
Lost Time

Chapter 14 :

Dara's POV :

I felt like the time deceased and the only thing that that move was my
my heart thumping really fast when he said that he'll ask me about something, I could even hear the clock ticks.
I don't know what it is, but, it's something that I might not be able to keep from him.
Please God, don't do this to me, not now..

I gulped, "What is it?"

"Later, I'll ask you." 

"Ok-ay...," I remained calm in my outside appearance but in the inside my head is exploding with lot of thoughts.

Oh my god, did he found out about Oppa? Is he gonna kick me out and send me to the deserted island? Okay, I know that's exaggerated but still ! WHAT THE HECK does he know ?!?!?!?! kgandrubgaervma;fr :/ Ughhhh ! But what if he did ? What am I gonna say ? This person is SMART. GAHHHHHHHH ! 
I unconsciously scratched the back of my head, and then I saw him smirked.
WHAT THE HELL?! Did he just smirked ? smirk equals trouble. NOOOOOOOOO !

By the mean time, I was giving him instructions and he's following it slowly.
...... "I'm hungry, can't you get any faster?" I demanded.
"Yah, it's almost done, just wait for a little bit longer."

I put a long face and took a peek to see if he's doing it right.
Ohhh ~ he's following, he's following.

"Okay, here it is," as he carefully put the bowl in the table.
"It looks delicious," I said excitedly, holding a fork and spoon, left and right.
"Since it's the first time I cooked, I don't know if it's good or what," he said but with confidence in his face
as if saying—hey, I know it's delicious.

I took a sip, and WOW, just WOW, it's actually good, really good.
I looked at him, closed my eyes, and sighed.
"WHAT?!" he shouted, "WHY ARE YOU SIGHING?"
"WHAT IS WRONG WITH IT?!?!?!" he really did sound pissed.
He's hitting his chest with his fist like he's a gorilla.
My eyes widened by his sudden outraged.
"CALM DOWN, JIYONG!" I shouted back.
He froze for seconds and finally calmed down, "did you just called me JiYong?"
I blinked, "-ssi." I continued.
He sighed, "is it really that bad?"
I remained quiet for seconds, he stared at me, and finally felt dissatisfied by my quietness.
"Are you sure this is your first time?" I asked. He nodded.

"Rea.....lly?" he pouted.
"Yeah," I smiled as I took a sip again.

He stood up, jumping all over the places as if got some rewards from contest.

JiYong's POV :

I'm glad it's delicious, I happily sighed.
Now it's about time I ask her some serious questions,
I now then put some stiff expression on my face.
I put my chin on my palm, staring at Dara who's eating happily and doesn't care about what's going on around her.

I begin, "Yah, tell me seriously."

"What happened? Why did you came home injured like that?" I asked her.

She looked at me and smiled, "Someone tried to.. tried to.. kill me? I think.."

"WHAT?!" I yelled, "Is.. it our fans?"

She shooked her head, "I was just there at the wrong time, I guess, he was buff, he had a knife asking me to give him a money,"

I hanged my mouth opened, "then, we should look for him and do something about it."

"No need," she said, "He must've a reason as to why he did that, he just slap me, that's all. All those scratches are from running and falling down."

I sighed. "Are you sure?" She nodded. He looked at me strangely.

"Now, answer my question seriously. Who are you?" I know that I was harsh, but I wanted to know. For my own benefit? No, I want to know more about her. When I asked that, her face suddenly to looked like she's about to cry and she slowly put the spoon down to the plate. "Tell me."

"JiYong-ssi," she paused, "I'm nobody, I'm just an ordinary person that admires you and your fellow members."

"No, you're not," I said, "You're related to TaeYang, aren't you?"

I saw her eyes widened, and she's starting to shake, "if you're not gonna reveal it right now, you're not gonna get this back." As I pulled the necklace up. She stared at it, "now, tell me, how are you related to TaeYang?" I continued.

She turned her stare at me, her eyes were like saying, don't do this to me..
But as far as I'm concerned, I am forcing her to say all of what's going on in here.
Then she looked down, "JiYong-ssi, you're really smart, haha," she paused, "I guessed it's no use of hiding it to you?"

"But please, I trust you with this one," she continued as her tears starting to flow down, "don't tell anyone, PROMISE ME."

