
My Guardian Angel

Kyungsoo hides in Kai’s chest to elude the brittle coldness. “K-Kai? You’re not going to leave…right?” The question came out shaky and hesitant. “Me, leave? No…I can’t do that. Not unless you really want me to,” he hummed, disliking how Kyungsoo shivered in the wind. Kai tried to hold him closer, if that was even possible. At this remark, Kyungsoo nuzzled closer. “No. I really don’t want you to leave. I don’t want you to leave me,” he murmured as he cuddled closer to the angel. “Then, I won’t…” Kai said softly, a hand softly through his hair. “Sometimes, it may seem like I’m not there, but really, I always will be.” It was getting dark by the time Kai was descending through the clouds, a small island suburb lighting up below them. “This is where we’ll be staying for a little bit, okay?” he asked cautiously. Kyungsoo nodded his small head. “It looks nice.” He chirped and looked up at Kai, noting his sharp jawline. “I never thanked you for saving me.” He leaned up and gently placed a soft kiss to Kai’s cheek. “Thank you,” he stated. A soft blush crossed Kai’s tan face and he grinned, turning his head to look at him. Kyungsoo made him feel so real, so tangible. Being an angel, sometimes he forgot what it felt like. “It’s my job.” His feet scraped the ground as he touched down on the cobblestone street. Kyungsoo smiled sweetly. “You deserve a raise.” He gives one more quick peck on the cheek. “I felt like I was going crazy. I kept seeing you everywhere.” Kai rubbed the back of his neck. “Ah…sorry about that. I just really like it when you look at me,” he blurted. “No one else can.” Kyungsoo blushed and looked directly into Kai’s eyes. “I like looking at you. You’re really handsome,” he says before giggling cutely. The slight blush becomes much more visible that before. Kai snickered. “You know, I got that all the time when I was alive,” he said lightly. “But thank you. I’ve always thought that you look nice too, but maybe it’s because…well, an angel’s human is like their idol.” Kyungsoo widened his eyes. “I’m like your idol?” He smiled shyly and nuzzled up to Kai. “That’s really sweet.” Kai’s feathers ruffled a little, and he beamed. “Yeah, well, what else do you expect when our whole existence is centered around one person?” he chuckled. “Now, stay close to me while I find us a place to stay.” As they wandered through the streets, Kai kept a protective wing around the boy. Spirits and all kinds of unearthly beings and creatures passed by on either side of them. Kyungsoo, on the other hand was confused. He looked around but everything seemed deserted to him. It was eerie. He nervously looked to Kai. “Kai? Where are all the people?” he asked softly as he clung onto Kai’s shirt.” Kai chuckled softly. “Ah…you can’t see them, can you…?” Kai held him a little closer to his side as a ghost was passing by, the air chilling around them. “They’re everywhere, Kyungsoo. There are people all over the place. But some of them are dangerous, so be careful…” Kyungsoo shivered at the sudden cold draft and moved closer to Kai. “Dangerous?” he asked. “I won’t leave your side.” Kai smiled and gave him a comforting rub on the shoulder. “Good boy. Places like this aren’t usually meant for humans, but in this case, it’ll be okay…” He looked around before ducking into an inconspicuous little inn. He brought out a few tokens from his satchel, handing them to the clerk at the front desk and making light conversation with her. Kyungsoo doesn’t see the clerk and just hears Kai having a one sided conversation. He’s a little worried and nervous so he clings to Kai tighter, hiding his face. He’s suddenly become shy and resembles a scared little kid. Kai realized how uncomfortable the boy must feel, in a strange place with strange people he couldn’t even see. He rested an arm around his waist, thanking the clerk as he takes his room key. “Hey there…you okay?” He asks gently as he pries the boy’s face up to meet his. Kyungsoo blushes at their closeness and nods. “I’m okay. Just a little nervous about all this. I’ll be fine.” He said as he smiled softly. “I’ll make sure of it,” Kai said, a finger brushing over the boy’s soft cheek. The room they entered was chilly inside, probably the result of the former tenants being ghosts or something of the sort. Kai separated himself from Kyungsoo and stepped further inside. Kai felt fine, but his wings ruffled and fluffed up. Kyungsoo shivered a bit as he entered the room. The coldness even chilling his bones. He instantly is missing Kai’s warm touch. Kai looked around, satisfied until he saw the boy shivering. “Is something wrong?” He tilted his head and stepped closer. Kyungsoo nodded and shook a bit. “C-Cold….” His teeth chattered slightly as he looked down and rubbed his arms for warmth. “Ah, I’m sorry, is it that bad?” He frowned, disheartened that he couldn’t sense the temperature. He sat down with Kyungsoo, wings extended to create a sort of barrier around part of the bed. “Sorry about that…Just try to sleep if you can, okay? We have a long day tomorrow….” Kyungsoo reaches out for Kai’s hand. He takes it in his much smaller one before hugging him tightly. “I don’t want to sleep alone…” Kyungsoo murmured softly. Kai blinked at him, closing his arms around the human to return the hug before his wings came to wrap around the boy in a cocoon of soft, warm feathers. “You don’t have to. I’ll be right here…” Kyungsoo lays both of them down and he curls up to Kai’s chest, closing his eyes. Kai smiled a little, sighing contentedly as he held him close and wrapped him up, his wings warmer than any blanket, and much softer. Having no need to sleep, it had been a long time since he lay down with anyone like this. He kissed Kyungsoo’s forehead and hummed to soothe him. Kyungsoo