The Warning!

City Girl's Pure Heart

Chapter 9

[Onew’s POV]

Yoomi is just simply beautiful and after hearing those words last night, it simply confuses my mind. She is what my mind was about last night. I couldn’t stop thinking about her, there was no spilt second she wasn’t in my mind, I slept with her in my mind and I woke up with her still in my mind. I wonder what these feelings are. Why does my heart feel so close to her? Why do I feel so happy in her presence?

“Oppa I don’t think it is bad to accept Mr. Duck’s threat right?” she looked at me and smiled as she held up the two tickets from the little girl. “Hang on I will go and thank him” she smiled as she stood up with the little girl and walked towards the person dressed up as a duck.


Yoomi and the little girl held hands walking towards Taemin.

“Mr. Duck? I would like….” She didn’t get to finish his sentence when Taemin turned around and covered .

“It’s only me. Taemin, don’t worry I will be your cupid. Cupid sis! I will help you. Onew hyung doesn’t like big rides but he loves fish. Apart from chicken!” Taemin whispered as he was still holding onto Yoomi’s mouth as she looked surprised but thankful at the same time. Taemin slowly released her as she didn’t say any more words and walked back at Onew who looked confused about the person dressed up as a duck.

“What did he say?” Onew was wondering. Yoomi smiled sweetly as she grabbed his hands and both walked in the aquarium. Taemin also followed but got hit in the once more by the little girl as she have waited long enough for the piggy back ride from him. Never happened.

Once they all got inside the aquarium Yoomi immediately ran towards the glass and fed her eyes with the water’s beautiful creation. “Woah!” She whispered of awe. Onew followed her as his eyes were on her, smiling at her cuteness. He do likes fish but he seems to be more interested in Yoomi. “Oppa look!” she pointed at a big fish about a meter long with shiny scales that reflect the sun from above the aquarium.

Meanwhile at Taemin’s side he has his binoculars out once again as he grinned and continued his spying on Onew and Yoomi. “Quack! Quack!” a young boys teases him in his duck outfit. He turned around and gave them glare. “Mommy!” the boys cried and walked back to their mothers.

Yoomi and Onew entered the ‘cave’ it was an ancient rocks just under the aquarium and it has been there for thousands of years. It was the best place in the amusement park. Many people went in too at the same time so it was easy for Taemin to be invisible from Onew. Yoomi’s eyes got widen when she entered and saw a solid rock cave and waters dripping from the ceiling as fogs coming out from the rocks. “This place is amazing” she praised as she looked at Onew still looking at her; he smiled the moment he noticed her looking at him. They both wandered around the cave with many other people until they stopped to a spot looking at the different shaped rock. Yoomi was in front of Onew as she was totally amazed by everything in the cave. Then there was a drip of water from the ceiling and dropped onto Yoomi’s dress, Onew noticed as he placed his hands above her trying to stop the water to get into her. After a while of standing there with his hands above Yoomi, he has already collected a handful of water Yoomi moved to another place as Onew whipped the water from his hands. “Oppa are you ok?” Yoomi was clueless about his caring as she turned around and walked closer to him. “Yeah! let’s go?” Onew walked ahead as Yoomi followed him out the cave back to the aquarium.

“Way to go Yoomi! Onew Hyung already like you” Taemin smiled from ear to ear after being the only one witnessing Onew’s sudden moves.


“Who are you?” Jonghyun asked as he looked at the girl.

“You don’t have to know. All matters now is that I have taken photos of you kissing that and if you don’t do what I say, this will go to the newspaper company” the girl showed Jonghyun a picture of him kissing a girl but it was obvious to him that was Yoomi. He tried to grab it but failed to do so. “I have another copy you know”

“Who the heck are you and what do you want?” Jonghyun sounded pissed, not only because of Onew and Yoomi on a date, but also this little devil butted in out of nowhere.

“Just ignore Yoomi from now on and threat her as if you hate her, or else everyone will find out” she threatens him.

“I thought you were meant to be her friend?” Jonghyun stayed calm.

“Yes! A pretend friend! EUNMI can act you know. And I can definitely be an actress.” She leaned to give him a kiss in the check but Jonghyun stepped back. “You’re not easy Jonghyun!” she whispered. “Just do as I said and everything will be fine. For Yoomi, if you really care for her that much” she said and walked away.

‘Jonghyun you will be mine soon, I won’t let Yoomi steal you away from me’ she thought as she was walking away smirking.

 “Aish that ! How did she know? And how can she take those photos…. Yoomi” he whispered as he headed back to the dorm, pissed.


A few hours later~~

“Ready?!” Taemin signals Key holding a timer as Key had a plate full of chicken in front of him. Taemin, Minho and Key were playing truth or dare and Taemin stupidly dared Key to eat a plate full of chicken.

“I’m ready!” Key was eyeing on the chicken as he also likes to eat chicken but not as much as Onew does. “G.Goo!” Taemin shouted as he pressed the start button on the timer but before Key can even touch one, Onew jumped in, as him and Yoomi just got home from their date.

“Not MY chicken!” he grabbed the plate and ran away. Key looked at him and could sense a smoke coming out his ears.

“YAH! That is mine go and get your own chicken!” he shouted as he followed Onew to the kitchen.

