The Originals


"They sold me" Said Luhan "And now I am here" he looked at Sehun in pure misery, the tears dripping off his nose. "I can't help but feel trapped" 


Twelve random adolescent teenagers of the new generation, chosen for 'The Project' by genetic make up to create the first ever genetically engineered 'super humans' each having modified abilities to suit their biology. 

This is the story of these boys and their struggles of discrimination and injustice but also their story of love in a hopeless world. 

They are the originals. 


Sehun said nothing as Luhan wept, backs against the concrete walls but intertwined their hands together, bruised from the countless needles that had been inserted into his veins, the sun was setting. It looked beautiful but what does that count for when they live in a world where pain never ends. 


Dystopia type fic set way into the future so enjoy! 


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Chapter 10: Owh....interesting but idk if i miss about tao... thanks btw :)
Luhanyo #2
Chapter 6: I hate those people who keep hurting them.
Update soon I wait to read the next chapter
Markipooooooo #3
Chapter 6: I love this story soooooo much
Chapter 3: Man... I just hate those government a***oles! And what tie does Kris have with the government?? I pray that Sehun will be okay! Please update soon!
morgan47 #5
Chapter 3: Having the mental ability to talk to one another like that would come in handy, though I think Kris had a valid point. It would be an invasion of privacy. I'm glad you gave them the ability to shut it off.
morgan47 #6
Chapter 2: This is just lovely! Continue it soon!
Chapter 1: ooohh~ This looks very interesting~ I'm looking forward to it!! ^_^