blushed a soft pink and smiled calmly. He realized at this time that he was starting to fall for the other. With this though in his head, he falls peacefully asleep. Kai smiled down at the now sleeping boy. Kai has a secret. Kai’s secret was that he was in love with Kyungsoo. It was platonic at first, like it should be between an angel and a human, but eventually, he felt more. The lust that came with being in love, and Kai was forbidden to express it. He sighed as he took in Kyungsoo’s beautiful sleeping face. He never wanted anything more than to be this close with him. Kyungsoo’s mouth fell open a little as soft noises escaped his lips. His tiny fists grasping Kai’s shirt tightly. He felt calm and safe in Kai’s arms, scooting a bit closer to the comforting warmth. Kai bit his lip as he held him closer. Kyungsoo looked so adorable surrounded by feathers, and Kai thought that he would definitely make one of the cutest angels around. He sighed heavily and he closed his eyes, meditating until morning. As the sun rose and the dark blue sky turned into a lighter shade, Kyungsoo woke up with his face really close to Kai’s. He smiles and looks at Kai’s peaceful expression. Not knowing that the other wasn’t sleeping. Not knowing angels don’t sleep. Not knowing, he leaned closer and softly pressed his lips to the angel’s plump ones. It’s then that Kai opens his eyes, his lips parting in a gasp. He wants to kiss back, so badly, but the consequences are too great. So he pulls away. “I…” Kyungsoo jumps and squeaks before falling off the bed. Surprised that Kai was awake. He sits on the ground and blushes deeply. “I-I-I-I’m sorry! I-I-I don’t know why I did that…” he stuttered. Kai bit his lip. “O-oh, its-“ He rushed to Kyungsoo’s side, picking him up and getting him to sit on the edge of the bed again. He looked down at his lap awkwardly, his cheeks not having their red color fade yet. Kyungsoo avoids Kai’s eyes by looking elsewhere. His cheeks red as well. He didn’t know why he did that. He just though Kai looked so beautiful and his angelic lips so kissable. Now he’s probably made this so awkward for him. “Hey now, don’t be upset…” Kai said after another moment. He couldn’t read minds but he knew Kyungsoo well enough to guess what he was thinking, and get it right most of the time. “Let’s get going, alright? So we can get these scary demons off your back.” He could sense the horrific monsters getting closer. Kyungsoo nodded and sighed. “O-Okay.” He stood up and started walking towards the door. He didn’t really want any more physical contact to avoid any more incidents. “Nope, we’re going this way.” Kai tried to smile even though his wings felt heavier than before. He scooped up the human, holding him close. “Do you trust me?” Kyungsoo instinctively curled up into Kai’s chest and nodded. “Of course,” he said as he looks down. The weight lifted from his wings, and Kai leapt from the balcony into the open air. It was early in the morning still so the sun barely peeked up from the clouds. Kai swerved around the fluffy masses, even higher than before. He loved the feeling of flying, and it was even better with Kyungsoo in his arms. The cold wind made his eyes water with how fast it rushed into them. Kyungsoo just laid there. The feeling of being rejected overwhelming him in sadness. He sighs and shuts his eyes, not bothering to look at the scenery around him. Kai could feel the human’s sadness growing, and it made his wings heavier. He frowned a little as his altitude began to slowly drop. “I’m sorry if I’ve upset you…” He said softly. Kyungsoo shook his head. “I’ve been through rejection before. I’m fine.” His tone was everything but. He keeps his eyes closed and his chin tucked into his chest. Kai dropped several feet in the air, wings straining. “Rejection…? Oh- oh, no Kyungsoo, that…Don’t think about it like that, please…” He was desperate, “You should know just how much an angel loves his human…” And for Kai, it was more than usual. Kyungsoo responded weakly, “I understand. I’m me and you’re you. That’s all the reason I need,” he sighs and frown. “You love me like…a pet.” Kai bit his lip and struggles to keep them at a height above the clouds. “That’s…That’s how I’m supposed to love you…but in reality…” His eyes were watering He had a love that he’d never be allowed to satisfy. “For me it’s so much more…” Kyungsoo shook his head. “Stop lying to make me feel better. You’re an angel and I’m just a stupid human. I get it,” he said a bit too harshly. Kai took a sharp intake of breath. He was starting to free fall, heavy wings dragging him down. “I’m not lying!” He shouted desperately. “I promise you, I’m telling the truth! You have to believe me, I-“ he struggled in the air. “I love you!” He said it so earnestly, with so much conviction, his eyes deep as he stared into Kyungsoo’s. “I love you….” Kyungsoo’s eyes go wide as he clings onto Kai, hugging him tightly. He nuzzles into Kai’s neck and whispers softly into Kai’s ear. “I love you, too…”

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Chapter 8: Wow it was good but is it gonna end?
Chapter 6: It was so sad. I almost cried when I read this. Update soon
Chapter 5: Omg!! I almost cried!! Thank you though!!! This is such a great story!! I love reading over and over again!
sailmyships #4
Chapter 3: Ohohohohohoh!!! Chapter 3 is just too fluffy.
You have no idea how much I needed fluff in my life after a ty week @ work....
sailmyships #5
Chapter 2: I'm loving this already... I can't wait to read more of this...
Great job for getting me hooked!!! (^___^)
Nice start. I'm looking forward to the story. Found rec on tumblr bcoz whole world is there and its only me cramming at this hour and there comes your fic like a ray of hope to me. Update soon