"how in the hell I can let you leave?!"


"Say what?" Renee couldn't believe what she just heard.
"We are moving away." Her dad kept saying.
"How far away?" She asked.
"About 800kms away." Woohyun could feel his heart skipping a few beats, he was shocked, just like Renee, but he kept listening their conversation.
"Why?" She suddenly asked.
"I have found a new job, I will get better salary of it" Her dad said.
"MOTHER TELL ME THIS IS A JOKE!?!" Renee yelled at her mother with tears in her eyes.
"I'm afraid that it isn't a joke...." Her mother said. Tears started to fall from Renee's eyes.
"Don't cry Renee..." Renee's mother stood up from the chair and went to hug her.
"When are we leaving?" Renee asked.
"Within few weeks."
"How about Abigail....?" Renee mumbled.
"I will move back home of course." Abigail said.
"That's not it...." Her dad lied.
"LIAR!" Renee yelled back, left the kitchen and grabbed Woohyun's hand and took him to her room.
"I didn't know we had guests....." Renee's dad and mother said at the same time.


"I just can't believe this.....800km away?! no way, no no no......" Renee sat down to her bed and cried. Woohyun didn't know what to do, so he just went next to her and put his arm around her and pulled her closer.
"I'm shocked aswell, how in the hell I can let you leave?!" Woohyun said suddenly.
"I don't know, I really don't know anything at the moment" Renee answered.


It was time for Woohyun to leave, so he said bye to Renee and walked out of her room.  Abigail saw him leaving and asked:
"How is she?"
"Not good.... I think you should go there, she needs you too right now" Woohyun said. Abigail nodded and went to Renee's room. Woohyun heard Renee's mother and dad talking in the kitchen when he was putting his shoes on:
"Do you really think this is a good idea?" Renee's mother asked.
"Of course it is, you know that I wouldn't be accepting this job if it wasn't good?" Renee's dad answered.
"I guess, but Renee didn't like this idea."
"I knew it before accepting the job, she just has to deal with it and come with us."
"Leaving all her friends and her new boyfriend behind, isn't that kind of cruel?"
"She can get new ones once we are there."  Woohyun couldn't listen to this anymore and left their house, slamming the door behind him, making sure Renee's parents could hear it. He took his phone out of his pocket and called to Sunggyu while walking:
"Sunggyu come to the park close to your house, I have to tell you something" Woohyun said.
"Is everything okay? You sound a bit... weird?" He asked.
"Just come"
"I'll be there in 5 minutes."


"Thank you for coming" Woohyun said when he saw Sunggyu.
"Tell me what's wrong" He went straight to the point. Woohyun told him to sit down to the grass with him.
"Renee has to leave."
"They are moving away."
"How far away?"
"Hmm about 800km away" Woohyun said and took a deep breath.
"Seriously?! Why?" Sunggyu asked.
"Her dad got a new job or something, I don't know...."
"But that's ridiculous to drag her with them leaving all us behind."
"I know right, especially now when we just started dating... what a coincidence..." Woohyun started to think.
"Don't think too much, maybe it really is a coincidence" Sunggyu said.
"I really don't want her to leave, WHAT SHOULD I DO?!" Woohyun got frustrated and buried his face to his hands.
"Hmm I have a idea, but I don't know will it work out though" Sunggyu said and Woohyun raised his head and gave a curious look at Sunggyu, Sunggyu just smiled at him.


"Is everything okay?" Sandra came to Renee's room and asked.
"Everything is perfectly fine" She said.
"She is lying."
"Don't cry Renee, you can always come to my house when you feel like it." Sandra said to her.
"Wait what? YOU ARE GETTING YOUR OWN HOUSE?" Renee couldn't believe what she heard.
"Yes, Abby didn't you tell her yet?" Sandra asked from her.
"No not just yet...."
"I CAN'T BELIEVE THIS!!! DAD!!!!" Renee stood up and walked to her door.
"Because I knew this would happen..." Abigail sighted. Renee walked staight to the kitchen where her dad and mother was still talking.
"Because she is older than you." Her dad answered.
"You are coming with us, no excuses." He said decisively.
"JUST URGH YOU!" She cursed and left back to her room slamming the door behind her. Abigail was about to go after her, but Renee's mother said to her:
"I think it's better that you leave now and come back tomorrow again." Abigail nodded and walked out of the house. She had walked about 5minutes before someone grabbed her hand and dragged her to the bushes.
"Great, Am I going to get now?" Abigail said before she saw who grabbed her hand.
"I'm not going to you" Familiar voice said to her, but Abigail didn't regonize it yet.
" this darkness I can't even see you" Abigail said. Someone right next to her lighted a match and said:
"Let's go to some place where we can see each others." Abigail noticed that it was Myungsoo. Why would he drag her to dark forest? Why would he even talk to her? She got curious so she started to walk behind him to some ligther place. After walking few minutes in the forest, they found their way to a litten street.
"Why did you drag me here?" Abigail asked from Myungsoo.
"Because we got a plan to work on" Someone said behind her. She turned around and saw Woohyun, Sunggyu, Sungyeol, Amy and Emily coming from the forest.
"Plan? for what?" Abigail asked curiously.
"You don't want Renee to leave, right?" Emily asked.
"Of course not, how do you guys even know about it?" Abigail asked confused.
"I told everyone" Woohyun confessed.
"Anyways, I have a great plan." Sunggyu said.
"I don't know about that "great" part but any plan sounds amazing at the moment" Woohyun said.


