How the Grinch Stole Christmas

Mistakes [On Hiatus]


A/N: So I've finally updated chapter 5. I'm sorry this might be boring for you guys..T___T These might be the in between chapters so please bear with me.^.^ I'll try to make them more interesting once we reach one of the es. LOL~ I humbly ask for your patience..:3

Ugh I so much at chapter titles.. I'm sorry~



“We can’t have you do your fitting at the same time as Chaerin’s, your schedules won’t coincide.”

Jiyong woke up to bad news that morning. Right before he fell asleep 4 hours ago he had been looking forward to talking to her during the outfit consultations he had purposely asked to reschedule.

“Why not?” he asked groggily in mid yawn as he sat up from under the covers.

“It’s not possible Jiyong; both your schedules are packed especially Chaerin’s."

He heard one of the manager Hyungs say on the other line.

“Besides you do know she’s a girl and you’re a boy right?”

Jibed the manager with a snigger right when Jiyong was putting on his pants after picking it up off the floor, which was out of character for a neat freak like him.

“Duh. We’re not going to get dressed at the same time. Can’t we just move some stuff around? Push appointments back?” Rolling his eyes at the joke, he was almost pleading now wanting his request to be granted.

“No. You know how hectic these Designers are with their schedules.”

The manager immediately answered but Jiyong wasn’t taking no for an answer.

“Then seeing me and Chae together would save them time.” Exclaimed Jiyong instantly as it would make sense. Jiyong knew he was pushing it; by now Dok2 has sent the pictures of Jay’s injury to all of his friends aside from Nuthang Crew, although there was no information sent about who’d done it and why therefore it was safe to assume Jaebeom would’ve told Chaerin already.

So he would like to talk to Chaerin privately because he doesn’t want anybody speaking for him.

“If you want to wear the same label, we can arrange that.”

“Not necessarily.”

“It’ll be hard to accommodate two clients all at once; preparing separate racks of clothes from the collection for both of you. That’s taxing on staff that is not ready Jiyong, you know better.”

His manager was starting to sound agitated, and he was right he knew better but Jiyong has always been this stubborn.

“I can fit in girl’s clothes anyway.” Jiyong reasoned out his dejection evident.

“Are you saying you want to wear a dress to this Art Exhibit?”

Sarcasm was not welcome at the moment.

“No. That’s not –“

“Then I don’t see the point. You’ll have your fitting at 7PM later after one of your photoshoots & Chaerin will have hers at 11AM. This discussion is over.”




Jiyong gripped his phone tightly; he attempted to SMS Chaerin before he slept but tehe definitiveness in her voice when she said she’ll talk to him “whenever” stopped him. With his free hand he ran through his hair with extreme frustration; it’s probably one of those rare days that things would go wrong.



Meanwhile Chaerin wasn’t able to sleep at all after she had gotten back from the studio. She was still fuming from her last conversation with her Jiyong Oppa chiming in on her relationship like he knew better.

Determined to do what was not expected of her for once as soon she got up, she pulled her hoodie over her head and headed straight to the last place everyone would’ve expected she would after everything; Jay’s apartment.

“Chaerin?” Jay gasped taken aback by the sudden appearance of the raven haired girl he thought he lost last night.

For a moment she considered if she should go in but the second her eyes landed on the fat and bruised lip that greeted her, fell open to a surprise of her own.

“What the happened to you?” Chaerin screeched automatically grabbing Jay’s face to examine it.

“Ouch~ Not so hasty babe it still hurts. Whoa~ that’s the first time I heard you actually curse.” Jay said sheepishly. Clearly she was not able to get to the pictures that were emailed to everyone within their common circle of friends.

Jay let her in and sat her down the couch. The first aid kit was still sprawled all over the coffee table after Jay had used it that morning and without thinking Chaerin grabbed the soothing cream and patted some on the surrounding area of Jay’s lip.

“You didn’t add enough.” She mumbled under her breath.

“Babe, about last night..” Jay started but his words faded when Chaerin suddenly hugged him. He returned the favor by giving her a tighter squeeze.

Having felt Jay’s remorse without him saying anything, it was as though a huge load was lifted from Chaerin’s shoulders. Releasing him from her embrace she asked her question again;

“What happened to you?”

“Oh it’s nothing. Got caught in a bar fight with Dok2, we weren’t involved directly but some guy pissed off some other guy and I got an elbow to the face.” Jay animatedly told his story complete with hand gestures but all Chaerin could think of was how glad she was that it didn’t take a turn for the worse.

“Well, I’m glad that you’re okay.”

“Of course I am. Better actually that we’re okay.” His smile was earnest and Chaerin couldn’t help but wonder how he would react to her wanting to lay down all of their cards on the table;

“About us, we have to talk. What happened last night was not cool and its going to be the last time it’ll happen. So this time we have to both be honest, okay?”



