
Lost Time

Chapter 5 :

Dara's POV :

Actually, I first saw Big Bang 2 weeks ago on TV and thought,

OH WOW ! they're all good-looking..

I was about to turn the T.V. off when I heard.

"TaeYang, you're real name is Dong YoungBae, right?" the interviewer asked.

Dong YoungBae ?

"Ohh, yes, that's right." he smiled.
My eyes widened and quickly turned to see who it was.

"That's a unique last name," the interviewer said.

"oh, yes, I haven't seen anyone who has the same last name as me." he chuckled.

I was shocked, he resembles my Oppa a lot.
I was curious, I found myself looking for more information about him.
As I searched for it, the more I find infos about him, the more I think that he's my Oppa.
He got the same hobbies as my Oppa, he likes music, too.
He's the same age as my Oppa. Could he be my Oppa ? That's impossible, right?
So, I went further more to find more information about him,
and found out that his parents died in a car accident 11 years ago my eye's widened, my parents died 11 years ago also.

I thought that it was too much to be a coincidence.

After knowing about this information I watched the interview over again, that was when I saw the necklace that he was wearing.
It's the same necklace as mine, a locket necklace, I was surprise and didn't know what to do. 

He's really my Oppa I can't believe it.
I doubted it, but I'm giving it a try, anyway.

Our parents gave us a special necklace that only two of us have,
he told me that if we were to be seperated,
I just needed to show him the necklace and he'll recognize me immediately, I'm planning to show it to him.
But I've decided to keep it a little longer, a little bit longer and see if he can recognize me..

I still remember the memories we have together.
I hope he still remembers everything we did together.

But it's weird that we really got seperated, did Mom and Dad knew this coming?

My tears fell down as I remembered everything.

"Hey," JiYong called.

I was startled and jumped.

"Are you okay? Why are you crying?" he asked.

"Stop crying," as he gently wiped my tears away with his thumb

"Thank.. you," I hesitated.

And then he looked surprised, too. He's looking around the house without looking at me.
He's embarrassed, kekeke ! I laughed inside my head.

"Are they asleep?" JiYong asked.

"Oh, yeah, they told me that they're really tired, they were really busy last night." I told him.

he looked at me, "I see."

"What are you cooking?" He smiled like a child, he was so cute.

"Ohh, I still don't know what to cook," I blushed as I cut the vegetables.

He sat down on the table, acting like a child. Screaming for food.


"Is there anything you want me to cook?" I asked.

He stood up and pouted,

"Anything is fine," as he walked out the kitchen.

What the heck?! Just when I thought you were cute for a second, Ughh ! I pouted.

"You ruined the mood, stupid JiYong," I mumbled.

"HUH? Did you say something?" he asked.

"Eh? Ah-h, no, no, I-I didn't say anyt..hing." I stuttered.

WHAT THE HECK?! HE HEARD THAT? HE's in the living room, and I'm in the kitchen.
what's up w/ his ears? -__-;
I gotta be careful around him.

JiYong's POV :

I hate it when a girl cries. I CAN'T STAND IT, I JUST CAN'T.

When I walked in and saw her crying I didn't know what to do, I panicked.

I couldn't think of anything, so I just went with my instinct.

and didn't realize I was acting cute infront of her. 

I looked at her she was blushing, she just smiled and calmed down.

I stood up and asked her "What are you cooking ?"

and sat down again, I immediately stood up and pouted for no reason and walked out the kitchen.

I knew I heard her say, "You ruined the mood, stupid Jiyong."

Exactly how I wanted it. But hearing it coming from her own mouth ..., it actually felt weird.

DOES SHE LIKE ME ? SHE can't like me.

I smirked followed by a giggle.

I stood behind a wall and peeked at her, "Aisssh" as I scratched my head. She's really pretty, I thought to myself.

I don't really know what's behind those tears but I know its something sad and painful.

Does TaeYang have anything to do with this?


I walked towards the kitchen and

told her, "Yah, you can have my room."

"Eh? Bu-" she looked confused.

"No buts, it must be hard for you to sleep on the living room floor, you are a girl." I smirked.

"It's okay, I'm used to it," she told me proudly.

Hah, this girl. I let a small laugh.

"Is that something to be proud of?" I told her.

"Why not? It's not like I'm gonna die if I sleep on the floor," sticking her tongue out.

"Still, I don't want you sleeping there from now on." I told her.

"Where are you gonna sleep, then?" she asked.

"There's an extra bed in Hyungs' room, I can sleep there." I said as I took an apple from the table and bit it.

"ohh~," she muttered.

"Alright." I said and walked back into the living room.

I sat down on the couch, and watched t.v.

30 minutes later...

Dara came to the living room to clean.

"AIISSSH! You can clean up later," I commanded her.

"Aiggoo, alright," she said.

She walked back into the kitchen.

I wanted to get another apple before going to sleep, but I saw
Dara crying again, while she holding the necklace around her neck.

Why would she cry over a necklace? I wonder what she's hiding.

I walked to Hyung's room, layed down on the extra bed, and closed my eyes.
I wonder what that necklace means...





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I feel like the boys already know that Dara has leukemia, why would they have one week off for her right? Hmm suspicious and since Top said something big is coming.<br />
<br />
update!!! HAAHHA
ohhh please upsdate.. i've been reading this from the other sitr.. i so love this story, i hope youngbae will notice that dara is his sister..<br />
<br />
can't wait for the next update.. 6_^
Tabomxxmim #3
Ur story is very interesting :) wanna see TopBom moments please write about them ^^ thank u
yeah, I guess that makes sense, I would also be too worried to care about them. anyways excited to read your next update! hahha
kathypufi #5
intersting! Ji go on ask her about the necklace...:) I hope YB will see hte necklace as well :) Please update again:)
autumn #6
update soon..interesting story....=)
hmm, I feeling those are the girls which called. meaning will they finally meet the big bang boys?!?!? hhehe getting all excited here.
AsianError #8
@YGfamily4life16: Thank you for subscribing :D Mhm, sounds good, once I read fanfic, there's always time that I tend to forget about them -.-" something slip in my mind earlier today and I couldn't wait to write about it :D:D I feel giddy giddy inside when I write TopBom's story :D *////*
oo~ Dara with the pots, what a disturbing way to wake up. hahha. hahha yup i am a topbom shipper.hahha it's good too sound confident, i'll be looking forward to ur next updates. oh and I always read all the fanfics to the end. oh and I forgot to subscribe earlier. hahha subcribed now!
AsianError #10
@kathypufi:<br />
<br />
Sorrry, I don't know why I can't write longer chapters. Haha. <br />
Hmm, as for YB, well, you'll know xD if you read ;D