ed Up Love Triangle

Mistakes [On Hiatus]


A/N: Let's not be sad or angry. Let's just be happy. Thank you.



“I don’t understand why you had to ask to meet me personally when we could’ve had this conversation over the phone?” Kiko leans forward with fascination but her face steely. She was curious as to why this information was of any relevance to Jay.

“Just answer the question. I thought you need to catch a flight?” Jay smirks behind his fingers that were entwined together, “I’ll know if you’re either lying or delusional, because; I asked you to meet me personally.”

“Fair enough, but I’ll want to know something before I answer your question. Why?”

“Why?” Jay raises an eyebrow. “Why do I need to know?” Kiko nodded.

Jay closed his eyes remembering the events of the day. Remembering the short talk he had with Chaerin before she asked him to leave and the look she gave him. But worst of all he saw the look she gave Jiyong when he walked away with Kiko. It was the way he wanted her to look at him when they were still together.

“Have you thought about how your fiancé will react when he finds out what happened? How he’ll look at you?”

“Of course.”

“Chaerin knew I screwed some girl but she’s never looked at me like I cheated on her.” He begins as his eyes fall and fixates on one spot before he looks up at Kiko almost accusingly, “Except today, when you told her; that’s how your fiancé will look at you.”

He raked his hands through his hair with clear frustration then continued; “And you know what ? Because she sees me that way now, I’ll have a point of comparison as to how I want her to look at me instead.”

Kiko felt sorry for Jay or at least in part. Because he was a cautionary tale of what things might be if what happened is kept a secret from someone you love.

“I hate that not being with her; is making me more perceptive and I see her more clearly than I have ever had when I was with her. Because I was right, I lost her even before I ed up.”

Speaking once more, a sneer slowly forming on his lips and eyes setting low again; “So yeah, I want to know if Jiyong still has feelings for you because at least if he still does..” Jay pauses and stares hopeful into Kiko’s eyes;

“Then maybe at least for once I'm not right in my assumption about him. That maybe he's still keeping feelings for you and was just projecting them towards Chaerin.”

She swallows the lump in and sneers. “That’s why when you saw me and remembered, you said something to provoke him to punch you isn’t it?”

“You still haven’t answered my question.”

Kiko sighs, to her he seemed like someone who was struggling to save himself from drowning and there wasn’t anything to hold on to;

“For moment I thought he still did and it was good ego boost. But the way he reacted when he saw you; it wasn’t about me.” Kiko says blankly but every bit earnest, “It was about you so casually inflicting pain on someone he loved. So much so that he doesn’t care if he does a ty thing like punching you.”

“Based on what Chaerin said this wasn’t the first time meaning you two seem to do stupid things. The only difference is Jiyong does it because he actually loves her. What’s your excuse?” Jay remained silent but from where she was sitting she knew the wheels inside his head were turning.

Irrespective of the matter, she knew she no longer had any business to be analyzing Jiyong; that part of her life was over. But thanks to the him she realized she was going to have to at least fess up to her fiancé regardless of the consequence.  “I’m sorry to prove that assumption of yours correct.” Kiko stood up ready to leave;

“You think I don’t love her?”

“Oh no you love her, you would just rather have her love you more than you do or as much; but she doesn’t. And it’s still eating you alive because you wouldn’t be here asking me about Jiyong’s nonexistent feelings for me if it wasn’t.”  She says thinking this conversation turned into a therapy session.

“Look, all I care about is keeping this under wraps from the media. I don’t care about whatever ed up love triangle you three have. Just give me a call or something, I need to get home Now if you’ll excuse me.”

With that Kiko took her leave and suddenly Jay no longer had an appetite, so he asked for the bill which the waiter agreed to bring over right away.

He looked outside the window that was slowly being speckled by what was hopefully the last rainfall of the autumn season. Jay shakes his head in discontent;

“I hate when people make sense.” He was about to call ChaCha to ask him to pick him up seeing as he went to the restaurant via cab to be incognito but an incoming call from a familiar number came in making him smile.



The next day brought in with it the beginning of the winter season. With so many things that unraveled in the last few weeks, Chaerin hoped that there wouldn’t be any more additional surprises as she was looking forward to December.

“It’s cute that you think I can’t hear you thinking.” Jiyong says as he and Chaerin rode the elevator up from the lowest floor in the underground parking at YGe. “Everything’s going to be fine.” he chuckles gaily snaking his arm around Chaerin’s waist.

“Ya! Ya! Have you forgotten we’re at the office? What do you think you’re doing?” Chaerin hisses trying to get out of Jiyong’s hold.

“I’m just trying to cheer my baby girl up.” He pouts drawing even closer to Chaerin. “I seriously think you have no idea how pretty you are when you smile.” He continues assaulting her with tickles.

“I said stop!” Chaerin giggles swatting Jiyong’s hand away.

Suddenly the elevator doors open making the two separate instantly;

“Goodmorning.” YG said with a subdued look.