Back in Jiyong’s apartment, Jiyong stepped out of his room after the failed conversation he had with his manager to grab something to eat when he heard scuffling coming from his kitchen.

“Hyung again?” Finding the fridge door open, he cried out slumping down on one of the bar stools that lined his counter.

TOP’s head popped from behind the flap of the fully stocked refrigerator to see who had spoken a slice of wheat bread suspended from his mouth accompanied by a blank look on his face.

Before speaking his Hyung place about 3 different types of spreads and a gallon of milk from the container on the counter top.

“You know I barely have any time to stay at my villa let alone keep in my own refrigerator stocked.”

“Then raid Bom Noona’s fridge not my mine.” Groaned Jiyong then he realized what a stupid suggestion this was since Bom DOES NOT share food, even with her own boyfriend.

“Anyway did you see the pictures Dok2 sent out? It was hella funny. I would love to shake the hand of the guy who did that to Jay, I’d probably even send him flowers. I’m not too fond of him.” TOP said with a low chuckle. Not this again, Jiyong thought.

“Then you better make sure I’m here to receive them then.” He scoffed.    

Without meaning too he felt a bit proud of what he’d done after hearing encouraging opinions from his friends. Apparently not everyone was a fan of Jaebeom and after yesterday’s events, so was he. TOP’s mouth fell open questioningly which was answered with a nod by Jiyong.

“. Wow, what did he do to piss you off?” Inquired the tall rapper in the low voice he was famous for, all the while spreading Nutella on his 3rd slice of bread.

“It’s not important. We just got into an argument, that’s all. So I’d appreciate it if you would keep that information to yourself.” Jiyong asked as he walked over to the kitchen cupboard and pulled a pop tart.

“What are you doing here anyway? I thought your still filming that new movie?” He asked to change the topic.

“They had to delay it for a couple of days, something about setting-up a set design in the mountains.” TOP answered in between chews.

“And Bom Noona doesn’t mind that the first place you hit up is my place and not her & Minji’s? She hasn’t physically seen you in like 3 weeks.” Jiyong said taking out the hot pop tart from the toaster then putting some butter on it.

“Nah. She’s in the states visiting relatives.”

Jiyong nodded along and munched on his pop tart. This was one of Chaerin’s favorite breakfasts after they’d seen that episode of Family Guy one morning, it only reminded him of his lost effort with his manager earlier. TOP grabbed a cereal bowl and tipped a cereal box on to it then asked;

“Bro aren’t you getting in the shower yet? We have the 10Asia interview at 10:30.”

“Oh . You’re right!” Jiyong yelled, bits of pop tart flying from his mouth.

“Wait a minute –“ He was about to run into the shower and take the fastest shower he would ever take in his life since it’s 7:30 and it usually takes him 3 hours to get ready when he stopped dead on his tracks.

“Don’t you have a friend that works at 10Asia who owes you a favor?”

“Yeah. So?”

Jiyong’s face contorted into an impish grin that would’ve given the Grinch who stole Christmas a run for his money as an idea hatched in his mind; it wasn’t one of those rare days he thought. 



A/N: I'll be uplaoding the next chapter in the morning, just finishing that up.:) Tell me what you guys think so far in the comments section below!^.^

P.S: I need to decide the couple that would get engaged aside from the main characters CL, GD & Jay..I just need some suggestions.:P hikhik. thank you in advance.^.^

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i'm updating..wonder if y'all care.^.^ kidding. i'm still gonna update no matter what.XD


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jayrunner #1
Luv it~ :)
Sushimidumpling #2
Chapter 22: nice ending. i liked jays statement.
fandhate #3
Chapter 22: maybe yes, the happy SkyDragon moments are so little but there are a lot of the angst ones TT_TT
fandhate #4
Chapter 21: duh this love triangle is really ed up
tee4tiffany #5
Chapter 20: update soon please ! :)
Chapter 6: oh 0.0 it's the dress that Bom wore for If I Were You stages.
fandhate #7
Chapter 20: eit's don't tell me it's kiko. I already declared that I started to like kiko but now, I don't know >,< ... ready for the next author-nim
Ciel_GZB #8
Chapter 20: Pleaseeee do not tell me that jay went to kiko so that she'll help him to get chaerin.. Do not tell me that..... Kiko, u better be telling jay that you're getting married and neither you nor jiyong have feelings for each other anymore... Get ur away from jay... If she's helping in some ways, imma beat their asses... Jay, leave chaerin alone... Grrr!! :/
fandhate #9
Chapter 19: this is the first story that makes me like kiko hehe,,, update soon author-nim ^^
VeraMoon #10
Chapter 19: in all honesty if I was chae I would've smacked kiko so hard and with rings too when she tells chae about her and jay's affair. cheaters are the worst man.