Twenty Four

Best Friends Again

It has been months since the incident and the group had grown a lot closer. Jongdae had also gone back to EXO even before Yna had recovered her memories. She was happy of course, because Jongdae's back to chasing his dream. Despite the fact that both groups had their comebacks and had been flying off to different countries frequently, they still found the time to catch up with one another. 

Now, the EXO boys have been busy preparing for their concert. It will start off in Seoul, then a couple of cities in Japan, South East Asia and etc. They were beyond excited after hearing the news about their first solo concert and have been rehearsing since the very first day. 

They planned not to have guests for their performances, saying that it's their first concert and should be as memorable as it already is. 

The opening concert was in two days and they have been spending the night in their practice room. It also meant that Yna have been going home to an empty apartment. She couldn't complain, since she will also be like him when the preparation for the concert starts in a few months. 

For her, it was definitely a lot more different to go home to an empty house. There's no Jongdae who runs to her and greet her by the front door with a kiss and a hug. There's no Jongdae who laughs at the smallest things. There's no Jongdae with the annoying nasal voice that annoys her but she loves that particular voice as well. Knowing that she will be alone that night again, she decided to drop by their practice room after cooking something for them. 

She didn't let Jongdae know about her dropping by though. She didn't want him to lose focus in practicing. Within a couple of hours, she managed to prepare 20 lunchboxes. 12 for the boys and another 8 for the staffs and managers that she might meet along the way. 


"Oh, Yna! It's a surprise you're here this late." Mr Park, one of SM's security guards, exclaimed as she found Yna. 

"Ah, just visiting the boys. They've been really busy, so I decided to drop by." Yna explained. "Ah! Hold on," Yna said as she reached for a lunchbox inside the bags she was carrying. 

"Here's a lunchbox for working hard." She gave him with a smile. The old man felt touched by her actions and quickly led her inside.

"They're in Practice Room 2. You should know where it is. Thank you for the lunch box by the way!" Mr Park said as he waved and returned to his security post. 


Yna was having a hard time walking over to the practice room with all nineteen lunch boxes at hand. Luckily for her, she managed to bump into one of EXO's managers along the way who gladly helped her carry a few of the bags she was carrying. 

She thanked him before giving him a lunch box and waiting outside the door. She can hear the boys panting and Sehun complaining that they deserved a break after practicing nonstop for two hours. 

Deciding it was her cue to come in, she abruptly opened the door with the manager. Her eyes rounded as she saw the exhausted faces of the boys and their clothes, drenched with sweat. Some were laying down on the floor, gasping for air. The rest, either leaning on the wall or walking around to cool down. 

They greeted her with a slight smile and she couldn't help but admire the boys for working so hard for their fans. She smiled back a little, trying to find him in the practice room. 

"Guys, I brought food." She announced and within a couple of seconds, she was surrounded by all twelve of them. She distributed the lunch boxes to every member and even took note of the things they don't like. 

"Are you sure this can be eaten? Lives are at stake here, Yna." Sehun jokingly remarked.  

"Excuse me, do you not see the rest enjoying their food? Do you not see that everyone's still breathing? Eat it, before I take it back," Yna retorted and Sehun scurried away to Jongin's side. 

"Such a fierce woman, bullying our Maknae. I can't believe you're here," Jongdae said as he wrapped his arms around her waist. 

"No, I'm not," She playfully replied as she shoved his lunchbox at his chest.

"I'm not what? And I was hoping you'd feed me. Suho hyung have been asking us to practice nonstop for two-hours now, I can't even lift up my arm to feed myself" he pouted and acted as if he couldn't, his eyes telling her 'see.'. Yna took out her handkerchief and handed it to him before giving the rest of the lunch boxes to staffs that weren't in the room. 

"Come here then," Yna said as she scooped a spoonful of the kimchi fried rice when she came back. Jongdae opened his mouth wide before it was carefully placed in his mouth. He closed his eyes as he savoured the taste before opening his eyes again, asking for more. Yna gladly fed him yet another spoonful before talking to the rest. 

"Suho Oppa, I know that the concert is in two days but I don't think the fans, myself included, would want to see your exhausted faces on stage." Yna said and all the other members turned to look at her. They gave her an encouraging smile, asking her to go on. 

"They deserve a break before practicing again. I'm a leader too, Oppa. I know, you're scared that you guys aren't good enough for the concert in two days. But you see, all of you have been working hard for the past few months. What's there to be scared of?"

"Get to the point Yna," Kris said, irritation and anticipation distinct from his voice. Even though he is M's leader, Suho still had the final say in the group. 

"What I'm saying is, let the members rest for the night. Continue practicing tomorrow," Yna finished off before giving a hopeful look to Suho. "After all, I do miss Jongdae." She said quietly as she nudged Chen beside her, her cheeks turning pink. Chen then placed his arm around her shoulder and pulled her close. 

As if thinking thoroughly, Suho's scrunched his nose. Yna took the chance to glance at the members and everyone was staring at Suho in anticipation. It took quite a while before Suho nodded at my suggestion and the members cheered. Yna then smiled thankfully to him.

"You're really something, Yna," Minseok muttered to himself but not forgetting to thank her for changing Suho's mind. She shook her head at the boys thanking her, saying she knows how it feels. 

"Do I get a special privilege of seeing some special performance first or?" Yna asked as she sat in front of the mirror, as the boys resumed their last practice for the night. 

"No." Kris said in a poker face, looking up after tying his shoe laces. 

