Chapter Thirteen

Method to My Madness
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Hyun ae POV

I stood at the middle of the crowd with my hands covering my mouth hiding my shock. “What are you guys doing here?”


That morning:

“Good morning Hyun ae sshi” I almost lost my balance when I heard his voice.

“Err, erm.. Hi?,” I shyly answered trying not to look at him. “Look…”

“Shhhh?” he signaled me to keep silent I just looked at him puzzled.

“Don’t tell halmoni I’m here.” Yunho whispered.


“Come on. Let’s go.” He told me taking hold of my hand as we sneak silently to his car.

“Yunho sshi, I have somewhere to go today.” I protested but took his lead towards the car. When he let go of my hand it is as if something inside of me is taken away, like I’m missing something.

“I will take you there don’t worry. Will you stop being so formal.” He said nonchalantly driving our way out. “I think any normal person in our situation having to deal with each other every now and then…”

I cut him short, “fine, fine.. I know, ahjussi..” I giggled.

“Aish,” he chuckled. “Suit yourself.”

I laughed with him. Our atmosphere seemed a little lighter after what happened yesterday. It is as if, I trusted him. “Neh… Op…pa.” I slowly emphasized the word.

I saw he was surprised when his features became serious then after a while his eyes became softer and his lips formed a smile. I felt my heart thumping fast as I look away. “Where are we going?” I told him intentionally changing the subject.

“To your date.”

*End of Flashback*

“Unnie!” Sook joo beamed at me holding a basket of some sort. “I baked cookies and muffins, and scones, and cinnamon rolls, cranberry swirl loaf and date loaf slices, cornbreads and ahmm.. every other bread I could think of.”

“All in there?” I pointed at the basket.

She shook her head pouted at the truck beside her. “No, all in there. These are just sandwiches.”

I stood at her gaping. When she persisted in helping me I didn’t know she’ll go this far. I woke up when Jaejoong tap me on my shoulder. “I called for help.” He gave me a boyish grin as he directed my gaze to the same boys I’ve met not long ago. “You know everyone right?” he asked as I nodded furrowing my forehead.

“Hyun ae sshi!” Junsu chirped happily as he took my hand. “What are we doing first?”

I heard Yoochun coughed obviously taking my hands away from Junsu and lightly bowed and kissed them. “Nice to see you again.” He told me as he winked.

Yunho cleared his throat and gave Yoochun a warning look as the younger one pulled away smirking. Jaejoong held my hands wiping it from Yoochun’s kiss. “Aish” he muttered.

I look at Yunho inquiringly trying to figure out what just happened and what to do. He seemed to understand what I meant when he spoke first. “Let’s get going then.”

Jaejoong faced me still holding my hands. “Don’t let Yoochun get close to you. You’ll get pregnant.” Taking me away from the group.

“Yah! Hyung!” Yoochun protested following us. “That’s character assassination. Slander. Libel. Defamation. False accusation.”

“Hyung stop being so childish already.” Changmin, the only serious person in the group spoke out of nowhere.

We walked towards 3 cars in front of us, I am originally riding with Yunho but Jaejoong guided me to his car since he’s the one I originally invited. We went out first the two other cars trailing behind.

“Hyun ae sshi, thank you for inviting me today, it means so much to me.” Jaejoong glanced at me giving me a sincere smile.

I nodded as I smiled back. “We are going to have fun but in the same way be prepared to use some muscles.”

He chuckled that gave me jitters. Jaejoong is more than I had imagined but as I became closer to him and I felt more comfortable I can see him as a very good friend.

When we arrived in the orphanage I quickly explained to everyone what we are supposed to do. Every year we celebrate a day where children will have a joint birthday party. Since we cannot afford to give everyone a party this is the best option that we have to at least make the kids feel that they are special. It’s the next big thing they are looking forward to before Christmas.

 We’ve decided to split up the team. Yoochun and Junsu decided to help setting up the chairs. Changmin volunteered himself in the techie stuff and sound system. Sook joo is all out for food. I was left with the decorations with Yunho and Jaejoong.

