Chapter Nineteen

Method to My Madness
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Narrator’s POV


Jaejoong drop his chopsticks and stood up his face full of concern. “Aish! I can’t stand this anymore. I have to go. I don’t care what you guys are thinking but we can’t leave them alone in there.”

Junsu looked at him his mouth still full of food, his eyes confused. “What are you talking about hyung?”

Yoochun grinned at him and slapped him playfully in his shoulders. “You really did forget, did you?”

Junsu looked at him perplexed. “Of course not,” he denied shaking his head. “But what do you mean hyung?” he repeated.


Awkward silence.

“I’ll be going then.” Jaejoong thoughtfully said looking at Yoochun, completely ignoring his other dongseng who is not a bit worried but rather enjoying himself with the deonjang stew.

“But hyung..”

“Where’s Changmin anyway?” he changed the topic while walking towards his room to get the spare keys from his drawers.

Yoochun followed him while drinking his glass of water. “Changmin told me he has a family function to attend to. He seems pretty distracted when I talked to him.”

“I wonder what he’s up to again.” The older one thought aloud. “I’ll be going then.”

“Then I have no choice.” Yoochun said. “I’ll go with you since we’ll be taking my car.”

Jaejoong grinned. ‘I did forget I don’t have a car and it’s stuck somewhere in the middle of nowhere with Yunho.’ he thought to himself. “Yah Junsu, wash the dishes ok?”

“Hyung!” he called out aghast. “I’m coming too!”






“Please officer. We are not trying to steal the car. It belongs to my friend. His name is Kim Jaejoong.”

The police officer who looks like he just ate a big watermelon eyed us suspiciously. “You don’t look like burglars to me but you’ll never know. Those that look innocent are the real deal nowadays.” He said as he crossed his arms shaking his head. “Youth..tsk.tsk.”

“But we are telling the truth ahjussi.” Hyun ae seconded my comment.

“Young girl.” the other police officer addressed her. This officer looks more like half Korean; he’s a lanky middle aged guy whom I thought, never had the chance to exit puberty since his face is full of pimples and freckles. “You shouldn’t hang out with this kind of guys. This boyfriend of yours is no good.”

It left my mouth hanging open.

Hyun ae blushed as she looked away and refused in monotone, “Oppa is not my boyfriend ahjussi. He is just my neighbor.”

‘Ouch! That hurts,’ I note to myself. ‘But it’s true”

“Good then.” He smiled sheepishly. “I can be your boyfriend then.”

I grab Hyun ae’s wrist and slipped her at my back. I wouldn’t let him touch her. ‘Prrft.’

The other guy, or rather the bigger guy smack his partner on the head. “Stop that! We are on duty! Stop hitting on young girls.”

“I was just joking” he shielded himself from him creating a huge distance between them. “As if these youngsters are not really dating.” He eyed us again. “Yah! You’re not dating now then one day I’ll see you marrying each other. Tsk.tsk.” He walked away as he talked to his partner. “I’ll go on my patrol then. I’ll leave you with these kids.”

I felt myself turn crimson red with his remark. I tried hard not to look her way so she wouldn’t notice how embarrassed I was. ‘Yunho, well you’ll never know.’ I smiled to myself.

“Better” the other one muttered under his breath as his partner went away. “So where were we? Oh yes” he turned to us. “Unless you can prove that you are not trying to steal the car I can let you go. I can give you a phonecall.”

I nodded but Hyun ae protested in high spirits. “Ahjussi!” he cried. “Give us two phonecalls!”

I gaze at her as she pleaded with her huge brown eyes, “Well I couldn’t say no to that.” I thought out aloud.

The police officer just looked at me with a bored face. “No, I can only allow one phone call and that’s it.”

“Please ahjussi.” She pleaded. Hyun ae elbowed me and motioned me to do what she is doing. I have no idea why we need two phone calls but I wouldn’t want to argue with her in this situation since I got us in trouble.

“Please sir.” I pleaded with her. “You can give us a chance to call one person each.”

The policeman thought about it for a moment looking at us.

“Please?” Hyun ae said clasping her hands. “Please!” she yelled as she motions to get down on her knees. Ahjussi quickly grabbed her hand so she wouldn’t reach the ground. “Okay, okay. Just don’t kneel on me. I’m not a saint. A phone call for each of you then.”

Hyun ae smiled.

The officer gave Hyun ae the phone first shaking his head.

“Who are you going to call?” I asked her as she started punching the buttons.

“Sook joo.” She simply stated.


“Well,” she said while circling her fingers in the cord of the phone. “I want us to have a back up plan oppa. What if Jaejoong doesn’t pick up again. Sook joo can call them and she’ll definitely come here.”

I nodded. I know what’s she’s saying is true.

Her face brightened as she heard the other person on the phone. “Sook joo can you please help us? Yunho oppa and I are stuck in the police station by the country side.” She paused. “Neh, are you busy?” she smiled silently as the other girl spoke. “Thank you. I’ll be waiting for you here then. Bye.”

 Hyun ae faced with a pink blush on her face as she gave me the phone. “Call Jaejoong oppa now.” She whispered.

In knotted forehead, I decided to call Jaejoong again. If he will not answer now I am in big trouble. I dialed Jaejoong cellphone number and wait for someone to pick up.

“Yoboseyo?” Jaejoong said on the other line.

“I’m in trouble.”

“Yeah, I know I’m coming. Where are you? We are on our way.”

I looked around at my surroundings as I gave a huge sigh. “We are at the police station.”

“Mwoh?” he shouted loudly causing me to put it a few meters away from my ears.

“Don’t yell at me Jae.”

“We’ll be coming. Aish. Just wait. Don’t go anywhere.”

“Of course we can’t get anywhere. They are holding us up until we can prove that it’s your car.”

“Arasso. Just wait for us we’ll be coming. Yah! Yoochunah! Pali, you are such a slow driver. Yunho,” he paused. “Is Hyun ae al

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i have a new dbsk fic, yoochun centered.If you laughed here,try that one too.


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redblossom07 #1
by the way i love this story!!! i really really love it hahahahahahahahaahahahaha!!! i cant move on LOL~
redblossom07 #2
omfg! seriously! my favorite chapter is the 20th chapter! LMAO~
i really cried while reading it! cried of laughing! bwuahahahaha!
especially this part

He moved closer to me as if sharing a deep dark secret. “Do you know that I call Jaejoong hyung umma and Yunho hyung appa?” he whispered.

As soon as he said those words Jaejoong squeezed Yunho’s right shoulder and smiled sweetly at him.

“Are they gay?”
winter-child #3
“Miss, what did this guy do to you?” “He just told me he loves me.”
This is a LONG chaptered fic... O____O
Will read now... MWUAHAHAAHAHAHAH!!!!
good fic! cute ending *sniff sniff*!!!!!!!!!!!!! (:
koreankendi #6
Ahaha!! Good fic!! :D thaaanks for having Yunho innit!!
END??? NO WAY!!!!!!! I love this story<br />
I'm gonna miss it T_T
I can't believe it's over * pout * I love this story! Definitely will miss your update! <br />
The ending is so sweet! But I want more scenes about them together>< <br />
Anyway, good job!<br />
And happy new year!
finish already?*sobs* i wish you could continue this story because i love Yunho:( but the ending was so cute hihihihi and anyway HAPPY NEW YEAR!^^
Hahaha! I was one comment ahead of you unnie ^^<br />
There is Changmin x Sookju story!<br />
Omo, so is this a love triangle? For a moment there, I thought Sookju was the fairy godmother.<br />
Ah, this would be fun!! ^0^