Remember Me...

My Guardian Angel

A few months later, winter has turned to spring and Kyungsoo sits alone in the back corner of his Music Theory class. He stares out the window. The sun is shining and the grass is green. Flowers budding from every corner. People walking along and chatting happily as they walked around the campus. Everyone seemed in a good mood. Except for Kyungsoo. He’s been depressed ever since that last day. That last night. He closes his eyes and he can still hear Kai’s soothing voice. He can feel Kai’s arms around him. Tears sting at his eyes. He heard his teacher start the class by announcing there is a new student. He’s tall and tan and all too familiar, but the look on his face is a lost one. He bows and introduces himself as Jongin. No last name. Just…Jongin. He takes a seat in the only empty seat beside Kyungsoo. Kyungsoo’s eyes are the size of saucers, tears threatening to spill over. He swallows hard and tries to keep the tears back. He decides to say hi. How was any of this possible? He gently tapped the boy’s shoulder with a shaky hand. His voice is timid and soft. “Hey. M-my name’s Kyungsoo.” Jongin stares at him for a few seconds, like he’s thinking hard, before giving him a small bow. “Hi…” he whispers as the teacher starts his lecture. Kyungsoo smiles slightly and bites his lip. “Would you…um…be friends?” This is the first time he’s smiled in months. Jongin breaks a small smile at him and nods softly. “Y-Yeah, that sounds great.” Kyungsoo nods and chuckles before looking forward. Finally…his love is back. By the time class ends, Jongin is looking at his schedule, trying to figure out where to go. He asks Kyungsoo where the gym is. Kyungsoo chuckles a bit and takes Jongin’s hand in his own. “This way.” He pulls Jongin in the direction of the gym. Jongin is glad that he has at least one person here he can count on. When he gets to the locker rooms, he realizes it’s a swimming class. Everyone is changing into swim suits and he freezes. “Do…Do I have to change out?” He asks nervously. Kyungsoo nods his head a bit. “Yeah, we have to.” He himself changes into his swimsuit. “But I…” Jongin makes an upset face and takes a breath as he starts to change. He removes his blazer and the shirt underneath, exposing the deep scars on his back. They looked like they’ve healed over, but still look painful, and Jongin lowers his gaze when he feels people staring. Kyungsoo notices and frowns. He lets out a sigh and uses his towel to cover Jongin as he changes. Of course this meant he was very close to the other. When he’s done, Jongin turns around and presses his back against the lockers to keep people from looking. He gives Kyungsoo a sheepish, embarrassed smile. “Thanks,” he mutters, keeping his eyes down. He’s not looking forward to the class at all, since he knows people will always be staring at his back and wondering why he’s so screwed up. Kyungsoo looks at him with a small smile. “It’s okay. We’re friends now. Friends look out for each other.” He ruffles Jongin’s hair a bit. It hurt him inside a bit to say ‘friends’. Jongin smiles at the other student and blinks a few times. “But why…?” Kyungsoo shrugs and chuckles softly. “Everyone needs their little…guardian angel~” He grabs a hold of Jongin’s wrist and tugs him gently. “Come on…let’s go to class.” Jongin nodded and followed Kyungsoo as they made their way out of the locker room and lined up among the other students, some still staring at his back. He tries to ignore them, but he’s so nervous his hands are shaking. He steps closer to Kyungsoo, feeling safer when he’s next to him. Kyungsoo stands behind Jongin and backhugs him to cover the scars. He whispers to Jongin. “Don’t worry…” Jongin shivers a little but he’s so grateful. He nods and keeps quiet and for the rest of the class, he feels like he doesn’t have to worry so much about what everyone else thinks. He has Kyungsoo and that’s enough. He doesn’t need any more friends than that. The class is soon over and they go back out to change. Soon Kyungsoo and Jongin are walking side by side down the hallway. Once they got out school, Jongin walks close by Kyungsoo’s side. “Where are you going to take me, hyung?” Kyungsoo smiles over at Jongin and chuckles. “Well, where