“Not a chance” Onew shouted back as both were chasing each other around the dorm.

“You chicken thief. Give me back my chicken. You always eat chicken, why cant I? HYUNGGGGG!” Key shouted while chasing Onew but slipped and his smacked on the floor. “AWWW!” he shouted of pain. Yoomi ran closer to him in concern “Oppa are you ok?” she gasp. Key stood up and patted her in the head. “Never better” he smiled but his face turned into more serious and angry face and chased Onew once again. Onew couldn’t stop himself from laughing at Key while running away from him. He ran passed Yoomi and gave her a little wink that made her giggle.

“Aigoo! Those two never stop fighting for food!” sighed Minho as he walked towards Yoomi. He placed his hand on her shoulder “So where did you go today Yoomi? I didn’t get to see you in the hotel” he asked but Yoomi didn’t know whether to say it or not. But thanks to Taemin she got away without saying it. “I think Yoomi is tired she can rest can she?”


[Yoomi’s POV]

I walked in my room and changed my clothes to my pyjamas and turned my computer on. While I was sat at it I remembered the bling bling person, so I clicked on his name and started talking to him. Oh yeah and I didn’t get to see Jonghyun today, I wonder where he could have been, it would be nice if I tell him about my date with Onew Oppa.

Yoomi: Hey bling.

I waited but there was no response, I waited for almost an hour for his reply but there was no reply. I was about to turn the computer off when he finally replied.

Bling_bling: Hi Yoomi. Sorry I was busy so I couldn’t reply.

Yoomi: Oh that’s ok. So how are you? Did you get enough sleep last night?

Bling_bling: Im good thank you! How about you? No I didn’t to be frank.

Yoomi: Oh that’s good :) yeah! I’m good too. Actually I’m really happy. Aww mind telling me what happened?

Bling_bling: You’re happy? How Come? And do you really want to know?

Yoomi: Yes! And I am happy because I went on a date with the person I really like.

….. a long pause from Jonghyun as he felt more jealous and angrier…..

Yoomi: Hey you there?

Bling_bling: Yes!.... So you know the meaning of love too?

Yoomi: Love? Of course, I love him. In fact he is the only person I love but how I wish for him to love me back too :(

Bling_bling: Are you two dating?

Yoomi: Not yet. He hasn’t asked me yet but I hope he will soon. So you have someone you love too?

Bling_bling: I see! Me? Uhm. Yes, kind of. I have a girl I really love but she seems not to feel the same way I feel about her.

Yoomi: Oh really? But she must love you back because to me you seem to be a nice person and hard not to love back. And I’m sure if you tell her or show her you love she will fall for you in no time :)

Jonghyun suddenly have smile in his face… but the words wasn’t enough.

Bling_bling: I have a question!

Yoomi: What is it?

Bling_bling: Do you like SHINee? If so who do you like out of them?

Yoomi: SHINee? O.o YES! Actually I have a little secret about them and I, but I can’t tell you that ;).... I really like their tofu leader ONEW <3….  He is so cute and super nice.

Bling_bling: How about Jonghyun?

Yoomi: Jonghyun? Nah.. I like him the most because…..

Oops she remembered she mustn’t say a thing about her and SHINee.

Bling_bling: Because?...

Yoomi: Nothing!

Bling_bling: Say if you rank them what position Jonghyun would be?

Yoomi: #2 to Onew Oppa.

Bling_bling: Is that so?

Yoomi: Jonghyun is nice but Onew Oppa is better. :)

Jonghyun suddenly felt jealous once again.

Bling_bling: well Yoomi. I need to go. We’ll talk again sometime?

Yoomi: oh okay. Yeah sure^^

Bling_bling: But not about Onew!

Yoomi: Eh? Why not?

With that Jonghyun didn’t replied but he was still online and watching her to go offline. Once she appeared offline he slowly turned the laptop off and jumped in his bed.

“I guess this is the only way I can talk to you Yoomi-ya!” he whispered “STUPID !” he cursed Eunmi. “I’m going to kill her one day!”


(A/N: Yay new subscribers.. kamsahamnida thank you guys^^...... Wahaha evil Eunmi to be *evil glare at her* but she's just in love :(......... Gahh school has started and WTF!! first day back and too much work already? O.o *pouts*......... had fun reading? mind telling me about how much you liked it? In the comment box of course and DON'T FORGET TO SUBSCRIBE^^ and please NO SILENT READERS >.<) (2010 September 6 19:13)

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Niakanger #1
Chapter 12: I literally cried at the 12th chapter. I thought she would accept Onew. It's not a big deal. I don't know why I cried. Btw Onew is my bias
jenjeneee #2
Really enjoyed this story! :)
I LOVED THIS FANFIC, it was my favorite SHINee fanfic. Good job, you're a great writer! ;3
ShiningSHINee98 #4
Yeahh. I really do ENJOYED it!<br />
But I totally Hate EUNMI!!! She's TRAITOR!<br />
Good Thing I have my nice and Caring Friends.<br />
Well, Thanks for the fanfic. ;><br />
i'll miss this Story!
blinginxMVPxelf #5
waaaaaaa! so kawaii <3 love this story
iimayesiann #6
awww! sweet!!
nice story :) i missed this :)
nice story^^
im glad you liked it^^
so sweet :)