"You may be Jongdae hyung's girlfriend, but there's no abusing of rights here," Sehun added as he took his position. 

"You guys are mean, after cooking for all of you," Yna pouted a little before deciding to pack the lunch boxes at the back, ignoring the boys practicing. 


They decided to end the session after a few dance battles. It was decided that day since Yna has yet to recall what Chen exactly was to her. They finally found the time to execute Minseok's Plan Two. First, it was Kai, Sehun and Lay. Kris announced that it was time for the "main" dancers to go to the centre of the room, while quoting the word main with his fingers. Of course, Chanyeol and Jongdae had stepped forward causing an outburst in laughter even before they started dancing. 

"Pfft! You're gonna make Jongdae dance? He's terrible in dancing!" Yna blurted out and everyone's eyes widened at what she had just said. 

She looked around and found all eyes on her. She didn't know why but before she could ask them, she started grabbing her head and screaming in pain. Those who were near her were the first to gather around her but they couldn't do anything to help her either. Jongdae then shoved them away before engulfing her in his warm embrace, calming her down. 

"I think it's the flashbacks or something," Baekhyun whispered pretty loudly and everyone nodded. 

She finally calmed down after awhile and everyone stared at her, waiting for an explanation to her sudden screaming. Instead, she only shook her head asked them to continue the dance battle. 

After a good few minutes, Chanyeol and Jongdae were on the floor gasping for air after dancing their butts off while some of the others were laughing, some were snorting and some laughing over the whole dance. 

Yna was still seated there in a daze, trying to think of what happened to her earlier. The words that she said seemed so familiar. 

"He's terrible in dancing.. terrible.. terrible," she mumbled to herself. 

Then, it hit her. 

“That’s good. You're terrible anyway. “ I retorted.

It was the day that both Jongdae and her had finally confirmed their feelings to each other. It was that very day that they became official and it was in this room. She smiled at the thought and she didn't even realise that everyone was looking at her. Even Jongdae had walked to where she was seated, looking at her. 

Jongdae reached over to touch her cheeks. He was wearing V-neck, just like four years ago, showing off his collarbones. She grabbed the back of his head and crashed her lips into his. Everyone gasped at her actions while Chen smiled into the kiss. 

"SONG YNA, IT'S NOT THE TIME TO RUB IT INTO OUR FACES THAT IT TO BE SINGLE," Baekhyun yelled from the opposite side of the room. Yna leaned back and stuck her tongue out at Baekhyun.

"I remember now." Yna said as she turned and gave a cheeky grin to Jongdae. 

"Remember what?" Baekhyun asked, only to be smacked at the back of his head by Kyungsoo. 

"That he's really my boyfriend. I recovered my memories!" Yna chirped as she jumped up and down. Jongdae went forward and hugged her once again. 

"Oh God, stop rubbing it in, seriously," Chanyeol groaned as he sat back down and shook his head. 


It wasn't long before they were all done and she was seated on the passenger seat of her car. Jongdae was in the driver's seat, smiling to himself. Of course he didn't forget to thank Minseok for his plan because it definitely worked. 

He held her hand all the way while driving, the smile never once leaving his face. They reached their apartment in minutes, and Jongdae skipped to their room, dragging her along. 

"Go and shower, I'll wash up in the other bathroom," Yna instructed as she gathered her towel and other necessities. 

"Why don't we shower together?" Chen asked while giving her a flirty wink. 

"Sure," Yna replied as she entered the bathroom, Jongdae happily ran after her but Yna slammed the door in front of his face. 

"YAH!" Jongdae shouted, Yna could only laugh out loud before proceeding to wash up. 


She finally remembered him!

I'm probably going to end this in the next chapter or so. 


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nfrdae #1
Chapter 23: WHAT IS THIS
And I envy you author-nim! You saw chen.. I wish I can;_;
nfrdae #2
But I love this side of yna kkk~
Maybe you can put in next chapter yna's revenge like she's being fluffy with baek again and make chen jealous haha it'll be interesting;D
I'm waiting for next update!
exo_chenlover2310 #3
Chapter 21: YAH HYESEON!!! Stay away from chen!!!!!!!
nfrdae #4
I'm sad this fic is going to end but aww finally they make up! Ah thankyouu and maybe you could make another chapter just their moment? Fluffy everywhere? Kkk pretty please?^^
nfrdae #5
Chapter 18: Why so short.. And seems like a filler chapter only?
I'm waiting for next update because I'm curious how will yna make up with chen!:)
And it's okay I'd love to read this fic longer if you decide to extend this but please make sure yna would still be with chen in the end?:D
nfrdae #6
Chapter 17: Aww I feel bad for judge baek so badly
But things got more complicated.. Yna would feel betrayed I think?
I'd love another chenna moment kkk
Update soon I'm curious~ fighting!
Kideferon1324 #7
Chapter 17: I'm actually really glad that Baekhyun was just trying to help out Chen. Can't wait to see Ynas reaction. I hope she dosent start hating both of them that would be sad :(
TTing_ #8
Chapter 17: It's kind of heartbreaking that baekhyun did that,I actually wanted to two of them tgt.
nfrdae #9
Chapter 16: Yes please!! ChenNa moments! All chapter long!
Please make it please T_T because you have made chen suffer all this time
I beg you ;_;
Chapter 16: Someone please knock Yna's head so that her memory will come back. Im really sad seeing Jongdae's situation tsktsk. Author-sshi! Dont bully jongdae any longer!