"you have to let go now...."


It was the day of Renee's moving and everyone had gathered at Renee's place to say bye to her. The atmosphere wasn't good, everybody sat quietly in Renee's room, until Renee finally said something:
"Why is everyone so quiet? You are supposed to be happy, because I have to leave!" and laughed.
"Girl this isn't funny, we will miss you so much" Emily said back.
"And I will miss you all too, but lets go somewhere to have fun for couple of hours, okay?" Renee asked.
"Okay" Everyone said and stood up.


They went to the closest cafee and Renee bought ice cream for all of the 8. Everyone quietly sat down to eat their ice creams.

"We were supposed to have fun now...." Renee said and continued eating her ice cream.
"Woohyun, this isn't normal, start talking, you always talk whatever the situation is" Sunggyu said to Woohyun.
"I know, but....I still can't accept this..... I'll be right back...going to bathroom or something" He said, stood up and left.
"Since when has bathroom been outside?" Sungyeol asked when he saw Woohyun walking towards the door. Renee ignored what he said and looked after Woohyun.
"You should go" Abigail suggested and pushed Renee off the chair.
"I'll be right back....with him" She said and left.
"I guess he won't eat his ice cream anymore" Sungyeol said and started to eat Woohyun's ice cream. Everyone else just rolled their eyes.


Woohyun was sitting outside when Renee came, he didn't even look at her when she sat next to him.

"I thought you had already accepted this" Renee said when she sat down next to him.
"I will never be able to accept that you leave me here, alone"
"You are never alone here, you know it"
"That isn't what I meant"
"Okayokay I know... I just don't know what to do with you now" Renee said desperately.
"Stay and I'll be fine"
"You know that I can't stay, even if I wanted to"
"Mmm...." Woohyun said and buried his face to his hands.
"We will meet on next vacation" She tried to comfort Woohyun again.
"And do you know when that is?" He asked right away.
"In two months"
"EXACTLY! How in the hell I am supposed to live here without you?" Woohyun sounded even more sad than before.
"And how in the hell I am supposed to live there without you?" She asked. There fall a long silence between them.


"WAIT WHAT IS WOOHYUN CRYING? I JUST SAW HIM BURYING HIS FACE TO HIS HANDS!!" Sungyeol yelled and pointed out where Woohyun and Renee was sitting.
"LET MEE SEE!" Amy yelled and pulled Sungyeol back to his chair so she could see.
"HEY COME ON GET AWAY FROM THE WINDOW!!" Sunggyu yelled and pulled Amy back.
"I don't think that he is crying, you really know why" Myungsoo finally said.
"Oh right I already forgot haha" Sungyeol said and laughed. Everybody just rolled their eyes, again.


Renee's phone started to rang which broke the silence between her and Woohyun.

"Yes? ...Ohh okay.... We will come now" Renee talked to the phone. When she ended it, she said to Woohyun:
"Its time for me to go" Woohyun didn't say anything to it, he just stood up, grabbed Renee's hand and walked inside where the other 6 were.
"Its time to go" He said. Everyone just sighted and finished eating.


They were back at Renee's house, where it was time to let her leave. Her mother and dad gave time to Renee and her friends to say bye and they waited in the car.

