chapter 6

Becoming an idol

"Don’t worry we are much better off without him.” Zico says looking around.

Everybody looks worried. I wonder how he is going to fix this.

“Let’s go to the dorm first and unpack our stuff. I will look for a song and a dance. I’m the leader so I can do this.” He says confidently while guiding us out off the building to the dorm.

For some reason I don’t really trust him. Is he really that good? Will we be able to do this? Well I don’t really care because I’m not in this to win. But I at least want to see him.

The dorm is amazing, but there are only 5 rooms. I wonder why.

“Okay let’s decide the rooms. Since I’m the leader I get the biggest room and I will sleep alone.” Zico points to the room he will be taking.

“Kris, Tao, Chen you guys can sleep together in that room. B-bomb and U- kwon you take the room across mine. Jaehyo and P.O. you take the room across these 3 guys and Xiumin and Taeil take the last room.” Zico leaves and enters his room.

Everybody sighs and walks to the appointed room, looks like we can’t discuss anything since the leader decided. I already can’t stand that cocky brat.

Our room got only 2 beds, so we walk to Zico’s room. We notice he got 3 beds.

“We are taking one of your beds.” Kris says while walking in.

“Only if you put the other 2 against each other.”

Kris let’s out a heavy sigh.

“Help me out will you.” He says while looking at me.

We pick up a bed and put it against another. The we pick up the other bed. With the help of Chen who guides us through the hall we get the bed in our room.  It’s a bit cramped but it’s okay.

We all pick out a bed and start unpacking. Before going to sleep.


I wake up from the light shining through our window. Ugh we forgot to close the curtains and the sunlight is seeping through.

I stand up and leave the room. It’s already 8 am so it’s time to get up anyway.

When I enter the living I see Xiumin sleeping on the couch.

I wonder what happened to him.

I walk to the fridge and notice that it’s completely empty. Crap what should I do now.

“What are you doing?” a sleepy voice asks. I look up and see that Xiumin is awake.

“We don’t have any food.” I answer while looking at the fridge again.

“Ooh I will take a shower and then we can go to the supermarket.”

He gets up and leaves the room. Guess I should get dressed.

I walk into the room and pull off my shirt.

“Yah what are you doing?!” a voice startles me before I can pull of my pants.

I look up and see Chen looking at me with a shocked face.

“I’m changing.”

“Did you forget that there are camera’s all over the building. Everywhere except in the bathroom.” He points at the camera’s in the room.

Yep I forgot crap.

He quickly stands up and holds a blanket around me.

“I will hold this you get changed.”

“Thanks hyung.”

I quickly get changed.

“Where are you going?” Kris voice sounds through the room.

Ooops we probably woke him up with our noise.

“I’m going to the supermarket with Xiumin hyung. There isn’t any food here.”

Kris gets up. “Hold the blanket around me. I will go along with you guys.”

Chen and I hold the blanket up while Kris changes.

“Okay now it’s my turn.” Chen says. “No way you are leaving me behind.”

We leave the room and xiumin is already waiting.

“Ooh is everybody coming along?” He asks surprised.

We all nod and put on our shoes.

We leave the building and walk to the supermarket.

“Why where you sleeping on the couch?” I ask looking at Xiumin.

“Oooh well there was only one bed in our room, it’s pretty small, so we decided to sleep together. But Taeil takes a lot of place, he really can’t stay still so he kind of kicked me out off the bed a couple of times this night.”

“What?? You slept on the couch??” Chen sounds worried. “Why don’t you sleep in our room then?”

“Yah we don’t have place for an extra bed.” Kris says.

“Ooh don’t worry it’s okay I can just sleep on the couch.”

“No way, we can sleep together don’t worry. I don’t mind we are both guys.”

Xiumin cheeks turn a bit pink as he looks at Chen.


“No buts, you sleep with me from now on.” Chen says closing the discussion.

We enter the supermarket and take some food. When we get to the counter Xiumin takes out his wallet and pays it all.

“That’s pretty expensive hyung, are you sure it’s okay?” Kris asks.

“Yep don’t worry. Zico has the money for our group since he’s the leader. He will probably pay it back.”

Everybody nods, but I can’t help but doubt it. I don’t think Xiumin will see the money again and looking at his face neither does he.

We go back to the dorm and see that everybody is up already.