"Why does things like these happen just now when I'm the happiest girl on the whole planet? I don't want to leave, but I have no choice....What I'm going to do with Woohyun? There will be about 800km between us, can we handle it?" Renee thought when she was about to go to sleep. Something came to Renee's mind and she said out loud:
"I have no other choice" and sighted.


It was the next day and Woohyun decided to visit Renee. He knew she was still upset about her dad's plan, so he decided to bring something for her. Woohyun knocked to Renee's house's door and her dad opened the door.
"Is Renee home?" Woohyun asked akwardly.
"No she is not." Her dad said and looked pissed.
"Well I will come later---" He started, but someone yelled inside the house:
"SHE IS AT HOME COME INSIDE" It was Renee's mother. Her dad stepped away of the door and left to the livingroom. Woohyun took his shoes off and greeted Renee's mother and went to Renee's room. He knocked.
"Go away" He heard her saying inside of the room.
"Okay~" He said and stood behind the door, not leaving.
"WAIT---" Renee ran to the door, opened it and bumped into Woohyun.
"Hey" He said to her. Renee hugged him and started to sob.
"Renee, is everything okay?" He asked worried.
"Come inside" She let go and grabbed his arm and dragged him inside.
"I have something for you" Woohyun said and took flowers behind his back.
"Aaaw Woohyun, you shouldn't have, I can't  take these" Renee said and refused to take the flowers from him.
"Why not?"
"Let's sit down....." Renee said and her face suddenly got darker.
"What's wrong?" He asked.
"Woohyun... I really like you a lot and this time with you has bee too amazing...." She started.
"Get to the point."
"I'm leaving away of this city and I don't think our relationship can take this... so I'm leaving you." Renee started to cry.
"Wait what... I wasn't expecting this...." Woohyun got shocked.
"I know... it came out of the blue... I just think that it's easier you to let me go if we aren't together." She said.
"It doesn't matter if we are together or not, I still love you okay? I can't take it if you leave me just like that...." Woohyun tried to explain.
"Its happening anyways, we can't do nothing about it..." Renee was still crying.
"We can, trust me." Woohyun said and wiped the tears off Renee's face.
"Nothing can change my dad's mind"
"Trust me, I'm not going to let you leave." There were some confidence in Woohyun's voice, but still Renee thought that no matter what, she had to leave with her parents.

"But if you really insist of breaking up, I will respect your decision" Woohyun said after a while of silence.
"I don't want to break up.... I just.... I don't even know what I'm thinking."
"I understand, too much crap going on, right?"


It was monday again and everyone could feel the days passing by even more faster even though they didn't want to. Renee's moving day was getting closer. Everyone had already gotten used to the idea that they won't be able to see Renee in a long time, even Renee herself.

"I think we should spend one day all 8 together" Emily suggested when they all were sitting in the cafeteria.
"Oh yeah Renee has to leave us soon" Sungyeol said.
"Don't talk about me leaving or I'll stick this fork to your eye" Renee threathned.
"Wow that's scary!" Sungyeol said suprised.
"I was just kidding" Renee said and continued eating.
"So what's the plan?" Woohyun asked.
"Lets go to an amusement park together!" Emily said excited.
"I like this idea if someone pays, I'm poor." Renee said.
"I can pay for you" Woohyun offered.
"Thank you dear" Renee said and kissed Woohyun.
"EWWW I'M LOSING MY APPETITE NOW!" Sungyeol said and throw a salad at Woohyun.
"YOU WANNA DIE?!?!" Woohyun got angry and stood up.
"WANNA FIGHT HUH?!" Sungyeol said back and he stood up aswell.
"Boysboysboys stop it" Sunggyu came between them and made both of them sit again.
".......When are we going?" Abigail asked after Woohyun and Sungyeol had sat down.
"The day before Renee leaves, okay?" Amy asked.
"There is only one week left to it, oh god I'm going to miss you all...." Renee got teary.
"And we will miss you too" They all said and grinned at each others, they wouldn't have to miss Renee for too long, because of their plan.

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Minhyorin #1
@HatrednAshes THANK YOUU! ♥
HatrednAshes #2
nice story :)
Minhyorin #3
@Some_turtle really? wow I thought this wouldn't be so good because its my first after all haha. But i'm glad you liked it~ and yes I have started already new story, so if you are interested in it, go and check it~
Some_Turtle #4
This was a really good fanfic, cause a. she didnt "wake up from her coma" like all the good happy ending stories, and it was a really nice touch to the end of my day. I enjoyed your story and it brought tears to me. thank you, and im looking foward to your other stories !!
Minhyorin #5
@jokerlydeejay exactly! you'll figure out soon what is going to happen~ i'm in the middle of writing the last chapter! its going to added soon~
gyuness #6
omg that means sunggyu is responsible for her death! and he doesnt even have a license :O
gyuness #7
she just died o.o
gyuness #8
Minhyorin #9
hahah just call me little sis from now on? XDDdd
kekekeke, but you are little!.....sis! xDDDD