Super High Schoolers.

Dangan Ronpa : The K-pop Idols version

"Um..." a tiny girl said, I could hear the fear im her voice, "did you wake up at a classroom too?"
I nodded, but I didn't say anything.
"I knew it," she said quietly, her blonde hair shining in the gym's strong lights, "we all did too."
"All of us woke up in a classroom, and found the paper that told us to come here." a girl who was dressed a bit wieirdly said,
"An odd story, wouldn't you agree?"
"What the hell is with this place?" a blond-haired boy wondered.
"You thinks it kind of kidnapping or somethin'?"
"It's got to be a special arrangment!" another girl said, while her ginger-colored hair moving aside as she jumped towards us all,
and continued talking, "It's a special school, isn't it?"
"Whatever or not it is, we need to find out what's going on."
"Yes..." I said and continued on nodding.

We are the Super duper High Schoolers chosen by the Hope's Peak Academy. 
"Oh my... he's looking right at me!" a purple-haired girl whispered while shaking, standing far away from me, as she saw I was scanning her slowly, "It must be because I'm ugly-"
"What an eyesore.." a cold, poker-faced male commented, "what are you looking at?"
"N-nothing..." I answered him slowly, stuttering.
The, I spotted a girl, standing in the far end of the group. She looked like she's thinking hard about something.
I wonder what her talent was. Her black hair, her big eyes, her dark clothing. Do I know her?
"What?" she said, right away after spotting my suspicious
"N-nothing!!" I repeated my last sentence.

"Um... are you Kyungsoo-ah?" a tall girl, with short hair and lots of make-up asked.
she actually looked familiar. "We were at middle school together." Oh, so that where I knew her from.
"Choi Sulli?"
"Yes, it's nice to see a familiar face here." She smiled innocenctly.
"Huh.. wait, Sulli, do you remember me?" I slightly blushed.
"Of course I do! I mean, we were in the same school for full 3 years!"
"That's true, but why should a popular girl like you would notice a plain boy like me?"
"What? You thought I was cold and distant? That's insulting!" she covered her face with her hands, not looking at me.
"That's not that I.." I tried to calm her down, but she suddenly began giggling.
"I'm just kidding, don't worry."
"Please don't tease me like that!" she continued with her cute gigglings.

"Are you two planned flirting all day? Let's get down to the business already." the called guy from before said.
"Why is that even happening... We should figure out who's behind all of this."
"we are just being imprisoned here!" the shaking purpled-hair carried on with her worries.
"Finding my stuff is more important!" the fancy, beautiful short-haired girl said. "I don't know where my cellphone is.."
After she said that, everybody tried to find their cellphones and panicked.
"Neither do I. That means someone took them."
"come on guys, cheer up. This is probebly some kind of orientation the school planned out."

Then, a deafening sound came from the microphone standing on the platform.
"Testing,"  a childish voice said, "whateve', I'm sure you all can hear me."
We just stood there, didn't know what to do.

The voice coughed, and continued with his speech.
"Hello to all the freshmen. Lets let the opening ceremony begin!"

Maybe a dream, maybe it was pride
Maybe for myself, often wonder why?"

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sorry i didn't update a long time , i was on vacation .. but now I'm back , with a new chapter ! ^^~


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Chapter 5: I find it strange that I just finished watching Danganronpa and started watching a walkthrough of super danganronpa 2, later on I find this fic. Coincidence? But this was neatly written and amazing. Please update soon!
Chapter 4: Still keeps getting better.
Chapter 1: WOW.
This is such an amazing idea!
Please, please, PLEASE, update soon :D