Chapter 5 - Remember, Those are Mine

Screw This Thing Called Love



I wake up with the slight ray of sunlight beaming down on my swollen face through the bit of gap from the curtains. I find myself in a queen sized bed with white sheets and pillowcases surrounding my body. My clothing for some reason is scattered upon every little inch of the room; shirt at the foot of the bed, tie hanging on the headboard, and pants dangling on for dear life at the edge of the television from the front. From the branded glass cups that sit perfectly untouched on the night table beside me, I realize that somehow I spent the night in a random hotel. The smell of reeking through my body early in the morning and the bland unfamiliar walls isn’t something new to me.

I’m a good looking fellow in the prime of his manhood…girls just seem to want me wherever I go. Gotta please those females, y’know what I’m saying?


The cool breeze that found its way from the open window caused the little sticky note on the mirror to shutter, much to my annoyance. Sluggishly I drag this exhausted body of mine out from bed and stare at the note. Damn, what kind of freaky positions did I try out last night? Ugh I feel pain everywhere…


' Changmin, you’ve finally noticed me after all these years. XoxO.♥ '


I look at the chicken scratch of penmanship the owner of the note had before noticing the light thulian pink lip stick kiss mark plastered on the mirror as well. Honestly, I don’t know whether or not to be by it or rather disgusted.

Who the kisses a hotel mirror?! , I just hope I didn’t kiss this chick on the lips.


I run my fingers through the normal tangled hair sitting at the top of my head. Messy hair? Sure, that’s what I have…but I dare you to mention another man with the same hairstyle who’s as y as me.

Yawning and stretching my long limbs, I stare at my reflection for a moment or two.

I can’t quite remember what kind of fun ecstasy night I had yesterday. The last thing I clearly remember was Sooyoung hugging that mouse guy. The rest seemed to have erased from my memories completely. As much as I try to recall the events, nothing but my possessive ex hugging some random English speaking dude appears in my thoughts.


For a split second, I have the most unimaginable idea pop into my empty head. I pick up the note back into my curious hands and wonder, could this possibly be Sooyoung?

The sudden knock of room service slaps me back to my senses.

, what’s wrong with me to even come to think of something like that? I never seem to have my head screwed on properly at such an early time. Coffee…I need coffee ASAP. Coffee in the morning always sets me back on track. Coffee in the morning is a necessity if you wanna be me.





I instantly wake up to the smell of fresh brewing coffee that tingles my nose. Every morning, I just need my coffee; good hot caffeine!


I throw off the warm wool blanket that was placed over me, giving me the comfort of a parent’s embrace. I can barely breathe and I realize it’s due to the fact that I’m still wearing this tight dress of mine. I don’t quite remember whose house I’m in at the moment since I just recall getting knocked out from sleepiness during the ride headed somewhere last night.


That’s when I spot Micky. He’s walking towards me with tiny footsteps. He’s completely concentrated on the two hot cups of coffee that he’s holding within his hands. I can’t help but giggle at the sight of it. It looks like he’s walking on a tight rope. Ahahaha oh Yoochun…


“Babo, why did you fill it up to the brim?”

“Because if it’s not full you’d just slurp it all down in an instant as if it’s water!”


He replies back to me in somewhat with an annoyed tone of voice. The same tone of voice that the eight year old Micky Yoochun would use back in the day when I stole his snack from his lunch box.


Omg, he’s such a weirdo…but I know very well that would actually happen if it wasn’t filled completely. I probably wouldn’t feel the burn from the hot coffee either…it’s an interesting trait I have. I quickly walk to him and lessen his burden by taking my cup away from him before we both sit down on the ouch that I guess I had slept on for the night.


“Summer, so now would you like to tell me what happened yesterday?”


“I’ll give you three options.

1)      You can confess whatever it was that was bothering you before right now.

2)      You can make up a lie and tell me that everything was fine and dandy yesterday, but just know that I’ll

           continue to ask.

3)      I’ll go and find the contact number of everyone from that high school reunion of yours and talk to them



“Uhhmmm~ where’s the option to skip this question?” I ask while following the circular brim of the cup with my finger.

He folds his arms in his chest and stares at me. Damnit, I hate when he does this.


“It’s nothing really! I just saw some nasty people doing PDA in the elevator. I guess I was just bothered bit it because they were probably performing how many sanitary violations. Oh and by the way, do you think they ever once thought that they could make someone blind if they caught them? Sheesh I’m pretty damn lucky to still have me vision becau-”

“Was it that Shim Changmin guy?”


He cuts me off from my breathless rant I was going on about. I nearly drop the cup of coffee in my hands from his sudden question.


That’s when I recall it all.



I was about to hurl from the sight of Changmin the life out f the girl in his arms. Get a room why don' you? Ugh he doesn't even care if people can see him. A part of me felt bad for the girl…she seriously looks familiar, but I still couldn’t quite make out her name. I tried to ignore Changmin’s presence for at least an hour so that I could enjoy the night a tad bit... if that was possible.

