
Best Friends Again
When the boys sent the girls home, Jongdae stood at the back of the whole group. Not wanting to see anymore lovey-dovey Baekhyun and Yna in action. Before Baekhyun waved goodbye, his lips landed on her cheeks causing her to blush. Yna felt butterflies in her tummy while Baekhyun was sure that his tummy were doing flips inside him. 
Jealousy painted Chen's face green as he saw the kiss. His heart squeezed at the sight and he had turned around so that he won't see anything that had to do with the new couple. Now that the both of them have become official, Yna doesn't bother approaching him anymore and spends most of her time with Baekhyun instead. Suho patted Chen's back and looked at him worriedly. If only he decided not to give up, his sufferings would have been long over. 
They were now back at their dorm and it was used for their counseling session with Suho. Suho is a really good leader, he would listen to their problems and even give them advices. Whatever it was, he knew what to sat and what to do just so that s would be happy and be at ease. 
"You're bothered, aren't you?" Suho began the talk. Jongdae feigned ignorance and Suho instantly knew that he was right. 
"You're bothered about Baekhyun and Yna together. Don't deny it." Suho stated before Jongdae slowly nodded. 
"I don't know what came to me and I decided to give up, honestly. I feel bad for giving up on her when she needs me the most. Hyung, I don't know what to do," Jongdae cried as he pinched the bridge of his nose in frustration. 
"Easy, get her back." Suho stated. The way he said it made it sound like it was the easiest thing to do. 
"Hyung, how is that easy when she's with Baekhyun?" The younger asked.
"Trust me, it will be easy. Don't think too much and don't blame yourself. When you get her back, Minseok has plan two for you. Go to sleep," Suho concluded their talk as he ruffled Jongdae's hair and walked off, leaving Jongdae confused. Jongdae stayed there for a while, trying to read in between the lines of what Suho said but he couldn't get anything out of it. He then decided to just ignore it for that night, and go to sleep. 
Baekhyun had a counseling session with Suho as well. It was surprising that after that, Suho was in favour of the relationship. As odd as it may sound, he even encouraged Baekhyun to continue what he was doing.


EXO's Baekhyun has a girlfriend? 
By: guardian$uho - 25 June 2013. 
EXO's Baekhyun was seen earlier at a park with a bouquet of flowers. It was then confirmed by a few fangirls that he did confess to someone and they did end up together. They left the park holding hands and Baekhyun was even hugging her from the back in front of EXO.
However, the same fangirls confirmed that the very same girl is Kim Jongdae's girlfriend. Is the girl two timing in front of Jongdae? 


The news spread like a wild fire and the girls were getting hate comments everywhere. The managers had called for full security in the dorm area and have since stayed with the girls. The EXO boys have also been in low profile since the article came out though they were worried about the six girls who have to fend for themselves at this time. As much as they had wanted to go over and check on them, SM Entertainment had forbidden them to go out of their dorm until the news have died down. The least they could do was at least call the girls and ask if they were fine. 
Just like other articles, the news died as fast as it spread though EXO's fans were still in a frenzy outside their dorm whenever they see them. Since it will be too obvious to sneak out all twelve of them, only those with relationship with the girls were allowed to go over to their dorm. Therefore, Suho, Luhan, Kyungsoo, Minseok, Lay, Baekhyun, Chen and Tao went over. Since Tao and Chen didn't actually have a relationship with any one of the girls, Suho had to beg one of the managers to allow them to tag along. 
It was close to dinner time when the boys came over and the girls were almost done preparing their food. After they had set up the table, they sat on their respective seats as Yna took the dishes out to the table one by one. Then, she took the only place available which was beside Baekhyun and opposite Tao. 
Unknown to rest who chatted about how they felt for the past few days, Jongdae had been staring and glaring at Baekhyun and Yna throughout the dinner. 
"You'll kill Baekhyun Hyung if you glare at him any longer," Tao nudged Chen who was beside him. Chen muttered some words to himself before looking back at his food and continued eating. 
He watched as Baekhyun fed her using his own utensils and Jongdae flinched at their contact. He then just played with his food and barely touched it. 
"I know I'm not the best cook but at least don't play with the food," Yna said coldly as she finished the last bit in her plate. Now all eyes were on the both of them but Jongdae just shrugged in his seat. It wasn't that the food was unpleasant, in fact it was pretty good. It was just that he was bothered about the way Baekhyun and Yna were so lovey-dovey in front of him. 
He walked to where Yna was seated and gripped on to her wrist and dragged her to the balcony. She even had to run to keep up with his pace. Once they were in the balcony, Yna swung his hand off before glaring at him. From the table, everything was in clear view and everyone was watching the two of them.
"What do you want?" Yna asked as she rubbed her wrist. Jongdae had gripped it too hard and she could foresee a bruise on it by the next day. 


/insert evil laughter/
ChenNa moments? Maybe not?
I'll do my rules again, 3-5 comments then I'll update.
I'm so excited for Miracle In December because my biases ahgskahahwba. 
I mean you guys should already know who it is right? It's Baekhyun and Chen. 
I love you guys so much.
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nfrdae #1
Chapter 23: WHAT IS THIS
And I envy you author-nim! You saw chen.. I wish I can;_;
nfrdae #2
But I love this side of yna kkk~
Maybe you can put in next chapter yna's revenge like she's being fluffy with baek again and make chen jealous haha it'll be interesting;D
I'm waiting for next update!
exo_chenlover2310 #3
Chapter 21: YAH HYESEON!!! Stay away from chen!!!!!!!
nfrdae #4
I'm sad this fic is going to end but aww finally they make up! Ah thankyouu and maybe you could make another chapter just their moment? Fluffy everywhere? Kkk pretty please?^^
nfrdae #5
Chapter 18: Why so short.. And seems like a filler chapter only?
I'm waiting for next update because I'm curious how will yna make up with chen!:)
And it's okay I'd love to read this fic longer if you decide to extend this but please make sure yna would still be with chen in the end?:D
nfrdae #6
Chapter 17: Aww I feel bad for judge baek so badly
But things got more complicated.. Yna would feel betrayed I think?
I'd love another chenna moment kkk
Update soon I'm curious~ fighting!
Kideferon1324 #7
Chapter 17: I'm actually really glad that Baekhyun was just trying to help out Chen. Can't wait to see Ynas reaction. I hope she dosent start hating both of them that would be sad :(
TTing_ #8
Chapter 17: It's kind of heartbreaking that baekhyun did that,I actually wanted to two of them tgt.
nfrdae #9
Chapter 16: Yes please!! ChenNa moments! All chapter long!
Please make it please T_T because you have made chen suffer all this time
I beg you ;_;
Chapter 16: Someone please knock Yna's head so that her memory will come back. Im really sad seeing Jongdae's situation tsktsk. Author-sshi! Dont bully jongdae any longer!