
Best Friends Again
The next day came all too soon and the boys were ready to have horseback riding. For most of them, it was their first time and they were too busy putting on the equipment that they would need. Some were already jumping around due to excitement and the Beagle Line were hyper-active. 
It wasn't long before their excitement went down when a group of girls in their skin-tight top and skinny jeans approached them. 
"It's nice to see you here, Hyeseon-ssi," Suho greeted politely after seeing her. 
"What's so nice about seeing her here?" Baekhyun muttered to himself but it was loud enough for Hyeseon heard it. She immediately gave him a spiteful look as Baekhyun was dragged to the back of the group by Sehun. 
"Oh, you're here!" Chen said excitedly as he walked towards her. Sehun watched as her facial expression changed the moment Chen started talking. 
"Did you see that hyung! She's so fake!" Sehun whispered and the older nodded. 
"Yeah, it's nice to see you guys too. Such a coincidence, isn't it?" She replied back with her annoying, high-pitched voice.
"Chen-ah, can you help me put my helmet? It's really loose," She asked with a pout and the boys cringed in disgust at the scene in front of them. Chen hesitantly helped her after he was given warning stares by the other boys. 


It was not long later before everyone was busy riding a horse at a gallop. However, Hyeseon's horse suddenly bucked. She decided to take the opportunity to get Chen's attention and pretended to lose her balance. She acted like she was scared and Chen hurried over to help her. Unfortunately for Hyeseon, her horse got scared and stood on its hind legs, causing her to fall off. Once she landed hard in the mud with a loud thud, the horse had run off. She was covered with mud all over her body and even her face had some. She started screaming and the surprised Chen immediately got down from his horse and helped her up. Baekhyun and Sehun couldn't help but snigger at the sight in front of them before catching up with the rest. 
Fortunately, Hyeseon didn't suffer any injuries except a few scratches on her arms and that was it. 
Meanwhile, the girls were having fun checking out the different museums found in Jeju. They started off with the Teddy Bear Museum which was had various collections of them. They even had antique ones but all in all, they were cute and adorable.


It was the third day and the girls and boys finally decided to spend the day together. They decide it will a day to play at the beach and then ending it off with a campfire. 
EXO was shirtless and it attracted many unwanted attention from the public. The girls wore their shirt and shorts on top of their bikini or one-piece. It confused the guys but just ignored them as they engaged in a game of beach-volleyball. The losers will then be thrown into the sea. Although Yna was one of the better players, she couldn't help but worry as she's not the best swimmer out there. In fact, she can't swim. Much to her dismay, her team mates were those who wanted to be thrown into the sea and didn't bother about the friendly competition.
Before she knew it, she was already carried by Kris on his shoulder, squirming to free herself. Not only was she scared of drowning, but also the height that she's going to fall from. Kris isn't the shortest person in EXO but is the definitely the tallest one. Yna was still hanging upside down from the way Kris carried her.
"KRIS OPPA! I CANT SWIM!" She yelled so Kris slowly threw her into the sea. Thankfully, it was shallow so she just glared and splashed water at Kris. 
It wasn't long after that Kris fell into the water as well, making a huge splash. Yna was laughing and unfortunately swallowed a mouthful of seawater from the splash. She made a face before Kris chuckled and looked around for the person who pushed him. 
Yna knew it was Tao and shouted, "Tao Oppa, thank you for the payback!"
"Aish, that Zitao." Kris grumbled as he stood up while Yna giggled. He helped her up as well and slowly led her back to shore. 
"Want some drinks?" Kris asked as he stood up and dusted the sand off his pants. 
"Maybe a little Coke? I've had a lot of seawater," and Kris let out yet another hearty laugh before walking off.
It wasn't long before Baekhyun came back with her drink instead of Kris. She jumped a little when Baekhyun played a towel over her shoulders. "Not going into the water?" He asked as he took a sip of his drink.
Yna shook her head slowly before saying, "I can't swim." Baekhyun was puzzled for a while before nodding. 
Yna seems to be finding someone in the group. Baekhyun knew that it was Jongdae but he didn't know where he had went off to. It wasn't long later when he appeared with Hyeseon from one side of the beach and walking towards them. He couldn't believe his eyes. He had given Yna back to him so that they will be back together but he's spending most of his time with his ex instead. Not wanting Yna to see them, he slowly led her to the shallow waters where they continued chatting. 


