Chapter 6 - Seoul Food

Screw This Thing Called Love



I can’t believe I missed my flight; although, I should’ve expected this result with Micky Yoochun behind the wheel. Ugh my dear friend…you can’t really complain about the guy, but his driving is just WOW. I don’t really know how to explain it exactly…Do you know how fast a snail moves? Well Micky’s driving is just about three times much slower than that. If ever you’re stuck in the same car as him during a road trip…prepare to be one year older, or yet maybe even die from the end of it ahaha. He’s just so persistent too. He can’t take no for an answer so I had no choice but to get in his Guinness World Record slow vehicle. You’d think that the thing is running on three wheels because it’s so damn slow. Micky’s one of those guys who just really wants everything to be perfect. If the speed limit is 60 km/h, he’ll make sure that he’s driving at that speed…not more or less.


To make things worst (depends on how you look at it), there was a farking stray cat that decided to take its time to cross this street. Of course, the pure hearted Micky figures that something is wrong. So you know what he does? He gets out and examines the animal. Turns out it was injured…so he takes it in his car (hands it over to me) in order to get it checked on in the nearest vet. Your hearts are all probably melting by that little sweet act of his huh? Well let me tell you what that ing cat did to me. I was minding my business anxiously watching the time when this so called “injured” cat somehow decides that my eyelids look like something it would love to familiarize itself with. I never saw it coming…after all cats are usually cute fluffy things. Well not this little devil. It scratched me right above my eyelid. So yeah, a huge scar marks my face. I look like a gangster that just got in a fight. Thank goodness I have sunglasses in my bag.


Well anyways, I’m now stuck here at this small cramped up airport with a worthless plane ticket in my hands. I scoff out my credit card and purchase the next flight headed to Seoul. Ugh, I’m throwing my hard earned money down the drain. I really shouldn’t have come to this high school Shim Changmin…


Damn, by the time I arrive back in the city, it’ll be what? Four? Five? Aigoo ugh I just know I’m going to be late again…this is not going to look good on me.


Three hours…that’s the amount of time that I’m going to have to kill before I finally find myself seated on a plane. I don’t know whether Micky’s coffee to cream proportions are off, but I feel extra tired right now. Surprisingly these airport seats are comfortable; just the right amount of cushion for my tush. I head towards a vacant seat somewhere near the back of the waiting area. No one would even know that I’m sleeping…I’m somewhat in a secluded area anyways…





I swear this damn airplane is supposed to be here by now. My chrome watch indicates that it is now 2:45, the exact time that my should be close to sitting on that plane. I reach my hand back in to retrieve another snack, but I realize that I only calculated the amount of food I’d be eating until my flight. this! That is exactly why I hate it when something gets delayed. , if I wait any longer I might just die from lack of food. I shove my empty bottle of soju disguised in the form of a coke bottle into the small chip bag that I just finished eating. Yes, I still eat chips…they’re too damn good to give up on. Call me a kid all you want, but I can assure you that you wouldn’t make fun of me if you tried the mouth watering taste of them.


I can’t find a damn trash can in this place…maybe it’s because it’s a smaller airport compared to the others, so I decide to get rid of the garbage as any other person would most likely do. After taking a glance towards my left and right, noticing that everything was clear, I sneakily throw the trash over my head headed to the back area.

To my surprise, I hear it land roughly against something as the loud hit echoes a bit in the practically empty airport.




The voice seems to be a woman’s, but the mumbling of their words makes it a tad bit hard to tell. The Korean language has never sounded closer to that of alien’s. I turn my head and spot a tall girl near the very back standing with sunglasses that covered a good half of her face. She has nice hair from what I can see…the reflection of the sun through the windows of this place gives it a nice shine. She must take care of it pretty well. I wonder what kind of conditioner she uses. Hmm will it be able to tame my frizzy locks??

I can’t help but kind of evaluate the girl from top to bottom. Nice slender figure with a good sense of fashion; despite her being covered in very casual clothing--something quite hard to find these days.


I stand up and run through polite lines in my head that would showcase that I am genuinely sorry. I honestly don’t know what is wrong with me sometimes. I end up doing things that are just flat out ridiculous…this being one of them. I mean who the hell throws garbage away like that? Aish I should have waited until I got on the plane…

I slowly make my way towards the nameless girl. My guilt level is rising with every heavy footstep I make.


Nervously, I clear my throat and apologize as I constantly bow down, “Mianhae. Mianhae!”.




. I recognize that voice right away. It sends shivers throughout my body in the creepy scary kind of way. That tone of voice slaps me harshly whenever I hear it. The feeling of suddenly having to hear it is similar to that of freezing ice running down your back.


Choi Sooyoung…


I shoot myself back up, standing completely straight. This is the second damn time that my delusional self had thought that she was something more than average looking. I really need to seek some medical help regarding this problem when I get to Seoul.