"So.... this is it then...." Renee said quietly.
"Come here" Emily said and Renee went to hug her. They both started crying.
"Emily, don't let Abigail bully you too much while I'm gone" Renee said and let go of Emily. Emily couldn't say anything, the tears fell down her face and she just nodded at her.
"Abigail.... " Renee couldn't help but start crying even more than before when she hugged Abigail.
"My dear best friend, take care of everyone, okay? I will call you every day, I promise" Renee mumbled while she was crying.
"I will" Abigail sobbed. They let go and it was Amy's turn next.
"Amy, don't get too popular in school okay?" Renee laughed as the tears still kept coming from her eyes.
"Haha you better not get popular either in your new school!" She said back and they hugged. The next one was Sungyeol.
"Sungyeol! Don't grow anymore, your height is already pissing me off!" Renee said and tried to tap Sungyeol's head, but couldn't, since he is so tall.
"Haha I can't promise that" After saying that, Renee pulled her hand out of her pocket for handover. Sungyeol did the same and they shaked hands with each others. Then it was Myungsoo's turn.
"Well hmm... It was nice to meet you, I don't think we will keep contact" Renee said to Myungsoo.
"That's true" He just said.
"But lets just shake hands okay?"
"If you want so" And they shaked hands with each others. Renee smiled at him, but she didn't get a smile back. After they had shaked hands, Myungsoo wishpered something to Sungyeol's ear and Renee saw Sungyeol nodding at him. She wondered whats going on, but she snapped out of it, since it was Sunggyu's turn.
"Sunggyu... Take care of everyone" Renee said and she got closer to Sunggyu and wishpered to his ear: "Especially take care of Woohyun" Sunggyu nodded. They shaked hands aswell.
"Wow here comes the worst part...." Renee said and started to cry again when she was face to face with Woohyun. Woohyun pulled her to a hug and said:
"Renee... I love you...." Renee's heart stopped for a second, and she could feel the litre of tears coming already and she sobbed back:
"Omg I think I'm going to start crying too" Sungyeol interrupted them. Renee and Woohyun let go of each others and looked at teary Sungyeol.
"Okayokay continue" Sungyeol said. Woohyun looked again at Renee, wiped her tears off from her face and kissed her for a long time. This time Sungyeol didn't interrupt them like he almost always does.
"RENEE LETS LEAVE ALREADY!" Her dad suddenly yelled from the car, he was already too tired of waiting.
"Okayokay" She yelled back.
"So I will leave now" Renee said and was about to turn away, but someone grabbed her arm. She turned back and saw that it was Woohyun.
"Woohyun.... you have to let go now...." She said and tears still fell from her eyes. Sunggyu took one step forward, put his hand to Woohyun's hand and said:
"Let her go" Woohyun let go of Renee and she turned away and got in to the car. The car took off and dissapeared to the distance.

They had driven about 30 minutes and Renee was still shedding tears.
"Don't cry my dear, time will pass quickly and you'll see them soon again." Her mother said from the front seat.
"I know.... but still...." She answered back and tried to stop crying.
"Stop crying already, I know you will find new friends there" Her dad said to her. Renee ignored it and look out of the window.
"Wow I think that car has been behind us right away when we left" Renee got confused.
"Maybe they are moving aswell" Her mother laughed.
"Maybe" Renee answered, but somehow it still bothered her.

After driving about an hour, they stopped to tank up their car and Renee wanted to use the bathroom. She walked in, went to the bathroom and when she was leaving, someone putted his hand to and Renee felt something like a gun at her back, she started to freak out, tried scream and tried to run away from the person. But he didn't let her go and started to drag her to the back door, Renee tried to scream for help once again, but he said:
"Be quiet, there is nothing to be scared of" Renee stopped screaming and she felt a bit relief, still thinking that should she believe that. She didn't try to run away anymore, she knew that whatever she did, that person wouldn't let her go. Renee saw that car which was following them and it wasn't a suprise that she was dragged in to it. The kidnapper opened the backseat's door and throwed her in. Renee screamed when she fall down to someone's legs.
"GOD DAMMIT THAT HURTED!" Someone said. Renee thought that it was probably the one who she was on top of.
"Can you stand up, you are hurting my legs" She heard the same guy saying, but this time it sounded more familiar. Renee was still unsure that should she lift her head up, but when she him saying again:
"Seriously, get up" Renee lifted her head up and saw Sungyeol, Woohyun, Sunggyu and Abigail in the car. She sighted of relief, but her body was still shaking fear.
"Yo~" Woohyun said.
"WHAT THE IS THIS DID YOU JUST KIDNAP ME?!" She started to yell back at them.
"So was it a success? I thought it will never work out perfectly" Woohyun said back at her.
"Oh my god I thought I was going to die!!" She yelled back and kicked their legs before getting up.
"OUCH" Everyone in the backseat yelled at the same time. Renee just grinned and sat down on Woohyun's lap.
"Haha we knew you will get angry, but this is what we had to do" Woohyun said back at her.
"Wait who is the one who kidnapped me?" Renee suddenly asked.
"It was me" She heard Myungsoo saying from the front seat.
"Did you really have a gun? you could have killed me!!" Renee got upset.
"No, I just used my fingers" He said back.
"What? fingers? oh nevermind.....anyways my parents are probably waiting for me, what are we going to do with them? since I assume that you wont let me leave anymore" Renee said.
"We just have to count on your mom"  Sunggyu said from the driver's place. Renee gave a curious look at Woohyun, and Woohyun said back:
"Lets see"