“Good morning Sajangnim.” Both Jiyong and Chaerin answered at the same time with a slight bow in acknowledgement of their boss.

“I see you two came to work early.” YG smirks. "Going to be a very busy day for both of you today.” He adds before casually pressing the button to the top floor.

Jiyong nods explaining his activities for the rest of the day; “The album drops at 12 and I’ll be recording with Youngbae this morning then Minji later after lunch. They’ll be sending the tracks later today.”

“And you Chaerin? The album coming out at noon, very exiting isn’t it?” YG asks nodding to the raven haired woman with a confident smile. “I’m sure I’ll be buying you both meals to congratulate.”

“That would be wonderful sajangnim. Thank you for the high praise and yes I’m quite excited.” Chaerin affirms nervously and as soon as she did, it was time for her to get off, “This is me. I’m off to practice, excuse me.” She bowed politely exiting the lift.

“Maybe we should do lunch later?” YG pronounces once the elevator doors closed. “What do you say Jiyong?”

Jiyong frowns at the thought. He planned on treating Chaerin to lunch in celebration of the album release, but it looks like YG will be taking care of that instead. Jiyong smiles and bows to him before exiting onto the next floor himself.

That old man’s taunting us. He smirks then heads off to his studio to meet up with Youngbae.



Later that day, Jay found himself sitting at the reception area in YGE waiting for one of the managers to bring him to Chaerin. He had just gone to her and Dara’s apartment but no one answered. He would call someone from YG Family but after the drunken rant he had at the party that brought the mood down he doubts they would pick up.

“Jay oppa?” Minji walks over to him, “Are you waiting for Chaerin unnie?”

He nods with a soft smile, thankfully it was little Mingkki who had just arrived. They’ve always gotten along and frankly as long it wasn’t Jiyong he was glad whoever it was.

“I was really hoping to talk to her. She’s not picking up.”

“Right.” Minji just gave him an apologetic smile. “Well I have to go. I’ll see you around.” She said then headed for the elevator.

Out of everyone she was the most who felt like she didn’t want to pass judgment on anyone, especially him, since she knew nothing about what really had gone down. She turns back around thinking that she shouldn’t meddle but she feels really bad for him;

“She might be in the dance studio, practicing. I can take you there now oppa, if you would like?” He looks at her enquiringly and she knowingly responds;

“You really look like you need to talk to Chae unnie.”

Jay drew a deep breath seeing Chaerin from the outside, she was rehearsing alone. She’s always breathtaking when performing and he would much rather just stand there all day watching her.

“Oppa I hope you don’t think all of us are mad at you.” Minji smiled encouragingly, “We’re more disappointed than anything.” She said before patting his back and leaving.

He stood fixed in front of the door thinking isn't that worse than being mad at someone? But none of that mattered right now because if he wasn’t gonna go in, he’s never going in. Knocking before turning the doorknob Jay wasn’t surprised with Chaerin’s reaction.

“What are you doing here oppa?” she asked without even looking at him.

“I was hoping to just discuss it over the phone but you weren’t picking up.” Jay replied. Chaerin tried to hide her unease but it ended up turning into an impatient groan as she took a sip of her water.

“My mom’s in town. She wants to meet you.”

Chaerin chokes instantly from her drink spewing some of her water in the process. Another groan escapes her, yes, of course, one more wrench in this cluster, why not?

“I don’t know oppa.” She said her voice coming out a smidge frantic while she wiped down the floor her eyes still avoiding Jay’s. “I mean lying to your mother. That’s practically asking for karma to gouge our eyes out.”

“Believe me, I’m the last person who wants to do that to my mom." Jay retorted, even until now he was trying to rack his brain on how to get them out of it. "But she didn’t exactly give me enough time to think of another plan by flying in in the middle of the morning.” He would be lying if he said he wasn’t curious, although he's probably mental for even thinking she would agree.

“When are we supposed to meet her?” Jay’s mouth fell open, she couldn’t be saying yes to this after what he had done.

“This..uhmm..This afternoon, if that’s possible.” Jay said still in doubt, “But if you’re too busy today..”

“No. It’s fine. Just pick me up at the dorms later after I get changed.” Chaerin shook her head as she concentrated on taking off her shoe and massaging her ankle. It’s been smarting for an hour now and crouching down to wipe the floor clearly did further harm. Jay takes notice of this and asks;

“Are you okay?”  

“I’m fine.” She murmured without looking at him, wincing in pain and clutching her ankle.

“It looks like it’s swollen, don’t stand on it.” He prompted her when she tried to stand up. Pacing over to the mini fridge in the room he took out an ice cold bottled drink and hands it to her carefully. “Keep it there for a while, it doesn’t seem like it’s broken or sprained, just worn-out.”

“Figures, I’ve been practicing for 5 hours already.” Chaerin said more to herself than anything. Jay could feel that Chaerin wanted him to leave but he couldn’t.