"Jongdae-yah! Time for some couple games." Suho shouted over to Chen who was still busy talking to Hyeseon.
The two slowly walked towards the group and the girls were eyeing him. Even though Yna's face remained the same, Sehun knew that she was uncomfortable. He stood beside her and placed his arm around her shoulders before leaning in to whisper to Yna, "That's Hyeseon, his exgirlfriend. I have a bad feeling about her."
"I know," she whispered back which caught Sehun off guard. 
"It will be fine." Sehun replied as he rubbed her back encouragingly. 
"I hope so," She responded. 
Of course, Yna knew Hyeseon. She was there when the two got together back in high school. Hyeseon was very helpful and smart and even helped Yna in her studies. Hyeseon was undeniably a pretty and bubbly girl. She had huge, round eyes, plump and pink lips and silky straight hair that Yna found nothing to hate about her. She was close to the definition of a "perfect-girlfriend". Until of course, she found her making out with one of the school jocks in one of the hallways and two-timing Chen. When she told Jongdae about Hyeseon two-timing him, Jongdae had accused her of being jealous of their relationship and making things up. It sort of put their friendship at stake. It was not until Jongdae had seen the Hyeseon and the jock walk into the school hand-in-hand the next day that Jongdae believed Yna and apologised for accusing her. Jongdae's heart was broken as Hyeseon was his first ever girlfriend and it had to end that way. 
Being the best friend, Yna accepted his apology and the two were once again stuck like glue. The students pitied Chen for being two-timed by a nice girl who turned into a monster. However, everyone couldn't say any thing about Hyeseon because she's dating the jocks. As if karma had gone around, Hyeseon was two-timed by the said jock and was dumped in front of the whole cafeteria during lunch break. She became the laughing-stock of the school and murmurings would always be heard whenever she's around. 
As pitiful as it may sound, she had even asked Chen to take her back. Chen had said no but had forgiven wrong doings and decided to remain as friends. She would sometimes stick around much to Yna's dismay. Yna was of course disgusted by her doing and would never forgive her for breaking her best friend's heart. 
"Oh, look who's here.." Hyeseon said as she walked towards Yna. Yna gave her a slight smile. "Looks like the two of you are still stuck like glue, huh. Do you still remember me? Nice to meet you again, Song Yna." Hyeseon continued as she offered her hands to her and everyone's mouth gaped. 
"I wouldn't want my hands to have any germs. Sorry. Of course, I remember you. The one and only person who two-timed Jongdae back in highschool. The one and only person who got her karma and was two-timed by a jock then dumped in front the whole school. How can I forget someone like you? Nice to meet you again, Ahn Hyeseon." Yna replied back in a mocking tone and even smirked at the end. Yna heard what she said and it almost didn't sound like her. It even shocked her that she was speaking that way. 
Yna's eyes scanned for reaction of everyone around them. Some of them had their eyes rounded, a few even giving a smile to her. It was definitely shocking for them as it was their first to see Yna that way. She never directly insulted someone or talked that way and that gave them the clue on how much she hated her. 
"Nice one," she saw Baekhyun mouthed to her and she grinned back to him. 
Hyeseon huffed before taking a few steps back and standing beside Chen. Then, she dragged him away from the group once again and continued talking to him. 


Another update. 
A really long one for the lack of updates.
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nfrdae #1
Chapter 23: WHAT IS THIS
And I envy you author-nim! You saw chen.. I wish I can;_;
nfrdae #2
But I love this side of yna kkk~
Maybe you can put in next chapter yna's revenge like she's being fluffy with baek again and make chen jealous haha it'll be interesting;D
I'm waiting for next update!
exo_chenlover2310 #3
Chapter 21: YAH HYESEON!!! Stay away from chen!!!!!!!
nfrdae #4
I'm sad this fic is going to end but aww finally they make up! Ah thankyouu and maybe you could make another chapter just their moment? Fluffy everywhere? Kkk pretty please?^^
nfrdae #5
Chapter 18: Why so short.. And seems like a filler chapter only?
I'm waiting for next update because I'm curious how will yna make up with chen!:)
And it's okay I'd love to read this fic longer if you decide to extend this but please make sure yna would still be with chen in the end?:D
nfrdae #6
Chapter 17: Aww I feel bad for judge baek so badly
But things got more complicated.. Yna would feel betrayed I think?
I'd love another chenna moment kkk
Update soon I'm curious~ fighting!
Kideferon1324 #7
Chapter 17: I'm actually really glad that Baekhyun was just trying to help out Chen. Can't wait to see Ynas reaction. I hope she dosent start hating both of them that would be sad :(
TTing_ #8
Chapter 17: It's kind of heartbreaking that baekhyun did that,I actually wanted to two of them tgt.
nfrdae #9
Chapter 16: Yes please!! ChenNa moments! All chapter long!
Please make it please T_T because you have made chen suffer all this time
I beg you ;_;
Chapter 16: Someone please knock Yna's head so that her memory will come back. Im really sad seeing Jongdae's situation tsktsk. Author-sshi! Dont bully jongdae any longer!