"I-I promised," just like it, I promised that I won't tell no one.

She wiped her tears, ready to tell me what's happening.

"Since when did you notice?" she asked.

"2 days ago, the day when you went home injured," I replied

She sighed, "That's right, TaeYang--," she shook her head, "Dong YoungBae is my *Oppa."

"Then, you—," she nodded, "Yes, I'm his sister."

"But from what we know you're already dead," I said confusingly, one thing she says leads to another.

"No, all this years, I was alive," she paused then continued the story, "I was able to get out of the car, I tried to wake him up, but he never did, I was struggling, I was looking for an air, I desperately tried to wake Oppa up, Umma, and Appa, but they never did, so, I went outside the car, tried to looked for help, I was just a few meters away, I saw someone I asked for her help then suddenly the car ........... exploded behind me. I was already too late. But I didn't know that my Oppa was able to get out, too."

She covered her faced with her hand and rubbed it violently,

"Stop that," I told her. When she stopped, her face was still covered with her hand, and she slowly started to sniffs, and sobbed not stopping until her hands are already flooded with her tears. I couldn't bare to watch it, I'm a..... jerk.

"I'm sorry," I slowly approached her, then finally hugged her. She spread her arms opened and hugged me back, she tightened the hugged, and didn't let go for 3-4 minutes, I just stood there, patting her back, while she's still crying causing my shirt to get wet.

When she let go, I hurriedly grabbed a glass and put water in it, and handed it to her,
"Sorry, Dara, I was wrong," I apologized.

She shook her head, "No, thank you, it's been a while since I cried so much for my family, I actually felt good. It feels light."
[A/N: Nope, 2ne1 girlfriends isn't considered:D]

"Here," I handed her necklace,
She took it, "Thank you,"
I kneeled down and wiped her tears.
I stared at her and lean closer and whispered, "I was a jerk, I promised I won't tell anyone, and make it up to you." she put her arms around my neck and lean her head to my shoulder, "Yeah. You better."

After that, there's was an unusual awkward silence between us.

Dara's POV :

HUWAHHHT ?! I hugged him! I'm so stupiddddddddd. gFBSBFELB, I'm actually lucky to get to hugged him,
The laughed in my head caused me to giggled.

"What the hell are you giggling for?" He said.
"JiYong-ssi, is that all you wanted to ask? Ask more, that way I can hug you again," I told him jokingly.
"W-what?!" he said with surprised and embarrassment, joined together.

"HAHAHAHAHA! I'm just kidding," I laughed.

Seriously, what am I thinking?


* = brother / older boyfriend.

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I feel like the boys already know that Dara has leukemia, why would they have one week off for her right? Hmm suspicious and since Top said something big is coming.<br />
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update!!! HAAHHA
ohhh please upsdate.. i've been reading this from the other sitr.. i so love this story, i hope youngbae will notice that dara is his sister..<br />
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can't wait for the next update.. 6_^
Tabomxxmim #3
Ur story is very interesting :) wanna see TopBom moments please write about them ^^ thank u
yeah, I guess that makes sense, I would also be too worried to care about them. anyways excited to read your next update! hahha
kathypufi #5
intersting! Ji go on ask her about the necklace...:) I hope YB will see hte necklace as well :) Please update again:)
autumn #6
update soon..interesting story....=)
hmm, I feeling those are the girls which called. meaning will they finally meet the big bang boys?!?!? hhehe getting all excited here.
AsianError #8
@YGfamily4life16: Thank you for subscribing :D Mhm, sounds good, once I read fanfic, there's always time that I tend to forget about them -.-" something slip in my mind earlier today and I couldn't wait to write about it :D:D I feel giddy giddy inside when I write TopBom's story :D *////*
oo~ Dara with the pots, what a disturbing way to wake up. hahha. hahha yup i am a topbom shipper.hahha it's good too sound confident, i'll be looking forward to ur next updates. oh and I always read all the fanfics to the end. oh and I forgot to subscribe earlier. hahha subcribed now!
AsianError #10
@kathypufi:<br />
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Sorrry, I don't know why I can't write longer chapters. Haha. <br />
Hmm, as for YB, well, you'll know xD if you read ;D