapter 17: i'm very thankful to you author nim for this amazing story of my couple that i ship finally kai is understanding his feelings
Chapter 17: i'm very thankful to you author nim for this amazing story of my couple that i ship finally kai is understanding his feelings
Chapter 16: haha that nurse us really intelligent
Chapter 15: you deserve everything subscribe and upvote and the chapter was amazing
Chapter 14: haha i liked the moments that btwn krystal and kai