When they didn't hear anything from Renee in a long time, Renee's mother decided to walk in to look where she was. She walked to the door of the bathroom and saw a note there saying:
"We will take a good care of your girl, so I'm begging you, don't come after us" Renee's mother couldn't believe what she was reading until she looked down in the paper and saw Woohyun's name there. Renee's mother just smiled at the note and left back to their car.
"Where is Renee? we really have to leave now" Her dad asked.
"She is in very good hands, don't worry, lets just go" Renee's mother said.
"Wait what do you mean?"
"Her friends came to pick her up, so lets leave now" Renee's mother tried to make them leave as soon as possible.
"They probably left already"
"We will go after them" Renee's dad said and was about to sit on the driver's place, but Renee's mother managed to do that first.
"I will drive now, so sit next to me!!" She said. He just sighted and he knew he couldn't make her to change her mind, so he sit next to her and they took off.


"There they go! MISSION COMPLETED!!" Woohyun started to yell happily in the car when he saw Renee's mother and dad leaving.
"How did you do this....." Renee was still confused.
"We knew we can trust your mother, so we had to just write a note for her" Sunggyu said.
"Oh right... THIS IS SO ING AWESOME OMG I LOVE YOU GUYS!!" Renee started to yell when she finally realised that she doesn't have to leave with her parents.
"ISN'T IT?!" Woohyun yelled and pulled her to a long kiss.


After a while of driving, Renee started to think about what has just happened. Suddenly she realised something and asked form everyone in the car:
"Did you plan this before my leaving?"
"Yes we did" Sunggyu said while driving.
"And that means that you guys pretended the moment when we were saying goodbyes?"
"Exactly.....I'm sorry...." Woohyun apologized.
"I was like crying there real litre of tears and you guys just pretended, oh damn I hate you all" She said angrily.
"No we didn't pretend, At least I was thinking that this is how I would feel if you really left like that" Abigail said next to her and Woohyun.
"Me too" Everyone said.
"It was a good act, huh?" Myungsoo asked.
"It really was...." Renee was still a bit angry. Woohyun noticed it and started to tickle Renee all around her, Renee couldn't help but start to laugh like crazy and yell:
"STOP IT THAT TICKLES TOO MUCH!!" And Woohyun stopped teasing her.
"You can't be angry to us anymore, can you?" He asked.
"No I really can't.... Actually I don't know how to express my feelings at the moment, I'm just so happy to know that I can spend more time with you all" She started to get teary.
"Don't cry, I don't like seeing you cry, It breaks my heart." Woohyun said to her and wiped her tears off, like always.
"Aww..... Btw I didn't know you had drivers license already" Renee said to Sunggyu.
"Actually..... I don't have it yet" He answered back and kept driving.
"WAIT WHAT? YOU DON'T? ARE WE DRIVING ILLEGALLY NOW?" Renee couldn't believe what she just heard.
"Yep, so keep your eyes on the road and say if you see polices" He said.
"How amazing...."

It didn't take a long time when Woohyun received a text message. He took the phone out of his pocket and opened it. It was from Renee's mother:
"You better take good care of Renee then :) She is really lucky to have a boyfriend like you!"  First he thought that where she has gotten his number, but after a while of thinking he ignored it and just smiled at the text message and Renee asked:
"Who was it?"
"Naah just a friend from Korea" He answered.

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Minhyorin #1
@HatrednAshes THANK YOUU! ♥
HatrednAshes #2
nice story :)
Minhyorin #3
@Some_turtle really? wow I thought this wouldn't be so good because its my first after all haha. But i'm glad you liked it~ and yes I have started already new story, so if you are interested in it, go and check it~
Some_Turtle #4
This was a really good fanfic, cause a. she didnt "wake up from her coma" like all the good happy ending stories, and it was a really nice touch to the end of my day. I enjoyed your story and it brought tears to me. thank you, and im looking foward to your other stories !!
Minhyorin #5
@jokerlydeejay exactly! you'll figure out soon what is going to happen~ i'm in the middle of writing the last chapter! its going to added soon~
gyuness #6
omg that means sunggyu is responsible for her death! and he doesnt even have a license :O
gyuness #7
she just died o.o
gyuness #8
Minhyorin #9
hahah just call me little sis from now on? XDDdd
kekekeke, but you are little!.....sis! xDDDD