“Sooyoung…” It sounds odd saying her name out loud like that to her face.



She could at least have been courteous and greet me properly…


“I thought you didn’t know who I was…since last night I’m pretty sure you thought you didn't know me.”


Oh okay, so that’s why she’s so moody. I swear she’s the one who decided to continue on with the game ‘I must have mistaken you for someone else’…so it’s not entirely my fault. Hmm, but do I sense a tint of anger in her voice?? She must have been angry because of that. No matter what I must hold in my composure…I must not smile!


“Don’t worry, I wasn’t angry. I get it. Let’s act like we don’t know each other right?”



Technically, that was exactly what I was aiming for, but somehow this whole annoying her has been quite fun; a little refreshing kick in my life.  


“Well Shim Changmin, that idea works out just fine for me too.”


We stare at each other with gazes that could burn a mother ing hole in a brick wall. This woman sure is gutsy. I have no clue when the hell that happened, since she was always so gentle back then.


“Passengers for the flight to Seoul can now board in gate 13. Once, again that’s for Seoul gate 13. In addition, passengers for the flight to Jeju Island can now board in gate 14. Passengers headed to Jeju Island, gate 14.”


The robotic female voice on the public announcemnent (PA) disrupts our little eye hate staring contest we had going on as we break eye contact apart. I walk away first as I retrieve my bags. I notice her collecting all of her belongings as well.


My mind scrambles with questions.

Is she going to Seoul? What’s her seat number? Or is she going to Jeju Island? Why would she go there? Is that where she lives now?

My damn curiosity about her continues to grow as I walk away.



I’m one of the very first people to get on board; however, from the line I was just in, I doubt that there’ll be a lot of us even on here. Ugh, despite how badly I’d like to be near the window, here I am in the middle seats...

I recline my chair back, put on my earphones and close my eyes; allowing for my thoughts to take over. I don’t know why, but the dark blackness that I’m suppose to be seeing at the moment slowly turns to the vision of Sooyoung’s big brown eyes. Eyes that is different from all the other girls.


I just wonder right then and there what if Sooyoung was headed to Seoul too?

Ohhhh, then that would definitely be interesting…I wonder if she still remembers...





I was happily sleeping when something hard hits my head. The first thing that comes out of my mouth are probably words that aren’t too feminine...I completely forget to look around for the idiot who’s throwing garbage so barbarically when I take a  glimpse at what hit me. It’s the wrapper that catches my eye. I remember this brand…a few years back this was my favourite thing to munch on as a snack. I could barely find these now these days no matter where I searched.


“Mianhae. Mianhae.”


I turn around quickly and it’s Shim Changmin. Of course it is. After all, it was Changmin who introduced me to this brand. After we broke up, I never experienced the mouth-watering treat gracing my tongue ever since. It was this same bag of chips that he often would bring to me each day after I caught him finishing one off without me before...chasing him up and down the hallways in high school~

Seeing him in front of me like this is just too surreal that yet again more unlady like words escaped my mouth for the second time.



He addresses me properly this time and for some reason it pisses me off. I find myself getting angry at him from being idiotic yesterday, yet I refuse to let him know that. All of a sudden we’re staring daggers at each other while complete silence flies above us. As much as I’d like to rip his eyes out from their sockets, I can still see his puppy dog eyes from those happier times.


A PA alerting passengers to Seoul and Jeju Island goes off and I see Changmin hurriedly grabbing his things. I begin to do the same until I fall down to the cushioned seat that massaged by backside. He’d be on the same flight as me. Damn it’s going to be awkward. I fear that we might just kill each other on the plane.


I know for a fact that he’s headed to Seoul

After all, he once told me something he wanted to accomplish in his life was sampling a dish from every single food place in that city. He comes up with stupid dreams, but it was that childish side of him that made me really like him back then...






It was Friday after school. As usual, their stomachs growled in synch with one another. The duo had gone off searching for the next restaurant to divulge in sweet delectable ecstasy in. They both had money on them and were more than ready to spend it on a couple of dishes from this place and a couple of dishes from that place.

He pulled her into a small local kimbap store where the setting reflected that of a close knitted family house. It emitted a warm rustic feel. They filled their mouth completely with the well made food, savouring the blended flavours. She pulled him aside to a food stall. They ordered more than enough for the average human being, but adequate for the two shik shins. Their lips smiled at the spicy chilli sauce smothered over top the duk boki which swam down their throats. Complimenting each other to the very fine hair on their bodies, they both ended off their food rampage with an ice pop. The chill from each that shocked their tongues eased their always hungry stomachs for a few minutes.


Once again, they sat side by side on what they now claimed as their couple bench waiting for that bus that they secretly despised from arriving.