I danced a bit with Micky. Both of our dance moves were second to none. While his top half of his body gets immersed with the beat from the songs, I tend to lose control of my bottom half. No one saw it coming. Our dancing style is well…interesting to put it shortly. I guess we were getting a little too carried away, but the next thing I knew my heel broke. Thankful that I’m a smart girl that carries an extra pair of shoes in their car, I head out to retrieve them despite Micky offering to go in my stead.


While I pushed my way out the crowded room of people from my past, I head to the elevators and catch him in the act. That nasty erted guy just couldn’t keep his damn in his pants for one ing night. I guess I expected too much from him to even think that he’d be different today…I guess I was wrong yet again.

I stare at them frozen. She kisses his lips like she’s about to eat him up whole. The elevator doors finally close and I feel weight being lifted off of me.


Micky catches up to me in no time and finds the aftermath of how I look like once witnessing what I just did.

I watched the red numbers of the elevator floors tic away knowing that the bastard is inside. After that incident, my energey seemed to have been right out of me. I called it a night and fell asleep in the cab ride to Micky's place since I no longer lived in this town. As I drifted off to sleep I only thought of one thing.


I couldn’t help, but wonder what happened to the Shim Changmin I once knew…






They walked hand intertwined within each others. They strolled down the rocky side roads of their school in complete silence. The sound of their pulses beating roughly along their temples was the only thing they heard aside from the few chirps of the birds up above in the sky. The time was roughly a quarter to 7:00 PM and the sun was just setting down before their eyes off in the horizon.


Changmin would tighten his grip on his girlfriend just slightly with every single step he took, while Sooyoung would do the same in response. During this time, they were just a new found couple --a period in their relationship that was filled with bliss and a hopeful future together. They swung their arms in synch with one another while playful shy smiles formed along their faces.


She enjoyed how Changmin would always offer to walk her to the bus stop everyday after school (that is after they stopped for a lengthy period of time  to grab a bite to eat). He sat down beside her on the squeaky old bench, arm over her shoulder while they waited for the bus to arrive. Both of them secretly wished that the vehicle would be late. She loved how he would turn into a red tomato every time she would call him ‘oppa’, even though they were both of the same age.


It was same day when Changmin gathered enough courage to do something that he was waiting to do so. The crackling engine of the big blue bus bustled nearer and the shine from the head lights could be seen in the distance. Sooyoung stood up getting ready to line up, but Changmin suddenly pulled her back down onto the bench. She stared at him dumbfounded as she scrunched her eyebrows looking like a cute chipmunk.


“Wae yo…?”


“Sooyoung, would it be okay if I decide to k-k-k-k-kiss you right now?”


She smiles at his stuttering voice and shy innocent demeanour that she didn’t quite knew he had. She brings her hand up to his cheek and gently rubs it.


“Babo, you don’t need to ask me that,” she replies before grabbing hold of him and bringing his head down.

Their lips meet for the first time and electric shocks travel down their bodies; a sensation too indescribable for words. They notice the crowd of ahjummas and ahjussis that stare at them in awe.


The line up for the bus suddenly decreases, making the couple pull apart. Sooyoung rushes onto the bus while Changmin stands and watches her board. She places herself at a window seat allowing her to take another look at her sweet innocent Changmin before she heads home. She pulls her hands up and forms a wide heart then screams out loud from the window while pointing to his lips,


“Remember, those are mine!”


Her voice bursts out loud echoing through the city as the blue bus drives off.

Changmin smiles from his loud and crazy girlfriend. He’s not embarrassed one bit as he’s proud to let the whole world know that his lips belonged to Choi Sooyoung and no one else. He turns around smiling like a fool and begins to walk home himself.


The sky is painted with lavish colours of various tints. Shades of reds, pinks, oranges, blues, and purples dance above them during that day. Their world was filled with new colours that they never knew existed as their heart happily tangoed inside them.



"Summer? Summer? Are you ok?" Micky asks as he looks at the girl who's in some sort of trance.

She nodds her head slightly and flashes a small smile, "I'm perfectly fine."


"What time is it? I have a flight back home to Seoul soon."

"When do you have to leave Gwangju? It's only 9:00 AM..."

Her eyes widen, "9:00 AM?? My flight leaves at 11:45! I'm going to be late~"

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Chapter 27: please update soon
Chapter 27: When will Kyuhyun and victoria know that ChangSoo is the real deal? hahahaha
paige269 #4
Update soon
Chapter 27: Oh no. What will happen to ChangKyu now?? D:
Chapter 26: that message was important you playhead -_-" aish Kyu
Chapter 26: Kyu got Min's phone broken..... Ooooooh.
I also wonder what the message said cause it was obviously from Sooyoung, with her checking her phone. Victoria annoys me in some weird way, her crush on Min almost seems suffocating. Only time will tell when everything's ready to fall apart and everything's TOLD.