do you want to go?” Jongin rubbed at his arm and shrugged, looking around. “I…I don’t really know what’s around here. Maybe I could see your house?” Kyungsoo nods and giggles. “Sure! We can play some video games or something.” The two walk together side by side with their hands in their own pockets. They approach the front door and Kyungsoo takes out his keys, unlocking his door. They both step in and remove their shoes. “Make yourself at home. Do you want anything to eat or drink?” He turns around and blushes deeply. He widens his eyes when he finds Jongin’s face a little too close for comfort to his own. Jongin blinks a few times. “Have I met you somewhere?” He asks, completely ignoring the other’s question. Kyungsoo bits his lip and shakes his head. “I-I…um…I don’t think so. Not that I recall.” Jongin presses a little closer, determined. “I could swear I’ve seen you before…I just don’t know where…” He mumbled, searching the boy’s eyes. Kyungsoo was so close to crying. He held it in the best he could. He was begging in his mind. ‘Remember me. Remember us. Remember…please….’ Kyungsoo looks down to hide his tears as he mutters softly. “I do know you. You’ll just think I’m crazy if I tell you where…” “Was it….from the accident…?” Jongin asked vaguely. Kyungsoo furrows his brows and looks up. “What accident?” Jongin bit his lip and looked down. “I was in a car accident….Th-that’s what the scars are from.” In reality, it had been the accident that had killed him and made him and angel to begin with. His memory was distorted for him to believe he’d only barely survived. Kyungsoo decides to lie. Lying is better than telling him the truth. “I was there. I pulled you out of the wreck.” He was so lying. Kyungsoo felt terrible inside. He just wanted to curl up in a ball and sob. Kai blinked a few times. “You saved my life,” he breathed. Kyungsoo shook his head, blushing and looking away. “No….I-I wouldn’t say that…” Jongin nodded insistently. “You did! I-I must not have even been awake, but…” He tried to remember seeing Kyungsoo’s face that day, but the only image that came to mind was Kyungsoo wrapped in white feathers….Wait….what? Kyungsoo shakes his head as tears start to fall. “You don’t remember me but I remember you. You’d never believe me if I told you…” Jongin knows the boy is leaving something out, isn’t telling him something. “Maybe not…” He murmurs as he steps a bit closer. “But I feel safe with you….There has to be a reason for that…” Kyungsoo sighs and looks up into Jongin’s eyes with his own tearful ones. “You used to be my guardian angel. You were the one who saved my life. Those scars are from where your wings were before they were ripped off….” Jongin stepped away a bit, his expression blank. “W-What….?” He was trying to make sense of it all. Kyungsoo was crying at this point. “You had wings with white feathers. He holds up the necklace on his take which had a single white feather on it. “This is from your wing. They took you away from me…and left me alone.” Jongin blinked at the feather, staying silent, not knowing wgar to say. Kyungsoo continued on through his tears. “They took you away from me because…we weren’t allowed to be in love.” A shudder went down Jongin’s spine. “We were in love….” He whispered to himself. “Then…does that mean you still love me?” He looked up at Kyungsoo. Kyungsoo nods and lets out a soft sob. ”Y-Yes….” The two stood there for a moment staring into each other’s eyes. ‘Remember….just….remember….’

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Chapter 8: Wow it was good but is it gonna end?
Chapter 6: It was so sad. I almost cried when I read this. Update soon
Chapter 5: Omg!! I almost cried!! Thank you though!!! This is such a great story!! I love reading over and over again!
sailmyships #4
Chapter 3: Ohohohohohoh!!! Chapter 3 is just too fluffy.
You have no idea how much I needed fluff in my life after a ty week @ work....
sailmyships #5
Chapter 2: I'm loving this already... I can't wait to read more of this...
Great job for getting me hooked!!! (^___^)
Nice start. I'm looking forward to the story. Found rec on tumblr bcoz whole world is there and its only me cramming at this hour and there comes your fic like a ray of hope to me. Update soon