“Youngie, do you ever wonder how the food in Seoul tastes like?”

“Mmmm. All the time. Wae?”

“One day I’ll go there and eat at every single place.”


She giggled at his over exaggerated goal as she cooed,

“Aigooo~ Min you are really something.”

“Just you and me Youngie. What do you think? One day, let’s both try accomplishing it okay?”


They both promise each other right then and there that a dish in every Seoul store would find its way down their stomachs. She just nodded at him sweetly before resting her head lightly upon his chest. She could still smell the overpowering chilli sauce from his shirt, but such small matters didn’t bother her at all. Sooyoung took her hand and rubbed her boyfriend’s tummy playfully above his shirt, “I bet you can’t wait for that day to come…”


Changmin smiled shyly at her statement and kissed the top of the girl’s head whom he had wrapped his arms around.





This plane is too damn small. I can barely roll my carry on down the aisle.

37D, 37E, 37F….and finally my seat 37G.

I throw my stuff into the top cabinet before plopping myself down messily. I’m totally exhausted…I don’t know why I packed so much for such a short stay. Maybe it was the heavy luggage or the fact that I was living off solely on Micky’s coffee that I became slightly dizzy. My surroundings aren’t sharp and the majority of the objects I see are somewhat blurry for a few seconds.


I need some water and possibly some peanuts to boost me right back up so that’s exactly what I request for when a stewardess passes on by.

After consuming the water in one shot, I finally rip open the pack of peanuts which were oddly sealed in the most difficult bags I had ever come across. My fingers excitedly reach in for the salted nut when someone grabs my arm. No matter how out of it my mind is or how dizzy I am, I can always pick out that guy easily.





I told you before that I had a hunch that the guy would be on this flight, but right beside me…are you serious right now??? I turn my head furiously left and right and realize that the flight isn’t even half full.

What are the damn odds that our seats would be so near…?

I brush his grip off of me. Who the hell does he think he is to be touching me so causally like that?? I’m about ready to pound him flat like an onion pancake when he calmly says to me,


“Make sure to save some room…didn’t we promise each other something when we’d go to Seoul?”




He doesn’t even move an inch. His tall six foot body of his continues to be slouched in the seat while his eyes are shut. He looks like a decent human being. I’m glad that his eyes are closed since I can feel my blood rushing to my face. Blushing...I think I’m blushing. No...can't be.

This jackass actually remembers that? Loser, who told you to remember such a thing? Why are you still trying to put on an act?

For some reason, I take out the nut that I was playing with my fingers and whip it at his face. Finally his eyes open and I can see the annoyance creeping on…yes, that’s the real Changmin. Why is he trying to act all nice?


I hate you for making fun of such a moment that was so precious to me before.


He snatches my peanuts away from me and begins to throw them, aiming for any part of my body. . I lunge forward at him trying to retrieve what was rightfully mine when heaviness fills my head. Did a bowling ball just drop on top of me? Why am I feeling like this? I feel weak…every limb in my body, even every strand of my hair feels odd. My eye lids are jittering and the room keeps on spinning. What’s going on?

The last thing I see is that jackass’ face.



Her body continues to sway oddly like the random thrashing of the waves against the shoreline. Changmin figures out that something is definitely wrong. He sees her eyes continuously flapping open and close. He ponders whether or not to help her stabilize her balance, but hesitates to take action due to the sudden unfamiliar touch of one another that would take place. But he brsuhes that thought immediately to the side. He throws the pack of peanuts quickly onto the floor and grabs her just in time. Changmin securely holds her delicate collapsed body in his arms.



His eyes widen.


His breathing decreases.


His eyes dilate.


His heart skips a beat.



A/N: Interesting my hand was somewhat better today so I decide to go biking which one thing led to another and the next thing you know I'm basically walking on crutches now -.- So yeah, I got two limbs (both of my right) that are just bleh.

My friend will be updating on this now when she has the time to do so while I watch her from the side ahaha creepy much? Basically, I'll be telling her what to type though. All in all updates will be done when she's available.

Anyways b4 I go, let me just say one thing...don't answer your text messages when you're biking...unless you're good at multi-tasking (which I obviously was NOT).

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Chapter 27: please update soon
Chapter 27: When will Kyuhyun and victoria know that ChangSoo is the real deal? hahahaha
paige269 #4
Update soon
Chapter 27: Oh no. What will happen to ChangKyu now?? D:
Chapter 26: that message was important you playhead -_-" aish Kyu
Chapter 26: Kyu got Min's phone broken..... Ooooooh.
I also wonder what the message said cause it was obviously from Sooyoung, with her checking her phone. Victoria annoys me in some weird way, her crush on Min almost seems suffocating. Only time will tell when everything's ready to fall apart and everything's TOLD.