Taking the bottle from her he kneeled in front of her and placed it on her injury making her look at him this time. He had his head hung low, “I meant what I said. When I told you I never wanted you to get hurt. It just happened.” Jay expressed now locking eyes with her. “I hope you believe me.”

Chaerin looked away.

“I don’t think that really matters anymore, does it?” she uttered heaving a sigh, “I know we talked about being friends after all this, but I–” she stops herself and withdraws, “Let’s just keep things cordial, okay? I don’t want to talk about that anymore.”

“No Chae, I urge you to continue.” Jay asks her meaningfully, “If this is gonna be the last conversation we’re gonna have about this; I want you to say everything you want to say.” Having an irrepressible need to speak his mind to her was something she never shared with him and now that he was doing the opposite, he instead now wants her to have that need.

“I just.. It makes me think why Kiko? Why her? I know you say it just happened and you both were probably drunk or too high to think.” Chaerin says biting her lip, she didn’t like this feeling of doubting someone, “But this, I just feel like it hits too close to home oppa. And once all of this is over I don’t think I can trust you as a friend.”

“Then why are you agreeing to meet mom then?” He may have fooled himself in to thinking that he could still get a friendship out of this.

“Because I want things squared between us.”

Jay heard it loud and clear, “I understand. I’m sorry things turned out the way it did, but let me ask you one last question..” He swallows the lump in his throat, “If it wasn’t Kiko would you still feel the same?”

Before she could answer Jay gave a hollow laugh. He laughed at himself for being stupid by still trying to find out, “No don’t answer that, because I think I know the answer already.”

He takes Chaerin’s hand and places it on top of the bottle to hold it in place over her ankle;

“I’m sorry for being such a burden to you..”

“Thank you. And congrats on the album, it’s amazing what you and Jiyong made. You should check because 15 minutes ago it’s almost on ALL KILL status.” Jay stands up to leave but before he does he gives her one last sad smile then walked out of the room closing the door behind him.





Chaerin grinned from ear-to-ear when she saw Jiyong’s message. Despite the silliness, his message gave her incredible encouragement.  She did it. She’s released her album. She couldn’t believe that her voice was finally out there and the response was very positive. She feels so grateful, so happy to have even had the chance to do it.

“I will. I love you too.” She began to type, her reply was later than she wanted because she’s gotten so many congratulatory SMS, emails and calls, even Instagram posts in the last hour that it was so overwhelming. But as she was about to hit send;

“Sure about this?” Jay asks after taking a sip of his coffee, gesturing his mug towards the door. “I can take you back to YGe. It’s not too late to back out.”

“I think sitting in a restaurant with your mom walking through the door counts as too late.” She responds pushing her chair back to stand having spotted a tall slender woman in her mid-50’s with a familiar kind face coming into the shop. Jay follows suit and as soon as his mother sees him she beams broadly.

“I’m sorry I was bit late. Traffic was such a headache.” She kissed him on the cheek then turns her attention to Chaerin smiling warmly at her. “Finally we meet Chaerin-ssi.”

Chaerin bows her head in respect while keeping a warm smile herself. With any luck she would succeed in concealing her nerves. What if she finds out they’re lying? After all mothers know best. She decides to let Jay's mom take control of their conversation.

She crosses her fingers discreetly and says a silent furtive prayer to herself.



A/N: From the beginning I've felt like I've had enough w/ Kiko being vilified both in fics and in real life so I wrote her like this. I kind of like her character somehow, thinking if I should expand her part. Anyway hope y'all like this coz' i really love the first part. I'm updating the next chap later tonight. (=^.^=)

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i'm updating..wonder if y'all care.^.^ kidding. i'm still gonna update no matter what.XD


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jayrunner #1
Luv it~ :)
Sushimidumpling #2
Chapter 22: nice ending. i liked jays statement.
fandhate #3
Chapter 22: maybe yes, the happy SkyDragon moments are so little but there are a lot of the angst ones TT_TT
fandhate #4
Chapter 21: duh this love triangle is really ed up
tee4tiffany #5
Chapter 20: update soon please ! :)
Chapter 6: oh 0.0 it's the dress that Bom wore for If I Were You stages.
fandhate #7
Chapter 20: eit's don't tell me it's kiko. I already declared that I started to like kiko but now, I don't know >,< ... ready for the next author-nim
Ciel_GZB #8
Chapter 20: Pleaseeee do not tell me that jay went to kiko so that she'll help him to get chaerin.. Do not tell me that..... Kiko, u better be telling jay that you're getting married and neither you nor jiyong have feelings for each other anymore... Get ur away from jay... If she's helping in some ways, imma beat their asses... Jay, leave chaerin alone... Grrr!! :/
fandhate #9
Chapter 19: this is the first story that makes me like kiko hehe,,, update soon author-nim ^^
VeraMoon #10
Chapter 19: in all honesty if I was chae I would've smacked kiko so hard and with rings too when she tells chae about her and jay's affair. cheaters are the worst man.