
Dangan Ronpa : The K-pop Idols version

Hope's Peak Private Academy. Academies, sports, acts, arts and more, everything you can imagine.
This high-school gathers all the top student in each subject, and increases their abilities.
I'm just a normal one. No special ability, power or successful talent. But can I really be in a place like this?
I was actually chosen to be here because of my "good luck", nothing more. 

"Alright, then." I whispered to myself. This is the time. "My high-school life begins now."
I carefully stepped in the path, going towards the entrance of the building.
Just a second before I was inside the enormous building, I stopped.
"this step I filled with hope." I reminded myself quietly. One step.
I stepped in. And then... I don't remeber anything, the screen was off.
Everything turned black. That's where everything began.

My eyes slowly opened. "a classroom?" Yes, I was sitting by a table in an empty classroom.
then I saw something different. A camera? Steel plates on the windows? What's happening here?
I stood up, and tried to open the screws that were set on the window. No, I didn't move.
Then I realized another thing. A notebook was on the teacher's table.
I slowly opened it, and read what was written there.
Congratulations for enrolling.
A new term has begun, a fresh start.
Thi school will become the wolrd you will guys live in.
Now it's 8 o'clock.
Please come to the gym so we can start the opening ceremony.

I opened the classroom door, and started walking towards nowhere.
The hallway was totally empty, no sound except for my steps, nobody walking aside me.

I walked for a couple of minutes, and then saw a door with a sigh that says "Gym".
I carefully opened the door and a big light hit me.
I closed my eyes tightly and opened them after a few seconds.
A bunch of people stood there. i thinks about my age.
I counted us all fastly, and discovered that we were 15 boys and girls.
I scanned them and then opened my mouth slowly and started to talk.

"U-uh..." before I said anything else another guy stopped me and said something.
"Huh, are you a freshman too?"
I nodded quietly and let him continue on talking.
"This school is so strange.."
Another guy said, "fifteen of us, eh? is that everybody now?"
"You!" a tall male with bright clothes nearly shouted,  "you were ment to be here at 8 o'clock!"
I didn't know how too answer him, "being late is unacceptable here for sure!" he announced.
"Huh? Why are you talking rubish? Who said you can't be late here? or actually, who cares?" another one said.
"Um..." a tiny girl said, I could hear the fear im her voice, "did you wake up at a classroom too?"
I nodded, but I didn't say anything.


"From this day forth, stay on course,
No despair, got to have a heart
Take no loss, every step costs.
Everybody wants to see if you'll fall off,
Keep your eye on the prize,
Been through the worst even cried on the side,
No lie never know what you will find,
Got to believe, let's keep hope alive!"

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sorry i didn't update a long time , i was on vacation .. but now I'm back , with a new chapter ! ^^~


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Chapter 5: I find it strange that I just finished watching Danganronpa and started watching a walkthrough of super danganronpa 2, later on I find this fic. Coincidence? But this was neatly written and amazing. Please update soon!
Chapter 4: Still keeps getting better.
Chapter 1: WOW.
This is such an amazing idea!
Please, please, PLEASE, update soon :D