
Lost Time

Chapter 16:

DaeSung's POV :

I was in the shooting of Family Outing when I received a text from YoungBae hyung.....
I pressed the "View Now" and saw a picture..

Hmm? A texted? How rare and it's from YoungBae Hyung.
Let's see, let's see, Th--- is..... NO WAY !
 My eyes widened... the moment I saw the picture.

Dara's awake? YES! and then I saw the a picture.... they're sleeping together ! 
My jaw dropped the when I saw the picture. "WAHAHHAHHAHA!" I laughed out loud causing an uproar in the
place where we're shooting, I froze for seconds and apologized, I was trying hard to hold my laughed, but I know that they
can still hear me laughed, OMO OMO, JiYong hyung and Dara? I never thought of that ! This is gonna be a lot of fun.


Here I am, shooting for my upcoming drama, I received a text from TaeYang.. 
A message? For real? >_>
I pressed "view now"

As I viewed it, I saw something interesting, I put my hand in my mouth to hold my laugh, I could totally feel
the feeling of the heat in my face, I can't believe this, it's been a while since I saw something interesting as this.
Now, JiYong, it's our turn to tease you, you player. Smirked.

SeungRi's POV :

I was eating with my friends when I received a text from TaeYang hyung,
my mouth was filled with foods,
I viewed the message and saw something I couldn't believe.
The food filled in my mouth was spittled as soon as I saw the picture of Hyung and Dara,
then I choke, I was hitting my chest, "w-wate-r," I somehow managed to say it,
my friends handed me a water and I drank it. I breathe out and in. 
What the hell was that? I opened the message and again and it was no illusion.
What's going on? Then I just realized that my eyes are teary cause of the laughter I was keeping inside.
How interesting.

DaeSung's, T.O.P's, SeungRi's POV :

"Hyung/JiYong, get ready," they said in harmony.
[A/N: LOL]

TaeYang's POV:

It's better if I don't go waking them up. I went to my room and laid down on my bed.

FlashBack :

[A/N: Narrator's story;]

"Oppa!" she cried. "Oppa, where's my gift? Today's my birthday!"

"Miahne, I don't have a gift for you," I patted her head.
"Oppa! I hate you, you said you'll definitely have a gift for me today!" she ran.
"You promised!" 

TaeYang ran after her and saw her running toward the tree-house that their dad made for them,
he let a small laugh out, he went to the backyard and took the gift that he promised for his little sister,
It's was normal teddy bears, there's 2 of them, wearing a clothes and he put it in a basket,
he wrapped a 25-30 balloons around the basket handle and
there was a teddy bear costume, he wore it and headed back to the tree-house where his little sister is.
He walked and walked then finally reached it,
he then walked around the tree house
and let go of the basket, the balloons flew it away but got stuck at the end in the roof of the
tree-house by the windows.
"Yes, just like what I predicted," he said.
"DAA!" he shouted, "WHAT! GO AWAY!" she said,
"Awww! Stop sulking now! Look at the window!" he said.

She turned around and saw a load balloons with basket attached in it,
"what is this?" she wondered. 

"Do you like it!?" he shouted,
she ran into the window where he could see his Oppa down to the ground,
"OPPA! Is this is your gift for me?!" She asked happily.

She took it, and took a look at what's inside the basket,
she saw a two teddybears with clothes.

"YEAH! hehehe~"

"it's cute," she smiled happily.
She ran down the tree-house and headed to where her brother is,
"Opppa!" she hugged him, "I like it! You should've told me earlier,"
"Oppa wanted to surprise you," he smiled back.

"you're wearing a teddy suit," she looked at him, "It looks goood on you !"
and they both laugh.


Flashback end.

That was her last birthday with us, I sighed.

Daa, how are you doing now? You're with Umma and Appa, right?
You have to be good with Umma and Appa, araso? And your birthday is almost here,
 I smiled as I thought of that.

You know, I just noticed something, there's a girl that's living with us right now,
and her name is Dara, and you're name is Sandara, don't you think it's kinda cool?
Sandara, Dara, you just have to take the San out of your name and it's already Dara,
but she can't be you, right? Afterall..... you're not here anymore...

I closed my eyes and went to sleep.

CL's POV :

Sighed. Why did I act like that infront of him? I know I'm fierce and all but why to him, too?
So stupid, stupid.

When he was here, something that I didn't want him to see was my fierceness, I want to boys to see
my girly side, I want them to recognize me as a girl but I just don't know where it is when I need it.
I hate myself for being fierce, I wanna be like Bom Unnie, she's a real girl unlike me.
Dresses don't even suit me.

Bommie Unnie left after we ate, and I'm all alone again.
I ran to my room and opened my closet,
"I have a lot of dresses but I don't even wear it," I said.
Should I try it on? I took one dress out and tried it on.
UGHHH ! Why ? WHY ? WHY ? I hate this ! I looked horrible.

As I violently threw the dress I tried in the floor.

I want TaeYang to see me as a girl! I hate you, God.
Then I realized that I just said TaeYang in my head, what was that?
I sighed, Whatever, maybe I'm not really for dresses, I am born with it,
I should accept the fact.

Bom's POV :

I left CL's appartment, 10 mins ago.
And she's still fierce as ever, but when she came in her appartment,
I saw TaeYang-ssi of BigBang's arms around CL's neck, I was shocked but I found it interesting.
I knew that TaeYang was looking at me interestedly, and I saw CL's eyes with sadness. I mean
who wouldn't? probably TaeYang-ssi.

CL liked TaeYang the most since BigBang debuted, maybe I should play a little? But that would make me
horrible, I should go with the flow.

I made a decision that I'll help CL to say her own words to TaeYang, that way she wouldn't have
to suffer, I'll need MinJi's and Dara's help, too.

I stopped by to the near convenience store, then saw a strange man wearing in all black, like
he's a criminal or something...
As I walked into the slide door, I intentionally bumped into him causing his hat to fall off,
and couldn't believe who I saw.

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I feel like the boys already know that Dara has leukemia, why would they have one week off for her right? Hmm suspicious and since Top said something big is coming.<br />
<br />
update!!! HAAHHA
ohhh please upsdate.. i've been reading this from the other sitr.. i so love this story, i hope youngbae will notice that dara is his sister..<br />
<br />
can't wait for the next update.. 6_^
Tabomxxmim #3
Ur story is very interesting :) wanna see TopBom moments please write about them ^^ thank u
yeah, I guess that makes sense, I would also be too worried to care about them. anyways excited to read your next update! hahha
kathypufi #5
intersting! Ji go on ask her about the necklace...:) I hope YB will see hte necklace as well :) Please update again:)
autumn #6
update soon..interesting story....=)
hmm, I feeling those are the girls which called. meaning will they finally meet the big bang boys?!?!? hhehe getting all excited here.
AsianError #8
@YGfamily4life16: Thank you for subscribing :D Mhm, sounds good, once I read fanfic, there's always time that I tend to forget about them -.-" something slip in my mind earlier today and I couldn't wait to write about it :D:D I feel giddy giddy inside when I write TopBom's story :D *////*
oo~ Dara with the pots, what a disturbing way to wake up. hahha. hahha yup i am a topbom shipper.hahha it's good too sound confident, i'll be looking forward to ur next updates. oh and I always read all the fanfics to the end. oh and I forgot to subscribe earlier. hahha subcribed now!
AsianError #10
@kathypufi:<br />
<br />
Sorrry, I don't know why I can't write longer chapters. Haha. <br />
Hmm, as for YB, well, you'll know xD if you read ;D