Hyo rin greeted us as we came in and told us that the children will be waiting in after we had set up. She guided us towards the largest room in the building. It looks a little shabby as some things are disoriented; chairs in the side of the room, clean but weird looking curtains, and almost worn out tables.

“Sorry about the place.” Hyo rin told us looking not a bit worried about our reactions but rather expecting them. “I couldn’t fully organize this room yesterday. I hope you don’t mind. A few decorations can do the trick.”

Everyone nodded. I haven’t been in the common room for quite a while, I had no idea it came to such a state. “It’s alright Hyo rin.” I said cheerfully. “We can fully transform this place.” Hyo rin smiled and turned to me. “I trust you Hyun ae. I wish I can do anything, I will look after the kids first and tell them to wash up neatly for later so I can come back and help you.”

I shook my head. “Hyo rin we’ve got a lot of volunteers today. No problem, ok?”

Yunho POV

We rapidly set out our work to our designated assignments. Because there is a lot to do we are focused on our obligations. Jaejoong and I walked towards Hyun ae as if asking for directions.

“Let’s take off those weird looking curtains first. Then maybe we could build a poster and put some frills hanging by the ceiling.

Knowing about Hyun ae’s weakness I offered a safe escape for her. “We can take off the curtains  and do the frills. You can paint the poster.”

Hyun ae nodded. “Thanks…”

“Why can’t we paint the poster together?” Jaejoong asked. “We can pull off the curtains first then do other things together.”

Hyun ae seemed to panic as she put down some paint. I just shook my head to Jaejoong. “I think it would be better if we do the hard stuff and let Hyun ae handle things she’s most comfortable with.”

Jaejoong looked at me indifferently one hand resting on his face.“Are you hiding something?”

Hyun ae and I glance at each other innocently while Jaejoong suspiciously eyed us trying to read our minds. I gave Hyun ae the paint and glared at Jaejoong, “Nothing, let’s go.”

“But….” He insisted while I’m grabbing his shoulders keeping him away from Hyun ae. “You climb at the right side and I’ll do the rest on the left.”

I know Hyun ae is uncomfortable with this subject.


The night before:

I am checking on my phone every 5 minutes while we are eating in a barbecue house. Changmin is having the time of his life while Junsu and J

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i have a new dbsk fic, yoochun centered.If you laughed here,try that one too.


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redblossom07 #1
by the way i love this story!!! i really really love it hahahahahahahahaahahahaha!!! i cant move on LOL~
redblossom07 #2
omfg! seriously! my favorite chapter is the 20th chapter! LMAO~
i really cried while reading it! cried of laughing! bwuahahahaha!
especially this part

He moved closer to me as if sharing a deep dark secret. “Do you know that I call Jaejoong hyung umma and Yunho hyung appa?” he whispered.

As soon as he said those words Jaejoong squeezed Yunho’s right shoulder and smiled sweetly at him.

“Are they gay?”
winter-child #3
“Miss, what did this guy do to you?” “He just told me he loves me.”
This is a LONG chaptered fic... O____O
Will read now... MWUAHAHAAHAHAHAH!!!!
good fic! cute ending *sniff sniff*!!!!!!!!!!!!! (:
koreankendi #6
Ahaha!! Good fic!! :D thaaanks for having Yunho innit!!
END??? NO WAY!!!!!!! I love this story<br />
I'm gonna miss it T_T
I can't believe it's over * pout * I love this story! Definitely will miss your update! <br />
The ending is so sweet! But I want more scenes about them together>< <br />
Anyway, good job!<br />
And happy new year!
finish already?*sobs* i wish you could continue this story because i love Yunho:( but the ending was so cute hihihihi and anyway HAPPY NEW YEAR!^^
Hahaha! I was one comment ahead of you unnie ^^<br />
There is Changmin x Sookju story!<br />
Omo, so is this a love triangle? For a moment there, I thought Sookju was the fairy godmother.<br />
Ah, this would be fun!! ^0^