“Where have you been?” Zico sounds mad. “I’m the leader you should ask me permission before you leave.”
“We went to buy food. You better pay Xiumin back.” Kris answers.

His voice sounds full of authority. He would be a good leader.

“What why should I? I never said you had to go buy food.”

Kris looks like he’s going to explode. He slowly walks closer to Zico. You can see Zico is afraid as he tries to dissepair in the back of the couch he’s sitting in.

When Kris is close enough he ducks down and whispers something in Zico’s ear.

You can see Zico’s face turning pale as he jumps up and goes to his room.

Xiumin and Chen are putting all the food away. U-kwon and B-bomb have started with the dinner, while the rest is getting the table ready.

Zico returns with the money and gives it to Xiumin.

I wonder what Kris said to make Zico pay Xiumin back.

“The food is done.” U-kwon says while he and B-bomb bring it to the table.

Everybody sits down and starts to eat.

“Hmmm it tastes amazing.” Xiumin says and everybody has to agree.

“Thanks.” B-bomb and U-kwon say.

“So what are you going to do about the dance?” Kris asks looking at Zico.

“Don’t worry about it. I’m going away today and tomorrow I will teach you guys the dance. “

“Don’t we have to decide who will do what? I mean like who makes dinner, does the laundry, does the dishes,…” Chen asks looking around.

“Who cares? Do what you want.” Zico answers before he gets up and leaves the house.

“Let’s decide the chores.” Kris says, sounding like the real leader.

Maybe we should change? I don’t really like that Zico kid.

After a couple of hours discussing we decided on a rotation system. This way you don’t always have to do the same job and nobody can complain that he has the hardest job.

Zico returns home at 9 pm in the evening. Everybody is in front of the television watching a variety show.

“We go to the dance studio at 8 am tomorrow, I will teach you the dance then.” He says before he sits down on the couch and puts on another program.

Everybody starts to complain but he shuts us up by saying he is the leader, so he decides.

We stand up and go to our room. This guy is nuts.

Chen takes out the blankets and holds them up, I take the other part and Kris goes in between us, changing his clothes. Xiumin stands in the door not sure what to do.

“Come in Xiu hyung.” Chen says. “Ugh I realy can’t stand Zico. Who does he think he is.”

“Give him a change.” Kris answers while he takes the blanket from me so I can change.

“Yeah he’s probably trying to act cool with all the camera’s around.” Xiumin says as he puts his stuff down and takes out his pj’s.

“That can be, but that doesn’t give him the right to treat us like trash.” Chen says while he gives the blanket to me. “What do you think Tao?”

Ugh I don’t like to be part of this conversation.

“I’m not sure.”

“Yeah right. You’ve got to have an opinion. I saw the way you looked at him a while ago.” Chen with a smirk on his face.

He goes away from the blankets at motions Xiumin to get in.

“Well I don’t really like him.” I say honestly while looking down. I’m not used to say my thoughts. Most of the time I keep them for myself.

“Ha see you don’t like him either.” Chen says while slapping my shoulder.

“Okay enough with the gossiping, time to go to bed. We have to get up early.” Kris says while he goes to the light.

Everybody gets in bed, while Kris puts the lights out.

“Good night.”

“sleep tight”

“good night”


I close my eyes and slowly fall asleep. I wonder what kind of dance Zico thought of.

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Serynyty12 #1
Chapter 11: Its Věry good Please update soon
NekoNeko1 #2
Chapter 8: ^_____________________________^
Chapter 8: Since it's obviously not Yif'an' as I had originally assumed is it Luh'an'?
Chapter 8: Haha I'm sure Zico regrets taking Taemin's place as the dance teacher xD it'll be fun how his face will look like x3
I love Stranger dance, Taemin looks so cool! :D
Chapter 7: Oooo Zico is in trouble~ that what happens when he steals another dance xD
Now Taemin have to how them what he got! So excited! :D
Chapter 5: It'll be fun to see how they'll dance without Taemin xD good luck Zico~
Taemin should've showed them what he can xP oh well this'll be fun x3
Chapter 4: They made it. I'm not so surprised with Tao's awesome rap skills x3
The instructor is Taemin right? He have to come into the picture somewhere >__< or it may be Kris since this is a Taoris after all x3
Chapter 1: A well done fanfic ~ :)
Chapter 2: Key: Take off your shirt.
Me: Whaaaaaaa-???
Chapter 2: Lol Key xD that's not weird at all.